Chip 2001 October
Text File
397 lines
<MixVibes Config>
// x y w h opt font ct cb co tooltips
// x,y coordinates inside the window in pixels
// w field width in pixels
// h field height in pixels
// font font number (1 to 5)
// opt option (depend of the field)
// ct color for text or border in RGB(red,green,blue)
// cb color for backgound in RGB(red,green,blue)
// co other color in RGB(red,green,blue) (depend of the field)
// tooltips tooltips
// BITMAP definition
// option 0 : normal
// 1 : fill surface
// if transparent_color the bitmap is drawn transparently
// width not used yet
// height not used yet
// x y width height option transparent_color file
// for example :
//:BITMAP 0 0 0 0 1 RGB(0,0,0) "wall.bmp"
// TEXT definition
// x y w h font text corlor text
// for example :
// :TEXT 134 202 40 16 1 RGB(128,128,128) "out"
// BORDER definition
// if color = -1 no color for border or background
// x y w h color border color back
// for example :
//:BORDER 2 28 200 80 RGB(255,0,0) RGB(0,92,0)
// interface description
:NAME "Standard interface"
:THEME "Standard"
:AUTHOR "Eric"
:VERSION "1.0"
:DATECREATED "09/01/2000"
:WEB "www.mixvibes.com"
:EMAIL "info@mixvibes.com"
// N/A N/A N/A N/A option font ct cb N/A N/A
:MEDIABASE 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(255,255,255) RGB(10,10,10)
:SEQUENCER 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(255,255,255) RGB(10,10,10)
// style 0= normal
// 1= bold
// 2= italic
// 3= bold+italic
// fonts size style name
:FONT0 8 1 "MS Sans Serif" // font normal
:FONT1 6 0 "Terminal" // small
:FONT2 10 0 "MS Sans Serif" // large
:FONT3 14 0 "MS Sans Serif" // counter
:FONT4 18 3 "Arial" // title
// sep db w h opt font ct cb co tooltips
// slider range
// option #1 : stereo equalizer
:EQUALIZER 2 20 290 92 0 1 RGB(90,90,90) RGB(10,10,10)
// window size colors
// x y w h opt font ct cb co tooltips
:PRESET 224 64 56 80 0 1 "preset"
//:2CH 240 30 12 12 "2 channels update"
:EQON 240 10 12 12 "on / off equalizer"
// x y w h opt font ct cb co tooltips
:EQSLIDERS 0 0 20 80 0 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100)
// option #1 : 2 lines
:EQSLIDERSTEXT 0 82 20 16 0 1 RGB(128,128,128)
:TEXT 224 50 56 16 1 RGB(128,128,128) "preset"
// window size colors
// x y w h opt font ct cb co tooltips
// option #1 : border for each sound card
// Sep N/A size
:VOLUME 4 0 100 92 1 0 RGB(90,90,90) RGB(10,10,10)
:MAINVOL 6 0 40 40 0 0 RGB(70,70,70) RGB(50,50,50) RGB(130,130,130) "sound mixer main volume"
:PAN 6 40 40 12 0 0 RGB(34,34,34) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(80, 80, 80) "sound mixer wave pan"
:BASS 1 55 26 26 "sound mixer bass"
:TREBLE 26 55 26 26 "sound mixer treble"
:WAVE 54 2 14 56 0 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "sound mixer wave"
:MIC 70 2 14 56 0 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "sound mixer microphone"
:CD 86 2 14 56 0 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "sound mixer cd"
:WAVEMUTE 56 59 11 11 "sound mixer wave mute"
:MICMUTE 72 59 11 11 "sound mixer microphone mute"
:CDMUTE 88 59 11 11 "sound mixer cd mute"
:TEXT 51 70 20 16 1 RGB(128,128,128) "wav"
:TEXT 71 70 20 16 1 RGB(128,128,128) "mic"
:TEXT 87 70 20 16 1 RGB(128,128,128) "cd"
:TEXT 2 81 24 16 1 RGB(128,128,128) "bass"
:TEXT 29 81 24 16 1 RGB(128,128,128) "treb"
// crossfader
// position colors
// x y w h opt font ct cb co tooltips
:CROSSFADER 0 0 270 92 0 0 RGB(160,160,160) RGB(10,10,10)
:CROSSVOL 0 4 270 40 0 0 RGB(34,34,34) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(128, 128, 128)
:CROSSCHA 12 52 37 27 0 2 "Select mixer for crossfader A"
:CROSSCHB 184 52 37 27 0 2 "Select mixer for crossfader B"
:AUTOA 52 52 37 27 0 2 "Auto CrossFading A->B"
:AUTOB 224 52 37 27 0 2 "Auto CrossFading B->A"
:FADETYPE 128 54 15 17 0 1 "Type crossfade"
:UPDATE 124 74 11 11 "Update mixer channel volume"
:BEATMATCHING 138 74 11 11 "Enable beatmatching"
//:JOGA 70 33 60 60 0 0
//:JOGB 157 33 60 60 0 0
//:PITCHBENDA 2 0 25 95 0 0
//:PITCHBENDB 268 0 25 95 0 0
// ***************
// ***************
// description for mixer
// channel
//mixer N/A N/A seph sepv option N/A ct cb co N/A
// option 1 : screw
:MIXER 0 0 10 10 0 0 RGB(255,255,255) RGB(10,10,10)
// channel pos channel
// x y width height opt N/A ct cb co N/A
// option 1 : border
:CHANNEL 6 6 194 380 1 0 RGB(255,255,255) RGB(10,10,10)
// if x=0 mixvibes center horizontally the counter
// width and height are set automatically folowing the font choosen
//:COUNTER 0 380 0 0 0 3 RGB(255,0,0) RGB(10,10,10) "counter"
// width and height are setautomatically folowing the font choosen and djname set in registry
//:DJNAME 24 1 0 0 0 4 RGB(255,255,255) RGB(10,10,10) "my Dj Name"
//:BITMAP 0 0 0 0 0 "env6.bmp"
// description for channels
// if color = -1 for no color
// x y w h color border color back
:BORDER 2 28 192 80 RGB(255,0,0) RGB(0,92,0)
:BORDER 19 1 126 24 RGB(128,128,128)
// x y w h font corlor text
:TEXT 136 236 40 20 1 RGB(128,128,128) "bass"
:TEXT 136 282 40 20 1 RGB(128,128,128) "mid"
:TEXT 136 326 40 20 1 RGB(128,128,128) "treb"
:TEXT 136 150 40 16 1 RGB(128,128,128) "out"
:TEXT 136 191 40 16 1 RGB(128,128,128) "gain"
:TEXT 0 81 42 16 1 RGB(0,0,64) "Track"
:TEXT 44 81 70 16 1 RGB(0,0,64) "Time"
:TEXT 110 82 40 16 1 RGB(0,0,64) "Bpm"
:TEXT 142 82 60 16 1 RGB(0,0,64) "Pitch"
:TEXT 14 272 60 18 1 RGB(128,128,128) "Effects"
// for all controls except rotary knobs
// ct= color for text or border
// cb= color for background
// for rotary knobs (bass, mid, treb, jog, out)
// ct= border color for internal circle
// cb= background color for internal circle
// co= background color for external circle
// position colors
// x y w h opt font ct cb co tooltips
:LEVEL 20 2 124 22 0 "level"
:CH 2 2 22 22 0 3 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(0,92,0) RGB(255,0,0) "channel number"
:MUTE 143 2 20 20 "mute"
:LOOP 160 5 11 12 0 "loop"
:SLAVE 174 4 16 20 0 RGB(128,128,128) "slave"
:NAME 6 30 186 26 #20 0 RGB(192,192,192) RGB(0,92,0) "name"
:TRACK 6 61 40 20 0 2 RGB(192,192,192) RGB(0,92,0) "track"
:TIME 48 59 60 20 1 2 RGB(192,192,192) RGB(0,92,0) "time"
:BPM 110 63 40 19 0 0 RGB(192,192,192) RGB(0,92,0) "bpm"
// option for pitch
// #01 No border
// #02 No Spin
// #04 No read only
// #08 No Arrows keys
// #10 Spin align left
:PITCH 152 63 30 19 #3 0 RGB(192,192,192) RGB(0,92,0) "speed"
:PLAYBAR 12 92 176 12 0 0 RGB(0,192,0) RGB(0,92,0) RGB(0,255,0)
:STATE 40 112 12 10 "play state"
:CUE 2 122 40 40 0 "cue"
:PLAYPAUSE 48 122 40 40 0 "play"
:FRAME 2 165 20 20 0 "frame"
:DISPLAY 24 165 20 20 0 "display"
:BACK 46 165 20 20 0 "backward"
:FWD 68 165 20 20 0 "forward"
//:PLAY 50 188 16 16 0
//:STOP 72 188 16 16 0
//:EFFECTS 4 190 40 40 0 "effects"
// options for slider :VOL :PAN :PITCHBEND
// #00 horizontal
// #01 vertical
// #02 vectorized
// #04 variable channel
// #10 tick line
// #20 tick line + center
// #30 3 ticks
// #40 1 center Tick
:VOL 100 118 20 168 0 0 RGB(34,34,34) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(34, 34, 34)
:PAN 82 294 55 18 0 0 RGB(34,34,34) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(34, 34, 34)
:OUT 132 114 48 48 0 1 "out"
:GAIN 139 159 36 36 0 "gain"
//:MONITOR 174 150 10 10 0 "monitor"
:JOG 2 190 58 58 0 "jog wheel"
//:TRACKSPIN 2 110 26 14 #10 "track spin"
:BASS 136 198 40 40 0
:MID 136 244 40 40 0
:TREB 136 290 40 40 0
:DIRECT 178 171 10 10 0 "direct"
:KBASS 178 212 12 12 0 "killer bass"
:KMID 178 258 12 12 0 "killer mid"
:KTREB 178 304 12 12 0 "killer treb"
:VOICE 80 326 10 10 0 "voice removal"
//:MEDIA 4 360 180 140 0
// options for state buttons :EFFECTSx :DIRECT :KBASS :KMID :KTREB :VOICE :MONITOR :MUTE :LOOP
// #00 use bitmap
// #01 use square (vectorized)
// #02 use circle (vectorized)
// #03 use on/off style button (vectorized)
// #10 vertical boolean (work with on/off style #03)
:EFFECTS1 16 282 8 8 "effects 1"
:EFFECTS2 40 282 8 8 "effects 2"
:EFFECTS3 64 282 8 8 "effects 3"
:EFFECTSVOL1 10 290 16 46 #13 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(64, 64, 64)
:EFFECTSVOL2 35 290 16 46 #13 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(64, 64, 64)
:EFFECTSVOL3 60 290 16 46 #13 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(64, 64, 64)
// option for pitch button
// 0 horizontal
// 1 vertical
:PITCHBUTTON 62 251 26 18 0 1 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(0,0,128)
:PITCHBEND 64 190 20 60 0 0 //RGB(0,192,0) RGB(0,92,0) "picth bend"
:BEAT0 4 340 18 18 "frame with 1/2 Beat"
:BEAT1 24 340 18 18 "frame with 1 Beat"
:BEAT2 44 340 18 18 "frame with 2 Beat"
:BEAT4 64 340 18 18 "frame with 4 Beat"
:BEAT8 84 340 18 18 "frame with 8 Beat"
:BEAT16 104 340 18 18 "frame with 16 Beat"
:REVERSE 124 340 18 18 "reverse frame"
:PITCHRESET 48 251 14 18 "reset pitch"
:EFFECTFRAME 164 340 18 18 "process frame effects"
:LOOPTRAX 144 340 18 18 "copy frame to looptrax"
:LOCATION1 4 360 18 18 0 1 RGB(0,0,0) "locations 2"
:LOCATION2 24 360 18 18 0 1 RGB(0,0,0) "locations 3"
:LOCATION3 44 360 18 18 0 1 RGB(0,0,0) "locations 4"
:LOCATION4 64 360 18 18 0 1 RGB(0,0,0) "locations 5"
:LOCATION5 84 360 18 18 0 1 RGB(0,0,0) "locations 6"
:LOCATION6 104 360 18 18 0 1 RGB(0,0,0) "locations 7"
:LOCATION7 124 360 18 18 0 1 RGB(0,0,0) "locations 8"
:LOCATION8 144 360 18 18 0 1 RGB(0,0,0) "locations 9"
:LOCATION9 164 360 18 18 0 1 RGB(0,0,0) "locations 9"
//:FRAMETEXT 124 340 80 20 0 1 RGB(192,192,192) RGB(0,92,0) "frame value"
// define all bitmaps in mixvibes for button and sliders
//:BMDirectory "Bitmap" // define in which realtive path bitmaps are (ex. "\Program Files\Mixvibes Pro\Bitmap\")
// Bitmap File name
// OFF(unpressed) ON (pressed) Transparency color
// RGB(x,x,x)
// ex.
// button unpressed button pressed
//:BMCue "cueoff.bmp" "cueon.bmp"
//:BMCue // button cue
//:BMCueSet // button cue when you can set the cue point
//:BMPlayPause // button play/pause
//:BMMute // red led (all others red led if not defined will be set with this bitmap)
//:BMPlayState // green led (all others green led if not defined will be set with this bitmap)
//:BMLoop // loop
//:BMKill // kill frequency
//:BMVoice // remove voice
//:BMEffects // effects on/off
//:BMFrame // button frame
//:BMWave // button display wave
//:BMPitch+ // button pitch increment
//:BMPitch- // button pitch decrement
//:BMPlay // button play
//:BMStop // button stop
//:BMEdit // button edit a media
//:BMAdd // button add a media
//:BMBack // button backward
//:BMUp // button fordward
//:BMTrkDn // button move track down
//:BMTrkUp // button move track up
//:BMBeatReverse // button reverse mode
//:BMLootrax // button send frame to loopTRAX
//:BMPitchReset // button pitch reset
//:BMFrameEffect // button process frame effect
//:BMBeat0 // button for setting frame (loop)
//:BMBeat1 // 0=1/2 1=1 ...
//:BMMonitor // Monitor
//:BMDirect // direct mode
// sliders bitmap
// no focus focus
//:BMSliderVe // pan
//:BMSliderHo // volume
//:BMSliderCross // cross volume
// CROSSFADER bitmap
//:BMUpdateVol // update vol on/off
//:BMBeatMatching // beat matching on/off
//:BMCrossAB // button Auto CrossFading A->B
//:BMCrossBA // button Auto CrossFading B->A
// MAIN VOLUME bitmap
//:BMMixerMute // mute on/off
// EQUALIZER bitmap
//:BMEqOn // Equalizer on/off
//:BMEq2ch // Equalizer 2 channels on/off