3 %s can not handle the current sample type. Would you like to convert to %ldHz, Mono %d-bit and continue saving?
4 %s can not handle the current sample type. Would you like to convert to %ldHz, Stereo %d-bit and continue saving?
5 This wave format does not support the current sample type.
6 Registration information is corrupt. Cool Edit may be unstable when run with invalid registration information. Please delete the COOL.INI file from the Windows directory.
7 Warning! Invalid Registration!
9 COOL2000.HLP
10 Cool Edit 2000
11 Create a new wave that is initially blank
12 Open an existing waveform
13 Save the waveform
14 Save highlighted selection
15 Reverse the selection
16 Silence out the selection
17 Invert selection (turn upside-down)
18 Put your selection to music by changing pitch with notes
19 Generate silence
20 Switch to Loop play mode
21 Additional information to be contained in WAV file
22 Help (Quick Reference)
23 Scripts for automation
24 Open a new copy of Cool Edit
25 Copy selected portion to clipboard
26 Cut selected portion to clipboard
27 Paste clipboard into waveform
28 Mix Paste (overlap, modulate, crossfade)
29 Delete selected portion
30 Trim out all except selected portion
31 Monitor incoming wave level
32 Analyze frequency spectrum at current point
33 Open cue list
34 Open play list
35 Adjust settings
36 Undo last action
37 Digital Copy from CD
38 Goto marked location
39 Eject/Insert disc
40 Stop CD from playing
41 Play/Pause CD
42 Rewind 10 seconds
43 Fast Forward 10 seconds
44 Mark current location
45 Compact Disc player controls
46 - Trial Version
47 You are now registered for the full version of Cool Edit, but this registration number may not work in future versions. Please contact Syntrillium for an updated registration number for future versions.
48 Notice!
49 You are currently registered for the full version of Cool Edit.
50 You are registered for a previous version of Cool Edit. This version has a new registration scheme. Registered users may receive a free registration number (email is fine) from Syntrillium for this version.
51 You are currently registered for the Lite version of Cool Edit. If you wish to upgrade, please contact Syntrillium.
52 You have entered an invalid registration number. Please register Cool Edit directly with Syntrillium if you want future upgrades and support!
53 Notice!
54 - Registered to
55 You are now registered for Cool Edit Lite. Press OK to restart the Lite version of Cool Edit.
56 Congratulations!
57 You are now registered for the full version of Cool Edit. Please re-install Cool Edit so you will have all the new features. Press OK to close.
58 Congratulations!
59 Previously Registered Copy
60 Registered Copy
61 Registered Lite Copy
62 This copy is licensed to:%s.
63 Previous versions of Cool Edit were registered to %s. Registered users may receive a free registration number (email is fine) from Syntrillium for this version.
64 Registered users will receive a free registration number for this version. Please contact Syntrillium Software.
65 This is a 30-DAY TRIAL version. You may distribute this software on the Internet and elsewhere only if you comply with the terms specified in the License Agreement.
66 You are registered for a previous version of Cool Edit Lite. This version has a new registration scheme. Registered users may receive a free registration number (email is fine) from Syntrillium for this version.
67 Old Registered Lite Copy
68 Can't Undo
69 Undo Disabled
70 ETA:
71 1 Hour
72 %d Hours
73 1 Minute
74 %d Minutes
75 1 Second
76 %d Seconds
77 Working...
78 Paused
79 Continue
80 Pause
81 Bitmaps
82 Can't display embedded DIB
83 Error
84 Info
85 Please Choose An Image File
86 Cannot Open File
87 Couldn't Create DIB!
88 Syntrillium Software Corporation
89 Error %d Loading XFM File %s
90 A task with the name "%s" is clashing with "%s". Please close this other task, or rename "%s" and run %s again.
91 Error %d Loading FLT File %s
92 ⌐1992-2000 Syntrillium Software Corporation
93 Untitled
94 Play/Record Buffer Size Too Large
95 Viewing
96 Open
97 Mix Paste
98 Please choose a wave file
99 Play List
100 Cue List
101 Analysis
102 You were attempting to play a waveform on a system that does not support 16-bit audio. Would you like to automatically convert to 8-bit for playing in the future?
103 Suggestion
104 Warning
105 Not enough memory for Undo. Continue anyway?
106 1.1
108 Your system configuration does not support the Cool Edit file format in %s. This is the only time you will get this message. If new multimedia drivers are installed, you may delete FLT.DAT and re-start Cool Edit.
109 The toolbar has been updated, but you may keep your existing toolbar in case it had been customized. Choose 'No' to reset the toolbar to the default, or 'Yes' to keep the existing toolbar.
110 Do you wish to keep your existing toolbar?
111 Edit the left channel of a stereo waveform
112 Edit the right channel of a stereo waveform
113 Edit both channels of a stereo waveform
114 Toggle between Spectral and Waveform views
115 Adjust selection to, or find zero crossings
116 Would you like Cool Edit to be the default editor for all sound file types not already associated with another editor?
117 Configuration
118 The value you have entered, "%g", is outside the limits of %g and %g. The closest valid value will be substituted in its place. \n\nEntered text will appear red when when it is outside the range of valid valaues.
119 The current sample format is not supported by the wave device or driver. Some boards cannot play non-standard sample rates at all, while others need to be configured under Control Panel to do so.
120 Unsupported Sample Format
129 The file being closed is in use by the multitrack mixer. Closing the file will remove it from the mix. Do you wish to still close this file?
130 File already in use by a multitrack session
132 Undo Saving Cancelled
133 You have chosen not to save undo information for this operation. Press Cancel to avoid seeing this dialog in the future (operations will then continue without undo being saved if the 'Skip' button is pressed) Do you wish to continue now?
134 For credit card orders, the credit card number and expiration date fields must be filled out before printing or copying. Card number information will be scrambled for privacy.
135 Missing Card Number or Expiration Date
136 Switch to Multitrack Mixer view
137 Switch to Single Waveform view
138 Enable/Disable Undo
139 Convert Sample Type
140 Add current selection to Cue List
141 Zoom to Selection
142 Stop
143 Pause
144 Play Looped
145 Zoom Out Full
146 Play
147 Record
148 Play to End
149 Zoom to Left of Selection (or Cursor)
150 Zoom to Right of Selection
151 Zoom In to Center
152 Zoom Out
153 Fast Forward
154 Rewind
155 Go to End or Next Cue
156 Go to Beginning or Previous Cue
157 Previous Zoom View
158 Zoom In Vertically
159 Show Pan Envelopes
160 Show Volume Envelopes
161 Edit Envelopes
162 Try converting the sample type to a setting compatible with the sound card, or choosing a different device (eg Wave Mapper) under Settings/Devices and try again.
163 Open an existing multitrack session.
164 Trim to selection
165 Cut wave(s) out of selection
166 Sample rate not the same as the multitrack session sample rate. Please convert the sample rate first before inserting.
167 Incompatible Sample Rates
168 Create a new multitrack session
169 Save the multitrack session
170 This operation will delete all other takes. Do you still wish to disallow multiple takes on this wave block?
171 About to delete the Take History
172 Zoom Out Vertically
173 This file is already currently in use by Cool Edit. If you wish to overwrite the file, close the other file of this name first.
174 This multitrack session file can not be found.
175 Save the waveform As another format or filename
176 Save multitrack session As new filename
177 Cannot open specified wave device(s) for Playing.
178 Cannot open specified wave device(s) for Recording. Please make sure you have a full duplex audio card configuration and verify that the chosen audio devices will work together simultaneously.
179 SMPTE/MTC Slave Enable
180 Mix down selected waves
181 Sinusoidal Crossfade selected waves
182 Snap to Waveforms
183 Snap to Cues and Ranges
184 Snap to Ruler
185 Splice Waveform
186 Punch-in at selection
187 Mute selected wave(s)
188 Time Lock waveform(s)
554 Multitrack session information
555 Adjust waveform boundaries to selection
556 Welcome to `prog`! Please enjoy this program and all the features it has to offer.
557 Visit our web site at http://www.syntrillium.com! We are continually advancing our software.
558 The sample format of the file being inserted is different than that of the multitrack session. Pressing OK will first make a copy of the file, then allow you to adjust the conversion settings.
559 Sample Rates Differ
560 This system has not been configured correctly to run Cool Edit. Please run Setup again.
561 Please re-run Setup
562 &Custom (%d frames/sec)
563 Can not preview in real time. Try choosing a 5 second portion of audio, and performing the edit to hear the results, then Undo and run on the complete section once the settings are correct.
564 Not enough CPU power to preview in real time
565 Sorry, the demo version of `prog` does not allow for saving files.
566 Demo Version
567 Sorry, the demo version of `prog` does not allow for copying data to the Windows clipboard. Please use the internal clipboard instead.
570 Sorry, the continuous usage timeout period has expired. Please restart `prog` to continue evaluating.
571 Demo Version
572 Group/Ungroup waveforms
573 Import a waveform
574 Export a waveform
575 Some waveform blocks are overlapping and may be hidden behind other blocks. Would you like to have the overlapping waveforms moved to another track?
576 Warning: Overlapping Waveform Blocks
579 To continue working where you left off, just restart `prog`.
580 Shutting Down...
581 Could not find component waveform, "%s".
582 Component Waveform Not Found
583 &Windows'
584 &Windows' (empty)
585 Clipboard &1
586 Clipboard &2
587 Clipboard &3
588 Clipboard &4
589 Clipboard &5
590 Clipboard &1 (empty)
591 Clipboard &2 (empty)
592 Clipboard &3 (empty)
593 Clipboard &4 (empty)
594 Clipboard &5 (empty)
595 Please insert the `prog` CD-ROM and click OK.\nIf Setup automatically starts when you do this, close out of it when `prog` finishes loading.
596 Important!
597 Make sure that no tracks are using any devices that are in use, even if no wave blocks are in those tracks (or try changing the device order in Device Preferences).
598 All blocks to the right of the cursor will be moved to the right.
599 All blocks to the right of the range will be moved to the left.
600 Internal Error (13)
601 File integrity compromised. Please check your systemfor hard drive problems or viruses and then reinstall.Contact support@syntrillium.com if the problem persists.
602 Previous Session Detected;A previous session of `prog` exited prematurely. You may continue the session now, delete it, or continue the session another time.
604 Please Check Syntrillium's web site at http://www.syntrillium.com for an updated version.
605 Duplicate Devices;Each device must be listed only once. Duplicate device references have been removed.
606 No Devices Chosen;If no playback or recording devices are selected, you will not be able to play or record audio in the multitrack environment.
613 Some waveform blocks were not loaded into the session because they were on higher track numbers not supported by this version of Cool Edit.
614 This demo version of the 4-track studio will watermark the audio with bell noises for every mix down.
615 Cool Edit 2000 Studio - Demonstration Version
616 This demo version of the 4-track studio will watermark the audio with bell noises every time audio is played in the multitrack view.
648 2418
649 You must now restart Cool Edit 2000 to complete registration
650 30-day Trial Version
651 You are now registered for Cool Edit 2000!
652 Trail Version;Sorry, but the function group for this transform is not currently active. Please restart and choose the proper function group from the intro dialog.
653 You may be saving to a compressed (lossy) format. Be sure to keep a backup of your original file if you wish to preserve full audio fidelity.
654 Saving to Lower Fidelity Format
655 This plug-in demo version will periodically watermark the transform results with bell noises. If the package is purchased, the watermarking will go away.
656 Cool Edit 2000 Plug-In Package - Demo
657 Sorry, but the function group for the transform '%s' is not currently active. Please restart and choose the proper function group from the intro dialog.
658 Can not find the mixer program "%s".(Tech note: an alternate mixer applet may be specified in the registry.)
659 File not found
660 There may not be enough room for this file. The uncompressed file size is %s and the free space on drive %s is %s. Choose 'Yes to All' to always save files and never show this dialog again. Do you still wish to save this file?
661 Redundant Temp Drive Specification
662 Both the primary and secondary temporary directories are set to the same drive. Each temp directory must be on it's own drive (and best if they are different physical drives as well).\n\nThe secondary temp drive field will be left blank.
663 We suggest you use your largest hard drive for Cool Edit's temporary directory, since audio files can get extremely large.\n\nWould you like to use %s (with %d Mb free) as your temporary directory?
664 Temporary Drive Suggestion
665 We suggest using the standard Windows temporary directory for Cool Edit's audio files.\n\nWould you like to use %s as your temporary directory?
666 We suggest using your computer's standard temporary directory for Cool Edit's audio files.\n\nWould you like to use %s as your temporary directory?
667 Cool Edit can use two temporary directories for more efficiency and capacity. It is best if each directory resides on it's own physical hard drive.\n\nWould you like to use %s (with %d Mb free) as your secondary temp directory?