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Text File  |  2001-06-24  |  162.4 KB  |  4,808 lines

  1. object UserSetup: TUserSetup
  2.   Left = 159
  3.   Top = 97
  4.   BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
  5.   BorderStyle = bsDialog
  6.   Caption = 'Client setup'
  7.   ClientHeight = 526
  8.   ClientWidth = 762
  9.   Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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  11.   Font.Height = -14
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  13.   Font.Style = []
  14.   FormStyle = fsStayOnTop
  15.   Position = poScreenCenter
  16.   OnClose = FormClose
  17.   OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery
  18.   OnCreate = FormCreate
  19.   OnShow = FormShow
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  22.   object WholePanel: TPanel
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  28.     BevelOuter = bvNone
  29.     BorderWidth = 5
  30.     ParentColor = True
  31.     TabOrder = 0
  32.     object SetupPagesPanel: TPanel
  33.       Left = 267
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  41.       TabOrder = 0
  42.       object SetupPages: TNotebook
  43.         Left = 5
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  45.         Width = 480
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  47.         HelpContext = 15
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  49.         Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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  56.         OnPageChanged = SetupPagesPageChanged
  57.         object tsUserSettings: TPage
  58.           Left = 0
  59.           Top = 0
  60.           Hint = 
  61.             'Change your user settings, such as your nickname and email addre' +
  62.             'ss.'
  63.           HelpContext = 16
  64.           Caption = 'tsUserSettings'
  65.           object Label1: TLabel
  66.             Left = 6
  67.             Top = 7
  68.             Width = 102
  69.             Height = 20
  70.             AutoSize = False
  71.             Caption = '&Nickname:'
  72.             FocusControl = tbNickname
  73.           end
  74.           object Label2: TLabel
  75.             Left = 6
  76.             Top = 31
  77.             Width = 102
  78.             Height = 20
  79.             AutoSize = False
  80.             Caption = '&Backup nick:'
  81.             FocusControl = tbBackupNick
  82.           end
  83.           object Label3: TLabel
  84.             Left = 6
  85.             Top = 55
  86.             Width = 102
  87.             Height = 20
  88.             AutoSize = False
  89.             Caption = '&Email:'
  90.             FocusControl = tbEmail
  91.           end
  92.           object Label4: TLabel
  93.             Left = 6
  94.             Top = 79
  95.             Width = 102
  96.             Height = 20
  97.             AutoSize = False
  98.             Caption = '&Real name/URL:'
  99.             FocusControl = tbGecos
  100.           end
  101.           object Label5: TLabel
  102.             Left = 6
  103.             Top = 103
  104.             Width = 102
  105.             Height = 20
  106.             AutoSize = False
  107.             Caption = '&Server:'
  108.             FocusControl = cbServer
  109.           end
  110.           object tbNickname: TEdit
  111.             Left = 114
  112.             Top = 4
  113.             Width = 359
  114.             Height = 24
  115.             MaxLength = 9
  116.             TabOrder = 0
  117.             Text = 'MeGAV96'
  118.             OnEnter = tbNicknameEnter
  119.             OnKeyPress = tbNicknameKeyPress
  120.           end
  121.           object tbBackupNick: TEdit
  122.             Left = 114
  123.             Top = 28
  124.             Width = 359
  125.             Height = 24
  126.             MaxLength = 9
  127.             TabOrder = 1
  128.             Text = 'MeGAV96_'
  129.             OnEnter = tbBackupNickEnter
  130.             OnKeyPress = tbBackupNickKeyPress
  131.           end
  132.           object tbEmail: TEdit
  133.             Left = 114
  134.             Top = 52
  135.             Width = 359
  136.             Height = 24
  137.             TabOrder = 2
  138.             Text = 'megalith@jimc.demon.co.uk'
  139.             OnEnter = tbEmailEnter
  140.           end
  141.           object tbGecos: TEdit
  142.             Left = 114
  143.             Top = 76
  144.             Width = 359
  145.             Height = 24
  146.             TabOrder = 3
  147.             Text = '?iRC Beta Tester'
  148.             OnEnter = tbGecosEnter
  149.           end
  150.           object GroupBox1: TGroupBox
  151.             Left = 8
  152.             Top = 128
  153.             Width = 465
  154.             Height = 85
  155.             Caption = '&Initial user modes'
  156.             TabOrder = 5
  157.             object Label6: TLabel
  158.               Left = 56
  159.               Top = 20
  160.               Width = 401
  161.               Height = 16
  162.               AutoSize = False
  163.               Caption = '- invisible to those who don'#39't know your nickname'
  164.             end
  165.             object Label7: TLabel
  166.               Left = 56
  167.               Top = 40
  168.               Width = 401
  169.               Height = 16
  170.               AutoSize = False
  171.               Caption = '- receive server-specific messages (e.g. KILLs and splits)'
  172.             end
  173.             object Label8: TLabel
  174.               Left = 56
  175.               Top = 60
  176.               Width = 401
  177.               Height = 16
  178.               AutoSize = False
  179.               Caption = '- receive messages directed at IRC operators'
  180.             end
  181.             object cbI: TCheckBox
  182.               Left = 12
  183.               Top = 20
  184.               Width = 44
  185.               Height = 17
  186.               Caption = '+i'
  187.               Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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  192.               ParentFont = False
  193.               TabOrder = 0
  194.             end
  195.             object cbS: TCheckBox
  196.               Left = 12
  197.               Top = 40
  198.               Width = 44
  199.               Height = 17
  200.               Caption = '+s'
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  208.             end
  209.             object cbW: TCheckBox
  210.               Left = 12
  211.               Top = 60
  212.               Width = 44
  213.               Height = 17
  214.               Caption = '+w'
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  220.               ParentFont = False
  221.               TabOrder = 2
  222.             end
  223.           end
  224.           object cbServer: TEdit
  225.             Left = 114
  226.             Top = 99
  227.             Width = 359
  228.             Height = 24
  229.             ReadOnly = True
  230.             TabOrder = 4
  231.             OnEnter = cbServerEnter
  232.           end
  233.           object IntroPanel: TPanel
  234.             Left = 8
  235.             Top = 224
  236.             Width = 465
  237.             Height = 61
  238.             BevelOuter = bvLowered
  239.             Caption = 'IntroPanel'
  240.             Color = 16773360
  241.             TabOrder = 6
  242.             Visible = False
  243.             object Label9: TLabel
  244.               Left = 4
  245.               Top = 4
  246.               Width = 281
  247.               Height = 18
  248.               AutoSize = False
  249.               Caption = 'Welcome to Visual IRC '#39'97!!'
  250.               Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  251.               Font.Color = clWindowText
  252.               Font.Height = -15
  253.               Font.Name = 'Arial'
  254.               Font.Style = [fsBold]
  255.               ParentFont = False
  256.             end
  257.             object Label10: TLabel
  258.               Left = 4
  259.               Top = 22
  260.               Width = 453
  261.               Height = 35
  262.               AutoSize = False
  263.               Caption = 
  264.                 'To set ViRC '#39'97 up, simply enter your nickname, your email addre' +
  265.                 'ss, and your real name or URL in the window above.'
  266.               WordWrap = True
  267.             end
  268.           end
  269.           object ServerPulldown: TNashButton
  270.             Left = 453
  271.             Top = 101
  272.             Width = 18
  273.             Height = 20
  274.             Hint = 'Select a server from a list'
  275.             Caption = '6'
  276.             Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  277.             Font.Color = clWindowText
  278.             Font.Height = -13
  279.             Font.Name = 'Marlett'
  280.             Font.Style = []
  281.             ParentFont = False
  282.             ParentShowHint = False
  283.             ShowHint = True
  284.             TabOrder = 7
  285.             OnClick = ServerPulldownClick
  286.             OnMouseUp = ServerPulldownMouseUp
  287.             HoverFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  288.             HoverFont.Color = clBlue
  289.             HoverFont.Height = -13
  290.             HoverFont.Name = 'Marlett'
  291.             HoverFont.Style = [fsUnderline]
  292.             HoverHighlight = True
  293.           end
  294.         end
  295.         object tsDCC: TPage
  296.           Left = 0
  297.           Top = 0
  298.           Hint = 'Change DCC Chat and DCC Send preferences'
  299.           HelpContext = 17
  300.           Caption = 'tsDCC'
  301.           object GroupBox2: TGroupBox
  302.             Left = 7
  303.             Top = 2
  304.             Width = 466
  305.             Height = 79
  306.             Caption = '&Block options'
  307.             TabOrder = 0
  308.             object Label11: TLabel
  309.               Left = 11
  310.               Top = 23
  311.               Width = 61
  312.               Height = 16
  313.               Caption = '&Blocksize:'
  314.               FocusControl = BlockSize
  315.             end
  316.             object SendAhead: TCheckBox
  317.               Left = 11
  318.               Top = 51
  319.               Width = 450
  320.               Height = 17
  321.               Caption = 'DCC &send-ahead enabled (compatible with mIRC'#39's FastDCC)'
  322.               TabOrder = 1
  323.             end
  324.             object BlockSize: TSpinEdit
  325.               Left = 79
  326.               Top = 20
  327.               Width = 121
  328.               Height = 26
  329.               Increment = 256
  330.               MaxValue = 16384
  331.               MinValue = 256
  332.               TabOrder = 0
  333.               Value = 1024
  334.             end
  335.           end
  336.           object GroupBox3: TGroupBox
  337.             Left = 7
  338.             Top = 86
  339.             Width = 466
  340.             Height = 67
  341.             Caption = '&Automatically accept ...'
  342.             TabOrder = 1
  343.             object AutoAcceptChat: TCheckBox
  344.               Left = 11
  345.               Top = 20
  346.               Width = 194
  347.               Height = 17
  348.               Caption = 'DCC &Chat requests'
  349.               TabOrder = 0
  350.             end
  351.             object AutoAcceptSend: TCheckBox
  352.               Left = 11
  353.               Top = 40
  354.               Width = 194
  355.               Height = 17
  356.               Caption = 'DCC/TDCC &Send requests'
  357.               TabOrder = 1
  358.             end
  359.             object AutoAcceptVoice: TCheckBox
  360.               Left = 207
  361.               Top = 20
  362.               Width = 194
  363.               Height = 17
  364.               Caption = 'TDCC &Voice requests'
  365.               TabOrder = 2
  366.             end
  367.             object AutoAcceptVideo: TCheckBox
  368.               Left = 207
  369.               Top = 40
  370.               Width = 194
  371.               Height = 17
  372.               Caption = 'TDCC &Video requests'
  373.               TabOrder = 3
  374.             end
  375.           end
  376.           object GroupBox4: TGroupBox
  377.             Left = 7
  378.             Top = 158
  379.             Width = 466
  380.             Height = 67
  381.             Caption = '&On receipt/sending of DCC request, automatically minimize ...'
  382.             TabOrder = 2
  383.             object MinimizeVideoWindow: TCheckBox
  384.               Left = 207
  385.               Top = 40
  386.               Width = 194
  387.               Height = 17
  388.               Caption = 'TDCC &Video window'
  389.               TabOrder = 0
  390.             end
  391.             object MinimizeVoiceWindow: TCheckBox
  392.               Left = 207
  393.               Top = 20
  394.               Width = 194
  395.               Height = 17
  396.               Caption = 'TDCC &Voice window'
  397.               TabOrder = 1
  398.             end
  399.             object MinimizeChatWindow: TCheckBox
  400.               Left = 11
  401.               Top = 20
  402.               Width = 194
  403.               Height = 17
  404.               Caption = 'DCC &Chat window'
  405.               TabOrder = 2
  406.             end
  407.             object MinimizeSendWindow: TCheckBox
  408.               Left = 11
  409.               Top = 40
  410.               Width = 194
  411.               Height = 17
  412.               Caption = 'DCC/TDCC &Send window'
  413.               TabOrder = 3
  414.             end
  415.           end
  416.           object GroupBox14: TGroupBox
  417.             Left = 7
  418.             Top = 230
  419.             Width = 466
  420.             Height = 67
  421.             Caption = '&Auto-close'
  422.             TabOrder = 3
  423.             object CloseDCC: TCheckBox
  424.               Left = 12
  425.               Top = 20
  426.               Width = 449
  427.               Height = 17
  428.               Caption = 'Close DCC transfer windows on completion'
  429.               TabOrder = 0
  430.               OnClick = CloseDCCClick
  431.             end
  432.             object CloseDCCFailure: TCheckBox
  433.               Left = 160
  434.               Top = 40
  435.               Width = 125
  436.               Height = 17
  437.               Caption = 'If unsuccessful'
  438.               Enabled = False
  439.               TabOrder = 1
  440.             end
  441.             object CloseDCCSuccess: TCheckBox
  442.               Left = 32
  443.               Top = 40
  444.               Width = 125
  445.               Height = 17
  446.               Caption = 'If successful'
  447.               Enabled = False
  448.               TabOrder = 2
  449.             end
  450.           end
  451.           object GroupBox28: TGroupBox
  452.             Left = 7
  453.             Top = 302
  454.             Width = 466
  455.             Height = 115
  456.             Caption = 'DCC &forwarding'
  457.             TabOrder = 4
  458.             object txForwardToThisNick: TLabel
  459.               Left = 13
  460.               Top = 85
  461.               Width = 124
  462.               Height = 16
  463.               AutoSize = False
  464.               Caption = '... to this nickname:'
  465.             end
  466.             object DCCForwardingEnabled: TCheckBox
  467.               Left = 12
  468.               Top = 20
  469.               Width = 449
  470.               Height = 17
  471.               Caption = 'Enable DCC forwarding to forward all incoming ...'
  472.               TabOrder = 0
  473.               OnClick = DCCForwardingEnabledClick
  474.             end
  475.             object DCCForwardChat: TCheckBox
  476.               Left = 27
  477.               Top = 40
  478.               Width = 194
  479.               Height = 17
  480.               Caption = 'DCC &Chat requests'
  481.               Enabled = False
  482.               TabOrder = 1
  483.             end
  484.             object DCCForwardSend: TCheckBox
  485.               Left = 27
  486.               Top = 60
  487.               Width = 194
  488.               Height = 17
  489.               Caption = 'DCC/TDCC &Send requests'
  490.               Enabled = False
  491.               TabOrder = 2
  492.             end
  493.             object DCCForwardVoice: TCheckBox
  494.               Left = 223
  495.               Top = 40
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  506.               Height = 17
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  510.             end
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  515.               Height = 24
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  517.             end
  518.           end
  519.         end
  520.         object tsIDENTD: TPage
  521.           Left = 0
  522.           Top = 0
  523.           Hint = 'Enable or disable the built-in IDENTD server'
  524.           HelpContext = 19
  525.           Caption = 'tsIDENTD'
  526.           object GroupBox5: TGroupBox
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  532.             TabOrder = 0
  533.             object EnableIDENTD: TCheckBox
  534.               Left = 11
  535.               Top = 19
  536.               Width = 450
  537.               Height = 17
  538.               Caption = 'IDENTD service &enabled (UNIX-compatible)'
  539.               TabOrder = 0
  540.               OnClick = EnableIDENTDClick
  541.             end
  542.             object AutoIDENTD: TCheckBox
  543.               Left = 11
  544.               Top = 59
  545.               Width = 450
  546.               Height = 17
  547.               Caption = '&Automatic configuration (IDENTD)'
  548.               TabOrder = 1
  549.               OnClick = AutoIDENTDClick
  550.             end
  551.             object EnableFingerD: TCheckBox
  552.               Left = 11
  553.               Top = 39
  554.               Width = 450
  555.               Height = 17
  556.               Caption = 'Finger service &enabled (UNIX-compatible)'
  557.               TabOrder = 2
  558.               OnClick = EnableFingerDClick
  559.             end
  560.           end
  561.           object grpDaemonSettings: TGroupBox
  562.             Left = 7
  563.             Top = 93
  564.             Width = 466
  565.             Height = 115
  566.             Caption = '&IDENTD daemon settings'
  567.             TabOrder = 1
  568.             object txUsernameIDENTD: TLabel
  569.               Left = 11
  570.               Top = 23
  571.               Width = 66
  572.               Height = 16
  573.               Caption = '&Username:'
  574.               FocusControl = UsernameIDENTD
  575.             end
  576.             object txPortIDENTD: TLabel
  577.               Left = 11
  578.               Top = 51
  579.               Width = 24
  580.               Height = 16
  581.               Caption = '&Port'
  582.               FocusControl = PortIDENTD
  583.             end
  584.             object txSystemIDENTD: TLabel
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  586.               Top = 79
  587.               Width = 48
  588.               Height = 16
  589.               Caption = '&System:'
  590.               FocusControl = SystemIDENTD
  591.             end
  592.             object UsernameIDENTD: TEdit
  593.               Left = 87
  594.               Top = 20
  595.               Width = 366
  596.               Height = 24
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  598.             end
  599.             object PortIDENTD: TEdit
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  601.               Top = 48
  602.               Width = 366
  603.               Height = 24
  604.               TabOrder = 1
  605.               Text = '113'
  606.             end
  607.             object SystemIDENTD: TEdit
  608.               Left = 87
  609.               Top = 76
  610.               Width = 366
  611.               Height = 24
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  613.               Text = 'WIN32'
  614.             end
  615.           end
  616.           object grpFingerPreview: TGroupBox
  617.             Left = 7
  618.             Top = 213
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  620.             Height = 143
  621.             Caption = 'Enter your &finger text here ...'
  622.             TabOrder = 2
  623.             object FingerPreview: TMemo
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  625.               Top = 20
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  630.                 '')
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  633.             end
  634.           end
  635.         end
  636.         object tsFingerServer: TPage
  637.           Left = 0
  638.           Top = 0
  639.           Hint = 'Enable or disable the built-in Finger server'
  640.           HelpContext = 59
  641.           Caption = 'tsFloodProt'
  642.           object Label39: TLabel
  643.             Left = 8
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  646.             Height = 53
  647.             AutoSize = False
  648.             Caption = 
  649.               'If you try to send too many IRC commands at once, some IRC serve' +
  650.               'rs will disconnect you for flooding. Flood protection buffers yo' +
  651.               'ur commands to ensure that you will never be disconnected in thi' +
  652.               's way.'
  653.             WordWrap = True
  654.           end
  655.           object grpFloodProtSettings: TGroupBox
  656.             Left = 8
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  660.             Caption = '&Flood protection settings'
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  662.             object txFloodProtectionInfo: TLabel
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  668.               Caption = 
  669.                 'Adjust the slider to set the maximum number of lines that will b' +
  670.                 'e sent every second. The recommended value is 5. Setting this va' +
  671.                 'lue too low will make responsiveness more sluggish. Setting it t' +
  672.                 'oo high will not protect against floods well.'
  673.               Enabled = False
  674.               WordWrap = True
  675.             end
  676.             object txFloodProtectionLevel: TLabel
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  682.               Caption = '5 lines'
  683.               Enabled = False
  684.             end
  685.             object EnableFloodProtection: TCheckBox
  686.               Left = 15
  687.               Top = 22
  688.               Width = 178
  689.               Height = 17
  690.               Caption = 'Enable flood protection'
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  692.               OnClick = EnableFloodProtectionClick
  693.             end
  694.             object FloodProtectionLevel: TTrackBar
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  871.               Caption = '(enter && where the URL should go)'
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  1770.           object IgnoreAdd: TNashButton
  1771.             Left = 8
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  1773.             Width = 77
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  1809.           HelpContext = 30
  1810.           Caption = 'tsServerOptions'
  1811.           object txRetry: TLabel
  1812.             Left = 36
  1813.             Top = 56
  1814.             Width = 108
  1815.             Height = 16
  1816.             AutoSize = False
  1817.             Caption = 'Retry to connect'
  1818.           end
  1819.           object txRetryTimes: TLabel
  1820.             Left = 212
  1821.             Top = 56
  1822.             Width = 108
  1823.             Height = 16
  1824.             AutoSize = False
  1825.             Caption = 'times'
  1826.           end
  1827.           object txRetryWait: TLabel
  1828.             Left = 36
  1829.             Top = 84
  1830.             Width = 209
  1831.             Height = 16
  1832.             AutoSize = False
  1833.             Caption = 'Between connection attempts, wait'
  1834.           end
  1835.           object txRetryWaitSeconds: TLabel
  1836.             Left = 316
  1837.             Top = 84
  1838.             Width = 108
  1839.             Height = 16
  1840.             AutoSize = False
  1841.             Caption = 'seconds'
  1842.           end
  1843.           object StartupConnect: TCheckBox
  1844.             Left = 12
  1845.             Top = 12
  1846.             Width = 449
  1847.             Height = 17
  1848.             Caption = 'Connect to server on startup'
  1849.             TabOrder = 0
  1850.           end
  1851.           object AutoReconnect: TCheckBox
  1852.             Left = 12
  1853.             Top = 32
  1854.             Width = 449
  1855.             Height = 17
  1856.             Caption = 
  1857.               'Auto-reconnect to server if connection fails or disconnects unex' +
  1858.               'pectedly'
  1859.             TabOrder = 1
  1860.             OnClick = AutoReconnectClick
  1861.           end
  1862.           object RetryCount: TSpinEdit
  1863.             Left = 148
  1864.             Top = 52
  1865.             Width = 52
  1866.             Height = 26
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  1872.           end
  1873.           object ShowNotifyList: TCheckBox
  1874.             Left = 12
  1875.             Top = 108
  1876.             Width = 449
  1877.             Height = 17
  1878.             Caption = 'Show notify list pane in server windows by default'
  1879.             TabOrder = 3
  1880.           end
  1881.           object AutoChannelBox: TCheckBox
  1882.             Left = 12
  1883.             Top = 128
  1884.             Width = 449
  1885.             Height = 17
  1886.             Caption = 'Open channel box automatically on connect'
  1887.             TabOrder = 4
  1888.           end
  1889.           object AutoRejoin: TCheckBox
  1890.             Left = 12
  1891.             Top = 148
  1892.             Width = 449
  1893.             Height = 17
  1894.             Caption = 'Auto-rejoin channel when kicked'
  1895.             TabOrder = 5
  1896.             OnClick = AutoRejoinClick
  1897.           end
  1898.           object ShowOpPanel: TCheckBox
  1899.             Left = 12
  1900.             Top = 188
  1901.             Width = 449
  1902.             Height = 17
  1903.             Caption = 'Show channel op control panel if you have channel ops'
  1904.             TabOrder = 6
  1905.           end
  1906.           object CloseWindowsOnDisconnect: TCheckBox
  1907.             Left = 12
  1908.             Top = 208
  1909.             Width = 449
  1910.             Height = 17
  1911.             Caption = 'Close channel and query windows when disconnected from server'
  1912.             TabOrder = 7
  1913.           end
  1914.           object SeamlessRejoin: TCheckBox
  1915.             Left = 12
  1916.             Top = 168
  1917.             Width = 449
  1918.             Height = 17
  1919.             Caption = 
  1920.               'Seamlessly rejoin channel when kicked (do not close channel wind' +
  1921.               'ow)'
  1922.             Enabled = False
  1923.             TabOrder = 8
  1924.           end
  1925.           object RejoinActiveChannels: TCheckBox
  1926.             Left = 12
  1927.             Top = 228
  1928.             Width = 449
  1929.             Height = 17
  1930.             Caption = 
  1931.               'When connected to server, rejoin channels that you were previous' +
  1932.               'ly on'
  1933.             TabOrder = 9
  1934.           end
  1935.           object RetryWaitSeconds: TSpinEdit
  1936.             Left = 252
  1937.             Top = 80
  1938.             Width = 52
  1939.             Height = 26
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  1946.         end
  1947.         object tsMDIOptions: TPage
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  1952.           object Label17: TLabel
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  1957.             AutoSize = False
  1958.             Caption = 
  1959.               'Make the following windows desktop windows, freeing them from th' +
  1960.               'e confines of the main ViRC '#39'96 window:'
  1961.             WordWrap = True
  1962.           end
  1963.           object Label43: TLabel
  1964.             Left = 9
  1965.             Top = 177
  1966.             Width = 460
  1967.             Height = 40
  1968.             AutoSize = False
  1969.             Caption = 
  1970.               'Please note that the desktop window options currently don'#39't work' +
  1971.               ' perfectly, so expect a few minor problems. I will try to fix th' +
  1972.               'ese as soon as I can.'
  1973.             WordWrap = True
  1974.           end
  1975.           object DesktopServerWindows: TCheckBox
  1976.             Left = 24
  1977.             Top = 52
  1978.             Width = 305
  1979.             Height = 17
  1980.             Caption = 'Server windows'
  1981.             TabOrder = 0
  1982.           end
  1983.           object DesktopChannelWindows: TCheckBox
  1984.             Left = 24
  1985.             Top = 72
  1986.             Width = 305
  1987.             Height = 17
  1988.             Caption = 'Channel windows'
  1989.             TabOrder = 1
  1990.             OnClick = AutoReconnectClick
  1991.           end
  1992.           object DesktopQueryWindows: TCheckBox
  1993.             Left = 24
  1994.             Top = 92
  1995.             Width = 305
  1996.             Height = 17
  1997.             Caption = 'Query windows'
  1998.             TabOrder = 2
  1999.             OnClick = AutoReconnectClick
  2000.           end
  2001.           object DesktopDCCChatWindows: TCheckBox
  2002.             Left = 24
  2003.             Top = 112
  2004.             Width = 305
  2005.             Height = 17
  2006.             Caption = 'DCC Chat windows'
  2007.             TabOrder = 3
  2008.             OnClick = AutoReconnectClick
  2009.           end
  2010.           object DesktopDCCSendWindows: TCheckBox
  2011.             Left = 24
  2012.             Top = 132
  2013.             Width = 305
  2014.             Height = 17
  2015.             Caption = 'DCC Send/Get windows'
  2016.             TabOrder = 4
  2017.             OnClick = AutoReconnectClick
  2018.           end
  2019.           object DesktopTDCCVoiceWindows: TCheckBox
  2020.             Left = 24
  2021.             Top = 152
  2022.             Width = 305
  2023.             Height = 17
  2024.             Caption = 'TDCC Voice windows'
  2025.             TabOrder = 5
  2026.             OnClick = AutoReconnectClick
  2027.           end
  2028.         end
  2029.         object tsWindows: TPage
  2030.           Left = 0
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  2034.           object grpAdjust: TGroupBox
  2035.             Left = 7
  2036.             Top = 2
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  2041.             object Label18: TLabel
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  2049.             end
  2050.             object Label20: TLabel
  2051.               Left = 11
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  2056.               Caption = 'Text &entry box height adjust:'
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  2060.               Left = 191
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  2079.             object NoBevels: TCheckBox
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  2081.               Top = 25
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  2085.               Enabled = False
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  2087.             end
  2088.             object NoToolbarBevels: TCheckBox
  2089.               Left = 273
  2090.               Top = 57
  2091.               Width = 176
  2092.               Height = 17
  2093.               Caption = '&No 3D toolbar bevels'
  2094.               Enabled = False
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  2097.           end
  2098.           object GroupBox12: TGroupBox
  2099.             Left = 7
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  2103.             Caption = 'MDI &background'
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  2105.             object Label19: TLabel
  2106.               Left = 11
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  2108.               Width = 146
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  2111.               Caption = 'Background &image file:'
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  2113.             end
  2114.             object MDIImage: TEdit
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  2124.             object ImagePanel: TPanel
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  2144.               Caption = '...'
  2145.               Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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  2160.           end
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  2167.           object Bevel2: TBevel
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  2185.             Width = 92
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  2221.           object Bevel1: TBevel
  2222.             Left = 7
  2223.             Top = 328
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  2227.           end
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  3211.                 'ViRC '#39'97 now replaces tab characters in text with a number of sp' +
  3212.                 'aces. How many spaces do you wish to substitute for one tab?'
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  3262.                 'When many text lines are added rapidly, ViRC '#39'97 will go into ac' +
  3263.                 'celerated output mode and scroll more than one line at a time. H' +
  3264.                 'ow many lines do you want to scroll at a time? Lowering this set' +
  3265.                 'ting will make text output smoother but slower.'
  3266.               WordWrap = True
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  3315.               Caption = 
  3316.                 'Time stamp &format: (see TIME function in VSCRIPT.TXT for more i' +
  3317.                 'nfo)'
  3318.               Enabled = False
  3319.             end
  3320.             object TimeStampFormat: TEdit
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  3330.               Top = 20
  3331.               Width = 352
  3332.               Height = 17
  3333.               Caption = 'Stamp every message displayed with the current time'
  3334.               TabOrder = 1
  3335.               OnClick = EnableTimeStampingClick
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  3337.           end
  3338.         end
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  3364.               Height = 17
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  3413.             end
  3414.             object EnableChannelLog: TCheckBox
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  3417.               Width = 450
  3418.               Height = 17
  3419.               Caption = '&Enable channel log automatically when joining channel'
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  3467.             end
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  3471.               Width = 450
  3472.               Height = 17
  3473.               Caption = '&Enable query log automatically when starting query'
  3474.               TabOrder = 0
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  3528.                 '&Enable DCC Chat log automatically when initiating/accepting DCC' +
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  3623.                 'Choose the size of the incoming voice buffer. A larger buffer si' +
  3624.                 'ze will reduce severe voice break-up but will increase latency.'
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  3695.                 'Below is a sample capture window to help you adjust the settings' +
  3696.                 '. Press the '#39'Record'#39' button to start capturing, and the '#39'Stop'#39' b' +
  3697.                 'utton when you'#39're done. Increasing the capture rate may slow you' +
  3698.                 'r system down without any gain if your Internet link is slow.'
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  3921.             HoverFont.Style = [fsUnderline]
  3922.             HoverHighlight = True
  3923.           end
  3924.           object ExtensionCommand: TEdit
  3925.             Left = 86
  3926.             Top = 264
  3927.             Width = 299
  3928.             Height = 24
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  3930.             TabOrder = 3
  3931.             OnChange = ExtensionCommandChange
  3932.           end
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  3934.             Left = 86
  3935.             Top = 296
  3936.             Width = 292
  3937.             Height = 17
  3938.             Caption = 'Automatically &execute when file downloaded'
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  3940.             OnClick = AutoExecuteExtensionClick
  3941.           end
  3942.           object ExtensionSaveTo: TEdit
  3943.             Left = 86
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  3950.             OnChange = ExtensionSaveToChange
  3951.           end
  3952.           object SelectSaveToPath: TNashButton
  3953.             Left = 360
  3954.             Top = 236
  3955.             Width = 25
  3956.             Height = 25
  3957.             Caption = '...'
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  3986.             Caption = 'Text buffer holds'
  3987.           end
  3988.           object Label25: TLabel
  3989.             Left = 220
  3990.             Top = 216
  3991.             Width = 108
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  4006.             Left = 36
  4007.             Top = 32
  4008.             Width = 125
  4009.             Height = 17
  4010.             Caption = 'Server windows'
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  4012.           end
  4013.           object ChannelFlash: TCheckBox
  4014.             Left = 164
  4015.             Top = 32
  4016.             Width = 125
  4017.             Height = 17
  4018.             Caption = 'Channel windows'
  4019.             TabOrder = 2
  4020.           end
  4021.           object ChatFlash: TCheckBox
  4022.             Left = 300
  4023.             Top = 32
  4024.             Width = 125
  4025.             Height = 17
  4026.             Caption = 'Chat windows'
  4027.             TabOrder = 3
  4028.           end
  4029.           object FlashTaskbarIcon: TCheckBox
  4030.             Left = 36
  4031.             Top = 52
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  4033.             Height = 17
  4034.             Caption = 'Flash taskbar icon when another application has the focus'
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  4036.             TabOrder = 4
  4037.           end
  4038.           object EnableHover: TCheckBox
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  4046.           end
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  4051.             Height = 17
  4052.             Caption = 'Enable hyperlink URL hover-highlighting'
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  4055.             TabOrder = 6
  4056.           end
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  4058.             Left = 12
  4059.             Top = 112
  4060.             Width = 449
  4061.             Height = 17
  4062.             Caption = 'Display blank line at the end of text windows'
  4063.             TabOrder = 7
  4064.           end
  4065.           object DragAndDropHide: TCheckBox
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  4067.             Top = 132
  4068.             Width = 93
  4069.             Height = 17
  4070.             Caption = 'Totally hide'
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  4072.             OnClick = DragAndDropHideClick
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  4075.             Left = 112
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  4079.             Caption = 'Roll up drag-and-drop control centre on startup'
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  4081.             OnClick = DragAndDropRolledUpClick
  4082.           end
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  4084.             Left = 12
  4085.             Top = 152
  4086.             Width = 449
  4087.             Height = 17
  4088.             Caption = 'Hide main window status bar'
  4089.             TabOrder = 10
  4090.           end
  4091.           object HideWindowTabs: TCheckBox
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  4095.             Height = 17
  4096.             Caption = 'Hide window tabs'
  4097.             TabOrder = 11
  4098.           end
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  4102.             Width = 449
  4103.             Height = 17
  4104.             Caption = 'Toolbars initially rolled up to save space'
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  4106.             TabOrder = 12
  4107.           end
  4108.           object TextBufferMaxLines: TSpinEdit
  4109.             Left = 148
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  4118.           end
  4119.           object cbEnableGraphicalLogo: TCheckBox
  4120.             Left = 13
  4121.             Top = 241
  4122.             Width = 240
  4123.             Height = 17
  4124.             Caption = 'Enable graphical title bar'
  4125.             TabOrder = 14
  4126.           end
  4127.           object DualPaneDCCChat: TCheckBox
  4128.             Left = 13
  4129.             Top = 261
  4130.             Width = 376
  4131.             Height = 17
  4132.             Caption = 'Use dual-pane format for DCC Chat windows'
  4133.             TabOrder = 15
  4134.           end
  4135.         end
  4136.         object TPage
  4137.           Left = 0
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  4139.           HelpContext = 32
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  4141.           object KeepChannelBoxOpen: TCheckBox
  4142.             Left = 12
  4143.             Top = 12
  4144.             Width = 449
  4145.             Height = 17
  4146.             Caption = 'Keep channel box and channel list open after joining a channel'
  4147.             TabOrder = 0
  4148.           end
  4149.           object ShowWHOISDialog: TCheckBox
  4150.             Left = 12
  4151.             Top = 32
  4152.             Width = 449
  4153.             Height = 17
  4154.             Caption = 'Show WHOIS dialog for command-line /whois queries'
  4155.             TabOrder = 1
  4156.           end
  4157.           object HidePingPong: TCheckBox
  4158.             Left = 12
  4159.             Top = 52
  4160.             Width = 449
  4161.             Height = 17
  4162.             Caption = 'Hide ping/pong display in server windows'
  4163.             TabOrder = 2
  4164.           end
  4165.           object QueryEnabled: TCheckBox
  4166.             Left = 12
  4167.             Top = 72
  4168.             Width = 449
  4169.             Height = 17
  4170.             Caption = 'Use query window for private messages'
  4171.             TabOrder = 3
  4172.           end
  4173.           object SyntaxCheckOnLoad: TCheckBox
  4174.             Left = 12
  4175.             Top = 112
  4176.             Width = 449
  4177.             Height = 17
  4178.             Caption = 'Perform syntax check when loading ViRCScript scripts'
  4179.             State = cbChecked
  4180.             TabOrder = 4
  4181.           end
  4182.           object SaveWindowPos: TCheckBox
  4183.             Left = 12
  4184.             Top = 132
  4185.             Width = 449
  4186.             Height = 17
  4187.             Caption = 'Save window positions and sizes'
  4188.             TabOrder = 5
  4189.           end
  4190.           object DCCConnectToPrivilegedPorts: TCheckBox
  4191.             Left = 12
  4192.             Top = 152
  4193.             Width = 449
  4194.             Height = 17
  4195.             Caption = 
  4196.               'Accept DCC connections to ports below 1024 (leave off for securi' +
  4197.               'ty)'
  4198.             TabOrder = 6
  4199.           end
  4200.           object mIRCStyleCopy: TCheckBox
  4201.             Left = 12
  4202.             Top = 172
  4203.             Width = 461
  4204.             Height = 17
  4205.             Caption = 
  4206.               'mIRC-style text window clipboard copy (auto-copy when text selec' +
  4207.               'ted)'
  4208.             TabOrder = 7
  4209.           end
  4210.           object GroupBox22: TGroupBox
  4211.             Left = 13
  4212.             Top = 194
  4213.             Width = 456
  4214.             Height = 87
  4215.             Caption = 'Automatically remove from received text ...'
  4216.             TabOrder = 8
  4217.             object StripB: TCheckBox
  4218.               Left = 12
  4219.               Top = 20
  4220.               Width = 141
  4221.               Height = 17
  4222.               Caption = 'Bold attributes'
  4223.               TabOrder = 0
  4224.             end
  4225.             object StripI: TCheckBox
  4226.               Left = 12
  4227.               Top = 40
  4228.               Width = 141
  4229.               Height = 17
  4230.               Caption = 'Italic attributes'
  4231.               TabOrder = 1
  4232.             end
  4233.             object StripU: TCheckBox
  4234.               Left = 12
  4235.               Top = 60
  4236.               Width = 141
  4237.               Height = 17
  4238.               Caption = 'Underline attributes'
  4239.               TabOrder = 2
  4240.             end
  4241.             object StripC: TCheckBox
  4242.               Left = 156
  4243.               Top = 20
  4244.               Width = 229
  4245.               Height = 17
  4246.               Caption = 'Colour codes (mIRC-compatible)'
  4247.               TabOrder = 3
  4248.             end
  4249.             object StripG: TCheckBox
  4250.               Left = 156
  4251.               Top = 40
  4252.               Width = 229
  4253.               Height = 17
  4254.               Caption = 'Beeps'
  4255.               TabOrder = 4
  4256.             end
  4257.           end
  4258.           object QueryAutoMinimize: TCheckBox
  4259.             Left = 12
  4260.             Top = 92
  4261.             Width = 449
  4262.             Height = 17
  4263.             Caption = 'Auto-minimize incoming query windows'
  4264.             TabOrder = 9
  4265.           end
  4266.         end
  4267.         object TPage
  4268.           Left = 0
  4269.           Top = 0
  4270.           HelpContext = 56
  4271.           Caption = 'tsCustom'
  4272.           object ScriptPages: TPageControl
  4273.             Left = 12
  4274.             Top = 8
  4275.             Width = 457
  4276.             Height = 413
  4277.             ActivePage = tsScriptInfo
  4278.             TabOrder = 0
  4279.             object tsScriptInfo: TTabSheet
  4280.               Caption = '&Script info'
  4281.               object txCustomInfo: TLabel
  4282.                 Left = 12
  4283.                 Top = 11
  4284.                 Width = 425
  4285.                 Height = 70
  4286.                 AutoSize = False
  4287.                 Caption = 
  4288.                   'Scripts that you, or others, have written, can add their own pag' +
  4289.                   'es to this section of the dialog. This page control is called Sc' +
  4290.                   'riptPages. For more info on how to add pages to this dialog, see' +
  4291.                   ' OBJECTVS.TXT, included in the ViRC '#39'97 ZIP.'
  4292.                 WordWrap = True
  4293.               end
  4294.               object Label35: TLabel
  4295.                 Left = 44
  4296.                 Top = 87
  4297.                 Width = 125
  4298.                 Height = 16
  4299.                 AutoSize = False
  4300.                 Caption = 'Aliases in memory:'
  4301.               end
  4302.               object txAliasesInUse: TLabel
  4303.                 Left = 168
  4304.                 Top = 87
  4305.                 Width = 37
  4306.                 Height = 16
  4307.                 Alignment = taRightJustify
  4308.                 AutoSize = False
  4309.                 Caption = '0'
  4310.               end
  4311.               object Label36: TLabel
  4312.                 Left = 44
  4313.                 Top = 107
  4314.                 Width = 125
  4315.                 Height = 16
  4316.                 AutoSize = False
  4317.                 Caption = 'Events in memory:'
  4318.               end
  4319.               object txEventsInUse: TLabel
  4320.                 Left = 168
  4321.                 Top = 107
  4322.                 Width = 37
  4323.                 Height = 16
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  4327.               end
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  4329.                 Left = 12
  4330.                 Top = 175
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  4332.                 Height = 70
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  4335.               end
  4336.               object txObjectsInUse: TLabel
  4337.                 Left = 168
  4338.                 Top = 127
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  4340.                 Height = 16
  4341.                 Alignment = taRightJustify
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  4343.                 Caption = '0'
  4344.               end
  4345.               object Label38: TLabel
  4346.                 Left = 44
  4347.                 Top = 127
  4348.                 Width = 125
  4349.                 Height = 16
  4350.                 AutoSize = False
  4351.                 Caption = 'Objects in memory:'
  4352.               end
  4353.               object Label44: TLabel
  4354.                 Left = 44
  4355.                 Top = 147
  4356.                 Width = 125
  4357.                 Height = 16
  4358.                 AutoSize = False
  4359.                 Caption = 'Classes in memory:'
  4360.               end
  4361.               object txClassesInUse: TLabel
  4362.                 Left = 168
  4363.                 Top = 147
  4364.                 Width = 37
  4365.                 Height = 16
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  4369.               end
  4370.             end
  4371.           end
  4372.         end
  4373.         object TPage
  4374.           Left = 0
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