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- unit ESBMaths;
- {:
- ESBMaths 3.2.1 - contains useful Mathematical routines for Delphi 4, 5 & 6.
- Copyright ⌐1997-2001 ESB Consultancy<p>
- These routines are used by ESB Consultancy within the
- development of their Customised Applications, and have been
- under Development since the early Turbo Pascal days. Many of the routines were developed
- for specific needs.<p>
- ESB Consultancy retains full copyright.<p>
- ESB Consultancy grants users of this code royalty free rights
- to do with this code as they wish.<p>
- ESB Consultancy makes no guarantees nor excepts any liabilities
- due to the use of these routines<p>
- We does ask that if this code helps you in you development
- that you send as an email mailto:glenn@esbconsult.com.au or even
- a local postcard. It would also be nice if you gave us a
- mention in your About Box or Help File.<p>
- ESB Consultancy Home Page: http://www.esbconsult.com.au<p>
- Mail Address: PO Box 2259, Boulder, WA 6449 AUSTRALIA<p>
- Check out our new ESB Professional Computation Suite with
- 3000+ Routines and 80+ Components for Delphi 4, 5 & 6.<p>
- http://www.esbconsult.com.au/esbpcs.html<p>
- Also check out Marcel Martin's HIT at:<p>
- http://www.esbconsult.com.au/esbpcs-hit.html<p>
- Marcel has been helping out to optimise and improve routines.<p>
- Rory Daulton has generously donated and helped with many optimised
- routines. Our thanks to him as well.<p>
- Marcel van Brakel has also been very helpful has includes ESBMaths
- into the Jedi Collection. http://www.delphi-jedi.org/<p>
- Any mistakes made are mine rather than Rory's or the Marcels'.<p>
- History: See Whatsnew.txt
- }
- interface
- {$IFDEF VER120}
- {$DEFINE D4andAbove}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER125}
- {$DEFINE D4andAbove}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER130}
- {$DEFINE D4andAbove}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER140}
- {$DEFINE D4andAbove}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$J-} // Constants from here are not assignable
- const
- //: Smallest Magnitude Single Available.
- MinSingle: Single = 1.5e-45;
- //: Largest Magnitude Single Available.
- MaxSingle: Single = 3.4e+38;
- //: Smallest Magnitude Double Available.
- MinDouble: Double = 5.0e-324;
- //: Largest Magnitude Double Available.
- MaxDouble: Double = 1.7e+308;
- //: Smallest Magnitude Extended Available.
- MinExtended: Extended = 3.6e-4951;
- //: Largest Magnitude Extended Available.
- MaxExtended: Extended = 1.1e+4932;
- // Smallest Delphi Currency Value.
- MinCurrency: Currency = -922337203685477.5807;
- // Largest Delphi Currency Value.
- MaxCurrency: Currency = 922337203685477.5807;
- {--- Mathematical Constants ---}
- {--- Taken from Abramowitz & Stegun: "Handbook of Mathematical Functions"
- and other sources ----}
- const
- //: Square Root of 2.
- Sqrt2: Extended = 1.4142135623730950488;
- //: Square Root of 3.
- Sqrt3: Extended = 1.7320508075688772935;
- //: Square Root of 5.
- Sqrt5: Extended = 2.2360679774997896964;
- //: Square Root of 10.
- Sqrt10: Extended = 3.1622776601683793320;
- //: Square Root of Pi.
- SqrtPi: Extended = 1.77245385090551602729;
- //: Cube Root of 2.
- Cbrt2: Extended = 1.2599210498948731648;
- //: Cube Root of 3.
- Cbrt3: Extended = 1.4422495703074083823;
- //: Cube Root of 10.
- Cbrt10: Extended = 2.1544346900318837219;
- //: Cube Root of 100.
- Cbrt100: Extended = 4.6415888336127788924;
- //: Cube Root of Pi.
- CbrtPi: Extended = 1.4645918875615232630;
- //: Inverse of Square Root of 2.
- InvSqrt2: Extended = 0.70710678118654752440;
- //: Inverse of Square Root of 3.
- InvSqrt3: Extended = 0.57735026918962576451;
- //: Inverse of Square Root of 5.
- InvSqrt5: Extended = 0.44721359549995793928;
- //: Inverse of Square Root of Pi.
- InvSqrtPi: Extended = 0.56418958354775628695;
- //: Inverse of Cube Root of Pi.
- InvCbrtPi: Extended = 0.68278406325529568147;
- //: Natural Constant.
- ESBe: Extended = 2.7182818284590452354;
- //: Square of Natural Constant.
- ESBe2: Extended = 7.3890560989306502272;
- //: Natural Constant raised to Pi.
- ESBePi: Extended = 23.140692632779269006;
- //: Natural Constant raised to Pi/2.
- ESBePiOn2: Extended = 4.8104773809653516555;
- //: Natural Constant raised to Pi/4.
- ESBePiOn4: Extended = 2.1932800507380154566;
- //: Natural Log of 2.
- Ln2: Extended = 0.69314718055994530942;
- //: Natural Log of 10.
- Ln10: Extended = 2.30258509299404568402;
- //: Natural Log of Pi.
- LnPi: Extended = 1.14472988584940017414;
- //: Log to Base 2 of 10.
- Log10Base2 = 3.3219280948873623478;
- //: Log to Base 10 of 2.
- Log2Base10: Extended = 0.30102999566398119521;
- //: Log to Base 10 of 3.
- Log3Base10: Extended = 0.47712125471966243730;
- //: Log to Base 10 of Pi.
- LogPiBase10: Extended = 0.4971498726941339;
- //: Log to Base 10 of Natural Constant.
- LogEBase10: Extended = 0.43429448190325182765;
- //: Accurate Pi Constant.
- ESBPi: Extended = 3.1415926535897932385;
- //: Inverse of Pi.
- InvPi: Extended = 3.1830988618379067154e-1;
- //: Two * Pi.
- TwoPi: Extended = 6.2831853071795864769;
- //: Three * Pi.
- ThreePi: Extended = 9.4247779607693797153;
- //: Square of Pi.
- Pi2: Extended = 9.8696044010893586188;
- //: Pi raised to the Natural Constant.
- PiToE: Extended = 22.459157718361045473;
- //: Half of Pi.
- PiOn2: Extended = 1.5707963267948966192;
- //: Third of Pi.
- PiOn3: Extended = 1.0471975511965977462;
- //: Quarter of Pi.
- PiOn4: Extended = 0.7853981633974483096;
- //: Three Halves of Pi.
- ThreePiOn2: Extended = 4.7123889803846898577;
- //: Four Thirds of Pi.
- FourPiOn3: Extended = 4.1887902047863909846;
- //: 2^63.
- TwoToPower63: Extended = 9223372036854775808.0;
- //: One Radian in Degrees.
- OneRadian: Extended = 57.295779513082320877;
- //: One Degree in Radians.
- OneDegree: Extended = 1.7453292519943295769E-2;
- //: One Minute in Radians.
- OneMinute: Extended = 2.9088820866572159615E-4;
- //: One Second in Radians.
- OneSecond: Extended = 4.8481368110953599359E-6;
- //: Gamma Constant.
- ESBGamma: Extended = 0.57721566490153286061;
- //: Natural Log of the Square Root of (2 * Pi)
- LnRt2Pi: Extended = 9.189385332046727E-1;
- {$IFNDEF D4andAbove}
- type
- LongWord = Cardinal;
- {$ENDIF}
- type
- {: Used for a Bit List of 16 bits from 15 -> 0 }
- TBitList = Word;
- var
- {: Tolerance used to decide when float close enough to zero.
- For MAXIMUM Tolerance use MinExtended (3.6e-4951). }
- ESBTolerance: Extended = 5.0e-324; // MinDouble
- {--- Integer Operations ---}
- {$IFDEF D4andAbove}
- {: Multiply two unsigned 32-bit integers, checking for overflow.
- EXCEPTIONS: EIntOverflow if the product will not fit into a LongWord.<p>
- NOTES: 1. This is needed in Delphi 5.01, since an attempt to multiply two
- LongWords results in signed multiplication.<p>
- Developed By Rory Daulton - used with permission.
- }
- function UMul (const Num1, Num2: LongWord): LongWord;
- {: Multiply two unsigned 32-bit integers then divide by 2**32 (ie
- return the upper DWORD of the product).
- EXCEPTIONS: None, since the answer always fits into 32 bits.<p>
- NOTES: This is useful in randomizing routines, to scale one integer by
- the other relative to 32 bits (reduce one integer according to the
- size of a second integer).<p>
- Developed By Rory Daulton - used with permission.
- }
- function UMulDiv2p32 (const Num1, Num2: LongWord): LongWord;
- {: Multiply two unsigned 32-bit integers then divide by another unsigned 32-bit integer.
- EXCEPTIONS: EDivByZero if the divisor is zero (see Note 1). <p>
- NOTES: 1. The product followed by division will cause an unflagged integer
- overflow if the answer will not fit into 32 bits. In this case, the
- returned value is the lower 32-bits of the true answer. This will
- never be a problem if the two multipliers are below the divisor.<p>
- 2. The result is truncated toward zero (as in most integer divides).<p>
- 3. This is useful in randomizing routines, to scale one integer by
- the other relative to a third (reduce one integer according to
- the relative size of a second integer compared to a third integer).<p>
- 4. The Win32 API has a similar function MulDiv(), but it works on
- signed integers and rounds the quotient.<p>
- Developed By Rory Daulton - used with permission.
- }
- function UMulDiv (const Num1, Num2, Divisor: LongWord): LongWord;
- {: Multiply two unsigned 32-bit integers then take the modulus by another
- unsigned 32-bit integer.
- EXCEPTIONS: EDivByZero if the divisor is zero (See Note 1).<p>
- NOTES: 1. There is never an overflow error, since the answer always fits
- into 32 bits.<p>
- 2. This is useful in linear congruential generators.<p>
- Developed By Rory Daulton - used with permission.
- }
- function UMulMod (const Num1, Num2, Modulus: LongWord): LongWord;
- {$ENDIF}
- {: Returns True if X1 and X2 are within ESBTolerance of each other }
- function SameFloat (const X1, X2: Extended): Boolean;
- {: Returns True if X is within ESBTolerance of 0 }
- function FloatIsZero (const X: Extended): Boolean;
- {: Returns True if X is Positive, ie X > ESBTolerance.
- }
- function FloatIsPositive (const X: Extended): Boolean;
- {: Returns True if X is Negative, ie X < -ESBTolerance.
- }
- function FloatIsNegative (const X: Extended): Boolean;
- {: Increments a Byte up to Limit. If B >= Limit no increment occurs. }
- procedure IncLim (var B: Byte; const Limit: Byte);
- {: Increments a ShortInt up to Limit. If B >= Limit no increment occurs. }
- procedure IncLimSI (var B: ShortInt; const Limit: ShortInt);
- {: Increments a Word up to Limit. If B >= Limit no increment occurs. }
- procedure IncLimW (var B: Word; const Limit: Word);
- {: Increments an Integer up to Limit. If B >= Limit no increment occurs. }
- procedure IncLimI (var B: Integer; const Limit: Integer);
- {: Increments a LongInt up to Limit. If B >= Limit no increment occurs. }
- procedure IncLimL (var B: LongInt; const Limit: LongInt);
- {: Decrements a Byte down to Limit. If B <= Limit no increment occurs. BASM }
- procedure DecLim (var B: Byte; const Limit: Byte);
- {: Decrements a ShortInt down to Limit. If B <= Limit no increment occurs. }
- procedure DecLimSI (var B: ShortInt; const Limit: ShortInt);
- {: Decrements a Word down to Limit. If B <= Limit no increment occurs. }
- procedure DecLimW (var B: Word; const Limit: Word);
- {: Decrements an Integer down to Limit. If B <= Limit no increment occurs. }
- procedure DecLimI (var B: Integer; const Limit: Integer);
- {: Decrements a LongInt down to Limit. If B <= Limit no increment occurs. }
- procedure DecLimL (var B: LongInt; const Limit: LongInt);
- {: Returns the maximum value between two Bytes. BASM }
- function MaxB (const B1, B2: Byte): Byte;
- {: Returns the minimum value between two Bytes. BASM }
- function MinB (const B1, B2: Byte): Byte;
- {: Returns the maximum value between two ShortInts. }
- function MaxSI (const B1, B2: ShortInt): ShortInt;
- {: Returns the minimum value between two ShortInts. }
- function MinSI (const B1, B2: ShortInt): ShortInt;
- {: Returns the maximum value between two Words. BASM }
- function MaxW (const B1, B2: Word): Word;
- {: Returns the minimum value between two Words. BASM }
- function MinW (const B1, B2: Word): Word;
- {: Returns the maximum value between two Integers. }
- function MaxI (const B1, B2: Integer): Integer;
- {: Returns the minimum value between two Integers. }
- function MinI (const B1, B2: Integer): Integer;
- {: Returns the maximum value between two LongInts. }
- function MaxL (const B1, B2: LongInt): LongInt;
- {: Returns the minimum value between two LongInts. }
- function MinL (const B1, B2: LongInt): LongInt;
- {: Swap Two Bytes. }
- procedure SwapB (var B1, B2: Byte);
- {: Swap Two ShortInts. }
- procedure SwapSI (var B1, B2: ShortInt);
- {: Swap Two Words. }
- procedure SwapW (var B1, B2: Word);
- {: Swap Two Integers. }
- procedure SwapI (var B1, B2: SmallInt);
- {: Swap Two LongInts. }
- procedure SwapL (var B1, B2: LongInt);
- {: Swap Two Integers (32-bit). }
- procedure SwapI32 (var B1, B2: Integer);
- {: Swap Two LongWords. }
- procedure SwapC (var B1, B2: LongWord);
- {$IFDEF D4andAbove}
- {: Swap Two Int64's }
- procedure SwapInt64 (var X, Y: Int64);
- {$ENDIF}
- {: Returns: <p>
- -1 if B < 0 <p>
- 0 if B = 0 <p>
- 1 if B > 0 BASM }
- function Sign (const B: LongInt): ShortInt;
- {: Returns the Maximum of 4 Words - BASM }
- function Max4Word (const X1, X2, X3, X4: Word): Word;
- {: Returns the Minimum of 4 Words - BASM }
- function Min4Word (const X1, X2, X3, X4: Word): Word;
- {: Returns the Maximum of 3 Words - BASM }
- function Max3Word (const X1, X2, X3: Word): Word;
- {: Returns the Minimum of 3 Words - BASM }
- function Min3Word (const X1, X2, X3: Word): Word;
- {: Returns the Maximum of an array of Bytes }
- function MaxBArray (const B: array of Byte): Byte;
- {: Returns the Maximum of an array of Words }
- function MaxWArray (const B: array of Word): Word;
- {: Returns the Maximum of an array of ShortInts }
- function MaxSIArray (const B: array of ShortInt): ShortInt;
- {: Returns the Maximum of an array of Integers }
- function MaxIArray (const B: array of Integer): Integer;
- {: Returns the Maximum of an array of LongInts }
- function MaxLArray (const B: array of LongInt): LongInt;
- {: Returns the Minimum of an array of Bytes }
- function MinBArray (const B: array of Byte): Byte;
- {: Returns the Minimum of an array of Words }
- function MinWArray (const B: array of Word): Word;
- {: Returns the Minimum of an array of ShortInts }
- function MinSIArray (const B: array of ShortInt): ShortInt;
- {: Returns the Minimum of an array of Integers }
- function MinIArray (const B: array of Integer): Integer;
- {: Returns the Minimum of an array of LongInts }
- function MinLArray (const B: array of LongInt): LongInt;
- {: Returns the Sum of an array of Bytes. All Operation in Bytes }
- function SumBArray (const B: array of Byte): Byte;
- {: Returns the Sum of an array of Bytes. All Operation in Words }
- function SumBArray2 (const B: array of Byte): Word;
- {: Returns the Sum of an array of ShortInts. All Operation in ShortInts }
- function SumSIArray (const B: array of ShortInt): ShortInt;
- {: Returns the Sum of an array of ShortInts. All Operation in Integers }
- function SumSIArray2 (const B: array of ShortInt): Integer;
- {: Returns the Sum of an array of Words. All Operation in Words }
- function SumWArray (const B: array of Word): Word;
- {: Returns the Sum of an array of Words. All Operation in Longints }
- function SumWArray2 (const B: array of Word): LongInt;
- {: Returns the Sum of an array of Integers. All Operation in Integers }
- function SumIArray (const B: array of Integer): Integer;
- {: Returns the Sum of an array of Longints. All Operation in Longints }
- function SumLArray (const B: array of LongInt): LongInt;
- {: Returns the Sum of an array of LongWord. All Operation in LongWords }
- function SumLWArray (const B: array of LongWord): LongWord;
- {: Returns the number of digits (Magnitude) of a Positive Integer}
- function ESBDigits (const X: LongWord): Byte;
- {: Returns the highest Bit set within a LongWord. Donated by Michael Schnell }
- function BitsHighest (const X: LongWord): Integer;
- {: Returns the number of Bits needed to represent a given positive integer}
- function ESBBitsNeeded (const X: LongWord): Integer;
- {: Returns the Greatest Common (Positive) Divisor (GCD)of two Integers. Also
- Refered to as the Highest Common Factor (HCF). Uses Euclid's Algorithm.
- BASM Routine donated by Marcel Martin }
- function GCD (const X, Y: LongWord): LongWord;
- {$IFDEF D4andAbove}
- {: Returns the Least Common Multiple of two Integers. }
- function LCM (const X, Y : LongInt): Int64;
- {$ELSE}
- {: Returns the Least Common Multiple of two Integers. }
- function LCM (const X, Y : LongInt): LongInt;
- {$ENDIF}
- {: If two Integers are Relative Prime to each other then GCD (X, Y) = 1.
- CoPrime is another term for Relative Prime. Some interpretive
- problems may arise when '0' and/or '1' are used. }
- function RelativePrime (const X, Y: LongWord): Boolean;
- {--- Floating Point Operations ---}
- {: Returns the 80x87 Control Word <p>
- 15-12 Reserved <p>
- On 8087/80287 12 was Infinity Control <p>
- 0 Projective <p>
- 1 Affine <p>
- 11-10 Rounding Control <p>
- 00 Round to nearest even <p>
- 01 Round Down <p>
- 10 Round Up <p>
- 11 Chop - Truncate towards Zero <p>
- 9-8 Precision Control <p>
- 00 24 bits Single Precision <p>
- 01 Reserved <p>
- 10 53 bits Double Precision <p>
- 11 64 bits Extended Precision (Default) <p>
- 7-6 Reserved <p>
- On 8087 7 was Interrupt Enable Mask <p>
- 5 Precesion Exception Mask <p>
- 4 Underflow Exception Mask <p>
- 3 Overflow Exception Mask <p>
- 2 Zero Divide Exception Mask <p>
- 1 Denormalised Operand Exception Mask <p>
- 0 Invalid Operation Exception Mask <p>
- BASM }
- function Get87ControlWord: TBitList;
- {: Sets the 80x87 Control Word <p>
- 15-12 Reserved <p>
- On 8087/80287 12 was Infinity Control <p>
- 0 Projective <p>
- 1 Affine <p>
- 11-10 Rounding Control <p>
- 00 Round to nearest even <p>
- 01 Round Down <p>
- 10 Round Up <p>
- 11 Chop - Truncate towards Zero <p>
- 9-8 Precision Control <p>
- 00 24 bits Single Precision <p>
- 01 Reserved <p>
- 10 53 bits Double Precision <p>
- 11 64 bits Extended Precision (Default) <p>
- 7-6 Reserved <p>
- On 8087 7 was Interrupt Enable Mask <p>
- 5 Precesion Exception Mask <p>
- 4 Underflow Exception Mask <p>
- 3 Overflow Exception Mask <p>
- 2 Zero Divide Exception Mask <p>
- 1 Denormalised Operand Exception Mask <p>
- 0 Invalid Operation Exception Mask <p>
- BASM }
- procedure Set87ControlWord (const CWord: TBitList);
- {: Swap two Extendeds. }
- procedure SwapExt (var X, Y: Extended);
- {: Swap two Doubles. }
- procedure SwapDbl (var X, Y: Double);
- {: Swap two Singles. }
- procedure SwapSing (var X, Y: Single);
- {: Returns <p>
- -1 if X < 0 <p>
- 0 if X = 0 <p>
- 1 if X > 0 <p>
- }
- function Sgn (const X: Extended): ShortInt;
- {: Returns the straight line Distance between (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2) }
- function Distance (const X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Extended): Extended;
- {: Performs Floating Point Modulus. ExtMod := X - Floor ( X / Y ) * Y }
- function ExtMod (const X, Y: Extended): Extended;
- {: Performs Floating Point Remainder. ExtRem := X - Int ( X / Y ) * Y }
- function ExtRem (const X, Y: Extended): Extended;
- {: Returns X mod Y for Comp Data Types }
- function CompMOD (const X, Y: Comp): Comp;
- {: Converts Polar Co-ordinates into Cartesion Co-ordinates }
- procedure Polar2XY (const Rho, Theta: Extended; var X, Y: Extended);
- {: Converts Cartesian Co-ordinates to Polar Co-ordinates }
- procedure XY2Polar (const X, Y: Extended; var Rho, Theta: Extended);
- {: Converts Degrees/Minutes/Seconds into an Extended Real }
- function DMS2Extended (const Degs, Mins, Secs: Extended): Extended;
- {: Converts an Extended Real into Degrees/Minutes/Seconds }
- procedure Extended2DMS (const X: Extended; var Degs, Mins, Secs: Extended);
- {: Returns the Maximum of two Extended Reals }
- function MaxExt (const X, Y: Extended): Extended;
- {: Returns the Minimum of two Extended Reals }
- function MinExt (const X, Y: Extended): Extended;
- {: Returns the Maximum of an array of Extended Reals }
- function MaxEArray (const B: array of Extended): Extended;
- {: Returns the Minimum of an array of Extended Reals }
- function MinEArray (const B: array of Extended): Extended;
- {: Returns the Maximum of an array of Single Reals }
- function MaxSArray (const B: array of Single): Single;
- {: Returns the Maximum of an array of Single Reals }
- function MinSArray (const B: array of Single): Single;
- {: Returns the Maximum of an array of Comp Reals }
- function MaxCArray (const B: array of Comp): Comp;
- {: Returns the Minimum of an array of Comp Reals }
- function MinCArray (const B: array of Comp): Comp;
- {: Returns the Sum of an Array of Single Reals }
- function SumSArray (const B: array of Single): Single;
- {: Returns the Sum of an Array of Extended Reals }
- function SumEArray (const B: array of Extended): Extended;
- {: Returns the Sum of the Square of an Array of Extended Reals }
- function SumSqEArray (const B: array of Extended): Extended;
- {: Returns the Sum of the Square of the difference of
- an Array of Extended Reals from a given Value }
- function SumSqDiffEArray (const B: array of Extended; Diff: Extended): Extended;
- {: Returns the Sum of the Pairwise Product of two
- Arrays of Extended Reals }
- function SumXYEArray (const X, Y: array of Extended): Extended;
- {: Returns the Sum of an Array of Comp Reals }
- function SumCArray (const B: array of Comp): Comp;
- {: Returns A! i.e Factorial of A - only values up to 1754 are handled
- returns 0 if larger }
- function FactorialX (A: LongWord): Extended;
- {: Returns nPr i.e Permutation of r objects from n.
- Only values of N up to 1754 are handled returns 0 if larger
- If R > N then 0 is returned }
- function PermutationX (N, R: LongWord): Extended;
- {: Returns nCr i.e Combination of r objects from n.
- These are also known as the Binomial Coefficients
- Only values of N up to 1754 are handled returns 0 if larger
- If R > N then 0 is returned }
- function BinomialCoeff (N, R: LongWord): Extended;
- {: Returns True if all elements of X > ESBTolerance }
- function IsPositiveEArray (const X: array of Extended): Boolean;
- {: Returns the Geometric Mean of the values }
- function GeometricMean (const X: array of Extended): Extended;
- {: Returns the Harmonic Mean of the values }
- function HarmonicMean (const X: array of Extended): Extended;
- {: Returns the Arithmetic Mean of the Values }
- function ESBMean (const X: array of Extended): Extended;
- {: Returns the Variance of the Values, assuming a Sample.
- Square root this value to get Standard Deviation }
- function SampleVariance (const X: array of Extended): Extended;
- {: Returns the Variance of the Values, assuming a Population.
- Square root this value to get Standard Deviation }
- function PopulationVariance (const X: array of Extended): Extended;
- {: Returns the Mean and Variance of the Values, assuming a Sample.
- Square root the Variance to get Standard Deviation }
- procedure SampleVarianceAndMean (const X: array of Extended;
- var Variance, Mean: Extended);
- {: Returns the Mean and Variance of the Values, assuming a Population.
- Square root the Variance to get Standard Deviation }
- procedure PopulationVarianceAndMean (const X: array of Extended;
- var Variance, Mean: Extended);
- {: Returns the Median (2nd Quartiles) of the Values. The array
- MUST be sorted before using this operation }
- function GetMedian (const SortedX: array of Extended): Extended;
- {: Returns the Mode (most frequent) of the Values. The array
- MUST be sorted before using this operation. Function is False
- if no Mode exists }
- function GetMode (const SortedX: array of Extended; var Mode: Extended): Boolean;
- {: Returns the 1st and 3rd Quartiles - Median is 2nd Quartiles - of the Values.
- The array MUST be sorted before using this operation }
- procedure GetQuartiles (const SortedX: array of Extended; var Q1, Q3: Extended);
- {: Returns the Magnitued of a given Value }
- function ESBMagnitude (const X: Extended): Integer;
- {-- Trigonometric Functions ---}
- //: Returns Tangent of Angle given in Radians.
- function ESBTan (Angle : Extended): Extended;
- //: Returns CoTangent of the Angle given in Radians.
- function ESBCot (Angle : Extended): Extended;
- //: Returns CoSecant of the Angle given in Radians.
- function ESBCosec (const Angle : Extended): Extended;
- //: Returns Secant of the Angle given in Radians.
- function ESBSec (const Angle : Extended): Extended;
- //: Returns the ArcTangent of Y / X - Result is in Radians
- function ESBArcTan (X, Y: Extended): Extended;
- //: Fast Computation of Sin and Cos, where Angle is in Radians
- procedure ESBSinCos (Angle: Extended; var SinX, CosX: Extended);
- //: Given a Value returns the Angle whose Cosine it is, in Radians
- function ESBArcCos (const X: Extended): Extended;
- //: Given a Value returns the Angle whose Sine it is, in Radians
- function ESBArcSin (const X: Extended): Extended;
- {: Given a Value returns the Angle whose Secant it is, in Radians.
- }
- function ESBArcSec (const X: Extended): Extended;
- {: Given a Value returns the Angle whose Cosecant it is, in Radians.
- }
- function ESBArcCosec (const X: Extended): Extended;
- {-- Logarithm & Power Functions ---}
- //: Returns Logarithm of X to Base 10
- function ESBLog10 (const X: Extended): Extended;
- //: Returns Logarithm of X to Base 2
- function ESBLog2 (const X: Extended): Extended;
- //: Returns Logarithm of X to Given Base
- function ESBLogBase (const X, Base: Extended): Extended;
- {: Calculate 2 to the given floating point power. Developed by Rory Daulton
- and used with permission. December 1998.<p>
- The algorithm used is to scale the power of the fractional part
- of X, using FPU commands. Although the FPU (Floating Point Unit) is used,
- the answer is exact for integral X, since the FSCALE FPU command is.<p>
- EOverflow Exception when X > Log2(MaxExtended) = 11356.5234062941439494
- (if there was no other FPU error condition, such as underflow or denormal,
- before entry to this routine)<p>
- EInvalidOp Exception on some occasions when EOverflow would be expected,
- due to some other FPU error condition (such as underflow) before entry to
- this routine.
- }
- function Pow2 (const X: Extended): Extended;
- {: Calculate any float to non-negative integer power. Developed by Rory Daulton
- and used with permission. Last modified December 1998.<p>
- }
- function IntPow (const Base: Extended; const Exponent: LongWord): Extended;
- {: Raises Values to an Integer Power. Thanks to Rory Daulton for improvements.
- }
- function ESBIntPower (const X: Extended; const N: LongInt): Extended;
- //: Returns X^Y - handles all cases
- function XtoY (const X, Y: Extended): Extended;
- //: Returns 10^Y - handles all cases
- function TenToY (const Y: Extended): Extended;
- //: Returns 2^Y - handles all cases
- function TwoToY (const Y: Extended): Extended;
- //: Returns log X using base Y - handles all valid cases
- function LogXtoBaseY (const X, Y: Extended): Extended;
- {: ISqrt (I) computes INT (SQRT (I)), that is, the integral part of the
- square root of integer I.
- Code originally developed by Marcel Martin, used with permission.
- Rory Daulton introduced a faster routine (based on Marcel's) for most
- occassions and this is now used with Permission.
- }
- function ISqrt (const I: LongWord): Longword;
- {: Calculate the integer part of the logarithm base 2 of an integer.
- Developed by Rory Daulton and used with Permission.<p>
- An Exception is raised if I is Zero.
- }
- function ILog2 (const I: LongWord): LongWord;
- {: Calculate the greatest integral power of two that is less than or equal to
- the parameter.
- EXCEPTIONS: EInvalidArgument for argument zero.<P>
- Developed By Rory Daulton - used with permission.
- }
- function IGreatestPowerOf2 (const N: LongWord): LongWord;
- {--- Hyperbolic Functions ---}
- //: Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of X
- function ESBArCosh (X : Extended) : Extended;
- //: Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of X
- function ESBArSinh (X : Extended) : Extended;
- //: Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of X
- function ESBArTanh (X : Extended) : Extended;
- //: Returns the hyperbolic cosine of X
- function ESBCosh (X : Extended) : Extended;
- //: Returns the hyperbolic sine of X
- function ESBSinh (X : Extended) : Extended;
- //: Returns the hyperbolic tangent of X
- function ESBTanh (X : Extended) : Extended;
- {--- Special Functions ---}
- {: Returns 1/Gamma(X) using a Series Expansion as defined in Abramowitz &
- Stegun. Defined for all values of X.<p>
- Accuracy: Gives about 15 digits.
- }
- function InverseGamma (const X: Extended): Extended;
- {: Returns Gamma(X) using a Series Expansion for 1/Gamma (X) as defined in
- Abramowitz & Stegun. Defined for all values of X except negative
- integers and 0.<p>
- Accuracy: Gives about 15 digits.
- }
- function Gamma (const X: Extended): Extended;
- {: Logarithm to base e of the gamma function.
- Accurate to about 1.e-14.
- Programmer: Alan Miller - developed for Fortan 77, converted with permission.
- }
- function LnGamma (const X: Extended): Extended;
- {: Returns Beta(X,Y) using a Series Expansion for 1/Gamma (X) as defined in
- Abramowitz & Stegun. Defined for all values of X, Y except negative
- integers and 0.
- Accuracy: Gives about 15 digits.
- }
- function Beta (const X, Y: Extended): Extended;
- {: Returns the Incomplete Beta Ix(P, Q), where 0 <= X <= 1 and
- P and Q are positive.
- Accuracy: Gives about 17 digits.<p>
- Adapted From Collected Algorithms from CACM,
- Algorithm 179 - Incomplete Beta Function Ratios,
- Oliver G Ludwig.
- }
- function IncompleteBeta (X: Extended; P, Q: Extended): Extended;
- implementation
- uses
- SysUtils;
- procedure IncLim (var B: Byte; const Limit: Byte);
- begin
- if B < Limit then
- Inc (B);
- end;
- procedure IncLimSI (var B: ShortInt; const Limit: ShortInt);
- begin
- if B < Limit then
- Inc (B);
- end;
- procedure IncLimW (var B: Word; const Limit: Word);
- begin
- if B < Limit then
- Inc (B);
- end;
- procedure IncLimI (var B: Integer; const Limit: Integer);
- begin
- if B < Limit then
- Inc (B);
- end;
- procedure IncLimL (var B: LongInt; const Limit: LongInt);
- begin
- if B < Limit then
- Inc (B);
- end;
- procedure DecLim (var B: Byte; const Limit: Byte);
- begin
- if B > Limit then
- Dec (B);
- end;
- procedure DecLimSI (var B: ShortInt; const Limit: ShortInt);
- begin
- if B > Limit then
- Dec (B);
- end;
- procedure DecLimW (var B: Word; const Limit: Word);
- begin
- if B > Limit then
- Dec (B);
- end;
- procedure DecLimI (var B: Integer; const Limit: Integer);
- begin
- if B > Limit then
- Dec (B);
- end;
- procedure DecLimL (var B: LongInt; const Limit: LongInt);
- begin
- if B > Limit then
- Dec (B);
- end;
- function MaxB (const B1, B2: Byte): Byte;
- begin
- if B1 > B2 then
- Result := B1
- else
- Result := B2;
- end;
- function MinB (const B1, B2: Byte): Byte;
- begin
- if B1 < B2 then
- Result := B1
- else
- Result := B2;
- end;
- function MaxSI (const B1, B2: ShortInt): ShortInt;
- begin
- if B1 > B2 then
- Result := B1
- else
- Result := B2;
- end;
- function MinSI (const B1, B2: ShortInt): ShortInt;
- begin
- if B1 < B2 then
- Result := B1
- else
- Result := B2;
- end;
- function MaxW (const B1, B2: Word): Word;
- begin
- if B1 > B2 then
- Result := B1
- else
- Result := B2;
- end;
- function MinW (const B1, B2: Word): Word;
- begin
- if B1 < B2 then
- Result := B1
- else
- Result := B2;
- end;
- function MaxI (const B1, B2: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if B1 > B2 then
- Result := B1
- else
- Result := B2;
- end;
- function MinI (const B1, B2: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if B1 < B2 then
- Result := B1
- else
- Result := B2;
- end;
- function MaxL (const B1, B2: LongInt): LongInt;
- begin
- if B1 > B2 then
- Result := B1
- else
- Result := B2;
- end;
- function MinL (const B1, B2: LongInt): LongInt;
- begin
- if B1 < B2 then
- Result := B1
- else
- Result := B2;
- end;
- procedure SwapB (var B1, B2: Byte);
- var
- Temp: Byte;
- begin
- Temp := B1;
- B1 := B2;
- B2 := Temp;
- end;
- procedure SwapSI (var B1, B2: ShortInt);
- var
- Temp: ShortInt;
- begin
- Temp := B1;
- B1 := B2;
- B2 := Temp;
- end;
- procedure SwapW (var B1, B2: Word);
- var
- Temp: Word;
- begin
- Temp := B1;
- B1 := B2;
- B2 := Temp;
- end;
- procedure SwapI (var B1, B2: SmallInt);
- var
- Temp: SmallInt;
- begin
- Temp := B1;
- B1 := B2;
- B2 := Temp;
- end;
- procedure SwapL (var B1, B2: LongInt);
- var
- Temp: LongInt;
- begin
- Temp := B1;
- B1 := B2;
- B2 := Temp;
- end;
- procedure SwapI32 (var B1, B2: Integer);
- var
- Temp: Integer;
- begin
- Temp := B1;
- B1 := B2;
- B2 := Temp;
- end;
- procedure SwapC (var B1, B2: LongWord);
- var
- Temp: LongWord;
- begin
- Temp := B1;
- B1 := B2;
- B2 := Temp;
- end;
- function Sign (const B: LongInt): ShortInt;
- begin
- if B < 0 then
- Result := -1
- else if B = 0 then
- Result := 0
- else
- Result := 1;
- end;
- function Max4Word (const X1, X2, X3, X4: Word): Word;
- begin
- Result := X1;
- if X2 > Result then
- Result := X2;
- if X3 > Result then
- Result := X3;
- if X4 > Result then
- Result := X4;
- end;
- function Min4Word (const X1, X2, X3, X4: Word): Word;
- begin
- Result := X1;
- if X2 < Result then
- Result := X2;
- if X3 < Result then
- Result := X3;
- if X4 < Result then
- Result := X4;
- end;
- function Max3Word (const X1, X2, X3: Word): Word;
- begin
- Result := X1;
- if X2 > Result then
- Result := X2;
- if X3 > Result then
- Result := X3;
- end;
- function Min3Word (const X1, X2, X3: Word): Word;
- begin
- Result := X1;
- if X2 < Result then
- Result := X2;
- if X3 < Result then
- Result := X3;
- end;
- function MaxBArray (const B: array of Byte): Byte;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I:= Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- if B [I] > Result then
- Result := B [I];
- end;
- function MaxWArray (const B: array of Word): Word;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I:= Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- if B [I] > Result then
- Result := B [I];
- end;
- function MaxIArray (const B: array of Integer): Integer;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I:= Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- if B [I] > Result then
- Result := B [I];
- end;
- function MaxSIArray (const B: array of ShortInt): ShortInt;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I := Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- if B [I] > Result then
- Result := B [I];
- end;
- function MaxLArray (const B: array of LongInt): LongInt;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I := Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- if B [I] > Result then
- Result := B [I];
- end;
- function MinBArray (const B: array of Byte): Byte;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I := Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- if B [I] < Result then
- Result := B [I];
- end;
- function MinWArray (const B: array of Word): Word;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I := Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- if B [I] < Result then
- Result := B [I];
- end;
- function MinIArray (const B: array of Integer): Integer;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I := Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- if B [I] < Result then
- Result := B [I];
- end;
- function MinSIArray (const B: array of ShortInt): ShortInt;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I := Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- if B [I] < Result then
- Result := B [I];
- end;
- function MinLArray (const B: array of LongInt): LongInt;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I := Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- if B [I] < Result then
- Result := B [I];
- end;
- function ISqrt (const I: LongWord): LongWord;
- const
- Estimates: array[0..31] of Word = (
- // for index i, constant := Trunc(Sqrt((Int64(2) shl i) - 1.0)), which is
- // the largest possible ISqrt(n) for 2**i <= n < 2**(i+1)
- 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 15,
- 22, 31, 45, 63, 90, 127, 181, 255,
- 362, 511, 724, 1023, 1448, 2047, 2896, 4095,
- 5792, 8191, 11585, 16383, 23170, 32767, 46340, 65535);
- // eax // ebx // ecx // edx
- asm // entry: // eax = I
- // calc the result quickly for zero or one (sqrt equals the argument)
- cmp eax, 1
- jbe @@end
- // save registers and the argument
- push ebx
- mov ebx, eax // ebx = I
- // use the logarithm base 2 to load an initial estimate, which is greater
- // than or equal to the actual value
- bsr eax, ebx // eax = ILog2(I) (note upper WORD is now zero)
- mov ax, [word ptr Estimates + eax * 2]
- // eax = X
- // repeat ...
- @@repeat:
- // -- save the last estimate [ X ]
- mov ecx, eax // ecx = X
- // -- calc the new estimate [ (I/X + X) / 2 ; the Newton-Raphson formula ]
- xor edx, edx // edx = 0
- mov eax, ebx // eax = I (so edx:eax = I)
- div ecx // eax = I/X // edx = I mod X
- add eax, ecx // eax = I/X + X
- shr eax, 1 // eax = XNew = (I/X+X)/2
- // until the new estimate >= the last estimate
- // [which can never happen in exact floating-point arithmetic, and can
- // happen due to truncation only if the last estimate <= Sqrt(I) ]
- cmp eax, ecx
- jb @@repeat
- // use the next-to-last estimate as the result
- mov eax, ecx // eax = X
- // restore registers
- pop ebx
- @@end: //exit: // eax = Result
- end {ISqrt};
- function ILog2 (const I: LongWord): LongWord;
- procedure BadILog2;
- begin
- raise EMathError.Create('Division By Zero');
- end {BadILog2};
- asm
- bsr eax,eax
- jz BadILog2
- end {ILog2};
- function SumBArray (const B: array of Byte): Byte;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I:= Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- Result := Result + B [I];
- end;
- function SumBArray2 (const B: array of Byte): Word;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I:= Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- Result := Result + B [I];
- end;
- function SumSIArray (const B: array of ShortInt): ShortInt;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I:= Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- Result := Result + B [I];
- end;
- function SumSIArray2 (const B: array of ShortInt): Integer;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I:= Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- Result := Result + B [I];
- end;
- function SumWArray (const B: array of Word): Word;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I:= 0 to High (B) do
- Result := Result + B [I];
- end;
- function SumWArray2 (const B: array of Word): LongInt;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I:= Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- Result := Result + B [I];
- end;
- function SumIArray (const B: array of Integer): Integer;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I:= Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- Result := Result + B [I];
- end;
- function SumLArray (const B: array of LongInt): LongInt;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I:= Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- Result := Result + B [I];
- end;
- function SumLWArray (const B: array of LongWord): LongWord;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I:= Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- Result := Result + B [I];
- end;
- function Get87ControlWord: TBitList;
- var
- Temp: Word;
- asm
- fstcw [Temp] { Get '87 Control Word }
- mov ax, [Temp] { Leave in AX for function }
- end;
- procedure Set87ControlWord (const CWord: TBitList);
- var
- Temp: Word;
- asm
- mov [Temp], ax
- fldcw [Temp] { Load '87 Control Word }
- end;
- procedure Polar2XY (const Rho, Theta: Extended; var X, Y: Extended);
- begin
- ESBSinCos (Theta, Y, X); { quite fast }
- X := Rho * X;
- Y := Rho * Y;
- end;
- procedure XY2Polar (const X, Y: Extended; var Rho, Theta: Extended);
- begin
- Rho := Sqrt (Sqr (X) + Sqr (Y));
- if Abs (X) > ESBTolerance then
- begin
- Theta := ArcTan (abs (Y) / abs (X));
- if Sgn (X) = 1 then
- begin
- if Sgn (Y) = -1 then
- Theta := TwoPi - Theta
- end
- else
- begin
- if Sgn (Y) = 1 then
- Theta := ESBPi - Theta
- else
- Theta := ESBPi + Theta
- end;
- end
- else
- Theta := Sgn (Y) * Pion2
- end;
- function Sgn (const X: Extended): ShortInt;
- begin
- if X < 0.0 then
- Result := -1
- else if X = 0.0 then
- Result := 0
- else
- Result := 1
- end;
- function DMS2Extended (const Degs, Mins, Secs: Extended): Extended;
- begin
- Result := Degs + Mins / 60.0 + Secs / 3600.0
- end;
- procedure Extended2DMS (const X: Extended; var Degs, Mins, Secs: Extended);
- var
- Y: Extended;
- begin
- Degs := Int (X);
- Y := Frac (X) * 60;
- Mins := Int (Y);
- Secs := Frac (Y) * 60;
- end;
- function Distance (const X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Extended): Extended;
- { Rory Daulton suggested this more tolerant routine }
- var
- X, Y: Extended;
- begin
- X := Abs (X1 - X2);
- Y := Abs (Y1 - Y2);
- if X > Y then
- Result := X * Sqrt (1 + Sqr (Y / X))
- else if Y <> 0 then
- Result := Y * Sqrt (1 + Sqr (X / Y))
- else
- Result := 0
- end;
- function ExtMod (const X, Y: Extended): Extended;
- var
- Z: Extended;
- begin
- Result := X / Y;
- Z := Int (Result);
- if Result < 0 then
- Z := Z - 1.0;
- { Z now has Floor (X / Y) }
- Result := X - Z * Y
- end;
- function ExtRem (const X, Y: Extended): Extended;
- begin
- Result := X - Int (X / Y) * Y
- end;
- function MaxExt (const X, Y: Extended): Extended;
- begin
- if X > Y then
- Result := X
- else
- Result := Y
- end;
- function MinExt (const X, Y: Extended): Extended;
- begin
- if X < Y then
- Result := X
- else
- Result := Y
- end;
- function CompMOD (const X, Y: Comp): Comp;
- begin
- Result := X - Y * Int (X / Y)
- end;
- function MaxEArray (const B: array of Extended): Extended;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I := Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- if B [I] > Result then
- Result := B [I];
- end;
- function MinEArray (const B: array of Extended): Extended;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I := Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- if B [I] < Result then
- Result := B [I];
- end;
- function MaxSArray (const B: array of Single): Single;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I := Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- if B [I] > Result then
- Result := B [I];
- end;
- function MinSArray (const B: array of Single): Single;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I := Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- if B [I] < Result then
- Result := B [I];
- end;
- function MaxCArray (const B: array of Comp): Comp;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I := Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- if B [I] > Result then
- Result := B [I];
- end;
- function MinCArray (const B: array of Comp): Comp;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I := Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- if B [I] < Result then
- Result := B [I];
- end;
- function SumSArray (const B: array of Single): Single;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I := Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- Result := Result + B [I];
- end;
- function SumEArray (const B: array of Extended): Extended;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := B [Low (B)];
- for I := Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- Result := Result + B [I];
- end;
- function SumSqEArray (const B: array of Extended): Extended;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Sqr (B [Low (B)]);
- for I := Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- Result := Result + Sqr (B [I]);
- end;
- function SumSqDiffEArray (const B: array of Extended; Diff: Extended): Extended;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Sqr (B [Low (B)] - Diff);
- for I := Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- Result := Result + Sqr (B [I] - Diff);
- end;
- function SumXYEArray (const X, Y: array of Extended): Extended;
- var
- I: Integer;
- M, N: Integer;
- begin
- M := MaxL (Low (X), Low (Y));
- N := MinL (High (X), High (Y));
- Result := X [M] * Y [M];
- for I := M + 1 to N do
- Result := Result + X [I] * Y [I];
- end;
- function SumCArray (const B: array of Comp): Comp;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Low (B);
- for I := Low (B) + 1 to High (B) do
- Result := Result + B [I];
- end;
- function SameFloat (const X1, X2: Extended): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := abs (X1 - X2) < ESBTolerance
- end;
- function FloatIsZero (const X: Extended): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := abs (X) < ESBTolerance
- end;
- function FloatIsPositive (const X: Extended): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (X >= ESBTolerance);
- end;
- function FloatIsNegative (const X: Extended): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (X <= -ESBTolerance);
- end;
- function FactorialX (A: LongWord): Extended;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- if A > 1754 then
- begin
- Result := 0.0;
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := 1.0;
- for I := 2 to A do
- Result := Result * I;
- end;
- function PermutationX (N, R: LongWord): Extended;
- var
- I : Integer;
- begin
- if (N = 0) or (R > N) or (N > 1754) then
- begin
- Result := 0.0;
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := 1.0;
- if (R = 0) then
- Exit;
- try
- for I := N downto N - R + 1 do
- Result := Result * I;
- Result := Int (Result + 0.5);
- except
- Result := -1.0
- end;
- end;
- function BinomialCoeff (N, R: LongWord): Extended;
- var
- I: Integer;
- K: LongWord;
- begin
- if (N = 0) or (R > N) or (N > 1754) then
- begin
- Result := 0.0;
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := 1.0;
- if (R = 0) or (R = N) then
- Exit;
- if R > N div 2 then
- R := N - R;
- K := 2;
- try
- for I := N - R + 1 to N do
- begin
- Result := Result * I;
- if K <= R then
- begin
- Result := Result / K;
- Inc (K);
- end;
- end;
- Result := Int (Result + 0.5);
- except
- Result := -1.0
- end;
- end;
- function IsPositiveEArray (const X: array of Extended): Boolean;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- for I := 0 to High (X) do
- if X [I] <= ESBTolerance then
- Exit;
- Result := True;
- end;
- function GeometricMean (const X: array of Extended): Extended;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- if High (X) < 0 then
- raise Exception.Create ('Array is Empty!')
- else if not IsPositiveEArray (X) then
- raise Exception.Create ('Array contains values <= 0!')
- else
- begin
- Result := 1;
- for I := 0 to High (X) do
- Result := Result * X [I];
- Result := XtoY (Result, 1 / (High (X) + 1));
- end;
- end;
- function HarmonicMean (const X: array of Extended): Extended;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- if High (X) < 0 then
- raise Exception.Create ('Array is Empty!')
- else if not IsPositiveEArray (X) then
- raise Exception.Create ('Array contains values <= 0!')
- else
- begin
- Result := 0;
- for I := 0 to High (X) do
- Result := Result + 1 / X [I];
- Result := Result / (High (X) + 1);
- Result := 1 / Result;
- end;
- end;
- function ESBMean (const X: array of Extended): Extended;
- begin
- Result := SumEArray (X) / (High (X) - Low (X) + 1)
- end;
- function SampleVariance (const X: array of Extended): Extended;
- var
- I: Integer;
- SumSq: Extended;
- Mean: Extended;
- begin
- Mean := ESBMean (X);
- SumSq := 0.0;
- for I := Low (X) to High (X) do
- SumSq := SumSq + Sqr (X [I] - Mean);
- Result := SumSq / (High (X) - Low (X))
- end;
- function PopulationVariance (const X: array of Extended): Extended;
- var
- I: Integer;
- SumSq: Extended;
- Mean: Extended;
- begin
- Mean := ESBMean (X);
- SumSq := 0.0;
- for I := Low (X) to High (X) do
- SumSq := SumSq + Sqr (X [I] - Mean);
- Result := SumSq / (High (X) - Low (X) + 1)
- end;
- procedure SampleVarianceAndMean (const X: array of Extended;
- var Variance, Mean: Extended);
- var
- I: Integer;
- SumSq: Extended;
- begin
- Mean := ESBMean (X);
- SumSq := 0.0;
- for I := Low (X) to High (X) do
- SumSq := SumSq + Sqr (X [I] - Mean);
- if High (X) > Low (X) then
- Variance := SumSq / (High (X) - Low (X))
- else
- Variance := 0;
- end;
- procedure PopulationVarianceAndMean (const X: array of Extended;
- var Variance, Mean: Extended);
- var
- I: Integer;
- SumSq: Extended;
- begin
- Mean := ESBMean (X);
- SumSq := 0.0;
- for I := Low (X) to High (X) do
- SumSq := SumSq + Sqr (X [I] - Mean);
- Variance := SumSq / (High (X) - Low (X) + 1)
- end;
- function GetMedian (const SortedX: array of Extended): Extended;
- var
- N: Integer;
- begin
- N := High (SortedX) + 1;
- if N <= 0 then
- raise Exception.Create ('Array is Empty!')
- else if N = 1 then
- Result := SortedX [0]
- else if Odd (N) then
- Result := SortedX [N div 2]
- else
- Result := (SortedX [N div 2 - 1] + SortedX [N div 2]) / 2;
- end;
- function GetMode (const SortedX: array of Extended; var Mode: Extended): Boolean;
- var
- I, Freq, HiFreq: Integer;
- Matched: Boolean;
- begin
- if High (SortedX) < 0 then
- begin
- raise Exception.Create ('Array is Empty!')
- end
- else if High (SortedX) = 0 then
- begin
- Mode := SortedX [0];
- Result := True;
- end
- else
- begin
- Mode := -MaxExtended;
- Freq := 1;
- HiFreq := 0;
- Matched := False;
- for I := 1 to High (SortedX) do
- begin
- if SameFloat (SortedX [I - 1], SortedX [I]) then
- Inc (Freq)
- else
- begin
- if Freq <> 1 then
- begin
- if Freq = HiFreq then
- Matched := True
- else if Freq > HiFreq then
- begin
- Mode := SortedX [I - 1];
- HiFreq := Freq;
- Matched := False;
- end;
- Freq := 1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if HiFreq > 0 then
- begin
- if Freq = HiFreq then
- Matched := True
- else if Freq > HiFreq then
- begin
- Mode := SortedX [High (SortedX)];
- Matched := False;
- end;
- end
- else if Freq > 1 then
- begin
- HiFreq := Freq;
- Mode := SortedX [High (SortedX)];
- Matched := False;
- end;
- Result := (HiFreq > 0) and not Matched;
- end;
- end;
- procedure GetQuartiles (const SortedX: array of Extended; var Q1, Q3: Extended);
- var
- N: Single;
- I: Integer;
- begin
- if High (SortedX) < 0 then
- raise Exception.Create ('Array is Empty!')
- else if High (SortedX) = 0 then
- begin
- Q1 := SortedX [0];
- Q3 := SortedX [0];
- end
- else
- begin
- N := (High (SortedX) + 1) / 4 + 0.5;
- I := Trunc (N);
- N := Frac (N);
- if I - 1 < High (SortedX) then
- Q1 := SortedX [I - 1] + (SortedX [I] - SortedX [I - 1]) * N
- else
- Q1 := SortedX [I - 1];
- N := 3 * (High (SortedX) + 1) / 4 + 0.5;
- I := Trunc (N);
- N := Frac (N);
- if I - 1 < High (SortedX) then
- Q3 := SortedX [I - 1] + (SortedX [I] - SortedX [I - 1]) * N
- else
- Q3 := SortedX [I - 1];
- end;
- end;
- function ESBDigits (const X: LongWord): Byte;
- // Returns the number of digits in a given positive integer
- begin
- if X = 0 then
- Result := 0
- else
- Result := Trunc (ESBLog10 (X)) + 1;
- end;
- function ESBMagnitude (const X: Extended): Integer;
- // Returns the number of digits in a given positive integer
- begin
- if X = 0 then
- Result := 0
- else
- begin
- if X >= 1 then
- Result := Trunc (ESBLog10 (Abs (X))) + 1
- else
- Result := Trunc (ESBLog10 (Abs (X)) - 0.00000000001) - 1
- end;
- end;
- function BitsHighest (const X: LongWord): Integer;
- asm
- MOV EAX, -1
- end;
- function ESBBitsNeeded (const X: LongWord): Integer;
- begin
- Result := BitsHighest (X) + 1;
- end;
- {--- Trigonometric Functions ---}
- function ESBTan (Angle : Extended): Extended;
- function FTan (Angle : Extended): Extended;
- asm
- fld [Angle] // St(0) <- Angle
- ffree st(7) // Ensure st(7) is free
- fptan // St(1) <- Tan (Angle), St(0) <- 1
- fstp st(0) // Dispose of 1
- fwait
- end;
- begin
- if abs (Angle) >= TwoToPower63 then // must be less then 2^63
- raise EMathError.Create ('Angle Magnitude too large for ESBTan')
- else
- Result := FTan (Angle);
- end;
- function ESBCot (Angle : Extended): Extended;
- function FCot (Angle : Extended): Extended;
- asm
- fld [Angle] // St(0) <- Angle
- ffree st(7) // Ensure st(7) is free
- fptan // St(1) <- Tan (Angle), St(0) <- 1
- fdivrp // St(0) <- St(0)/St(1) which is Cot
- fwait
- end;
- begin
- if abs (Angle) >= TwoToPower63 then // must be less then 2^63
- raise EMathError.Create ('Angle Magnitude too large for ESBCot')
- else
- Result := FCot (Angle);
- end;
- function ESBArcTan (X, Y: Extended): Extended;
- function FArcTan (X, Y: Extended): Extended;
- asm
- fld [Y] // St(0) <- Y
- fld [X] // St(0) <- X, St (1) <- Y
- fpatan // St(0) <- ArcTan (Y/X)
- fwait
- end;
- begin
- if X = 0 then
- begin
- if Y = 0 then
- Result := 0
- else if Y > 0 then
- Result := PiOn2
- else
- Result := - PiOn2
- end
- else if Y = 0 then
- begin
- if X > 0 then
- Result := 0
- else
- Result := ESBPi
- end
- else
- Result := FArcTan (X, Y);
- end;
- procedure ESBSinCos (Angle: Extended; var SinX, CosX: Extended);
- procedure FSinCos (Angle: Extended; var SinX, CosX: Extended);
- asm
- fld [Angle] // St(0) <- Angle
- fsincos
- fstp tbyte ptr [edx] // St(0) -> CosX
- fstp tbyte ptr [eax] // St(0) -> SinX
- fwait
- end;
- begin
- if abs (Angle) >= TwoToPower63 then // must be less then 2^63
- raise EMathError.Create ('Angle Magnitude too large for ESBSinCos')
- else
- FSinCos (Angle, SinX, CosX);
- end;
- function ESBArcCos (const X: Extended): Extended;
- var
- Y: Extended;
- begin
- if abs (X) > 1 then
- raise EMathError.Create ('ESBArcCos requires values with magnitude <= 1')
- else
- begin
- Y := Sqrt (1 - Sqr (X));
- if abs (X) <= Y then
- Result := PiOn2 - ESBArcTan (Y, X)
- else if X < 0 then
- Result := ESBArcTan (X, Y) + ESBPi
- else
- Result := ESBArcTan (X, Y)
- end;
- end;
- function ESBArcSin (const X: Extended): Extended;
- var
- Y: Extended;
- begin
- if abs (X) > 1 then
- raise EMathError.Create ('ESBArcSin requires values with magnitude <= 1')
- else
- begin
- Y := Sqrt (1 - Sqr (X));
- if abs (X) <= Y then
- Result := ESBArcTan (Y, X)
- else
- Result := Sgn (X) * PiOn2 - ESBArcTan (X, Y)
- end;
- end;
- function ESBCosec (const Angle: Extended): Extended;
- var
- Y: Extended;
- begin
- Y := Sin (Angle);
- if Y = 0 then
- raise EMathError.Create ('ESBCosec is Undefined')
- else
- Result := 1 / Y;
- end;
- function ESBSec (const Angle: Extended): Extended;
- var
- Y: Extended;
- begin
- Y := Cos (Angle);
- if Y = 0 then
- raise EMathError.Create ('ESBSec is Undefined')
- else
- Result := 1 / Y;
- end;
- function ESBArcSec (const X: Extended): Extended;
- begin
- if FloatIsZero (X) then
- raise EMathError.Create ('Divide By Zero');
- Result := ESBArcCos (1 / Abs (X));
- if X < 0 then
- Result := Result + ESBPI;
- end;
- function ESBArcCosec (const X: Extended): Extended;
- begin
- if FloatIsZero (X) then
- raise EMathError.Create ('Divide By Zero');
- Result := ESBArcSin (1 / Abs (X));
- if X < 0 then
- Result := Result + ESBPI;
- end;
- {--- Logarithm & Power Functions ---}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PURPOSE: Calculate 2 to the given floating point power.
- AUTHOR: Rory Daulton
- DATE: December 1998
- PARAMETERS: X: power to take of 2 [so the result is 2**X]
- EXCEPTIONS: EOverflow when X > Log2(MaxExtended) = 11356.5234062941439494
- (if there was no other FPU error condition, such as
- underflow or denormal, before entry to this routine)
- EInvalidOp on some occasions when EOverflow would be expected, due
- to some other FPU error condition (such as underflow)
- before entry to this routine
- NOTES: 1. The algorithm used is to scale the power of the fractional part
- of X, using FPU commands.
- 2. Although the FPU (Floating Point Unit) is used, the answer is
- exact for integral X, since the FSCALE FPU command is.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function Pow2 (const X: Extended): Extended;
- asm
- fld X
- // find Round(X)
- fld st
- frndint
- // find _Frac(X) [minimal fractional part of X, between -0.5 and 0.5]
- fsub st(1),st
- fxch st(1)
- // Find 2**_Frac(X)
- f2xm1
- fld1
- fadd
- // Result := 2**_Frac(X) * 2**Round(X)
- fscale
- fstp st(1)
- fwait
- end {Pow2};
- function IntPow (const Base: Extended; const Exponent: LongWord): Extended;
- { Heart of Rory Daulton's IntPower: assumes valid parameters &
- non-negative exponent }
- asm
- fld1 { Result := 1 }
- cmp eax, 0 { eax := Exponent }
- jz @@3
- fld Base
- jmp @@2
- @@1: fmul ST, ST { X := Base * Base }
- @@2: shr eax,1
- jnc @@1
- fmul ST(1),ST { Result := Result * X }
- jnz @@1
- fstp st { pop X from FPU stack }
- @@3:
- fwait
- end {P};
- function ESBLog10 (const X: Extended): Extended;
- function FLog10 (X: Extended): Extended;
- asm
- fldlg2 // St(0) <- Log10 of 2
- fld [X] // St(0) <- X, St(1) <- Log10 of 2
- fyl2x // St(0) <- log10 (2) * Log2 (X)
- fwait
- end;
- function AltFLog10 (X: Extended): Extended;
- asm
- fldlg2 // St(0) <- Log10 of 2
- fld [X] // St(0) <- X, St(1) <- Log10 of 2
- fyl2xp1 // St(0) <- log10 (2) * Log2 (X+1)
- fwait
- end;
- begin
- if not FloatIsPositive (X) then // must be Positive
- raise EMathError.Create ('Value must be > 0')
- else if abs (X - 1) < 0.1 then
- Result := AltFLog10 (X - 1)
- else
- Result := FLog10 (X);
- end;
- function ESBLog2 (const X: Extended): Extended;
- function FLog2 (X: Extended): Extended;
- asm
- fld1 // St(0) <- 1
- fld [X] // St(0) <- X, St(1) <-1
- fyl2x // St(0) <- 1 * Log2 (X)
- fwait
- end;
- function AltFLog2 (X: Extended): Extended;
- asm
- fld1 // St(0) <- 1
- fld [X] // St(0) <- X, St(1) <-1
- fyl2xp1 // St(0) <- 1 * Log2 (X+1)
- fwait
- end;
- begin
- if not FloatIsPositive (X) then // must be Positive
- raise EMathError.Create ('Value must be > 0')
- else if abs (X - 1) < 0.1 then
- Result := AltFLog2 (X - 1)
- else
- Result := FLog2 (X);
- end;
- function ESBLogBase (const X, Base: Extended): Extended;
- begin
- if not FloatIsPositive (X) then // must be Positive
- raise EMathError.Create ('Value must be > 0')
- else if not FloatIsPositive (Base) then // must be Positive
- raise EMathError.Create ('Value must be > 0')
- else
- Result := ESBLog2 (X) / ESBLog2 (Base);
- end;
- function LogXtoBaseY (const X, Y: Extended): Extended;
- begin
- Result := ESBLog2 (X) / ESBLog2 (Y);
- end;
- function ESBIntPower (const X: Extended; const N: LongInt): Extended;
- var
- P: LongWord;
- begin
- if N = 0 then
- Result := 1
- else if (X = 0) then
- begin
- if N < 0 then
- raise EMathError.Create ('Zero cannot be raised to a Negative Power')
- else
- Result := 0
- end
- else if (X = 1) then
- Result := 1
- else if X = -1 then
- begin
- if Odd (N) then
- Result := -1
- else
- Result := 1
- end
- else if N > 0 then
- Result := IntPow (X, N)
- else
- begin
- if N <> Low (LongInt) then
- P := abs (N)
- else
- {$IFDEF D4andAbove}
- P := LongWord (High (LongInt)) + 1;
- {$Else}
- raise EMathError.Create ('Cannot be raised to Low (LongInt)');
- {$ENDIF}
- try
- Result := IntPow (X, P);
- except
- on EMathError do
- begin
- Result := IntPow (1 / X, P); { try again with another method, }
- Exit; { perhaps less precise }
- end {on};
- end {try};
- Result := 1 / Result;
- end;
- end;
- function XtoY (const X, Y: Extended): Extended;
- function PowerAbs: Extended; // Routine developed by Rory Daulton
- var
- ExponentPow2: Extended; // equivalent exponent to power 2
- begin
- try
- ExponentPow2 := ESBLog2 (Abs (X)) * Y;
- except
- on EMathError do
- // allow underflow, when ExponentPow2 would have been negative
- if (Abs (X) > 1) <> (Y > 0) then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- Exit;
- end {if}
- else
- raise;
- end {try};
- Result := Pow2 (ExponentPow2);
- end;
- begin
- if FloatIsZero (Y) then
- Result := 1
- else if FloatIsZero (X) then
- begin
- if Y < 0 then
- raise EMathError.Create ('Zero cannot be raised to a Negative Power')
- else
- Result := 0
- end
- else if FloatIsZero (Frac (Y)) then
- begin
- if (Y >= Low (LongInt)) and (Y <= High (LongInt)) then
- Result := ESBIntPower (X, LongInt (Round (Y)))
- else
- begin
- if (X > 0) or FloatIsZero (Frac (Y / 2.0)) then
- Result := PowerAbs
- else
- Result := -PowerAbs
- end;
- end
- else if X > 0 then
- Result := PowerAbs
- else
- raise EMathError.Create ('Invalid X^Y')
- end;
- function TenToY (const Y: Extended): Extended;
- begin
- if FloatIsZero (Y) then
- Result := 1
- else if Y < -3.58e4931 then
- Result := 0
- else
- Result := Pow2 (Y * Log10Base2)
- end;
- function TwoToY (const Y: Extended): Extended;
- begin
- if FloatIsZero (Y) then
- Result := 1
- else
- Result := Pow2 (Y)
- end;
- {--- Hyperbolic Functions ---}
- function ESBArCosh (X: Extended): Extended;
- begin
- Result := Ln (X + Sqrt (Sqr (X) - 1));
- end;
- function ESBArSinh (X: Extended): Extended;
- begin
- Result := Ln (X + Sqrt (Sqr (X) + 1));
- end;
- function ESBArTanh (X: Extended): Extended;
- var
- Y: Extended;
- begin
- if X = 1 then
- raise EMathError.Create ('ESBArTanh is not Defined for X = 1')
- else
- begin
- Y :=(1 + X) / (1 - X);
- if Y <= 0 then
- raise EMathError.Create ('ESBArTanh is not Defined for that Value of X')
- else
- Result := Ln (Y) / 2;
- end;
- end;
- function ESBCosh (X: Extended): Extended;
- begin
- Result := (Exp (X) + Exp (-X)) / 2.0;
- end;
- function ESBSinh (X: Extended): Extended;
- begin
- Result := (Exp (X) - Exp (-X)) / 2.0;
- end;
- function ESBTanh (X: Extended): Extended;
- var
- Y: Extended;
- begin
- Y := ESBCosh (X);
- if Y = 0 then
- raise EMathError.Create ('X has a Cosh of 0, illegal for ESBTanh')
- else
- Result := ESBSinh (X) / Y;
- end;
- function GCD (const X, Y: LongWord): LongWord;
- asm
- jmp @01 // We start with EAX <- X, EDX <- Y, and check to see if Y = 0
- @00: mov ecx, edx // ECX <- EDX prepare for division
- xor edx, edx // clear EDX for Division
- div ecx // EAX <- EDX:EAX div ECX, EDX <- EDX:EAX mod ECX
- mov eax, ecx // EAX <- ECX, and repeat if EDX <> 0
- @01: and edx, edx // test to see if EDX is zero, without changing EDX
- jnz @00 // when EDX is zero EAX has the result
- end;
- {$IFDEF D4andAbove}
- function LCM (const X, Y : LongInt): Int64;
- begin
- Result:= (X div LongInt (GCD (Abs (X), Abs (Y)))) * Int64 (Y);
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- function LCM (const X, Y : LongInt): LongInt;
- begin
- Result:= (X div LongInt (GCD (Abs (X), Abs (Y)))) * Y;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- function RelativePrime (const X, Y: LongWord): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := GCD (X, Y) = 1;
- end;
- {$IFDEF D4andAbove}
- procedure SwapInt64 (var X, Y: Int64);
- var
- Temp: Int64;
- begin
- Temp := X;
- X := Y;
- Y := Temp;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure SwapExt (var X, Y: Extended);
- var
- Temp: Extended;
- begin
- Temp := X;
- X := Y;
- Y := Temp;
- end;
- procedure SwapDbl (var X, Y: Double);
- var
- Temp: Double;
- begin
- Temp := X;
- X := Y;
- Y := Temp;
- end;
- procedure SwapSing (var X, Y: Single);
- var
- Temp: Single;
- begin
- Temp := X;
- X := Y;
- Y := Temp;
- end;
- {$IFDEF D4andAbove}
- {---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---
- PURPOSE: Show an unsigned-integer overflow error with an exception
- NOTES: This is an internal routine, not declared in the interface section
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --}
- procedure FlagUIntOverflow;
- begin
- raise EIntOverflow.Create('Unsigned integer overflow in RDMath');
- end {FlagUIntOverflow};
- {---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---
- PURPOSE: Multiply two unsigned 32-bit integers, checking for overflow
- DATE: March 2001
- EXCEPTIONS: EIntOverflow if the product will not fit into a LongWord
- NOTES: 1. This is needed in Delphi 5.01, since an attempt to multiply two
- LongWords results in signed multiplication.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --}
- function UMul (const Num1, Num2: LongWord): LongWord;
- asm
- // Num1 is in eax, Num2 is in edx
- mul edx // product now in edx:eax
- jc FlagUIntOverflow // error on overflow
- end {UMul};
- {---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---
- PURPOSE: Multiply two unsigned 32-bit integers then divide by 2**32 (i.e.
- return the upper DWORD of the product)
- DATE: Modified 13 Apr 2001 to use LongWords instead of Integers
- EXCEPTIONS: None, since the answer always fits into 32 bits
- NOTES: This is useful in randomizing routines, to scale one integer by
- the other relative to 32 bits (reduce one integer according to the
- size of a second integer).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --}
- function UMulDiv2p32 (const Num1, Num2: LongWord): LongWord;
- asm
- // Num1 is in eax, Num2 is in edx
- mul edx // result is in edx:eax
- mov eax,edx // return high dword
- end {UMulDiv2p32};
- {---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---
- PURPOSE: Multiply two unsigned 32-bit integers then divide by another
- unsigned 32-bit integer.
- DATE: Created December 1998
- Modified 13 Apr 2001 to use LongWords instead of Integers
- EXCEPTIONS: EDivByZero if the divisor is zero
- (see Note 1)
- NOTES: 1. The product followed by division will cause an unflagged
- integer overflow if the answer will not fit into 32 bits. In
- this case, the returned value is the lower 32-bits of the true
- answer. This will never be a problem if the two multipliers
- are below the divisor.
- 2. The result is truncated toward zero (as in most integer
- divides).
- 3. This is useful in randomizing routines, to scale one integer by
- the other relative to a third (reduce one integer according to
- the relative size of a second integer compared to a third
- integer).
- 4. The Win32 API has a similar function MulDiv(), but it works on
- signed integers and rounds the quotient.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --}
- function UMulDiv (const Num1, Num2, Divisor: LongWord): LongWord;
- asm
- // Num1 is in eax, Num2 is in edx, Divisor is in ecx
- mul edx // product now in edx:eax
- div ecx // quotient now in eax, remainder in edx
- end {UMulMod};
- {---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---
- PURPOSE: Multiply two unsigned 32-bit integers then take the modulus by
- another unsigned 32-bit integer.
- DATE: Created December 1998
- Modified 13 Apr 2001 to use LongWords instead of Integers
- EXCEPTIONS: EDivByZero if the divisor is zero
- (See Note 1)
- NOTES: 1. There is never an overflow error, since the answer always fits
- into 32 bits.
- 2. This is useful in linear congruential generators.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --}
- function UMulMod (const Num1, Num2, Modulus: LongWord): LongWord;
- asm
- // Num1 is in eax, Num2 is in edx, Modulus is in ecx
- mul edx // product now in edx:eax
- div ecx // quotient now in eax, remainder in edx
- mov eax,edx // return the remainder
- end {UMulMod};
- {$ENDIF}
- {--- Special Functions ---}
- function InverseGamma (const X: Extended): Extended;
- var
- C: array [1..26] of Extended;
- Z: Extended;
- XF: Extended;
- I: Integer;
- begin
- C [1] := 1;
- C [2] := 0.5772156649015329;
- C [3] := -0.6558780715202538;
- C [4] := -0.0420026350340952;
- C [5] := 0.1665386113822915;
- C [6] := -0.0421977345555443;
- C [7] := -0.0096219715278770;
- C [8] := 0.0072189432466630;
- C [9] := -0.0011651675918591;
- C [10] := -0.0002152416741149;
- C [11] := 0.0001280502823882;
- C [12] := -0.0000201348547807;
- C [13] := -0.0000012504934821;
- C [14] := 0.0000011330272320;
- C [15] := -0.0000002056338417;
- C [16] := 0.0000000061160950;
- C [17] := 0.0000000050020075;
- C [18] := -0.0000000011812746;
- C [19] := 0.0000000001043427;
- C [20] := 0.0000000000077823;
- C [21] := -0.0000000000036968;
- C [22] := 0.0000000000005100;
- C [23] := -0.0000000000000206;
- C [24] := -0.0000000000000054;
- C [25] := 0.0000000000000014;
- C [26] := 0.0000000000000001;
- Result := 0;
- Z := 1;
- XF := Frac (X);
- if XF = 0 then
- XF := Sgn (X);
- for I := 1 to 26 do
- begin
- Z := Z * XF;
- Result := Result + C [I] * Z;
- end;
- if X > 0 then
- begin
- while XF < X do
- begin
- Result := Result / XF;
- XF := XF + 1;
- end;
- end
- else if X < 0 then
- begin
- while XF > X do
- begin
- XF := XF - 1;
- Result := XF * Result;
- end;
- end
- end;
- function Gamma (const X: Extended): Extended;
- begin
- Result := InverseGamma (X);
- if abs (Result) < 1e-4000 then
- raise EMathError.Create ('Not Defined for given Value')
- else
- Result := 1 / Result;
- end;
- { Logarithm to base e of the gamma function.
- Accurate to about 1.e-14.
- Programmer: Alan Miller
- Latest revision of Fortran 77 version - 28 February 1988
- }
- function LnGamma (const X: Extended): Extended;
- const
- A1 = -4.166666666554424E-02;
- A2 = 2.430554511376954E-03;
- A3 = -7.685928044064347E-04;
- A4 = 5.660478426014386E-04;
- var
- Temp, Arg, Product: Extended;
- Reflect: Boolean;
- begin
- // lngamma is not defined if x = 0 or a negative integer.
- if FloatIsZero (X) or FloatIsNegative (X) and (Abs (X - Int (X)) < ESBTolerance) then
- raise EMathError.Create ('Invalid Value');
- // If X < 0, use the reflection formula:
- // gamma(x) * gamma(1-x) = pi * cosec(pi.x)
- Reflect := X < 0.0;
- if Reflect then
- Arg := 1.0 - X
- else
- Arg := X;
- // Increase the argument, if necessary, to make it > 10.
- Product := 1.0;
- while (Arg <= 10.0) do
- begin
- Product := Product * Arg;
- Arg := Arg + 1.0;
- end;
- // Use a polynomial approximation to Stirling's formula.
- // N.B. The real Stirling's formula is used here, not the simpler, but less
- // accurate formula given by De Moivre in a letter to Stirling, which
- // is the one usually quoted.
- Arg := Arg - 0.5;
- Temp := 1.0 / Sqr (Arg);
- Result := LnRt2Pi + Arg * (Ln (Arg) - 1.0 +
- (((A4 * Temp + A3) * Temp + A2) * Temp + A1) * Temp) - Ln (Product);
- if Reflect then
- begin
- Temp := Sin (ESBPi * X);
- Result := Ln (ESBPi / Temp) - Result;
- end;
- end;
- function Beta (const X, Y: Extended): Extended;
- var
- R1, R2: Extended;
- begin
- R1 := InverseGamma (X);
- R2 := InverseGamma (Y);
- if FloatIsZero (R1) or FloatIsZero (R2) then
- raise EMathError.Create ('Not Defined for given Value')
- else
- Result := InverseGamma (X + Y) / (R1 * R2);
- end;
- function IncompleteBeta (X: Extended; P, Q: Extended): Extended;
- { Adapted From Collected Algorithms from CACM
- Algorithm 179 - Incomplete Beta Function Ratios
- Oliver G Ludwig
- }
- const
- Epsilon: Extended = 0.5e-18;
- MaxIterations = 1000;
- var
- FinSum, InfSum, Temp, Temp1, Term, Term1, QRecur, Index: Extended;
- I : Integer;
- Alter: Boolean;
- begin
- if (P <= 0) or (Q <= 0) or (X < 0) or (X > 1) then
- raise EMathError.Create ('Not Defined for given Value')
- else
- begin
- if (X = 0) or (X = 1) then
- Result := X
- else
- begin
- // Interchange arguments if necessary to get better convergence
- if X <= 0.5 then
- Alter := False
- else
- begin
- Alter := True;
- SwapExt (P, Q);
- X := 1 - X;
- end;
- // Recurs on the (effective) Q until the Power Series doesn't alternate
- FinSum := 0;
- Term := 1;
- Temp := 1 - X;
- QRecur := Q;
- Index := Q;
- repeat
- Index := Index - 1;
- if Index <= 0 then
- Break;
- QRecur := Index;
- Term := Term * (QRecur + 1) / (Temp * (P + QRecur));
- FinSum := FinSum + Term;
- until False;
- // Sums a Power Series for non-integral effective Q and yields unity for integer Q
- InfSum := 1;
- Term := 1;
- for I := 1 to MaxIterations do
- begin
- if Term <= Epsilon then
- Break;
- Index := I;
- Term := Term * X * (Index - QRecur) * (P + Index - 1) /
- (Index * (P + Index));
- InfSum := InfSum + Term;
- end;
- // Evaluates Gammas
- Temp := Gamma (QRecur);
- Temp1 := Temp;
- Term := Gamma (QRecur + P);
- Term1 := Term;
- Index := QRecur;
- repeat
- Temp1 := Temp1 * Index;
- Term1 := Term1 * (Index + P);
- Index := Index + 1;
- until Index >= Q - 0.5;
- Temp := XtoY (X, P) * (InfSum * Term / (P * Temp) + FinSum * Term1
- * XtoY (1 - X, Q) / (Q * Temp1))/Gamma (P);
- if Alter then
- Result := 1 - Temp
- else
- Result := Temp
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PURPOSE: Calculate the greatest integral power of two that is less
- than or equal to the parameter
- DATE: April 2000
- EXCEPTIONS: EInvalidArgument for argument zero
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function IGreatestPowerOf2 (const N: LongWord): LongWord;
- begin
- Result := LongWord(1) shl ILog2 (N);
- end {GreatestPowerOf2};
- end.