home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- {*******************************************************}
- { }
- { Delphi VCL Extensions (RX) }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 AO ROSNO }
- { Copyright (c) 1997 Master-Bank }
- { }
- {*******************************************************}
- unit FileUtil;
- {$I RX.INC}
- {$I-,R-}
- interface
- uses Windows, RTLConsts, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Consts, Controls;
- procedure CopyFile(const FileName, DestName: string;
- ProgressControl: TControl);
- procedure CopyFileEx(const FileName, DestName: string;
- OverwriteReadOnly, ShellDialog: Boolean; ProgressControl: TControl);
- procedure MoveFile(const FileName, DestName: TFileName);
- procedure MoveFileEx(const FileName, DestName: TFileName; ShellDialog: Boolean);
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- function GetFileSize(const FileName: string): Int64;
- {$ELSE}
- function GetFileSize(const FileName: string): Longint;
- {$ENDIF}
- function FileDateTime(const FileName: string): TDateTime;
- function HasAttr(const FileName: string; Attr: Integer): Boolean;
- function DeleteFiles(const FileMask: string): Boolean;
- function DeleteFilesEx(const FileMasks: array of string): Boolean;
- function ClearDir(const Path: string; Delete: Boolean): Boolean;
- function NormalDir(const DirName: string): string;
- function RemoveBackSlash(const DirName: string): string;
- function ValidFileName(const FileName: string): Boolean;
- function DirExists(Name: string): Boolean;
- procedure ForceDirectories(Dir: string);
- function FileLock(Handle: Integer; Offset, LockSize: Longint): Integer;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4} overload; {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- function FileLock(Handle: Integer; Offset, LockSize: Int64): Integer; overload;
- {$ENDIF}
- function FileUnlock(Handle: Integer; Offset, LockSize: Longint): Integer;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4} overload; {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- function FileUnlock(Handle: Integer; Offset, LockSize: Int64): Integer; overload;
- {$ENDIF}
- function GetTempDir: string;
- function GetWindowsDir: string;
- function GetSystemDir: string;
- function BrowseDirectory(var AFolderName: string; const DlgText: string;
- AHelpContext: THelpContext): Boolean;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- function BrowseComputer(var ComputerName: string; const DlgText: string;
- AHelpContext: THelpContext): Boolean;
- function ShortToLongFileName(const ShortName: string): string;
- function ShortToLongPath(const ShortName: string): string;
- function LongToShortFileName(const LongName: string): string;
- function LongToShortPath(const LongName: string): string;
- procedure CreateFileLink(const FileName, DisplayName: string; Folder: Integer);
- procedure DeleteFileLink(const DisplayName: string; Folder: Integer);
- {$ENDIF WIN32}
- function IsPathDelimiter(const S: string; Index: Integer): Boolean;
- {$ENDIF}
- implementation
- uses {$IFDEF WIN32} {$IFDEF RX_D3} ActiveX, ComObj, ShlObj, {$ELSE} Ole2,
- OleAuto, {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} DateUtil, ShellAPI, FileCtrl, Forms, VCLUtils,
- RxPrgrss;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- type
- { TSHItemID -- Item ID }
- PSHItemID = ^TSHItemID;
- TSHItemID = packed record { mkid }
- cb: Word; { Size of the ID (including cb itself) }
- abID: array[0..0] of Byte; { The item ID (variable length) }
- end;
- { TItemIDList -- List if item IDs (combined with 0-terminator) }
- PItemIDList = ^TItemIDList;
- TItemIDList = packed record { idl }
- mkid: TSHItemID;
- end;
- TFNBFFCallBack = function(Wnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; lParam, lpData: LPARAM): Integer stdcall;
- PBrowseInfo = ^TBrowseInfo;
- TBrowseInfo = packed record
- hwndOwner: HWND;
- pidlRoot: PItemIDList;
- pszDisplayName: LPSTR; { Return display name of item selected. }
- lpszTitle: LPCSTR; { text to go in the banner over the tree. }
- ulFlags: UINT; { Flags that control the return stuff }
- lpfn: TFNBFFCallBack;
- lParam: LPARAM; { extra info that's passed back in callbacks }
- iImage: Integer; { output var: where to return the Image index. }
- end;
- const
- { Browsing for directory }
- BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS = $0001; { For finding a folder to start document searching }
- BIF_DONTGOBELOWDOMAIN = $0002; { For starting the Find Computer }
- BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER = $1000; { Browsing for Computers }
- BIF_BROWSEFORPRINTER = $2000; { Browsing for Printers }
- BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES = $4000; { Browsing for Everything }
- { message from browser }
- { messages to browser }
- const
- CSIDL_DRIVES = $0011;
- CSIDL_NETWORK = $0012;
- function SHBrowseForFolder(var lpbi: TBrowseInfo): PItemIDList; stdcall;
- far; external Shell32 name 'SHBrowseForFolder';
- function SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl: PItemIDList; pszPath: LPSTR): BOOL; stdcall;
- far; external Shell32 name 'SHGetPathFromIDList';
- function SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(hwndOwner: HWND; nFolder: Integer;
- var ppidl: PItemIDList): HResult; stdcall; far; external Shell32
- name 'SHGetSpecialFolderLocation';
- {$ENDIF RX_D3}
- { TBrowseFolderDlg }
- type
- TBrowseKind = (bfFolders, bfComputers);
- TDialogPosition = (dpDefault, dpScreenCenter);
- TBrowseFolderDlg = class(TComponent)
- private
- FDefWndProc: Pointer;
- FHelpContext: THelpContext;
- FHandle: HWnd;
- FObjectInstance: Pointer;
- FDesktopRoot: Boolean;
- FBrowseKind: TBrowseKind;
- FPosition: TDialogPosition;
- FText: string;
- FDisplayName: string;
- FSelectedName: string;
- FFolderName: string;
- FImageIndex: Integer;
- FOnInitialized: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnSelChanged: TNotifyEvent;
- procedure SetSelPath(const Path: string);
- procedure SetOkEnable(Value: Boolean);
- procedure DoInitialized;
- procedure DoSelChanged(Param: PItemIDList);
- procedure WMNCDestroy(var Message: TWMNCDestroy); message WM_NCDESTROY;
- procedure WMCommand(var Message: TMessage); message WM_COMMAND;
- protected
- procedure DefaultHandler(var Message); override;
- procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage); virtual;
- function TaskModalDialog(var Info: TBrowseInfo): PItemIDList;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Execute: Boolean;
- property Handle: HWnd read FHandle;
- property DisplayName: string read FDisplayName;
- property SelectedName: string read FSelectedName write FSelectedName;
- property ImageIndex: Integer read FImageIndex;
- published
- property BrowseKind: TBrowseKind read FBrowseKind write FBrowseKind default bfFolders;
- property DesktopRoot: Boolean read FDesktopRoot write FDesktopRoot default True;
- property DialogText: string read FText write FText;
- property FolderName: string read FFolderName write FFolderName;
- property HelpContext: THelpContext read FHelpContext write FHelpContext default 0;
- property Position: TDialogPosition read FPosition write FPosition default dpScreenCenter;
- property OnInitialized: TNotifyEvent read FOnInitialized write FOnInitialized;
- property OnSelChanged: TNotifyEvent read FOnSelChanged write FOnSelChanged;
- end;
- function ExplorerHook(Wnd: HWnd; Msg: UINT; LParam: LPARAM; Data: LPARAM): Integer; stdcall;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if Msg = BFFM_INITIALIZED then begin
- if TBrowseFolderDlg(Data).Position = dpScreenCenter then
- CenterWindow(Wnd);
- TBrowseFolderDlg(Data).FHandle := Wnd;
- TBrowseFolderDlg(Data).FDefWndProc := Pointer(SetWindowLong(Wnd, GWL_WNDPROC,
- Longint(TBrowseFolderDlg(Data).FObjectInstance)));
- TBrowseFolderDlg(Data).DoInitialized;
- end
- else if Msg = BFFM_SELCHANGED then begin
- TBrowseFolderDlg(Data).FHandle := Wnd;
- TBrowseFolderDlg(Data).DoSelChanged(PItemIDList(LParam));
- end;
- end;
- const
- HelpButtonId = $FFFF;
- constructor TBrowseFolderDlg.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FObjectInstance := MakeObjectInstance(WndProc);
- FDesktopRoot := True;
- FBrowseKind := bfFolders;
- FPosition := dpScreenCenter;
- SetLength(FDisplayName, MAX_PATH);
- end;
- destructor TBrowseFolderDlg.Destroy;
- begin
- if FObjectInstance <> nil then FreeObjectInstance(FObjectInstance);
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TBrowseFolderDlg.DoInitialized;
- const
- SBtn = 'BUTTON';
- var
- BtnHandle, HelpBtn, BtnFont: THandle;
- BtnSize: TRect;
- begin
- if (FBrowseKind = bfComputers) or DirExists(FFolderName) then
- SetSelPath(FFolderName);
- if FHelpContext <> 0 then begin
- BtnHandle := FindWindowEx(FHandle, 0, SBtn, nil);
- if (BtnHandle <> 0) then begin
- GetWindowRect(BtnHandle, BtnSize);
- ScreenToClient(FHandle, BtnSize.TopLeft);
- ScreenToClient(FHandle, BtnSize.BottomRight);
- BtnFont := SendMessage(FHandle, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0);
- HelpBtn := CreateWindow(SBtn, PChar(ResStr(SHelpButton)),
- 12, BtnSize.Top, BtnSize.Right - BtnSize.Left, BtnSize.Bottom - BtnSize.Top,
- FHandle, HelpButtonId, HInstance, nil);
- if BtnFont <> 0 then
- SendMessage(HelpBtn, WM_SETFONT, BtnFont, MakeLParam(1, 0));
- UpdateWindow(FHandle);
- end;
- end;
- if Assigned(FOnInitialized) then FOnInitialized(Self);
- end;
- procedure TBrowseFolderDlg.DoSelChanged(Param: PItemIDList);
- var
- Temp: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
- begin
- if (FBrowseKind = bfComputers) then begin
- FSelectedName := DisplayName;
- end
- else begin
- if SHGetPathFromIDList(Param, Temp) then begin
- FSelectedName := StrPas(Temp);
- SetOkEnable(DirExists(FSelectedName));
- end
- else begin
- FSelectedName := '';
- SetOkEnable(False);
- end;
- end;
- if Assigned(FOnSelChanged) then FOnSelChanged(Self);
- end;
- procedure TBrowseFolderDlg.SetSelPath(const Path: string);
- begin
- if FHandle <> 0 then
- SendMessage(FHandle, BFFM_SETSELECTION, 1, Longint(PChar(Path)));
- end;
- procedure TBrowseFolderDlg.SetOkEnable(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if FHandle <> 0 then SendMessage(FHandle, BFFM_ENABLEOK, 0, Ord(Value));
- end;
- procedure TBrowseFolderDlg.DefaultHandler(var Message);
- begin
- if FHandle <> 0 then
- with TMessage(Message) do
- Result := CallWindowProc(FDefWndProc, FHandle, Msg, WParam, LParam)
- else inherited DefaultHandler(Message);
- end;
- procedure TBrowseFolderDlg.WndProc(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- Dispatch(Message);
- end;
- procedure TBrowseFolderDlg.WMCommand(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- if (Message.wParam = HelpButtonId) and (LongRec(Message.lParam).Hi =
- BN_CLICKED) and (FHelpContext <> 0) then
- begin
- Application.HelpContext(FHelpContext);
- end
- else inherited;
- end;
- procedure TBrowseFolderDlg.WMNCDestroy(var Message: TWMNCDestroy);
- begin
- inherited;
- FHandle := 0;
- end;
- function TBrowseFolderDlg.Execute: Boolean;
- var
- BrowseInfo: TBrowseInfo;
- ItemIDList: PItemIDList;
- Temp: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
- begin
- if FDesktopRoot and (FBrowseKind = bfFolders) then
- BrowseInfo.pidlRoot := nil
- else begin
- if FBrowseKind = bfComputers then { root - Network }
- OleCheck(SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(0, CSIDL_NETWORK,
- BrowseInfo.pidlRoot))
- else { root - MyComputer }
- OleCheck(SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(0, CSIDL_DRIVES,
- BrowseInfo.pidlRoot));
- end;
- try
- SetLength(FDisplayName, MAX_PATH);
- with BrowseInfo do begin
- pszDisplayName := PChar(DisplayName);
- if DialogText <> '' then lpszTitle := PChar(DialogText)
- else lpszTitle := nil;
- if FBrowseKind = bfComputers then
- else
- lpfn := ExplorerHook;
- lParam := Longint(Self);
- hWndOwner := Application.Handle;
- iImage := 0;
- end;
- ItemIDList := TaskModalDialog(BrowseInfo);
- Result := ItemIDList <> nil;
- if Result then
- try
- if FBrowseKind = bfFolders then begin
- Win32Check(SHGetPathFromIDList(ItemIDList, Temp));
- FFolderName := RemoveBackSlash(StrPas(Temp));
- end
- else begin
- FFolderName := DisplayName;
- end;
- FSelectedName := FFolderName;
- FImageIndex := BrowseInfo.iImage;
- finally
- CoTaskMemFree(ItemIDList);
- end;
- finally
- if BrowseInfo.pidlRoot <> nil then CoTaskMemFree(BrowseInfo.pidlRoot);
- end;
- end;
- function TBrowseFolderDlg.TaskModalDialog(var Info: TBrowseInfo): PItemIDList;
- var
- ActiveWindow: HWnd;
- WindowList: Pointer;
- begin
- ActiveWindow := GetActiveWindow;
- WindowList := DisableTaskWindows(0);
- try
- try
- Result := SHBrowseForFolder(Info);
- finally
- FHandle := 0;
- FDefWndProc := nil;
- end;
- finally
- EnableTaskWindows(WindowList);
- SetActiveWindow(ActiveWindow);
- end;
- end;
- function BrowseDirectory(var AFolderName: string; const DlgText: string;
- AHelpContext: THelpContext): Boolean;
- begin
- if NewStyleControls then begin
- with TBrowseFolderDlg.Create(Application) do
- try
- DialogText := DlgText;
- FolderName := AFolderName;
- HelpContext := AHelpContext;
- Result := Execute;
- if Result then AFolderName := FolderName;
- finally
- Free;
- end;
- end
- else Result := SelectDirectory(AFolderName, [], AHelpContext);
- end;
- function BrowseComputer(var ComputerName: string; const DlgText: string;
- AHelpContext: THelpContext): Boolean;
- begin
- with TBrowseFolderDlg.Create(Application) do
- try
- BrowseKind := bfComputers;
- DialogText := DlgText;
- FolderName := ComputerName;
- HelpContext := AHelpContext;
- Result := Execute;
- if Result then ComputerName := FolderName;
- finally
- Free;
- end;
- end;
- { TRxFileOperator }
- type
- TFileOperation = (foCopy, foDelete, foMove, foRename);
- TFileOperFlag = (flAllowUndo, flConfirmMouse, flFilesOnly, flMultiDest,
- flNoConfirmation, flNoConfirmMkDir, flRenameOnCollision, flSilent,
- flSimpleProgress, flNoErrorUI);
- TFileOperFlags = set of TFileOperFlag;
- TRxFileOperator = class(TComponent)
- private
- FAborted: Boolean;
- FOperation: TFileOperation;
- FOptions: TFileOperFlags;
- FProgressTitle: string;
- FSource: string;
- FDestination: string;
- function TaskModalDialog(DialogFunc: Pointer; var DialogData): Boolean;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- function Execute: Boolean; virtual;
- property Aborted: Boolean read FAborted;
- published
- property Destination: string read FDestination write FDestination;
- property Operation: TFileOperation read FOperation write FOperation
- default foCopy;
- property Options: TFileOperFlags read FOptions write FOptions
- default [flAllowUndo, flNoConfirmMkDir];
- property ProgressTitle: string read FProgressTitle write FProgressTitle;
- property Source: string read FSource write FSource;
- end;
- const
- FOF_NOERRORUI = $0400;
- {$ENDIF}
- constructor TRxFileOperator.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FOptions := [flAllowUndo, flNoConfirmMkDir];
- end;
- function TRxFileOperator.TaskModalDialog(DialogFunc: Pointer; var DialogData): Boolean;
- type
- TDialogFunc = function(var DialogData): Integer stdcall;
- var
- ActiveWindow: HWnd;
- WindowList: Pointer;
- begin
- ActiveWindow := GetActiveWindow;
- WindowList := DisableTaskWindows(0);
- try
- Result := TDialogFunc(DialogFunc)(DialogData) = 0;
- finally
- EnableTaskWindows(WindowList);
- SetActiveWindow(ActiveWindow);
- end;
- end;
- function TRxFileOperator.Execute: Boolean;
- const
- OperTypes: array[TFileOperation] of UINT = (
- OperOptions: array[TFileOperFlag] of FILEOP_FLAGS = (
- var
- OpStruct: TSHFileOpStruct;
- Flag: TFileOperFlag;
- function AllocFileStr(const S: string): PChar;
- var
- P: PChar;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- if S <> '' then begin
- Result := StrCopy(StrAlloc(Length(S) + 2), PChar(S));
- P := Result;
- while P^ <> #0 do begin
- if (P^ = ';') or (P^ = '|') then P^ := #0;
- Inc(P);
- end;
- Inc(P);
- P^ := #0;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- FAborted := False;
- FillChar(OpStruct, SizeOf(OpStruct), 0);
- with OpStruct do
- try
- if (Application.MainForm <> nil) and
- Application.MainForm.HandleAllocated then
- Wnd := Application.MainForm.Handle
- else Wnd := Application.Handle;
- wFunc := OperTypes[Operation];
- pFrom := AllocFileStr(FSource);
- pTo := AllocFileStr(FDestination);
- fFlags := 0;
- for Flag := Low(Flag) to High(Flag) do
- if Flag in FOptions then fFlags := fFlags or OperOptions[Flag];
- lpszProgressTitle := PChar(FProgressTitle);
- Result := TaskModalDialog(@SHFileOperation, OpStruct);
- FAborted := fAnyOperationsAborted;
- finally
- if pFrom <> nil then StrDispose(pFrom);
- if pTo <> nil then StrDispose(pTo);
- end;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- function BrowseDirectory(var AFolderName: string; const DlgText: string;
- AHelpContext: THelpContext): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := SelectDirectory(AFolderName, [], AHelpContext);
- end;
- {$ENDIF WIN32}
- function NormalDir(const DirName: string): string;
- begin
- Result := DirName;
- if (Result <> '') and
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- not (AnsiLastChar(Result)^ in [':', '\']) then
- {$ELSE}
- not (Result[Length(Result)] in [':', '\']) then
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if (Length(Result) = 1) and (UpCase(Result[1]) in ['A'..'Z']) then
- Result := Result + ':\'
- else Result := Result + '\';
- end;
- end;
- function RemoveBackSlash(const DirName: string): string;
- begin
- Result := DirName;
- if (Length(Result) > 1) and
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- (AnsiLastChar(Result)^ = '\') then
- {$ELSE}
- (Result[Length(Result)] = '\') then
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if not ((Length(Result) = 3) and (UpCase(Result[1]) in ['A'..'Z']) and
- (Result[2] = ':')) then
- Delete(Result, Length(Result), 1);
- end;
- end;
- function DirExists(Name: string): Boolean;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- var
- Code: Integer;
- begin
- Code := GetFileAttributes(PChar(Name));
- Result := (Code <> -1) and (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY and Code <> 0);
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- var
- SR: TSearchRec;
- begin
- if Name[Length(Name)] = '\' then Dec(Name[0]);
- if (Length(Name) = 2) and (Name[2] = ':') then
- Name := Name + '\*.*';
- Result := FindFirst(Name, faDirectory, SR) = 0;
- Result := Result and (SR.Attr and faDirectory <> 0);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure ForceDirectories(Dir: string);
- begin
- if Length(Dir) = 0 then Exit;
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- if (AnsiLastChar(Dir) <> nil) and (AnsiLastChar(Dir)^ = '\') then
- {$ELSE}
- if Dir[Length(Dir)] = '\' then
- {$ENDIF}
- Delete(Dir, Length(Dir), 1);
- if (Length(Dir) < 3) or DirectoryExists(Dir) or
- (ExtractFilePath(Dir) = Dir) then Exit;
- ForceDirectories(ExtractFilePath(Dir));
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- CreateDir(Dir);
- {$ELSE}
- MkDir(Dir);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- procedure CopyMoveFileShell(const FileName, DestName: string; Confirmation,
- AllowUndo, MoveFile: Boolean);
- begin
- with TRxFileOperator.Create(nil) do
- try
- Source := FileName;
- Destination := DestName;
- if MoveFile then begin
- if AnsiCompareText(ExtractFilePath(FileName),
- ExtractFilePath(DestName)) = 0 then
- Operation := foRename
- else Operation := foMove;
- end
- else Operation := foCopy;
- if not AllowUndo then
- Options := Options - [flAllowUndo];
- if not Confirmation then
- Options := Options + [flNoConfirmation];
- if not Execute or Aborted then SysUtils.Abort;
- finally
- Free;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure CopyFile(const FileName, DestName: string;
- ProgressControl: TControl);
- begin
- CopyFileEx(FileName, DestName, False, False, ProgressControl);
- end;
- procedure CopyFileEx(const FileName, DestName: string;
- OverwriteReadOnly, ShellDialog: Boolean; ProgressControl: TControl);
- var
- CopyBuffer: Pointer;
- Source, Dest: Integer;
- Destination: TFileName;
- FSize, BytesCopied, TotalCopied: Longint;
- Attr: Integer;
- const
- ChunkSize: Longint = 8192;
- begin
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- if NewStyleControls and ShellDialog then begin
- CopyMoveFileShell(FileName, DestName, not OverwriteReadOnly,
- False, False);
- Exit;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- Destination := DestName;
- if HasAttr(Destination, faDirectory) then
- Destination := NormalDir(Destination) + ExtractFileName(FileName);
- GetMem(CopyBuffer, ChunkSize);
- try
- TotalCopied := 0;
- FSize := GetFileSize(FileName);
- Source := FileOpen(FileName, fmShareDenyWrite);
- if Source < 0 then
- raise EFOpenError.CreateFmt(ResStr(SFOpenError), [FileName]);
- try
- if ProgressControl <> nil then begin
- SetProgressMax(ProgressControl, FSize);
- SetProgressMin(ProgressControl, 0);
- SetProgressValue(ProgressControl, 0);
- end;
- ForceDirectories(ExtractFilePath(Destination));
- if OverwriteReadOnly then begin
- Attr := FileGetAttr(Destination);
- if (Attr >= 0) and ((Attr and faReadOnly) <> 0) then
- FileSetAttr(Destination, Attr and not faReadOnly);
- end;
- Dest := FileCreate(Destination);
- if Dest < 0 then
- raise EFCreateError.CreateFmt(ResStr(SFCreateError), [Destination]);
- try
- repeat
- BytesCopied := FileRead(Source, CopyBuffer^, ChunkSize);
- if BytesCopied = -1 then
- raise EReadError.Create(ResStr(SReadError));
- TotalCopied := TotalCopied + BytesCopied;
- if BytesCopied > 0 then begin
- if FileWrite(Dest, CopyBuffer^, BytesCopied) = -1 then
- raise EWriteError.Create(ResStr(SWriteError));
- end;
- if ProgressControl <> nil then
- SetProgressValue(ProgressControl, TotalCopied);
- until BytesCopied < ChunkSize;
- FileSetDate(Dest, FileGetDate(Source));
- finally
- FileClose(Dest);
- end;
- finally
- FileClose(Source);
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem(CopyBuffer, ChunkSize);
- if ProgressControl <> nil then
- SetProgressValue(ProgressControl, 0);
- end;
- end;
- procedure MoveFile(const FileName, DestName: TFileName);
- var
- Destination: TFileName;
- Attr: Integer;
- begin
- Destination := ExpandFileName(DestName);
- if not RenameFile(FileName, Destination) then begin
- Attr := FileGetAttr(FileName);
- if Attr < 0 then Exit;
- if (Attr and faReadOnly) <> 0 then
- FileSetAttr(FileName, Attr and not faReadOnly);
- CopyFile(FileName, Destination, nil);
- DeleteFile(FileName);
- end;
- end;
- procedure MoveFileEx(const FileName, DestName: TFileName;
- ShellDialog: Boolean);
- begin
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- if NewStyleControls and ShellDialog then
- CopyMoveFileShell(FileName, DestName, False, False, True)
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- MoveFile(FileName, DestName);
- end;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- function GetFileSize(const FileName: string): Int64;
- var
- Handle: THandle;
- FindData: TWin32FindData;
- begin
- Handle := FindFirstFile(PChar(FileName), FindData);
- if Handle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin
- Windows.FindClose(Handle);
- if (FindData.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) = 0 then
- begin
- Int64Rec(Result).Lo := FindData.nFileSizeLow;
- Int64Rec(Result).Hi := FindData.nFileSizeHigh;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- function GetFileSize(const FileName: string): Longint;
- var
- SearchRec: TSearchRec;
- begin
- if FindFirst(ExpandFileName(FileName), faAnyFile, SearchRec) = 0 then
- Result := SearchRec.Size
- else Result := -1;
- FindClose(SearchRec);
- end;
- {$ENDIF RX_D4}
- function FileDateTime(const FileName: string): System.TDateTime;
- var
- Age: Longint;
- begin
- Age := FileAge(FileName);
- if Age = -1 then
- Result := NullDate
- else
- Result := FileDateToDateTime(Age);
- end;
- function HasAttr(const FileName: string; Attr: Integer): Boolean;
- var
- FileAttr: Integer;
- begin
- FileAttr := FileGetAttr(FileName);
- Result := (FileAttr >= 0) and (FileAttr and Attr = Attr);
- end;
- function DeleteFiles(const FileMask: string): Boolean;
- var
- SearchRec: TSearchRec;
- begin
- Result := FindFirst(ExpandFileName(FileMask), faAnyFile, SearchRec) = 0;
- try
- if Result then
- repeat
- // if (SearchRec.Name[1] <> '.') and
- // !!! BUG !!!
- if (SearchRec.Name <> '.') and
- (SearchRec.Attr and faVolumeID <> faVolumeID) and
- (SearchRec.Attr and faDirectory <> faDirectory) then
- begin
- Result := DeleteFile(ExtractFilePath(FileMask) + SearchRec.Name);
- if not Result then Break;
- end;
- until FindNext(SearchRec) <> 0;
- finally
- FindClose(SearchRec);
- end;
- end;
- function DeleteFilesEx(const FileMasks: array of string): Boolean;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := True;
- for I := Low(FileMasks) to High(FileMasks) do
- Result := Result and DeleteFiles(FileMasks[I]);
- end;
- function ClearDir(const Path: string; Delete: Boolean): Boolean;
- const
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- FileNotFound = 18;
- {$ELSE}
- FileNotFound = -18;
- {$ENDIF}
- var
- FileInfo: TSearchRec;
- DosCode: Integer;
- begin
- Result := DirExists(Path);
- if not Result then Exit;
- DosCode := FindFirst(NormalDir(Path) + '*.*', faAnyFile, FileInfo);
- try
- while DosCode = 0 do begin
- // if (FileInfo.Name[1] <> '.') and (FileInfo.Attr <> faVolumeID) then
- // !!! BUG !!!
- if (FileInfo.Name <> '.') and (FileInfo.Name <> '..') and (FileInfo.Attr <> faVolumeID) then
- begin
- if (FileInfo.Attr and faDirectory = faDirectory) then
- Result := ClearDir(NormalDir(Path) + FileInfo.Name, Delete) and Result
- else if (FileInfo.Attr and faVolumeID <> faVolumeID) then begin
- if (FileInfo.Attr and faReadOnly = faReadOnly) then
- FileSetAttr(NormalDir(Path) + FileInfo.Name, faArchive);
- Result := DeleteFile(NormalDir(Path) + FileInfo.Name) and Result;
- end;
- end;
- DosCode := FindNext(FileInfo);
- end;
- finally
- FindClose(FileInfo);
- end;
- if Delete and Result and (DosCode = FileNotFound) and
- not ((Length(Path) = 2) and (Path[2] = ':')) then
- begin
- RmDir(Path);
- Result := (IOResult = 0) and Result;
- end;
- end;
- function GetTempDir: string;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- var
- Buffer: array[0..1023] of Char;
- begin
- SetString(Result, Buffer, GetTempPath(SizeOf(Buffer), Buffer));
- {$ELSE}
- var
- Buffer: array[0..255] of Char;
- begin
- GetTempFileName(GetTempDrive(#0), '$', 1, Buffer);
- Result := ExtractFilePath(StrPas(Buffer));
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- function GetWindowsDir: string;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- var
- Buffer: array[0..1023] of Char;
- begin
- SetString(Result, Buffer, GetWindowsDirectory(Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer)));
- {$ELSE}
- begin
- Result[0] := Char(GetWindowsDirectory(@Result[1], 254));
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- function GetSystemDir: string;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- var
- Buffer: array[0..1023] of Char;
- begin
- SetString(Result, Buffer, GetSystemDirectory(Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer)));
- {$ELSE}
- begin
- Result[0] := Char(GetSystemDirectory(@Result[1], 254));
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- function ValidFileName(const FileName: string): Boolean;
- function HasAny(const Str, Substr: string): Boolean;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- for I := 1 to Length(Substr) do begin
- if Pos(Substr[I], Str) > 0 then begin
- Result := True;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- Result := (FileName <> '') and (not HasAny(FileName, '<>"[]|'));
- if Result then Result := Pos('\', ExtractFileName(FileName)) = 0;
- end;
- function FileLock(Handle: Integer; Offset, LockSize: Longint): Integer;
- begin
- if LockFile(Handle, Offset, 0, LockSize, 0) then
- Result := 0
- else
- Result := GetLastError;
- end;
- function FileUnlock(Handle: Integer; Offset, LockSize: Longint): Integer;
- begin
- if UnlockFile(Handle, Offset, 0, LockSize, 0) then
- Result := 0
- else
- Result := GetLastError;
- end;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- function FileLock(Handle: Integer; Offset, LockSize: Int64): Integer;
- begin
- if LockFile(Handle, Int64Rec(Offset).Lo, Int64Rec(Offset).Hi,
- Int64Rec(LockSize).Lo, Int64Rec(LockSize).Hi) then Result := 0
- else
- Result := GetLastError;
- end;
- function FileUnlock(Handle: Integer; Offset, LockSize: Int64): Integer;
- begin
- if UnlockFile(Handle, Int64Rec(Offset).Lo, Int64Rec(Offset).Hi,
- Int64Rec(LockSize).Lo, Int64Rec(LockSize).Hi) then Result := 0
- else
- Result := GetLastError;
- end;
- {$ENDIF RX_D4}
- {$ELSE}
- function ValidFileName(const FileName: string): Boolean;
- const
- MaxNameLen = 12; { file name and extension }
- MaxExtLen = 4; { extension with point }
- MaxPathLen = 79; { full file path in DOS }
- var
- Dir, Name, Ext: TFileName;
- function HasAny(Str, SubStr: string): Boolean; near; assembler;
- asm
- LDS SI,Str
- LES DI,SubStr
- JZ @@2
- MOV AL,ES:[DI-1]
- @@1: PUSH CX
- JE @@3
- JNZ @@1
- @@2: XOR AL,AL
- JMP @@4
- @@3: MOV AL,1
- @@4: POP DS
- end;
- begin
- Result := True;
- Dir := Copy(ExtractFilePath(FileName), 1, MaxPathLen);
- Name := Copy(ExtractFileName(FileName), 1, MaxNameLen);
- Ext := Copy(ExtractFileExt(FileName), 1, MaxExtLen);
- if (Dir + Name <> FileName) or HasAny(Name, ';,=+<>|"[] \') or
- HasAny(Copy(Ext, 2, 255), ';,=+<>|"[] \.') then Result := False;
- end;
- function LockFile(Handle: Integer; StartPos, Length: Longint;
- Unlock: Boolean): Integer; assembler;
- asm
- MOV AL,Unlock
- MOV BX,Handle
- MOV DX,StartPos.Word[0]
- MOV CX,StartPos.Word[2]
- MOV DI,Length.Word[0]
- MOV SI,Length.Word[2]
- INT 21H
- JNC @@1
- JMP @@2
- @@1: MOV AX,0
- @@2: POP DS
- end;
- function FileLock(Handle: Integer; Offset, LockSize: Longint): Integer;
- begin
- Result := LockFile(Handle, Offset, LockSize, False);
- end;
- function FileUnlock(Handle: Integer; Offset, LockSize: Longint): Integer;
- begin
- Result := LockFile(Handle, Offset, LockSize, True);
- end;
- {$ENDIF WIN32}
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- function ShortToLongFileName(const ShortName: string): string;
- var
- Temp: TWin32FindData;
- SearchHandle: THandle;
- begin
- SearchHandle := FindFirstFile(PChar(ShortName), Temp);
- if SearchHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin
- Result := string(Temp.cFileName);
- if Result = '' then Result := string(Temp.cAlternateFileName);
- end
- else Result := '';
- Windows.FindClose(SearchHandle);
- end;
- function LongToShortFileName(const LongName: string): string;
- var
- Temp: TWin32FindData;
- SearchHandle: THandle;
- begin
- SearchHandle := FindFirstFile(PChar(LongName), Temp);
- if SearchHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin
- Result := string(Temp.cAlternateFileName);
- if Result = '' then Result := string(Temp.cFileName);
- end
- else Result := '';
- Windows.FindClose(SearchHandle);
- end;
- function ShortToLongPath(const ShortName: string): string;
- var
- LastSlash: PChar;
- TempPathPtr: PChar;
- begin
- Result := '';
- TempPathPtr := PChar(ShortName);
- LastSlash := StrRScan(TempPathPtr, '\');
- while LastSlash <> nil do begin
- Result := '\' + ShortToLongFileName(TempPathPtr) + Result;
- if LastSlash <> nil then begin
- LastSlash^ := char(0);
- LastSlash := StrRScan(TempPathPtr, '\');
- end;
- end;
- Result := TempPathPtr + Result;
- end;
- function LongToShortPath(const LongName: string): string;
- var
- LastSlash: PChar;
- TempPathPtr: PChar;
- begin
- Result := '';
- TempPathPtr := PChar(LongName);
- LastSlash := StrRScan(TempPathPtr, '\');
- while LastSlash <> nil do begin
- Result := '\' + LongToShortFileName(TempPathPtr) + Result;
- if LastSlash <> nil then begin
- LastSlash^ := char(0);
- LastSlash := StrRScan(TempPathPtr, '\');
- end;
- end;
- Result := TempPathPtr + Result;
- end;
- const
- IID_IPersistFile: TGUID = (
- D1:$0000010B;D2:$0000;D3:$0000;D4:($C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$46));
- const
- IID_IShellLinkA: TGUID = (
- D1:$000214EE; D2:$0000; D3:$0000; D4:($C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$46));
- CLSID_ShellLink: TGUID = (
- D1:$00021401; D2:$0000; D3:$0000; D4:($C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$46));
- type
- IShellLink = class(IUnknown) { sl }
- function GetPath(pszFile: LPSTR; cchMaxPath: Integer;
- var pfd: TWin32FindData; fFlags: DWORD): HResult; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
- function GetIDList(var ppidl: PItemIDList): HResult; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
- function SetIDList(pidl: PItemIDList): HResult; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
- function GetDescription(pszName: LPSTR; cchMaxName: Integer): HResult; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
- function SetDescription(pszName: LPSTR): HResult; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
- function GetWorkingDirectory(pszDir: LPSTR; cchMaxPath: Integer): HResult; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
- function SetWorkingDirectory(pszDir: LPSTR): HResult; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
- function GetArguments(pszArgs: LPSTR; cchMaxPath: Integer): HResult; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
- function SetArguments(pszArgs: LPSTR): HResult; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
- function GetHotkey(var pwHotkey: Word): HResult; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
- function SetHotkey(wHotkey: Word): HResult; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
- function GetShowCmd(var piShowCmd: Integer): HResult; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
- function SetShowCmd(iShowCmd: Integer): HResult; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
- function GetIconLocation(pszIconPath: LPSTR; cchIconPath: Integer;
- var piIcon: Integer): HResult; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
- function SetIconLocation(pszIconPath: LPSTR; iIcon: Integer): HResult; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
- function SetRelativePath(pszPathRel: LPSTR; dwReserved: DWORD): HResult; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
- function Resolve(Wnd: HWND; fFlags: DWORD): HResult; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
- function SetPath(pszFile: LPSTR): HResult; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- const
- LinkExt = '.lnk';
- procedure CreateFileLink(const FileName, DisplayName: string; Folder: Integer);
- var
- ShellLink: IShellLink;
- PersistFile: IPersistFile;
- ItemIDList: PItemIDList;
- FileDestPath: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
- FileNameW: array[0..MAX_PATH] of WideChar;
- begin
- CoInitialize(nil);
- try
- OleCheck(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, nil, CLSCTX_SERVER,
- IID_IShellLinkA, ShellLink));
- try
- OleCheck(ShellLink.QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, PersistFile));
- try
- OleCheck(SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(0, Folder, ItemIDList));
- SHGetPathFromIDList(ItemIDList, FileDestPath);
- StrCat(FileDestPath, PChar('\' + DisplayName + LinkExt));
- ShellLink.SetPath(PChar(FileName));
- ShellLink.SetIconLocation(PChar(FileName), 0);
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, FileDestPath, -1, FileNameW, MAX_PATH);
- OleCheck(PersistFile.Save(FileNameW, True));
- finally
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- PersistFile := nil;
- {$ELSE}
- PersistFile.Release;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- finally
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- ShellLink := nil;
- {$ELSE}
- ShellLink.Release;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- finally
- CoUninitialize;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DeleteFileLink(const DisplayName: string; Folder: Integer);
- var
- ShellLink: IShellLink;
- ItemIDList: PItemIDList;
- FileDestPath: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
- begin
- CoInitialize(nil);
- try
- OleCheck(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, nil, CLSCTX_SERVER,
- IID_IShellLinkA, ShellLink));
- try
- OleCheck(SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(0, Folder, ItemIDList));
- SHGetPathFromIDList(ItemIDList, FileDestPath);
- StrCat(FileDestPath, PChar('\' + DisplayName + LinkExt));
- DeleteFile(FileDestPath);
- finally
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- ShellLink := nil;
- {$ELSE}
- ShellLink.Release;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- finally
- CoUninitialize;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF WIN32}
- function IsPathDelimiter(const S: string; Index: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (Index > 0) and (Index <= Length(S)) and (S[Index] = '\');
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end.