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- {*******************************************************}
- { }
- { Delphi VCL Extensions (RX) }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) 1995 AO ROSNO }
- { }
- {*******************************************************}
- unit DataConv;
- interface
- {$I RX.INC}
- uses SysUtils, {$IFDEF WIN32} Windows, {$ELSE} WinTypes, WinProcs, {$ENDIF}
- Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, DateUtil;
- type
- TDataType = (dtString, dtInteger, dtFloat, dtDateTime, dtDate,
- dtTime, dtBoolean);
- TTimeFormat = (tfHHMMSS, tfHMMSS, tfHHMM, tfHMM);
- { TDateTimeFormat }
- TDateTimeFormat = class(TPersistent)
- private
- FAMString: string[7];
- FPMString: string[7];
- FDateOrder: TDateOrder;
- FTimeFormat: TTimeFormat;
- FTimeSeparator: Char;
- FDateSeparator: Char;
- FLongDate: Boolean;
- FFourDigitYear: Boolean;
- FLeadingZero: Boolean;
- function GetAMString: string;
- procedure SetAMString(const Value: string);
- function GetPMString: string;
- procedure SetPMString(const Value: string);
- protected
- function GetDateMask: string; virtual;
- function GetTimeMask: string; virtual;
- function GetMask: string; virtual;
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
- procedure ResetDefault; virtual;
- property DateMask: string read GetDateMask;
- property TimeMask: string read GetTimeMask;
- property Mask: string read GetMask;
- published
- property AMString: string read GetAMString write SetAMString;
- property PMString: string read GetPMString write SetPMString;
- property DateOrder: TDateOrder read FDateOrder write FDateOrder;
- property TimeFormat: TTimeFormat read FTimeFormat write FTimeFormat;
- property TimeSeparator: Char read FTimeSeparator write FTimeSeparator;
- property DateSeparator: Char read FDateSeparator write FDateSeparator;
- property LongDate: Boolean read FLongDate write FLongDate default False;
- property FourDigitYear: Boolean read FFourDigitYear write FFourDigitYear default True;
- property LeadingZero: Boolean read FLeadingZero write FLeadingZero default False;
- end;
- { TConverter }
- TConverter = class(TComponent)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- FData: PString;
- FTextValues: array[Boolean] of string[15];
- FDataType: TDataType;
- FDateTimeFormat: TDateTimeFormat;
- FFloatFormat: TFloatFormat;
- FPrecision, FDigits: Integer;
- FRaiseOnError: Boolean;
- FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
- procedure SetDataType(Value: TDataType);
- procedure SetDateTimeFormat(Value: TDateTimeFormat);
- function GetDateTimeFormat: TDateTimeFormat;
- function GetString: string;
- procedure SetString(const Value: string);
- function GetDateTime: TDateTime;
- function GetBoolValues(Index: Integer): string;
- procedure SetBoolValues(Index: Integer; const Value: string);
- procedure CheckDataType;
- function BoolToStr(Value: Boolean): string;
- function FloatToString(Value: Double): string;
- function DateTimeToString(Value: TDateTime): string;
- protected
- { Protected declarations }
- procedure Change; dynamic;
- function GetAsBoolean: Boolean; virtual;
- function GetAsDateTime: TDateTime; virtual;
- function GetAsDate: TDateTime; virtual;
- function GetAsTime: TDateTime; virtual;
- function GetAsFloat: Double; virtual;
- function GetAsInteger: Longint; virtual;
- function GetAsString: string; virtual;
- procedure SetAsBoolean(Value: Boolean); virtual;
- procedure SetAsDateTime(Value: TDateTime); virtual;
- procedure SetAsDate(Value: TDateTime); virtual;
- procedure SetAsTime(Value: TDateTime); virtual;
- procedure SetAsFloat(Value: Double); virtual;
- procedure SetAsInteger(Value: Longint); virtual;
- procedure SetAsString(const Value: string); virtual;
- public
- { Public declarations }
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Clear;
- function IsValidChar(Ch: Char): Boolean; virtual;
- property AsBoolean: Boolean read GetAsBoolean write SetAsBoolean;
- property AsDateTime: TDateTime read GetAsDateTime write SetAsDateTime;
- property AsDate: TDateTime read GetAsDate write SetAsDate;
- property AsTime: TDateTime read GetAsTime write SetAsTime;
- property AsFloat: Double read GetAsFloat write SetAsFloat;
- property AsInteger: Longint read GetAsInteger write SetAsInteger;
- property AsString: string read GetAsString write SetAsString;
- published
- { Published declarations }
- property DataType: TDataType read FDataType write SetDataType default dtString;
- property DateTimeFormat: TDateTimeFormat read GetDateTimeFormat write SetDateTimeFormat;
- property Digits: Integer read FDigits write FDigits default 2;
- property DisplayFalse: string index 0 read GetBoolValues write SetBoolValues;
- property DisplayTrue: string index 1 read GetBoolValues write SetBoolValues;
- property FloatFormat: TFloatFormat read FFloatFormat write FFloatFormat default ffGeneral;
- property Precision: Integer read FPrecision write FPrecision default 15;
- property RaiseOnError: Boolean read FRaiseOnError write FRaiseOnError default False;
- property Text: string read GetString write SetAsString;
- property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
- end;
- implementation
- { TDateTimeFormat }
- constructor TDateTimeFormat.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- ResetDefault;
- end;
- destructor TDateTimeFormat.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TDateTimeFormat.ResetDefault;
- begin
- FAMString := TimeAMString;
- FPMString := TimePMString;
- FTimeSeparator := SysUtils.TimeSeparator;
- FDateSeparator := SysUtils.DateSeparator;
- FDateOrder := doDMY;
- FTimeFormat := tfHHMMSS;
- FLongDate := False;
- FFourDigitYear := True;
- FLeadingZero := False;
- end;
- procedure TDateTimeFormat.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- begin
- if Source is TDateTimeFormat then begin
- FAMString := TDateTimeFormat(Source).AMString;
- FPMString := TDateTimeFormat(Source).PMString;
- FDateOrder := TDateTimeFormat(Source).DateOrder;
- FTimeFormat := TDateTimeFormat(Source).TimeFormat;
- FTimeSeparator := TDateTimeFormat(Source).TimeSeparator;
- FDateSeparator := TDateTimeFormat(Source).DateSeparator;
- FLongDate := TDateTimeFormat(Source).LongDate;
- FFourDigitYear := TDateTimeFormat(Source).FourDigitYear;
- FLeadingZero := TDateTimeFormat(Source).LeadingZero;
- Exit;
- end;
- inherited Assign(Source);
- end;
- function TDateTimeFormat.GetAMString: string;
- begin
- Result := FAMString;
- end;
- procedure TDateTimeFormat.SetAMString(const Value: string);
- begin
- if Value = '' then FAMString := TimeAMString
- else FAMString := Value;
- end;
- function TDateTimeFormat.GetPMString: string;
- begin
- Result := FPMString;
- end;
- procedure TDateTimeFormat.SetPMString(const Value: string);
- begin
- if Value = '' then FPMString := TimePMString
- else FPMString := Value;
- end;
- function TDateTimeFormat.GetDateMask: string;
- var
- S: array[1..3] of string[7];
- Separator: string[3];
- begin
- Result := '';
- if LeadingZero then begin
- S[1] := 'dd';
- S[2] := 'mm';
- end
- else begin
- S[1] := 'd';
- S[2] := 'm';
- end;
- if LongDate then begin
- S[2] := 'mmmm';
- Separator := ' ';
- end
- else Separator := '"' + DateSeparator + '"';
- if FourDigitYear then S[3] := 'yyyy'
- else S[3] := 'yy';
- case DateOrder of
- doDMY: Result := S[1] + Separator + S[2] + Separator + S[3];
- doMDY: Result := S[2] + Separator + S[1] + Separator + S[3];
- doYMD: Result := S[3] + Separator + S[2] + Separator + S[1];
- end;
- end;
- function TDateTimeFormat.GetTimeMask: string;
- var
- S: array[1..3] of string[7];
- Separator: string[3];
- AMPM: string[16];
- begin
- Separator := '"' + TimeSeparator + '"';
- AMPM := ' ' + AMString + '/' + PMString;
- if LeadingZero then begin
- S[1] := 'hh';
- S[2] := 'nn';
- S[3] := 'ss';
- end
- else begin
- S[1] := 'h';
- S[2] := 'n';
- S[3] := 's';
- end;
- case TimeFormat of
- tfHHMMSS: Result := S[1] + Separator + S[2] + Separator + S[3];
- tfHMMSS: Result := S[1] + Separator + S[2] + Separator + S[3] + AMPM;
- tfHHMM: Result := S[1] + Separator + S[2];
- tfHMM: Result := S[1] + Separator + S[2] + AMPM;
- end;
- end;
- function TDateTimeFormat.GetMask: string;
- begin
- Result := GetDateMask + ' ' + GetTimeMask;
- end;
- { TConverter }
- constructor TConverter.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FData := NullStr;
- FDataType := dtString;
- FPrecision := 15;
- FDigits := 2;
- FDateTimeFormat := TDateTimeFormat.Create;
- FTextValues[False] := 'False';
- FTextValues[True] := 'True';
- FRaiseOnError := False;
- end;
- destructor TConverter.Destroy;
- begin
- FDataType := dtString;
- DisposeStr(FData);
- FDateTimeFormat.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TConverter.Clear;
- begin
- DisposeStr(FData);
- FData := NullStr;
- Change;
- end;
- procedure TConverter.Change;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self);
- end;
- function TConverter.GetString: string;
- begin
- Result := FData^;
- end;
- procedure TConverter.SetString(const Value: string);
- begin
- AssignStr(FData, Value);
- end;
- function TConverter.GetDateTimeFormat: TDateTimeFormat;
- begin
- Result := FDateTimeFormat;
- end;
- procedure TConverter.SetDateTimeFormat(Value: TDateTimeFormat);
- begin
- FDateTimeFormat.Assign(Value);
- end;
- function TConverter.GetBoolValues(Index: Integer): string;
- begin
- Result := FTextValues[Boolean(Index)];
- end;
- procedure TConverter.SetBoolValues(Index: Integer; const Value: string);
- begin
- FTextValues[Boolean(Index)] := Value;
- end;
- function TConverter.BoolToStr(Value: Boolean): string;
- begin
- Result := GetBoolValues(Integer(Value));
- end;
- function TConverter.FloatToString(Value: Double): string;
- begin
- Result := FloatToStrF(Value, FloatFormat, Precision, Digits);
- end;
- function TConverter.DateTimeToString(Value: TDateTime): string;
- begin
- case FDataType of
- dtDate: Result := FormatDateTime(DateTimeFormat.DateMask, Value);
- dtTime: Result := FormatDateTime(DateTimeFormat.TimeMask, Value);
- else Result := FormatDateTime(DateTimeFormat.Mask, Value);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TConverter.SetDataType(Value: TDataType);
- begin
- if Value <> FDataType then begin
- FDataType := Value;
- try
- CheckDataType;
- Change;
- except
- Clear;
- if RaiseOnError then raise;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TConverter.IsValidChar(Ch: Char): Boolean;
- begin
- case FDataType of
- dtString: Result := True;
- dtInteger: Result := Ch in ['+', '-', '0'..'9'];
- dtFloat: Result := Ch in [DecimalSeparator, '+', '-', '0'..'9', 'E', 'e'];
- dtDateTime, dtDate, dtTime: Result := True;
- dtBoolean: Result := True;
- else Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TConverter.CheckDataType;
- begin
- case FDataType of
- dtInteger, dtFloat: StrToFloat(GetString);
- dtDateTime, dtDate, dtTime: GetDateTime;
- end;
- end;
- function TConverter.GetAsBoolean: Boolean;
- var
- S: string[15];
- begin
- S := GetString;
- Result := (Length(S) > 0) and ((S[1] in ['T', 't', 'Y', 'y']) or
- (S = FTextValues[True]));
- end;
- function TConverter.GetDateTime: TDateTime;
- var
- S: string;
- I: Integer;
- DateS, TimeS: set of Char;
- begin
- S := GetString;
- DateS := ['/', '.'] + [DateTimeFormat.DateSeparator] -
- [DateTimeFormat.TimeSeparator];
- TimeS := [':', '-'] - [DateTimeFormat.DateSeparator] +
- [DateTimeFormat.TimeSeparator];
- for I := 1 to Length(S) do begin
- if S[I] in DateS then S[I] := DateSeparator
- else if S[I] in TimeS then S[I] := TimeSeparator;
- end;
- Result := StrToDateTime(S);
- end;
- function TConverter.GetAsDateTime: TDateTime;
- begin
- try
- Result := GetDateTime;
- except
- Result := NullDate;
- end;
- end;
- function TConverter.GetAsDate: TDateTime;
- var
- Year, Month, Day: Word;
- begin
- try
- Result := GetAsDateTime;
- DecodeDate(Result, Year, Month, Day);
- Result := EncodeDate(Year, Month, Day);
- except
- Result := NullDate;
- end;
- end;
- function TConverter.GetAsTime: TDateTime;
- var
- Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: Word;
- begin
- try
- Result := GetAsDateTime;
- DecodeTime(Result, Hour, Min, Sec, MSec);
- Result := EncodeTime(Hour, Min, Sec, MSec);
- except
- Result := NullDate;
- end;
- end;
- function TConverter.GetAsFloat: Double;
- begin
- try
- case FDataType of
- dtDateTime: Result := GetAsDateTime;
- dtDate: Result := GetAsDate;
- dtTime: Result := GetAsTime;
- else Result := StrToFloat(GetString);
- end;
- except
- Result := 0.0;
- end;
- end;
- function TConverter.GetAsInteger: Longint;
- begin
- Result := Round(GetAsFloat);
- end;
- function TConverter.GetAsString: string;
- begin
- case FDataType of
- dtString: Result := GetString;
- dtInteger: Result := IntToStr(GetAsInteger);
- dtFloat: Result := FloatToString(GetAsFloat);
- dtDateTime: Result := DateTimeToString(GetAsDateTime);
- dtDate: Result := DateTimeToString(GetAsDate);
- dtTime: Result := DateTimeToString(GetAsTime);
- dtBoolean: Result := BoolToStr(GetAsBoolean);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TConverter.SetAsBoolean(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- SetAsString(BoolToStr(Value));
- end;
- procedure TConverter.SetAsDateTime(Value: TDateTime);
- begin
- SetAsString(DateTimeToStr(Value));
- end;
- procedure TConverter.SetAsDate(Value: TDateTime);
- begin
- SetAsDateTime(Value);
- end;
- procedure TConverter.SetAsTime(Value: TDateTime);
- begin
- SetAsDateTime(Value);
- end;
- procedure TConverter.SetAsFloat(Value: Double);
- begin
- if FDataType in [dtDateTime, dtDate, dtTime] then
- SetAsDateTime(Value)
- else SetAsString(FloatToStr(Value));
- end;
- procedure TConverter.SetAsInteger(Value: Longint);
- begin
- if FDataType = dtInteger then SetAsString(IntToStr(Value))
- else SetAsFloat(Value);
- end;
- procedure TConverter.SetAsString(const Value: string);
- var
- S: string;
- begin
- S := GetString;
- SetString(Value);
- try
- CheckDataType;
- Change;
- except
- SetString(S);
- if RaiseOnError then raise;
- end;
- end;
- end.