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- {================================================================================
- Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Mills Enterprise
- Unit : rmPanel
- Purpose : This is a regular panel that has a splitter bar on the oppositly
- aligned side
- Date : 07-10-1999
- Author : Ryan J. Mills
- Version : 1.80
- ================================================================================}
- unit rmPanel;
- interface
- uses windows, messages, graphics, classes, forms, controls, sysutils, extctrls;
- {$I CompilerDefines.INC}
- type
- TrmCaptionPosition = (cpStandard, cpTopEdge);
- TrmPanel = class(TCustomPanel)
- private
- { Private }
- FActiveControl: TWinControl;
- fCapPos : TrmCaptionPosition;
- FBrush: TBrush;
- FDeltaPos: integer;
- FDownPos: TPoint;
- FLineDC: HDC;
- FLineVisible, fPanelSizing: Boolean;
- FMinSize: NaturalNumber;
- FMaxSize: Integer;
- FNewSize: Integer;
- FOldKeyDown: TKeyEvent;
- FOldSize: Integer;
- FPrevBrush: HBrush;
- FResizeStyle: TResizeStyle;
- FSplit: Integer;
- FOnCanResize: TCanResizeEvent;
- FOnMoved: TNotifyEvent;
- fonVisibleChanged: TNotifyEvent;
- fResizeBtn: boolean;
- fLastOpenSize: integer;
- fMouseOverBtn: boolean;
- fBtnDown: boolean;
- fDotCount: integer;
- fResizing: boolean;
- fSplitterPanel: boolean;
- fIBWidth: integer;
- procedure CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage); message CM_MOUSELEAVE;
- function CanResize(var NewSize: Integer): Boolean; {$IFDEF D4_OR_HIGHER} reintroduce; {$ENDIF} virtual;
- procedure CMVisibleChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_VISIBLECHANGED;
- procedure CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_FONTCHANGED;
- procedure CMParentFontChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_PARENTFONTCHANGED;
- procedure SetResizeBtn(const Value: boolean);
- procedure SetDotCount(const Value: integer);
- procedure SetSplitterPanel(const Value: boolean);
- procedure SetCapPos(const Value: TrmCaptionPosition);
- procedure SetIBWidth(const Value: integer);
- procedure UpdateSize(X, Y: Integer);
- procedure CalcSplitSize(X, Y: Integer; var NewSize, Split: Integer);
- procedure AllocateLineDC;
- procedure DrawLine;
- procedure ReleaseLineDC;
- procedure FocusKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
- procedure StopSizing;
- function DoCanResize(var NewSize: Integer): Boolean;
- procedure UpdateControlSize;
- function Convert(wRect:TRect):TRect;
- procedure WMGetMinMaxInfo(var Message: TWMGetMinMaxInfo); message WM_GETMINMAXINFO;
- procedure WMNCCalcSize(var Message: TWMNCCalcSize) ; message WM_NCCALCSIZE;
- procedure WMNCPaint(var Message: TMessage) ; message WM_NCPAINT;
- procedure WMNCHitTest(var Message: TWMNCHitTest) ; message WM_NCHITTEST;
- procedure WMNCLButtonDown(var Message: TWMNCLButtonDown) ; message WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN;
- procedure WMNCMouseMove(var Message: TWMNCMouseMove) ; message WM_NCMOUSEMOVE;
- procedure WMLButtonUp(var Message: TWMLButtonUp) ; message WM_LBUTTONUP;
- protected
- { Protected }
- function GripSize: integer;
- function GripRect: TRect;
- function BtnRect: TRect;
- procedure PaintGrip;
- procedure Paint; override;
- procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
- procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
- procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
- public
- { Public }
- constructor create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- function GetClientRect: TRect; override;
- procedure AdjustClientRect(var Rect: TRect); override;
- property DockManager;
- published
- { Published }
- property Align;
- property Alignment;
- property Anchors;
- property AutoSize;
- property BevelInner;
- property BevelOuter default bvNone;
- property BevelWidth;
- property BiDiMode;
- property BorderWidth;
- property InternalBorderWidth : integer read fIBWidth write SetIBWidth default 0;
- property Caption;
- property CaptionPosition : TrmCaptionPosition read fCapPos write SetCapPos default cpStandard;
- property Color;
- property Constraints;
- property Ctl3D;
- property SplitterPanel: boolean read fSplitterPanel write SetSplitterPanel default false;
- property UseDockManager default True;
- property DotCount: integer read fDotCount write SetDotCount default 10;
- property DockSite;
- property DragCursor;
- property DragKind;
- property DragMode;
- property Enabled;
- property FullRepaint;
- property Font;
- property Locked;
- property MinSize: NaturalNumber read FMinSize write FMinSize default 30;
- property ParentBiDiMode;
- property ParentColor;
- property ParentCtl3D;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- property PopupMenu;
- property ResizeStyle: TResizeStyle read FResizeStyle write FResizeStyle default rsPattern;
- property ResizeBtn: boolean read fResizeBtn write SetResizeBtn default false;
- property ShowHint;
- property TabOrder;
- property TabStop;
- property Visible;
- property OnCanResize;
- property OnClick;
- property OnConstrainedResize;
- property OnDockDrop;
- property OnDockOver;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnEndDock;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnEnter;
- property OnExit;
- property OnGetSiteInfo;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property OnResize;
- property OnStartDock;
- property OnStartDrag;
- property OnUnDock;
- property OnVisibleChanged: TNotifyEvent read fOnVisibleChanged write fOnVisibleChanged;
- end;
- implementation
- {$R *.RES}
- uses rmLibrary;
- { TrmPanel }
- const
- DotSize = 4;
- type
- TWinControlAccess = class(TWinControl);
- procedure TrmPanel.CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- inherited;
- Cursor := crDefault;
- fMouseOverBtn := false;
- PaintGrip;
- end;
- constructor TrmPanel.create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited create(AOwner);
- Caption := '';
- fCapPos := cpStandard;
- fIBWidth := 0;
- BevelOuter := bvNone;
- BevelInner := bvNone;
- FMinSize := 30;
- FResizeStyle := rsPattern;
- FOldSize := -1;
- fPanelSizing := false;
- FDeltaPos := 0;
- fResizeBtn := false;
- fLastOpenSize := 0;
- fMouseOverBtn := false;
- fBtnDown := false;
- fDotCount := 10;
- fResizing := false;
- fSplitterPanel := false;
- end;
- function TrmPanel.GetClientRect: TRect;
- var
- wRect: TRect;
- begin
- wRect := inherited GetClientRect;
- if CaptionPosition = cpTopEdge then
- begin
- Canvas.Font := Self.Font;
- wRect.Top := wRect.Top + Canvas.textHeight('W');
- end;
- result := wRect;
- end;
- function TrmPanel.GripRect: TRect;
- var
- wRect: TRect;
- begin
- case align of
- alTop: wRect := Rect(0, height - gripsize, width, height);
- alBottom: wRect := Rect(0, -GripSize, width, 0);
- alLeft: wRect := Rect(width - gripsize, 0, width, height);
- alRight: wRect := Rect(-GripSize, 0, 0, height);
- else
- wRect := Rect(-1, -1, -1, -1);
- end;
- result := wRect;
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.UpdateControlSize;
- begin
- if FNewSize <> FOldSize then
- begin
- case Align of
- alLeft: Width := FNewSize;
- alTop: Height := FNewSize;
- alRight:
- begin
- Parent.DisableAlign;
- try
- Width := FNewSize;
- finally
- Parent.EnableAlign;
- end;
- parent.realign;
- end;
- alBottom:
- begin
- Parent.DisableAlign;
- try
- Height := FNewSize;
- finally
- Parent.EnableAlign;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Update;
- if Assigned(FOnMoved) then FOnMoved(Self);
- FOldSize := FNewSize;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.Paint;
- const
- Alignments: array[TAlignment] of Longint = (DT_LEFT, DT_RIGHT, DT_CENTER);
- var
- wRect: TRect;
- TopColor, BottomColor: TColor;
- FontHeight: Integer;
- Flags: Longint;
- procedure AdjustColors(Bevel: TPanelBevel);
- begin
- TopColor := clBtnHighlight;
- if Bevel = bvLowered then TopColor := clBtnShadow;
- BottomColor := clBtnShadow;
- if Bevel = bvLowered then BottomColor := clBtnHighlight;
- end;
- begin
- if CaptionPosition = cpStandard then
- begin
- inherited;
- end
- else
- begin
- with Canvas do
- begin
- Font := Self.Font;
- FontHeight := TextHeight('W');
- Brush.Color := Color;
- FillRect(Rect(0,0,width,height));
- end;
- wRect := ClientRect;
- wRect.Top := wRect.Top - (FontHeight div 2);
- if BevelOuter <> bvNone then
- begin
- AdjustColors(BevelOuter);
- Frame3D(Canvas, wRect, TopColor, BottomColor, BevelWidth);
- end;
- Frame3D(Canvas, wRect, Color, Color, BorderWidth);
- if BevelInner <> bvNone then
- begin
- AdjustColors(BevelInner);
- Frame3D(Canvas, wRect, TopColor, BottomColor, BevelWidth);
- end;
- with Canvas do
- begin
- wRect := GetClientRect;
- wRect.Top := wRect.Top - FontHeight;
- wRect.Bottom := Top + FontHeight;
- Case Alignment of
- taLeftJustify:
- begin
- wRect.Left := 8;
- wRect.Right := wRect.Left + TextWidth(Caption);
- end;
- taRightJustify:
- begin
- wRect.Right := wRect.Right - 8;
- wRect.Left := wRect.Right - TextWidth(Caption);
- end;
- taCenter:
- begin
- Try
- wRect.Left := (width - TextWidth(Caption)) div 2;
- except
- wRect.Left := 0;
- end;
- wRect.right := wRect.Left+TextWidth(caption)+1;
- end;
- end;
- OffsetRect(wRect, Borderwidth, BorderWidth);
- Flags := DrawTextBiDiModeFlags(Flags);
- DrawText(Handle, PChar(Caption), -1, wRect, Flags);
- end;
- end;
- PaintGrip;
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.CMVisibleChanged(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- inherited;
- if assigned(fonVisibleChanged) then
- fOnVisibleChanged(self);
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.SetResizeBtn(const Value: boolean);
- begin
- if fResizeBtn <> Value then
- begin
- fResizeBtn := Value;
- Realign;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- function TrmPanel.GripSize: integer;
- begin
- if fResizeBtn then
- result := 6
- else
- result := 3;
- end;
- function TrmPanel.BtnRect: TRect;
- var
- wRect: TRect;
- wGripH, wGripW: integer;
- begin
- wrect := GripRect;
- wGripH := wRect.Bottom - wrect.Top;
- wGripW := wRect.Right - wrect.Left;
- case Align of
- alTop, alBottom:
- begin
- result.Left := ((wGripW div 2) - ((DotCount * DotSize) div 2));
- result.right := result.left + (DotCount * DotSize);
- if align = altop then
- begin
- result.top := Height - wGripH;
- result.Bottom := height;
- end
- else
- begin
- result.top := -wGripH;
- result.Bottom := 0;
- end;
- InflateRect(result, 12, 0);
- end;
- alLeft, alRight:
- begin
- result.Top := ((wGripH div 2) - ((DotCount * DotSize) div 2));
- result.Bottom := result.Top + (DotCount * DotSize);
- if align = alLeft then
- begin
- result.Left := Width - wGripW;
- result.Right := Width;
- end
- else
- begin
- result.Left := -wGripW;
- result.Right := 0;
- end;
- InflateRect(result, 0, 12);
- end;
- else
- result := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.SetDotCount(const Value: integer);
- begin
- if (value >= 5) and (value <= 20) then
- begin
- fDotCount := value;
- PaintGrip;
- end
- else
- raise ERangeError.Create('Value must be between 5 and 20');
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.PaintGrip;
- var
- DC : HDC;
- loop: integer;
- wrect: TRect;
- adjust: integer;
- wBmp: TBitmap;
- wArrow: TBitmap;
- wxpos, wypos : integer;
- begin
- if not (SplitterPanel or ResizeBtn) then
- exit;
- wBmp := TBitMap.create;
- try
- wRect := GripRect;
- wBmp.Height := wRect.Bottom - wRect.Top;
- wBmp.Width := wRect.Right - wRect.Left;
- wBmp.canvas.brush.color := Color;
- wBmp.canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, wbmp.width, wbmp.height));
- if fResizeBtn then
- begin
- wrect := BtnRect;
- if (align in [albottom, alTop]) then
- begin
- OffsetRect(wRect, 0, -wRect.Top);
- for loop := 0 to DotCount - 1 do
- begin
- adjust := (loop * DotSize) + 12;
- wBmp.canvas.pixels[wRect.Left + 1 + adjust, wRect.Top + 1] := clbtnhighlight;
- wBmp.canvas.pixels[wRect.Left + 2 + adjust, wRect.Top + 1] := clHighlight;
- wBmp.canvas.pixels[wRect.Left + 1 + adjust, wRect.Top + 2] := clHighlight;
- wBmp.canvas.pixels[wRect.Left + 2 + adjust, wRect.Top + 2] := clHighlight;
- if loop < DotCount then
- begin
- wBmp.canvas.pixels[wRect.Left + 3 + adjust, wRect.Top + 3] := clbtnhighlight;
- wBmp.canvas.pixels[wRect.Left + 4 + adjust, wRect.Top + 3] := clHighlight;
- wBmp.canvas.pixels[wRect.Left + 3 + adjust, wRect.Top + 4] := clHighlight;
- wBmp.canvas.pixels[wRect.Left + 4 + adjust, wRect.Top + 4] := clHighlight;
- end;
- end;
- wArrow := TBitmap.create;
- try
- if fLastOpenSize = 0 then
- begin
- if align = altop then
- wArrow.LoadFromResourceName(Hinstance, 'RMPUPARROW')
- else
- wArrow.LoadFromResourceName(Hinstance, 'RMPDNARROW');
- end
- else
- begin
- if align = alBottom then
- wArrow.LoadFromResourceName(Hinstance, 'RMPUPARROW')
- else
- wArrow.LoadFromResourceName(Hinstance, 'RMPDNARROW');
- end;
- ReplaceColors(wArrow, Color, clHighLight);
- wBmp.Canvas.Draw(wRect.Left + 1, wRect.Top + 2, wArrow);
- wBmp.Canvas.Draw((wRect.Right - 1) - wArrow.width, wRect.Top + 2, wArrow);
- finally
- wArrow.free;
- end;
- end
- else if (align in [alLeft, alRight]) then
- begin
- OffsetRect(wRect, -wRect.Left, 0);
- for loop := 0 to DotCount - 1 do
- begin
- adjust := (loop * DotSize) + 12;
- wBmp.canvas.pixels[wRect.Left + 1, wRect.Top + 1 + adjust] := clbtnhighlight;
- wBmp.canvas.pixels[wRect.Left + 1, wRect.Top + 2 + adjust] := clHighlight;
- wBmp.canvas.pixels[wRect.Left + 2, wRect.Top + 1 + adjust] := clHighlight;
- wBmp.canvas.pixels[wRect.Left + 2, wRect.Top + 2 + adjust] := clHighlight;
- if loop < DotCount then
- begin
- wBmp.canvas.pixels[wRect.Left + 3, wRect.Top + 2 + adjust] := clbtnhighlight;
- wBmp.canvas.pixels[wRect.Left + 3, wRect.Top + 4 + adjust] := clHighlight;
- wBmp.canvas.pixels[wRect.Left + 4, wRect.Top + 3 + adjust] := clHighlight;
- wBmp.canvas.pixels[wRect.Left + 4, wRect.Top + 4 + adjust] := clHighlight;
- end;
- end;
- wArrow := TBitmap.create;
- try
- if fLastOpenSize = 0 then
- begin
- if align = alLeft then
- wArrow.LoadFromResourceName(Hinstance, 'RMPLTARROW')
- else
- wArrow.LoadFromResourceName(Hinstance, 'RMPRTARROW');
- end
- else
- begin
- if align = alRight then
- wArrow.LoadFromResourceName(Hinstance, 'RMPLTARROW')
- else
- wArrow.LoadFromResourceName(Hinstance, 'RMPRTARROW');
- end;
- ReplaceColors(wArrow, Color, clHighLight);
- wBmp.Canvas.Draw(wRect.Left + 2, wRect.Top + 1, wArrow);
- wBmp.Canvas.Draw(wRect.Left + 2, (wRect.Bottom - 1) - wArrow.Height, wArrow);
- finally
- wArrow.free;
- end;
- end;
- if fMouseOverBtn then
- begin
- if fBtnDown then
- Frame3D(wBmp.Canvas, wRect, clbtnshadow, clbtnhighlight, 1)
- else
- Frame3D(wBmp.Canvas, wRect, clbtnhighlight, clbtnshadow, 1);
- end;
- end;
- wRect := GripRect;
- wxpos := 0;
- wypos := 0;
- case align of
- albottom, alright:
- begin
- wxpos := 0;
- wypos := 0;
- end;
- alleft :
- begin
- wxpos := width-wbmp.width;
- wypos := 0;
- end;
- altop :
- begin
- wxpos := 0;
- wypos := height-wbmp.height;
- end;
- end;
- DC := GetWindowDC(Handle) ;
- try
- BitBlt(DC, wxpos, wypos, wBMP.width, wBMP.height, wBMP.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, SRCCOPY) ;
- finally
- ReleaseDC(Handle, DC) ;
- end;
- // Canvas.Draw(wRect.Left, wRect.Top, wBmp);
- finally
- wBmp.free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.SetSplitterPanel(const Value: boolean);
- begin
- if fSplitterPanel <> Value then
- begin
- fSplitterPanel := Value;
- Realign;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.SetCapPos(const Value: TrmCaptionPosition);
- begin
- if fCapPos <> Value then
- begin
- fCapPos := Value;
- Realign;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.SetIBWidth(const Value: integer);
- begin
- if fIBWidth <> Value then
- begin
- fIBWidth := Value;
- Realign;
- invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.AdjustClientRect(var Rect: TRect);
- begin
- inherited AdjustClientRect(Rect);
- InflateRect(Rect, -fIBWidth, -fIBWidth);
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- Inherited;
- Realign;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.CMParentFontChanged(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- Inherited;
- Realign;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.WMNCCalcSize(var Message: TWMNCCalcSize);
- begin
- inherited;
- if SplitterPanel or ResizeBtn then
- begin
- with Message.CalcSize_Params^ do
- begin
- case align of
- alTop: rgrc[0].Bottom := rgrc[0].Bottom - GripSize;
- alBottom: rgrc[0].Top := rgrc[0].Top + GripSize;
- alLeft: rgrc[0].Right := rgrc[0].Right - GripSize;
- alRight: rgrc[0].Left := rgrc[0].Left + GripSize;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.WMNCPaint(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- if SplitterPanel or ResizeBtn then
- begin
- PaintGrip;
- Message.result := 0;
- end
- else
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.WMNCHitTest(var Message: TWMNCHitTest);
- var
- wpt: TPoint;
- begin
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then
- begin
- inherited;
- exit;
- end;
- if SplitterPanel or ResizeBtn then
- begin
- wpt := Point(Message.XPos, Message.YPos) ;
- if resizebtn and ptinrect(Convert(btnrect),wpt) then
- begin
- fMouseOverBtn := true;
- message.result := htCaption;
- end
- else
- begin
- fMouseOverBtn := false;
- if splitterpanel and ptinrect(convert(GripRect),wpt) then
- begin
- if (fLastOpenSize = 0) then
- message.result := htClient
- else
- Message.Result := htnowhere;
- end
- else
- message.result := htClient
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- fMouseOverBtn := false;
- inherited;
- end;
- end;
- function TrmPanel.Convert(wRect: TRect): TRect;
- begin
- result.topleft := clienttoscreen(wrect.topleft);
- result.bottomright := clienttoscreen(wrect.bottomright);
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.UpdateSize(X, Y: Integer);
- begin
- CalcSplitSize(X, Y, FNewSize, FSplit);
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.CalcSplitSize(X, Y: Integer; var NewSize, Split: Integer);
- var
- S: Integer;
- begin
- if Align in [alLeft, alRight] then
- Split := X - FDownPos.X
- else
- Split := Y - FDownPos.Y;
- S := 0;
- case Align of
- alLeft: S := Width + Split;
- alRight: S := Width - Split;
- alTop: S := Height + Split;
- alBottom: S := Height - Split;
- end;
- NewSize := S;
- if S < FMinSize then
- NewSize := FMinSize
- else if S > FMaxSize then
- NewSize := FMaxSize;
- if S <> NewSize then
- begin
- if Align in [alRight, alBottom] then
- S := S - NewSize else
- S := NewSize - S;
- Inc(Split, S);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.AllocateLineDC;
- begin
- FLineDC := GetDCEx(Parent.Handle, 0, DCX_CACHE or DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS
- if ResizeStyle = rsPattern then
- begin
- if FBrush = nil then
- begin
- FBrush := TBrush.Create;
- FBrush.Bitmap := AllocPatternBitmap(clBlack, clWhite);
- end;
- FPrevBrush := SelectObject(FLineDC, FBrush.Handle);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.DrawLine;
- var
- P: TPoint;
- h, w: integer;
- wRect: TRect;
- begin
- wRect := GripRect;
- wRect.TopLeft := Parent.ScreenToClient(Self.ClientToScreen(wRect.TopLeft));
- wRect.BottomRight := Parent.ScreenToClient(Self.ClientToScreen(wRect.BottomRight));
- FLineVisible := not FLineVisible;
- case Align of
- alLeft:
- begin
- P.X := wRect.left + FDeltaPos;
- P.Y := Top;
- h := height;
- w := GripSize;
- end;
- alRight:
- begin
- P.X := left + FDeltaPos;
- P.Y := Top;
- h := height;
- w := GripSize;
- end;
- alBottom:
- begin
- P.X := 0;
- P.Y := top + FDeltaPos;
- h := GripSize;
- w := width;
- end;
- alTop:
- begin
- P.X := 0;
- P.Y := wRect.top + FDeltaPos;
- h := GripSize;
- w := width;
- end;
- else
- exit;
- end;
- with P do PatBlt(FLineDC, X, Y, W, H, PATINVERT);
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.ReleaseLineDC;
- begin
- if FPrevBrush <> 0 then
- SelectObject(FLineDC, FPrevBrush);
- ReleaseDC(Parent.Handle, FLineDC);
- if FBrush <> nil then
- begin
- FBrush.Free;
- FBrush := nil;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.FocusKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
- begin
- if Key = VK_ESCAPE then
- StopSizing
- else if Assigned(FOldKeyDown) then
- FOldKeyDown(Sender, Key, Shift);
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.StopSizing;
- begin
- if FLineVisible then DrawLine;
- ReleaseLineDC;
- if Assigned(FActiveControl) then
- begin
- TWinControlAccess(FActiveControl).OnKeyDown := FOldKeyDown;
- FActiveControl := nil;
- end;
- if Assigned(FOnMoved) then
- FOnMoved(Self);
- end;
- function TrmPanel.CanResize(var NewSize: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := True;
- if Assigned(FOnCanResize) then FOnCanResize(Self, NewSize, Result);
- end;
- function TrmPanel.DoCanResize(var NewSize: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := CanResize(NewSize);
- if Result then
- begin
- NewSize := SetInRange(NewSize, fMinsize, fMaxSize);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.WMNCLButtonDown(var Message: TWMNCLButtonDown);
- var
- wPt: TPoint;
- wCloseBtn: boolean;
- begin
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then
- begin
- inherited;
- exit;
- end;
- if ResizeBtn then
- begin
- wPt := Point(message.XCursor, message.YCursor);
- wCloseBtn := (ResizeBtn and PtInRect(convert(BtnRect), wPt));
- if wCloseBtn then
- begin
- SendCancelMode(Self) ;
- MouseCapture := true;
- end;
- if wCloseBtn then
- begin
- fBtnDown := true;
- PaintGrip;
- end
- else
- begin
- fBtnDown := false;
- end;
- Message.result := 0;
- end
- else
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.WMLButtonUp(var Message: TWMLButtonUp);
- var
- wbtndown : boolean;
- wpt : tpoint;
- begin
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then
- begin
- inherited;
- exit;
- end;
- wBtnDown := fBtnDown;
- fBtnDown := false;
- MouseCapture := false;
- PaintGrip;
- wpt := point(message.XPos, Message.YPos);
- if wBtnDown and ptInRect(btnrect, wpt) then
- begin
- if (fLastOpenSize <> 0) then
- begin
- case align of
- alTop, alBottom: clientheight := fLastOpenSize;
- alLeft, alRight: clientWidth := fLastOpenSize;
- end;
- fLastOpenSize := 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- case align of
- alTop:
- begin
- fLastOpenSize := clientheight;
- clientheight := 0;
- end;
- alBottom:
- begin
- Parent.DisableAlign;
- try
- fLastOpenSize := clientheight;
- clientheight := 0;
- finally
- Parent.EnableAlign;
- end;
- end;
- alLeft:
- begin
- fLastOpenSize := clientWidth;
- clientWidth := 0;
- end;
- alRight:
- begin
- Parent.DisableAlign;
- try
- fLastOpenSize := clientWidth;
- clientWidth := 0;
- finally
- Parent.EnableAlign;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- realign;
- end;
- Message.Result := 0;
- end
- else
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.WMNCMouseMove(var Message: TWMNCMouseMove);
- var
- wpt : Tpoint;
- begin
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then
- begin
- inherited;
- exit;
- end;
- inherited;
- wPt := Point(message.XCursor, message.YCursor);
- fMouseOverBtn := (ResizeBtn and PtInRect(Convert(BtnRect), wPt));
- if SplitterPanel and PtInRect(convert(GripRect), wPt) and not (fMouseOverBtn) and (fLastOpenSize = 0) then
- begin
- case align of
- alTop, alBottom: Cursor := crVSplit;
- alRight, alLeft: Cursor := crHSplit;
- else
- Cursor := crDefault;
- end;
- end
- else
- Cursor := crDefault;
- PaintGrip;
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.WMGetMinMaxInfo(var Message: TWMGetMinMaxInfo);
- begin
- inherited;
- if not (csReading in ComponentState) and Fresizing then
- with Message.MinMaxInfo^.ptMinTrackSize do
- begin
- case align of
- alright, alLeft:
- begin
- if x < fMinsize then
- x := fMinsize;
- if x < GripSize then
- x := gripsize;
- end;
- alTop, alBottom:
- begin
- if y < fMinsize then
- y := fMinsize;
- if y < GripSize then
- y := gripsize;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton;
- Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- var
- I: Integer;
- wPt: TPoint;
- wCloseBtn: boolean;
- begin
- inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y);
- wPt := Point(x, y);
- wCloseBtn := (fResizeBtn and PtInRect(BtnRect, wPt));
- if SplitterPanel and PtInRect(GripRect, wPt) and not wCloseBtn and (fLastOpenSize = 0) then
- begin
- fBtnDown := false;
- if Button = mbLeft then
- begin
- FPanelSizing := true;
- FDownPos := Point(X, Y);
- fDeltaPos := 0;
- if Align in [alLeft, alRight] then
- begin
- FMaxSize := Parent.ClientWidth;
- for I := 0 to Parent.ControlCount - 1 do
- with Parent.Controls[I] do
- if Align in [alLeft, alRight] then Dec(FMaxSize, Width);
- Inc(FMaxSize, Width);
- end
- else
- begin
- FMaxSize := Parent.ClientHeight;
- for I := 0 to Parent.ControlCount - 1 do
- with Parent.Controls[I] do
- if Align in [alTop, alBottom] then Dec(FMaxSize, Height);
- Inc(FMaxSize, Height);
- end;
- UpdateSize(X, Y);
- AllocateLineDC;
- with ValidParentForm(Self) do
- if ActiveControl <> nil then
- begin
- FActiveControl := ActiveControl;
- FOldKeyDown := TWinControlAccess(FActiveControl).OnKeyDown;
- TWinControlAccess(FActiveControl).OnKeyDown := FocusKeyDown;
- end;
- if ResizeStyle in [rsLine, rsPattern] then DrawLine;
- end;
- end
- else if (fResizeBtn and PtInRect(BtnRect, wPt) and (Button = mbLeft)) then
- begin
- fBtnDown := true;
- PaintGrip;
- end
- else
- begin
- fBtnDown := false;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- var
- wPt: TPoint;
- NewSize, Split: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- if (ssLeft in Shift) and FPanelSizing then
- begin
- if ResizeStyle = rsUpdate then
- begin
- case align of
- alLeft: NewSize := x;
- alRight: NewSize := width - x;
- alTop: NewSize := y;
- alBottom: NewSize := height - y;
- else
- exit;
- end;
- if DoCanResize(NewSize) then
- begin
- fNewSize := newsize;
- UpdateControlSize;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- CalcSplitSize(X, Y, NewSize, Split);
- if DoCanResize(NewSize) then
- begin
- if ResizeStyle in [rsLine, rsPattern] then DrawLine;
- FNewSize := NewSize;
- FSplit := Split;
- case align of
- alLeft: fDeltaPos := x - fDownPos.x;
- alRight: fDeltaPos := x;
- alTop: fDeltaPos := y - fDownPos.y;
- alBottom: fDeltaPos := y;
- else
- fDeltaPos := 0;
- end;
- if ResizeStyle in [rsLine, rsPattern] then DrawLine;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- wPt := Point(x, y);
- fMouseOverBtn := (fResizeBtn and PtInRect(BtnRect, wPt));
- if SplitterPanel and PtInRect(GripRect, wPt) and not (fMouseOverBtn) and (fLastOpenSize = 0) then
- begin
- case align of
- alTop, alBottom: Cursor := crVSplit;
- alRight, alLeft: Cursor := crHSplit;
- else
- Cursor := crDefault;
- end;
- end
- else
- Cursor := crDefault;
- PaintGrip
- end;
- end;
- procedure TrmPanel.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,
- Y: Integer);
- var
- wPt: TPoint;
- begin
- inherited;
- if FPanelSizing then
- begin
- fPanelSizing := false;
- if ResizeStyle in [rsLine, rsPattern] then DrawLine;
- UpdateControlSize;
- StopSizing;
- end
- else
- begin
- wPt := Point(x, y);
- if fResizeBtn and PtInRect(convert(BtnRect), wPt) and fBtnDown then
- begin
- if (fLastOpenSize <> 0) then
- begin
- case align of
- alTop, alBottom: clientheight := fLastOpenSize;
- alLeft, alRight: clientWidth := fLastOpenSize;
- end;
- fLastOpenSize := 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- case align of
- alTop:
- begin
- fLastOpenSize := clientheight;
- clientheight := 0;
- end;
- alBottom:
- begin
- Parent.DisableAlign;
- try
- fLastOpenSize := clientheight;
- clientheight := 0;
- height := GripSize;
- finally
- Parent.EnableAlign;
- end;
- end;
- alLeft:
- begin
- fLastOpenSize := clientWidth;
- clientWidth := 0;
- end;
- alRight:
- begin
- Parent.DisableAlign;
- try
- fLastOpenSize := clientWidth;
- clientWidth := 0;
- width := GripSize;
- finally
- Parent.EnableAlign;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Update;
- end;
- end;
- fBtnDown := false;
- end;
- end;
- end.