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Pascal/Delphi Source File
610 lines
unit PlotXControl_TLB;
// ************************************************************************ //
// -------
// The types declared in this file were generated from data read from a
// Type Library. If this type library is explicitly or indirectly (via
// another type library referring to this type library) re-imported, or the
// 'Refresh' command of the Type Library Editor activated while editing the
// Type Library, the contents of this file will be regenerated and all
// manual modifications will be lost.
// ************************************************************************ //
// PASTLWTR : $Revision: 1.88 $
// File generated on 5/18/01 10:19:39 AM from Type Library described below.
// *************************************************************************//
// NOTE:
// Items guarded by $IFDEF_LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME are used by properties
// which return objects that may need to be explicitly created via a function
// call prior to any access via the property. These items have been disabled
// in order to prevent accidental use from within the object inspector. You
// may enable them by defining LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME or by selectively
// removing them from the $IFDEF blocks. However, such items must still be
// programmatically created via a method of the appropriate CoClass before
// they can be used.
// ************************************************************************ //
// Type Lib: D:\delphi\Components\TPlot\ActiveX\PlotXControl.tlb (1)
// IID\LCID: {618FBF90-4B23-11D5-AC76-006008F62500}\0
// Helpfile:
// DepndLst:
// (1) v2.0 stdole, (C:\WINNT\System32\stdole2.tlb)
// (2) v4.0 StdVCL, (C:\WINNT\System32\STDVCL40.DLL)
// ************************************************************************ //
{$TYPEDADDRESS OFF} // Unit must be compiled without type-checked pointers.
uses Windows, ActiveX, Classes, Graphics, OleServer, OleCtrls, StdVCL;
// *********************************************************************//
// GUIDS declared in the TypeLibrary. Following prefixes are used:
// Type Libraries : LIBID_xxxx
// CoClasses : CLASS_xxxx
// DISPInterfaces : DIID_xxxx
// Non-DISP interfaces: IID_xxxx
// *********************************************************************//
// TypeLibrary Major and minor versions
PlotXControlMajorVersion = 1;
PlotXControlMinorVersion = 0;
LIBID_PlotXControl: TGUID = '{618FBF90-4B23-11D5-AC76-006008F62500}';
IID_IPlotX: TGUID = '{618FBF91-4B23-11D5-AC76-006008F62500}';
DIID_IPlotXEvents: TGUID = '{618FBF93-4B23-11D5-AC76-006008F62500}';
CLASS_PlotX: TGUID = '{618FBF95-4B23-11D5-AC76-006008F62500}';
// *********************************************************************//
// Declaration of Enumerations defined in Type Library
// *********************************************************************//
// Constants for enum TxScreenJob
TxScreenJob = TOleEnum;
sjNone = $00000000;
sjDrag = $00000001;
sjHide = $00000002;
sjZoomIn = $00000003;
sjEditAxis = $00000004;
sjTouchNotePointer = $00000005;
sjMoveNotePointer = $00000006;
sjEditFont = $00000007;
sjEditPoint = $00000008;
sjEditSeries = $00000009;
sjFlashEdit = $0000000A;
sjCopySeries = $0000000B;
sjDisplace = $0000000C;
sjCloneSeries = $0000000D;
sjDeleteSeries = $0000000E;
sjPosition = $0000000F;
sjNearestPoint = $00000010;
sjAverage = $00000011;
sjContractSeries = $00000012;
sjContractAllSeries = $00000013;
sjSplineSeries = $00000014;
sjHighs = $00000015;
sjLows = $00000016;
sjMovingAverage = $00000017;
sjSmoothSeries = $00000018;
sjSortSeries = $00000019;
sjDifferentiate = $0000001A;
sjIntegrate = $0000001B;
sjIntegral = $0000001C;
sjLineOfBestFit = $0000001D;
sjDualLineBestFit1 = $0000001E;
sjDualLineBestFit2 = $0000001F;
sjSelection = $00000020;
sjDualSelection1 = $00000021;
sjDualSelection2 = $00000022;
// Constants for enum TxContourDetail
TxContourDetail = TOleEnum;
cdLow = $00000000;
cdMedium = $00000001;
cdHigh = $00000002;
cdVHigh = $00000003;
// Constants for enum TxDisplayMode
TxDisplayMode = TOleEnum;
dmNormal = $00000000;
dmNone = $00000001;
dmRun = $00000002;
dmHistory = $00000003;
// Constants for enum TxGridType
TxGridType = TOleEnum;
gtNone = $00000000;
gtHorizontal = $00000001;
gtVertical = $00000002;
gtBoth = $00000003;
// Constants for enum TxPenStyle
TxPenStyle = TOleEnum;
psSolid = $00000000;
psDash = $00000001;
psDot = $00000002;
psDashDot = $00000003;
psDashDotDot = $00000004;
psClear = $00000005;
psInsideFrame = $00000006;
// Constants for enum TxPlotType
TxPlotType = TOleEnum;
ptXY = $00000000;
ptError = $00000001;
ptMultiple = $00000002;
ptBubble = $00000003;
ptColumn = $00000004;
ptStack = $00000005;
ptNormStack = $00000006;
ptPie = $00000007;
ptPolar = $00000008;
ptContour = $00000009;
pt3DContour = $0000000A;
pt3DWire = $0000000B;
// Constants for enum TxPrinterOrientation
TxPrinterOrientation = TOleEnum;
poPortrait = $00000000;
poLandscape = $00000001;
// Constants for enum TxBevelCut
TxBevelCut = TOleEnum;
bvNone = $00000000;
bvLowered = $00000001;
bvRaised = $00000002;
bvSpace = $00000003;
// Constants for enum TxBorderStyle
TxBorderStyle = TOleEnum;
bsNone = $00000000;
bsSingle = $00000001;
// Constants for enum TxDragMode
TxDragMode = TOleEnum;
dmManual = $00000000;
dmAutomatic = $00000001;
// Constants for enum TxMouseButton
TxMouseButton = TOleEnum;
mbLeft = $00000000;
mbRight = $00000001;
mbMiddle = $00000002;
// *********************************************************************//
// Forward declaration of types defined in TypeLibrary
// *********************************************************************//
IPlotX = interface;
IPlotXDisp = dispinterface;
IPlotXEvents = dispinterface;
// *********************************************************************//
// Declaration of CoClasses defined in Type Library
// (NOTE: Here we map each CoClass to its Default Interface)
// *********************************************************************//
PlotX = IPlotX;
// *********************************************************************//
// Declaration of structures, unions and aliases.
// *********************************************************************//
PPUserType1 = ^IFontDisp; {*}
// *********************************************************************//
// Interface: IPlotX
// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
// GUID: {618FBF91-4B23-11D5-AC76-006008F62500}
// *********************************************************************//
IPlotX = interface(IDispatch)
function Get_ScreenJob: TxScreenJob; safecall;
procedure Set_ScreenJob(Value: TxScreenJob); safecall;
function Get_About: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_About(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_AxesProperties: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_AxesProperties(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_DataProperties: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_DataProperties(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_SeriesProperties: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_SeriesProperties(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_ClickAndDragDelay: Integer; safecall;
procedure Set_ClickAndDragDelay(Value: Integer); safecall;
function Get_ColumnGap: Smallint; safecall;
procedure Set_ColumnGap(Value: Smallint); safecall;
function Get_ContourDetail: TxContourDetail; safecall;
procedure Set_ContourDetail(Value: TxContourDetail); safecall;
function Get_CreatedBy: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_CreatedBy(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_Description: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_Description(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_DisplayHistory: Single; safecall;
procedure Set_DisplayHistory(Value: Single); safecall;
function Get_DisplayMode: TxDisplayMode; safecall;
procedure Set_DisplayMode(Value: TxDisplayMode); safecall;
function Get_DefaultExtension: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_DefaultExtension(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_Editable: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_Editable(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_FileName: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_FileName(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_Grid: TxGridType; safecall;
procedure Set_Grid(Value: TxGridType); safecall;
function Get_GridStyle: TxPenStyle; safecall;
procedure Set_GridStyle(Value: TxPenStyle); safecall;
function Get_HighFont: IFontDisp; safecall;
procedure Set_HighFont(const Value: IFontDisp); safecall;
function Get_HelpFile: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_HelpFile(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_Movable: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_Movable(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_Multiplicity: Byte; safecall;
procedure Set_Multiplicity(Value: Byte); safecall;
function Get_MultiJoin: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_MultiJoin(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_PieRowCount: Byte; safecall;
procedure Set_PieRowCount(Value: Byte); safecall;
function Get_NoSeries: Word; safecall;
procedure Set_NoSeries(Value: Word); safecall;
function Get_NoYAxes: Integer; safecall;
procedure Set_NoYAxes(Value: Integer); safecall;
function Get_OutlineWidth: Integer; safecall;
procedure Set_OutlineWidth(Value: Integer); safecall;
function Get_PlotType: TxPlotType; safecall;
procedure Set_PlotType(Value: TxPlotType); safecall;
function Get_PolarRange: Single; safecall;
procedure Set_PolarRange(Value: Single); safecall;
function Get_PrintOrientation: TxPrinterOrientation; safecall;
procedure Set_PrintOrientation(Value: TxPrinterOrientation); safecall;
function Get_ZAngle: Word; safecall;
procedure Set_ZAngle(Value: Word); safecall;
function Get_ZLink: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_ZLink(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_XYFastDrawAt: Integer; safecall;
procedure Set_XYFastDrawAt(Value: Integer); safecall;
function Get_BevelInner: TxBevelCut; safecall;
procedure Set_BevelInner(Value: TxBevelCut); safecall;
function Get_BevelOuter: TxBevelCut; safecall;
procedure Set_BevelOuter(Value: TxBevelCut); safecall;
function Get_BorderStyle: TxBorderStyle; safecall;
procedure Set_BorderStyle(Value: TxBorderStyle); safecall;
function Get_Color: OLE_COLOR; safecall;
procedure Set_Color(Value: OLE_COLOR); safecall;
function Get_Ctl3D: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_Ctl3D(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_DragCursor: Smallint; safecall;
procedure Set_DragCursor(Value: Smallint); safecall;
function Get_DragMode: TxDragMode; safecall;
procedure Set_DragMode(Value: TxDragMode); safecall;
function Get_Enabled: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_Enabled(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_Font: IFontDisp; safecall;
procedure _Set_Font(const Value: IFontDisp); safecall;
procedure Set_Font(var Value: IFontDisp); safecall;
function Get_ParentColor: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_ParentColor(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_Locked: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_Locked(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_ParentCtl3D: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_ParentCtl3D(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_Visible: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_Visible(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_FullRepaint: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_FullRepaint(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_UseDockManager: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_UseDockManager(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_DockSite: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_DockSite(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_DoubleBuffered: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_DoubleBuffered(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_VisibleDockClientCount: Integer; safecall;
function Get_Cursor: Smallint; safecall;
procedure Set_Cursor(Value: Smallint); safecall;
property ScreenJob: TxScreenJob read Get_ScreenJob write Set_ScreenJob;
property About: WideString read Get_About write Set_About;
property AxesProperties: WideString read Get_AxesProperties write Set_AxesProperties;
property DataProperties: WideString read Get_DataProperties write Set_DataProperties;
property SeriesProperties: WideString read Get_SeriesProperties write Set_SeriesProperties;
property ClickAndDragDelay: Integer read Get_ClickAndDragDelay write Set_ClickAndDragDelay;
property ColumnGap: Smallint read Get_ColumnGap write Set_ColumnGap;
property ContourDetail: TxContourDetail read Get_ContourDetail write Set_ContourDetail;
property CreatedBy: WideString read Get_CreatedBy write Set_CreatedBy;
property Description: WideString read Get_Description write Set_Description;
property DisplayHistory: Single read Get_DisplayHistory write Set_DisplayHistory;
property DisplayMode: TxDisplayMode read Get_DisplayMode write Set_DisplayMode;
property DefaultExtension: WideString read Get_DefaultExtension write Set_DefaultExtension;
property Editable: WordBool read Get_Editable write Set_Editable;
property FileName: WideString read Get_FileName write Set_FileName;
property Grid: TxGridType read Get_Grid write Set_Grid;
property GridStyle: TxPenStyle read Get_GridStyle write Set_GridStyle;
property HighFont: IFontDisp read Get_HighFont write Set_HighFont;
property HelpFile: WideString read Get_HelpFile write Set_HelpFile;
property Movable: WordBool read Get_Movable write Set_Movable;
property Multiplicity: Byte read Get_Multiplicity write Set_Multiplicity;
property MultiJoin: WideString read Get_MultiJoin write Set_MultiJoin;
property PieRowCount: Byte read Get_PieRowCount write Set_PieRowCount;
property NoSeries: Word read Get_NoSeries write Set_NoSeries;
property NoYAxes: Integer read Get_NoYAxes write Set_NoYAxes;
property OutlineWidth: Integer read Get_OutlineWidth write Set_OutlineWidth;
property PlotType: TxPlotType read Get_PlotType write Set_PlotType;
property PolarRange: Single read Get_PolarRange write Set_PolarRange;
property PrintOrientation: TxPrinterOrientation read Get_PrintOrientation write Set_PrintOrientation;
property ZAngle: Word read Get_ZAngle write Set_ZAngle;
property ZLink: WordBool read Get_ZLink write Set_ZLink;
property XYFastDrawAt: Integer read Get_XYFastDrawAt write Set_XYFastDrawAt;
property BevelInner: TxBevelCut read Get_BevelInner write Set_BevelInner;
property BevelOuter: TxBevelCut read Get_BevelOuter write Set_BevelOuter;
property BorderStyle: TxBorderStyle read Get_BorderStyle write Set_BorderStyle;
property Color: OLE_COLOR read Get_Color write Set_Color;
property Ctl3D: WordBool read Get_Ctl3D write Set_Ctl3D;
property DragCursor: Smallint read Get_DragCursor write Set_DragCursor;
property DragMode: TxDragMode read Get_DragMode write Set_DragMode;
property Enabled: WordBool read Get_Enabled write Set_Enabled;
property Font: IFontDisp read Get_Font write _Set_Font;
property ParentColor: WordBool read Get_ParentColor write Set_ParentColor;
property Locked: WordBool read Get_Locked write Set_Locked;
property ParentCtl3D: WordBool read Get_ParentCtl3D write Set_ParentCtl3D;
property Visible: WordBool read Get_Visible write Set_Visible;
property FullRepaint: WordBool read Get_FullRepaint write Set_FullRepaint;
property UseDockManager: WordBool read Get_UseDockManager write Set_UseDockManager;
property DockSite: WordBool read Get_DockSite write Set_DockSite;
property DoubleBuffered: WordBool read Get_DoubleBuffered write Set_DoubleBuffered;
property VisibleDockClientCount: Integer read Get_VisibleDockClientCount;
property Cursor: Smallint read Get_Cursor write Set_Cursor;
// *********************************************************************//
// DispIntf: IPlotXDisp
// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
// GUID: {618FBF91-4B23-11D5-AC76-006008F62500}
// *********************************************************************//
IPlotXDisp = dispinterface
property ScreenJob: TxScreenJob dispid 1;
property About: WideString dispid 2;
property AxesProperties: WideString dispid 3;
property DataProperties: WideString dispid 4;
property SeriesProperties: WideString dispid 5;
property ClickAndDragDelay: Integer dispid 6;
property ColumnGap: Smallint dispid 7;
property ContourDetail: TxContourDetail dispid 8;
property CreatedBy: WideString dispid 9;
property Description: WideString dispid 10;
property DisplayHistory: Single dispid 11;
property DisplayMode: TxDisplayMode dispid 12;
property DefaultExtension: WideString dispid 13;
property Editable: WordBool dispid 14;
property FileName: WideString dispid 15;
property Grid: TxGridType dispid 16;
property GridStyle: TxPenStyle dispid 17;
property HighFont: IFontDisp dispid 18;
property HelpFile: WideString dispid 19;
property Movable: WordBool dispid 20;
property Multiplicity: Byte dispid 21;
property MultiJoin: WideString dispid 22;
property PieRowCount: Byte dispid 23;
property NoSeries: {??Word} OleVariant dispid 24;
property NoYAxes: Integer dispid 25;
property OutlineWidth: Integer dispid 26;
property PlotType: TxPlotType dispid 27;
property PolarRange: Single dispid 28;
property PrintOrientation: TxPrinterOrientation dispid 29;
property ZAngle: {??Word} OleVariant dispid 30;
property ZLink: WordBool dispid 31;
property XYFastDrawAt: Integer dispid 32;
property BevelInner: TxBevelCut dispid 33;
property BevelOuter: TxBevelCut dispid 34;
property BorderStyle: TxBorderStyle dispid 35;
property Color: OLE_COLOR dispid -501;
property Ctl3D: WordBool dispid 36;
property DragCursor: Smallint dispid 37;
property DragMode: TxDragMode dispid 38;
property Enabled: WordBool dispid -514;
property Font: IFontDisp dispid -512;
property ParentColor: WordBool dispid 39;
property Locked: WordBool dispid 40;
property ParentCtl3D: WordBool dispid 41;
property Visible: WordBool dispid 42;
property FullRepaint: WordBool dispid 43;
property UseDockManager: WordBool dispid 44;
property DockSite: WordBool dispid 45;
property DoubleBuffered: WordBool dispid 137;
property VisibleDockClientCount: Integer readonly dispid 138;
property Cursor: Smallint dispid 147;
// *********************************************************************//
// DispIntf: IPlotXEvents
// Flags: (0)
// GUID: {618FBF93-4B23-11D5-AC76-006008F62500}
// *********************************************************************//
IPlotXEvents = dispinterface
procedure OnStyleChange; dispid 5;
procedure OnDataChange; dispid 6;
procedure OnFileOpen(const TheFile: WideString); dispid 7;
procedure OnFileClose(const TheFile: WideString); dispid 8;
procedure OnClick; dispid 14;
procedure OnDblClick; dispid 15;
procedure OnResize; dispid 22;
procedure OnCanResize(var NewWidth: Integer; var NewHeight: Integer; var Resize: WordBool); dispid 24;
procedure OnConstrainedResize(var MinWidth: Integer; var MinHeight: Integer;
var MaxWidth: Integer; var MaxHeight: Integer); dispid 25;
// *********************************************************************//
// OLE Control Proxy class declaration
// Control Name : TPlotX
// Help String : PlotX Control
// Default Interface: IPlotX
// Def. Intf. DISP? : No
// Event Interface: IPlotXEvents
// TypeFlags : (38) CanCreate Licensed Control
// *********************************************************************//
TPlotXOnFileOpen = procedure(Sender: TObject; const TheFile: WideString) of object;
TPlotXOnFileClose = procedure(Sender: TObject; const TheFile: WideString) of object;
TPlotXOnCanResize = procedure(Sender: TObject; var NewWidth: Integer; var NewHeight: Integer;
var Resize: WordBool) of object;
TPlotXOnConstrainedResize = procedure(Sender: TObject; var MinWidth: Integer;
var MinHeight: Integer;
var MaxWidth: Integer;
var MaxHeight: Integer) of object;
TPlotX = class(TOleControl)
FOnStyleChange: TNotifyEvent;
FOnDataChange: TNotifyEvent;
FOnFileOpen: TPlotXOnFileOpen;
FOnFileClose: TPlotXOnFileClose;
FOnClick: TNotifyEvent;
FOnDblClick: TNotifyEvent;
FOnResize: TNotifyEvent;
FOnCanResize: TPlotXOnCanResize;
FOnConstrainedResize: TPlotXOnConstrainedResize;
FIntf: IPlotX;
function GetControlInterface: IPlotX;
procedure CreateControl;
procedure InitControlData; override;
property ControlInterface: IPlotX read GetControlInterface;
property DefaultInterface: IPlotX read GetControlInterface;
property ScreenJob: TOleEnum index 1 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp;
property DoubleBuffered: WordBool index 137 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp;
property VisibleDockClientCount: Integer index 138 read GetIntegerProp;
property About: WideString index 2 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property AxesProperties: WideString index 3 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property DataProperties: WideString index 4 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property SeriesProperties: WideString index 5 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property ClickAndDragDelay: Integer index 6 read GetIntegerProp write SetIntegerProp stored False;
property ColumnGap: Smallint index 7 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property ContourDetail: TOleEnum index 8 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property CreatedBy: WideString index 9 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property Description: WideString index 10 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property DisplayHistory: Single index 11 read GetSingleProp write SetSingleProp stored False;
property DisplayMode: TOleEnum index 12 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property DefaultExtension: WideString index 13 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property Editable: WordBool index 14 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property FileName: WideString index 15 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property Grid: TOleEnum index 16 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property GridStyle: TOleEnum index 17 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property HighFont: TFont index 18 read GetTFontProp write SetTFontProp stored False;
property HelpFile: WideString index 19 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property Movable: WordBool index 20 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property Multiplicity: Byte index 21 read GetByteProp write SetByteProp stored False;
property MultiJoin: WideString index 22 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property PieRowCount: Byte index 23 read GetByteProp write SetByteProp stored False;
property NoSeries: Word index 24 read GetWordProp write SetWordProp stored False;
property NoYAxes: Integer index 25 read GetIntegerProp write SetIntegerProp stored False;
property OutlineWidth: Integer index 26 read GetIntegerProp write SetIntegerProp stored False;
property PlotType: TOleEnum index 27 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property PolarRange: Single index 28 read GetSingleProp write SetSingleProp stored False;
property PrintOrientation: TOleEnum index 29 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property ZAngle: Word index 30 read GetWordProp write SetWordProp stored False;
property ZLink: WordBool index 31 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property XYFastDrawAt: Integer index 32 read GetIntegerProp write SetIntegerProp stored False;
property BevelInner: TOleEnum index 33 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property BevelOuter: TOleEnum index 34 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property BorderStyle: TOleEnum index 35 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property Color: TColor index -501 read GetTColorProp write SetTColorProp stored False;
property Ctl3D: WordBool index 36 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property DragCursor: Smallint index 37 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property DragMode: TOleEnum index 38 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property Enabled: WordBool index -514 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property Font: TFont index -512 read GetTFontProp write SetTFontProp stored False;
property ParentColor: WordBool index 39 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property Locked: WordBool index 40 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property ParentCtl3D: WordBool index 41 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property Visible: WordBool index 42 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property FullRepaint: WordBool index 43 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property UseDockManager: WordBool index 44 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property DockSite: WordBool index 45 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property Cursor: Smallint index 147 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property OnStyleChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnStyleChange write FOnStyleChange;
property OnDataChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnDataChange write FOnDataChange;
property OnFileOpen: TPlotXOnFileOpen read FOnFileOpen write FOnFileOpen;
property OnFileClose: TPlotXOnFileClose read FOnFileClose write FOnFileClose;
property OnClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnClick write FOnClick;
property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnDblClick write FOnDblClick;
property OnResize: TNotifyEvent read FOnResize write FOnResize;
property OnCanResize: TPlotXOnCanResize read FOnCanResize write FOnCanResize;
property OnConstrainedResize: TPlotXOnConstrainedResize read FOnConstrainedResize write FOnConstrainedResize;
procedure Register;
uses ComObj;
procedure TPlotX.InitControlData;
CEventDispIDs: array [0..8] of DWORD = (
$00000005, $00000006, $00000007, $00000008, $0000000E, $0000000F,
$00000016, $00000018, $00000019);
CTFontIDs: array [0..1] of DWORD = (
$00000012, $FFFFFE00);
CControlData: TControlData2 = (
ClassID: '{618FBF95-4B23-11D5-AC76-006008F62500}';
EventIID: '{618FBF93-4B23-11D5-AC76-006008F62500}';
EventCount: 9;
EventDispIDs: @CEventDispIDs;
LicenseKey: nil (*HR:$80040154*);
Flags: $0000000D;
Version: 401;
FontCount: 2;
FontIDs: @CTFontIDs);
ControlData := @CControlData;
TControlData2(CControlData).FirstEventOfs := Cardinal(@@FOnStyleChange) - Cardinal(Self);
procedure TPlotX.CreateControl;
procedure DoCreate;
FIntf := IUnknown(OleObject) as IPlotX;
if FIntf = nil then DoCreate;
function TPlotX.GetControlInterface: IPlotX;
Result := FIntf;
procedure Register;