Labels:crt screen | monitor | stairs | window OCR: Y Yap 6 Soubor Oprava Hesla MemoBox Nastaveni Napoveda sell A/C stredni Am/C velky Americky slang C/A ekonomicky C/A maly C/A stredni C/A velkj C/N N/C maly Index Historie Global Full sell* [sel] A/C pocitaCovy prodavat prodat: they sold the Jand prodali pidu 2 obchodovat Zivit se A/C stredni prodejem. he used cars obchoduje ojetymi auty prodat a tim flay zradit zaprodat: he sold his soul to the devit zaprodal SvoU dusi d'ablu horn screw ziskat koho on orr vnutit komu, aby prijal: president sold the Am/C velky congress on the budget pian president ziskal parlament pro navrh gyp rozpoctu: prodavat se jit na odbyt: the book sells well ta kniha Se hornswoggle dobre prodava seff off rozprodat vyprodat 18 snizenou cenu: they sold off pull the damaged products for half price vyprodali poskozene ...