Labels:crt screen | monitor | road | workwear OCR: Advanced Learner Dictionary File P3 View Bookshel DALD Help BOOKSHELI 3-D SEARCH PICTURES MAPS EXERCISES GAMES EXTRAS The number search hits is shown in brackets. Click on MORE to see further hits Click once to stop or start movement ACK able A-Z definition able (be) on the ball (especially BrE) able to ability be in business afford 1 be found in a place There was nobody blindy. about "There lotof bevond your ken antsy flu about sos alert adiective somewhere her afew about- minutes be snowed under (with sth) blind adjective bleary saw ago at your command agile about adverh ae able to do sth in. vour sleep bad adiective 3 antiseptic adiective best VOU can ae with me you able (269) able all-purpose all-in-one binge adaptable at the mercv of sbisth better adiective.2 (not) get a word in edgew ...