home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
1 %d Connecting to (%s). 2 %d Connected to (%s) -> IP: %d.%d.%d.%d PORT: %d. 3 %d Connection closed. 4 %d Socket connected waiting for login sequence. 5 %d %I64u bytes send successful. (%.2f KBps) (%s). 6 %d %I64u bytes send successful. (%ld Bps) (%s). 7 %d %I64u bytes received successful. (%ld Bps) (%s). 8 %d %I64u bytes received successful. (%.2f KBps) (%s). 9 %d Skipping file "%s". 10 %d Restart download for "%s" at pos: %I64u. 11 %d Overwrite file "%s". 12 %d Opening data connection IP: %d.%d.%d.%d PORT: %d. 13 %d Command aborted by user. 14 %d Command aborted. Client timeout. 15 %d Connection closed. Client timeout. 16 %d Cannot send empty commands. 17 %d Continue to login attempt %d... 18 %d Cannot login waiting to retry... 19 %d Connecting to Proxy (%s). 20 %d Connected to Proxy (%s) -> IP: %d.%d.%d.%d PORT: %d. 21 %d %s 22 %d Unknown system error. 23 %d Cached directory reloaded. 24 %d The command "%s" cannot be sent directly. 25 %d Invalid path "%s". 26 %d DATE PACKET UNPACKET STATUS NAME 27 %d %4d.%2d.%4d %2d:%2d %14ld %17ld %-6s %s 28 %d cached directory expired force reload. 29 %d Transfer aborted by Server. 30 \nFiles Read: %4ld / %12I64u bytes (max speed (%7.2f KBps)\nFiles Write: %4ld / %12I64u bytes (max speed (%7.2f KBps)\nFiles FXP: %4ld / %12I64u bytes (max speed (%7.2f KBps)\n 31 %d cannot connect no response from server. 32 SOCKS%d: Unable to send request. Session aborted. 33 SOCKS%d: Got no response from firewall. Session aborted. 34 SOCKS%d: permission denied. 35 SOCKS%d: couldn't contact your identd. 36 SOCKS%d: user %s access denied. 37 SOCKS%d: Unknown reply code %d. 38 SOCKS%d: Unable to authenticate. Session aborted. 39 SOCKS%d: Authentication failed. Session aborted. 40 SOCKS%d: server requires UNSUPPORTED authentication method. 41 SOCKS%d: Can't get Firewall response address type. Session aborted. 42 SOCKS%d: Unknow error code. 43 SOCKS%d: General SOCKS server failure. 44 SOCKS%d: Connection not allowed by ruleset. 45 SOCKS%d: Network unreachable. 46 SOCKS%d: Host unreachable. 47 SOCKS%d: Connection refused. 48 SOCKS%d: TTL expired. 49 SOCKS%d: Command not supported. 50 SOCKS%d: Address type not supported. 51 Read 52 Write 53 998 # Connect time %D days %H hours %M minutes %S seconds. #\n 54 998 # Connect time %H hours %M minutes %S seconds. #\n 55 998 # Connect time %M minutes %S seconds. #\n 56 998 # Connect time %S seconds. #\n 57 998 ######################### Statistic ############################\n 58 Invalid Login data entered. 59 Invalid url entered. 60 Script error. 61 Unknown Variable: " 62 Select Folder 63 None 64 SOCKS 5 65 SOCKS 4 66 SOCKS 4A 67 USER user@host 68 USER user@host:port 71 SITE hostname 72 OPEN hostname 73 Permissions 74 Empty FTP Server Cache? 75 Empty 76 Empty History? 77 Delete selected History Item? 78 Error 79 Delete selected Folder(s)/Item(s). 80 View 81 Execute 82 Download to default 83 Add to Queue 84 Default 85 Local Debug 86 Local Error 87 Local Command 88 Local Status 89 Remote Error 90 Remote Info 91 Remote Status 92 Script Error 93 Script Info 94 Script Status 95 Delete selected Group(s)/Item(s). 96 Preserve Case 97 Uppercase 98 Lowercase 99 Capitalize 116 Reading Queue contents\nplease wait... 117 Writing Queue contents\nplease wait... 118 Updating Queue\nplease wait... 119 Deleting Queue Items\nplease wait... 120 Adding Queue Items\nplease wait... 200 Incoming: %s 201 Outgoing: %s 204 In Speed: %s 205 Out Speed: %s 206 Connected 207 Disconnected 208 Dialing... 209 Waiting for Redial... 210 Logon to Network... 211 Authenticate... 212 Authenticated 213 Start Authentication... 214 Connecting Device... 215 Device Connected 218 Failed 219 Aborted 220 Aborting 221 Not enought space 222 Server is not available 223 Server is down 224 Server is busy 225 Connection failed 226 Login failed 227 Permission denied 228 Destination Disk is full 229 File and/or Directory not found 230 Host not found 231 Connecting 232 Login 233 Waiting 234 Waiting to retry 235 Read Directory 236 Server -> Server sending 237 Speed: %s 238 Transfered: %s 239 Total: %s 240 Aborted by user. 241 Idle. 242 Working... (Threads %ld of %ld running). 243 Items: %ld 244 Server -> Server receiving 245 Not connected 246 Selected: %s 249 %ld Object(s) selected 253 %ld Object(s) 254 Resume is supported for ASCII and binary files. 255 Resume is not supported. 256 %I64u bytes 257 No file associated with this type. 258 %d skipping file <%s>. 259 %d local file size of <%s> is bigger or equal file skipped. 261 %.2f KBps 262 Connection to %s 263 Connected to %s 264 Download 265 Upload 266 Read Directory 267 Stoped 268 Total: %s [%s DL, %s UL] 271 Selected: %s [%s DL, %s UL] 400 Host 401 Name 402 Path 403 Last Connect 404 Default Path 405 Size 406 Owner 407 Group 408 Type/Description 409 Date 410 Type 411 Attributes 412 Permission 413 Current Path 414 User 415 Remote Path 416 Local Path 417 Reply Time 418 Source 419 Destination 420 Status 421 Last Error 422 Speed 423 Percent 424 File 425 Module 426 Language 427 Creator 428 Version 10035 %d Operation would block. 10036 %d Operation now in progress. 10037 %d Operation already in progress. 10038 %d Socket operation on non-socket. 10039 %d Destination address required. 10040 %d Message too long. 10041 %d Protocol wrong type for socket. 10042 %d Bad protocol option. 10043 %d Protocol not supported. 10044 %d Socket type not supported. 10045 %d Operation not supported on socket. 10046 %d Protocol family not supported. 10047 %d Address family not supported by protocol family. 10048 %d Address already in use. 10049 %d Can't assign requested address. 10050 %d Network is down. 10051 %d Network is unreachable. 10052 %d Net dropped connection or reset. 10053 %d Software caused connection abort. 10054 %d Connection reset by peer. 10055 %d No buffer space available. 10056 %d Socket is already connected. 10057 %d Socket is not connected. 10058 %d Can't send after socket shutdown, 10059 %d Too many references, can't splice. 10060 %d Connection timed out. 10061 %d Connection refused. 10062 %d Too many levels of symbolic links. 10063 %d File name too long. 10064 %d Host is down. 10065 %d No Route to Host. 10066 %d Directory not empty. 10067 %d Too many processes. 10068 %d Too many users. 10069 %d Disc Quota Exceeded. 10070 %d Stale NFS file handle. 10071 %d Too many levels of remote in path. 10091 %d Network SubSystem is unavailable. 10092 %d WINSOCK DLL Version out of range. 10093 %d Successful WSASTARTUP not yet performed. 10094 %d Graceful shutdown in progress. 11001 %d Host not found. 11002 %d Non-Authoritative Host not found. 11003 %d Non-Recoverable errors: FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP. 11004 %d Valid name, no data record of requested type. 11005 %d Unknown Socket Error. 32801 Start Transfer 32803 Select destination 32809 Save 32810 Enable/Disable Auto Dial 32811 Close SmartFTP 32812 Close Local Browser 32813 Close Remote Window 32814 Disconnect 32815 Reconnect 32816 Delete File(s) or Folder(s) 32817 Delete History Item 32818 Empty History 32819 Delete Favorites Item 32820 Delete Favorites Group 32821 Delete Custom Command 32822 Delete Custom Command Group 32823 Delete Queue Item 32824 Empty Cache 32825 Delete Quick Folders Group 32826 Delete Quick Folders Item 32827 Create Folder 32828 Overwrite existing Files 40018 Cascading 40019 Tile Horizontally 40020 Tile Vertically 40030 View List 40031 View Details 40032 View Large Icons 40033 View Small Icons 40034 Connect 40035 Disconnect 40036 Add to Favorites 40038 Edit Favorites 40046 Refresh 40047 Abort 40049 About 40050 Properties / CHMOD 40051 Stop 40055 Delete 40082 Settings 40083 ASCII Transfer Mode 40084 Binary Transfer Mode 40085 Auto Transfer Mode 40093 Local Browser 40489 Disables Proxy Support! 40490 Enables Socks 5 Support. (needs PASV Mode) 40491 Enables Socks 4 Support. (needs PASV Mode) 40492 Wingate«, WinProxy«, CSM« and others.\nuser@host 40493 Wingate«, WinProxy«, CSM« and others.\nuser@host:port 40494 CSM« and others.\nuser@host 40495 CSM« and others.\nuser@host:port 40496 SITE host 40497 OPEN host 40498 SOCKS4A can resolve domain names. Use this proxy server\ntype if the client machine is unable to resolve domain names to\nIP addresses. MS Proxy« 2.0. (needs PASV Mode) 40499 http://www.smartftp.com 40500 mailto://walti@rhein-neckar.netsurf.de 40526 New Folder 40527 Refresh 40528 New Group 40533 FTP Search 40534 %d working directory\n%ft time of selected file/directory \n%fs size of selected file\n%fo owner of selected file/directory\n%fg group of selected file/directory\n%ff selected file(s)\n%fd selected directory\n%fa selected file(s)/directories\n%lf local file\n%ld local directory\n%lt local file time\n%ls local file size\n%a input dialog\n %a<type>[<Dialog Title>[<Command Description>]]\n <type>\n none text input field\n n number input field\n p password input field\n%u login username\n%p login password\n%t local time\n output: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS\n%t<fmt> local time with format string\n%ta prompt for time\n output: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS\n%ta<fmt> prompt for time with format string\n <fmt> time format\n Y year YYYY\n M month MM\n D day DD\n h hour hh\n m minutes mm\n s seconds ss\n 40535 %d Unknown error. 40536 Auto Dial Enabled 40537 Auto Dial Disabled 40538 Delete selected item(s)? 40539 02:02:CREDITS\nS:45\n01:02:PRODUCT AND DESIGN\nS:5\n00:03:Mike Walter\n00:03:Mathias Berchtold\nS:15\n01:02:GRAPHICS\nS:10\n00:03:Andrzej Kowalik\n00:03:Maniac\nS:15\n01:02:WEB DESIGN\nS:5\n00:03:Mathias Berchtold\nS:15\n01:02:SPECIAL THANKS\nS:5\n00:03:Devin Jenson\n00:03:Erik Thompson\n00:03:AndrΘ Vaysse\nS:15 40540 Play Sound 40541 Select File 40542 Local Folder 40543 Start 40544 Auto Dial 40545 Queue Timer 40546 %s File 40547 Unknown 40548 Symbolic Link 40549 Close 40550 Parent Folder 40551 Invalid File or Folder name! 40552 Close current connection and reconnect? 40553 Close current connection? 40554 Reconnect 40555 Close current Local Browser? 40556 Close current Remote Window? 40557 Exit SmartFTP? 40558 Script 40559 Local Browser %d 40560 URL not supported! 40561 URL not valid! 40562 Please enter a valid URL or host/path before trying to connect. 40563 Favorites 40564 Local Folders 40565 Global Queue 40566 Wrong Permission 40567 Last changed %s %s 40568 Delete select Group(s)? 40569 New Item 40570 No File(s) selected. 40571 No Folder(s) selected. 40572 Edit Custom Commands 40573 Custom Commands 40574 Session Queue 40575 Log 41000 Tcl Script Files (*.tcl)|*.tcl|All files (*.*)|*.*|| 41001 Image Files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|All files (*.*)|*.*|| 41002 Sound Files (*.wav)|*.wav|All files (*.*)|*.*|| 41003 Executable Files (*.exe)|*.exe|All files (*.*)|*.*|| 41004 Log Files (*.log)|*.log|All files (*.*)|*.*|| 41005 Ask 41006 Skip 41007 Resume 41008 Overwrite 41009 Delete and Overwrite 41010 Left 41012 Right 41013 Center 41014 Win98 41015 Please enter a name for this item. 41016 Please enter a path for this item. 41017 Resume is supported for ASCII files only. 41018 Resume is supported for binary files only. 41019 http://www.smartftp.com/help 41020 This Hotkey is used by another command.