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- What's new in RamBooster
- ========================
- October 7th 1999
- -----------------
- First of all: Sorry folks, I receive too many
- e-mails daily (from 100 to 200), so I cannot
- promise any more free support. I still answer
- some e-mails, so if you e-mail me, I may answer,
- but I cannot make any promises.
- If it seems that an RB-user has real problems
- with his/her computer, no matter if the problems
- have nothing to do with RB, I usually DO reply.
- -Version 1.6
- -Uses less resources than EVER, only about 1%
- of total. This is much less than any similar
- program.
- -Uses less memory than ever. About 80 kb less than
- previous version. Also the .exe size is about than
- 80 kb smaller.
- -I tested various methods to tell the user visually, that
- RB is optimizing the memory while sitting in the tray.
- (I received hundreds of e-mails about people wanting to
- actually SEE this happend)
- So I had to add an "animated" tray-icon. This increases
- the memory usage with about 20kb, but hey guys...you
- wanted it this way.
- There is also an optional pop-up box that is shown
- when RB is doing its job.
- -Fixed a "feature" that caused the slidebar position not to be
- saved if rebooted without exiting the program
- +much more technical stuff you don't want to know about
- June 24th
- --------
- Version 1.5
- -Loads super-fast! Also the optimization
- method is faster.
- -_Lot's_ of internal improvements,
- very few of them are visible, you
- just have to take my word of it; RB
- works much nicer now.
- -No more splash-screen.
- -Optimized the code;
- .exe-size is about 30kb smaller.
- -No more html-help files, because
- TOO many people has difficulties with them,
- because they had to be installed to exactly
- to right folder.
- -Fixed incorrect hint-text on "Toggle mode"
- button.
- -Program supports now also large fonts, to make
- things easier for those with huge monitors.
- June 4th
- --------
- Version 1.41
- -Received some e-mails asking if I could remove
- the menu if RB is running in the Monitoring-mode.
- Done.
- -Better helpfile, contains more info about resources etc.
- -Optimized the code a little bit.
- -If nothing _fatal_ is found in RB, there will be no more
- updates in the few weeks, because I am working with a HUGE
- commercial project right now, so I guess, there is not
- much time to put for RB. After the project is finished,
- it is time to improve RB again.
- June 1st
- --------
- -Made the interface nicer. Added groupbox-components
- to separate the parts of the screen.
- -Added "Monitor Mode". By clicking "Toggle mode",
- RB goes to a monitoring mode, a little form that is
- always on top, to make it easy to monitor cpu and ram-usage.
- When in monitor mode:
- -Double click the groupbox to show the full-size screen
- -Alt-S to send to tray
- -Alt-T to show full-size screen
- -Alt-O to run optimization.
- -Added "Clear Clipboard" function
- -New splash-screen by Jagerdude@hotmail.com.
- May 27th
- --------
- Version still 1.4
- -Added new menu under "edit", Extras.
- It contains so far only one function, "Make shortcut on the desktop",
- but there is a certain reason why the "Extras" was added,
- wait for the future versions.....
- May 25th
- --------
- Version still 1.4
- -Programmed the part that shows the splash-screen
- again. The previous coding caused error on certain systems
- (Cyrix and...?) if autolaunched minimized, and also caused problems
- when minimized. (received 1st mail about this yesterday,
- 3 more today, this was something that had to be done quickly)
- -Optimized the code a little bit (the cpu-monitor part)
- -Changed the icon, the new one looks better on the desktop.
- May19th
- -------
- -Added selection to restart windows without rebooting.
- -Program is re-coded using Delphi 4.0 Pro.
- May 15th
- --------
- Version 1.4
- -added cpu-usage monitor
- -added cpu-usage detect
- -added possibility to use html-type help-files
- -Fixed a bug in about-screen, the link to my site
- is now correct
- -Fixed 1 minor bug (slidebar position was not saved if rebooted)
- -Yesterday I saw "Zucchero Fornaciari Alive" in Club-Tavastia, Helsinki ;-)
- May 9th
- -------
- -RamBooster is now available as an installation package, it uses InstallShield
- May 5th
- -------
- Version 1.3
- -Retry-count usable.
- -Optimized the code even more : if RamBooster sits in the system tray monitoring,
- RamBooster uses now only from 0 to 0.15 % of CPU-time !!!
- Uses only about 600 kb memory to run (sometimes even less) !!
- (Similar programs usually use from 1 mb to 3.1mb)
- -Made the help-file smaller in size by reducing the size of the picture and added some information.
- -Minimalized the program even more.
- -Changed the indicator of free RAM to different kind, also free memory % is shown
- April 29th
- ----------
- -Added Quick reboot selection in "File"-menu, to use if Windows needs to be rebooted.
- Use with care, no confirmation asked !!!
- April 27th
- ----------
- Version 1.21 just minor improvements.
- New splash-screen by Jef Bardsley. Thanks Jef ! :-) ( http:((www.ultranet.com/~sandif)
- Added 1 more selection into Preferences, amount of ram to free when alarm-level is reached.
- Slidebar position is also saved into ini-file.
- April 24th
- ----------
- Awarded with FREEdom Star Award !!
- April 22nd
- ----------
- Selected to PC-Magazines "Daily download". Ranked Four stars "Editors Pick" !!
- (The reviewed version was 1.1)
- April 21st
- ----------
- Version 1.2 public and downloadable
- April 20th
- ----------
- - Version 1.2 ready to be sent for some selected users.
- New or improved features include:
- -Popup-menu on icon click (hundreds of e-mails about this one...)
- -Cursor-move on icon shows free RAM
- -Fixed a bug that occured on some 256mb systems (reported by Hawkman)
- -Optimized the code a little bit (thanks to Dale Robbins)
- -Made the main-form a little bit smaller
- -Changed info-screen text a little bit (Thanks Jef Bardsley)
- -Made form act like standard windows application, not stay on top anymore
- -A small Faq/Help is included
- -Preferences menu is now centered
- -Ram value can be selected only with slidebar
- April 18th
- ----------
- Ranked "Best" by NONAGS.COM !!
- April 17th 1999:
- ----------------
- -Version is still 1.1
- -Including the version 1.2 help-file into .zip,
- slightly modified though.
- Working hard to give you people version 1.2.
- There are going to be a lot of changes in the program code
- of version 1.2. Most of them are not visible to the user,
- but they make the program run even better.
- April 15th 1999:
- ----------------
- -Finnish version available
- April 14th 1999:
- ----------------
- -Version still 1.1
- -Changed the minimizing method. If you minimize program with "Minimize"-button, it
- goes to and only to system tray.
- If you minimize it normal way, it remains in the taskbar, so you can see the amount
- of free RAM all the time. Did this because so many people found it handy.
- -I have been asked to add a "General System Information"-selection into Info.
- (Amount of total RAM, memory load, size of the swap file etc.)
- Well, I am not sure if there is no use for such a thing, in version 1.2, maybe
- if I find it useful in my own tests.
- Technically it is no problem, it takes about 10 minutes to program that code.
- (In fact 1 API-call is enough)
- April 13th 1999:
- ----------------
- -Version 1.1
- -Removed option 'Always on top' (nobody actually needed it)
- Program remains either always on top or in system tray
- -Program minimizes to system tray instead of taskbar (many people emailed me, asking for this feature)
- -Alarm level is user-defineable (maximum is quarter of total RAM, though)
- -Added sounds (on public demand, some people want to HEAR when alarmlevel is reached <grin>)
- Zip-file includes 4 wav-files, but you can of course replace them with your own
- sounds, or turn off sounds in options/preferences after you get bored
- -Increased input-field length by 1 to make things easier for those with more
- than 99 megs of RAM
- -Programmed memory handling faster
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // -Added option to autolaunch at Windows startup (I think this option makes many people happy..)
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- IMPORTANT : If You decide not to use RamBooster anymore, make sure that the selection to
- autorun RamBooster is unchecked before you remove the program. The only proper way to make this
- autorun-feature is to use registry and if you delete the program before unchecking the option,
- the value is left in registry. If this has already happened you can manually remove key 'RamBooster'
- in:
- HKEY-CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
- Doing something wrong may corrupt your registry and you may be forced to re-install
- Windows. RamBooster does not manipulate your system in any other way, since it is
- stand-alone, and I think that this program-type shouldn't change anything in your system,
- but in this case I could not avoid it.
- -There is also self-exctracting zip-file available on the website.
- 8.4.1999
- --------
- -Version 1.0
- -This is the very first version of RamBooster that is public. Previous versions
- were in use only by me and my friends.
- Thanks to all the people, who have emailed me and encouraged me to keep on
- working with RamBooster. I never guessed that so many people
- would find RamBooster and start to use it daily.
- Suggestions and feedback is still welcome to my email, borg@sci.fi
- J.Pajula