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- FFL1.0
- 20
- AddoSub.8bf
- Andrew's Filters Part5
- Add Or Sub...
- AB
- ⌐ 1996-2001, Andrew Buckle (www.sapphire-innovations.com)
- Add
- Sub
- Red Mix
- Green Mix
- Blue Mix
- Red Mix 1
- Green Mix 1
- Blue Mix 1
- 97
- 83
- 211
- 25
- 210
- 240
- 12
- 16
- mix(c,mix(add(c,(r+g+b)/3,ctl(0))|sub(c,(r+g+b)/3,ctl(1)),c,ctl(2),100),ctl(5),100)
- mix(c,mix(add(c,(r+g+b)/3,ctl(0))|sub(c,(r+g+b)/3,ctl(1)),c,ctl(3),100),ctl(6),100)
- mix(c,mix(add(c,(r+g+b)/3,ctl(0))|sub(c,(r+g+b)/3,ctl(1)),c,ctl(4),100),ctl(7),100)
- a
- Clio.8bf
- Andrew's Filters Part5
- Clio...
- AB
- ⌐ 1996-2001, Andrew Buckle (www.sapphire-innovations.com)
- Red x
- Red y
- Green x
- Green y
- Blue x
- Blue y
- Mix 1
- Mix 2
- 17
- 5
- 9
- 14
- 0
- 8
- 14
- 16
- mix(c,sin(x*ctl(0)-sin(y*ctl(1))),ctl(6),ctl(7))
- mix(c,sin(x*ctl(2)-sin(y*ctl(3))),ctl(6),ctl(7))
- mix(c,sin(x*ctl(4)-sin(y*ctl(5))),ctl(6),ctl(7))
- a
- CirrTime.8bf
- Andrew's Filters Part5
- Circular Times...
- AB
- ⌐ 1996-2001, Andrew Buckle (www.sapphire-innovations.com)
- Red 1
- Red 2
- Green 1
- Green 2
- Blue 1
- Blue 2
- Mix 1
- Mix 2
- 51
- 42
- 22
- 11
- 14
- 14
- 85
- 75
- mix((r+g+b)/3,c>ctl(0)?sin(ctl(1)*abs(m)):c,ctl(6),ctl(7))
- mix((r+g+b)/3,c>ctl(2)?sin(ctl(3)*abs(m)):c,ctl(6),ctl(7))
- mix((r+g+b)/3,c>ctl(4)?sin(ctl(5)*abs(m)):c,ctl(6),ctl(7))
- a
- CiSTime.8bf
- Andrew's Filters Part5
- Circles In The Sands Of Time...
- AB
- ⌐ 1996-2001, Andrew Buckle (www.sapphire-innovations.com)
- d
- m
- Factor
- Shift
- Shift 1
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- 33
- 24
- 192
- 228
- 43
- 104
- 230
- 218
- mix(c,ctl(2)*(sin(ctl(0)*abs(d))-sin(ctl(1)*m))/(sin((m+val(3,-100,100))*ctl(0))-sin((abs(d)+val(4,-100,100))*ctl(1))),ctl(5),255)
- mix(c,ctl(2)*(sin(ctl(0)*abs(d))-sin(ctl(1)*m))/(sin((m+val(3,-100,100))*ctl(0))-sin((abs(d)+val(4,-100,100))*ctl(1))),ctl(6),255)
- mix(c,ctl(2)*(sin(ctl(0)*abs(d))-sin(ctl(1)*m))/(sin((m+val(3,-100,100))*ctl(0))-sin((abs(d)+val(4,-100,100))*ctl(1))),ctl(7),255)
- a
- FadedDy.8bf
- Andrew's Filters Part5
- Faded Day...
- AB
- Andrew Buckle (c) 1999
- Threshold R
- Threshold G
- Threshold B
- Red Mix
- Green Mix
- Blue Mix
- Overall
- 32
- 20
- 13
- 153
- 215
- 149
- 19
- 0
- mix(r,((r>ctl(0)?r:0)+(g>ctl(1)?g:0)+(b>ctl(2)?b:0))/3,ctl(3),ctl(6))
- mix(r,((r>ctl(0)?r:0)+(g>ctl(1)?g:0)+(b>ctl(2)?b:0))/3,ctl(4),ctl(6))
- mix(r,((r>ctl(0)?r:0)+(g>ctl(1)?g:0)+(b>ctl(2)?b:0))/3,ctl(5),ctl(6))
- a
- DreaRea.8bf
- Andrew's Filters Part5
- Dreamer's Realm...
- AB
- ⌐ 1996-2001, Andrew Buckle (www.sapphire-innovations.com)
- x
- d
- m
- y
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- Mix
- 31
- 5
- 10
- 21
- 209
- 178
- 157
- 172
- mix(c,sin(x*ctl(0)+abs(d)*ctl(1)-m*ctl(2)-sin(y*ctl(3))),ctl(4),ctl(7))
- mix(c,sin(x*ctl(0)+abs(d)*ctl(1)-m*ctl(2)-sin(y*ctl(3))),ctl(5),ctl(7))
- mix(c,sin(x*ctl(0)+abs(d)*ctl(1)-m*ctl(2)-sin(y*ctl(3))),ctl(6),ctl(7))
- a
- DSiEmbs.8bf
- Andrew's Filters Part5
- Diagonal Sine Emboss...
- AB
- ⌐ 1996-2001, Andrew Buckle (www.sapphire-innovations.com)
- x
- y
- Factor
- Shift
- Shift 1
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- 14
- 13
- 148
- 119
- 158
- 75
- 210
- 131
- mix(c,ctl(2)*(sin(ctl(0)*x)-sin(ctl(1)*y))/(sin((y+val(3,-100,100))*ctl(0))-sin((x+val(4,-100,100))*ctl(1))),ctl(5),255)
- mix(c,ctl(2)*(sin(ctl(0)*x)-sin(ctl(1)*y))/(sin((y+val(3,-100,100))*ctl(0))-sin((x+val(4,-100,100))*ctl(1))),ctl(6),255)
- mix(c,ctl(2)*(sin(ctl(0)*x)-sin(ctl(1)*y))/(sin((y+val(3,-100,100))*ctl(0))-sin((x+val(4,-100,100))*ctl(1))),ctl(7),255)
- a
- EAgain.8bf
- Andrew's Filters Part5
- Emboss Again...
- AB
- ⌐ 1996-2001, Andrew Buckle (www.sapphire-innovations.com)
- x
- y
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- Red Mix
- Green Mix
- Blue Mix
- 161
- 150
- 37
- 146
- 235
- 15
- 8
- 113
- mix(c,ctl(2)*c/(src(x+val(0,-10,10),y+val(1,-10,10),z)),ctl(5),100)
- mix(c,ctl(3)*c/(src(x+val(0,-10,10),y+val(1,-10,10),z)),ctl(6),100)
- mix(c,ctl(4)*c/(src(x+val(0,-10,10),y+val(1,-10,10),z)),ctl(7),100)
- a
- RCuttin.8bf
- Andrew's Filters Part5
- Random Cuttings...
- AB
- ⌐ 1996-2001, Andrew Buckle (www.sapphire-innovations.com)
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- Mix 1
- Mix 2
- 206
- 222
- 95
- 155
- 75
- 175
- 201
- 62
- mix((r+g+b)/3,255-(c>ctl(0)?rnd(0,100):ctl(3)),ctl(6),ctl(7))
- mix((r+g+b)/3,255-(c>ctl(1)?rnd(0,100):ctl(4)),ctl(6),ctl(7))
- mix((r+g+b)/3,255-(c>ctl(2)?rnd(0,100):ctl(5)),ctl(6),ctl(7))
- a
- NegativeFsh.8bf
- Andrew's Filters Part5
- Negative Fashion...
- AB
- ⌐ 1996-2001, Andrew Buckle (www.sapphire-innovations.com) ABEX 98
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- Mix 1
- Mix 2
- Mix 3
- Source
- Negative
- 208
- 7
- 51
- 191
- 67
- 181
- 221
- 213
- mix(ctl(7)-c,mix(mix(((r-(g+b))/3),((g-(r+b))/3),ctl(0),ctl(1)),((b-(r+b))/3),ctl(2),ctl(3)),ctl(6),100)
- mix(ctl(7)-c,mix(mix(((r-(g+b))/3),((g-(r+b))/3),ctl(0),ctl(1)),((b-(r+b))/3),ctl(2),ctl(4)),ctl(6),100)
- mix(ctl(7)-c,mix(mix(((r-(g+b))/3),((g-(r+b))/3),ctl(0),ctl(1)),((b-(r+b))/3),ctl(2),ctl(5)),ctl(6),100)
- a
- OCFashSt.8bf
- Andrew's Filters Part5
- Off Centre FashionShot...
- AB
- ⌐ 1996-2001, Andrew Buckle (www.sapphire-innovations.com)
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- Mixer 1
- Mixer 2
- Mixer 3
- Source Mix
- Source Mix 1
- 208
- 87
- 168
- 192
- 143
- 84
- 71
- 117
- mix(c,mix(mix(((r-(g+b))/3),((g-(r+b))/3),ctl(0),ctl(1)),((b-(r+b))/3),ctl(2),ctl(3)),ctl(6),ctl(7))
- mix(c,mix(mix(((r-(g+b))/3),((g-(r+b))/3),ctl(0),ctl(1)),((b-(r+b))/3),ctl(2),ctl(4)),ctl(6),ctl(7))
- mix(c,mix(mix(((r-(g+b))/3),((g-(r+b))/3),ctl(0),ctl(1)),((b-(r+b))/3),ctl(2),ctl(5)),ctl(6),ctl(7))
- a
- OffsPara.8bf
- Andrew's Filters Part5
- Offset In Paradise...
- AB
- ⌐ 1996-2001, Andrew Buckle (www.sapphire-innovations.com)
- x
- y
- Mix 1
- Mix 2
- Add Reverse
- Red Mix
- Green Mix
- Blue Mix
- 61
- 93
- 39
- 207
- 88
- 134
- 81
- 2
- mix(c,add(mix(c,src(x+val(0,-50,50),y+val(1,-50,50),z),ctl(2),ctl(3)),ctl(4),255-c),ctl(5),100)
- mix(c,add(mix(c,src(x+val(0,-50,50),y+val(1,-50,50),z),ctl(2),ctl(3)),ctl(4),255-c),ctl(6),100)
- mix(c,add(mix(c,src(x+val(0,-50,50),y+val(1,-50,50),z),ctl(2),ctl(3)),ctl(4),255-c),ctl(7),100)
- a
- InGroove.8bf
- Andrew's Filters Part5
- Into The Groove 2...
- AB
- ⌐ 1996-2001, Andrew Buckle (www.sapphire-innovations.com)
- d
- m
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- Mix 1
- Mix 2
- 30
- 38
- 120
- 204
- 64
- 82
- 101
- 197
- mix(c,ctl(2)*sin(abs(d)*ctl(0))/sin(m*ctl(1)),ctl(5),ctl(6))
- mix(c,ctl(3)*sin(abs(d)*ctl(0))/sin(m*ctl(1)),ctl(5),ctl(6))
- mix(c,ctl(4)*sin(abs(d)*ctl(0))/sin(m*ctl(1)),ctl(5),ctl(6))
- a
- InOtFilt.8bf
- Andrew's Filters Part5
- In And Out Of Filters...
- AB
- ⌐ 1996-2001, Andrew Buckle (www.sapphire-innovations.com)
- Mix
- Mix 1
- Factor
- Mix
- Mix 2
- Factor
- Mix A
- Mix B
- 26
- 11
- 33
- 119
- 86
- 78
- 90
- 79
- mix(c,sin(ctl(2)*mix(x-y,y-x,ctl(0),ctl(1)))-sin(ctl(5)*mix(y,x,ctl(3),ctl(4))),ctl(6),ctl(7))
- mix(c,sin(ctl(2)*mix(x-y,y-x,ctl(0),ctl(1)))-sin(ctl(5)*mix(y,x,ctl(3),ctl(4))),ctl(6),ctl(7))
- mix(c,sin(ctl(2)*mix(x-y,y-x,ctl(0),ctl(1)))-sin(ctl(5)*mix(y,x,ctl(3),ctl(4))),ctl(6),ctl(7))
- a
- LiWorkin.8bf
- Andrew's Filters Part5
- Lines Working...
- AB
- ⌐ 1996-2001, Andrew Buckle (www.sapphire-innovations.com)
- Factor
- x
- y
- Mix 1
- Mix 2
- 16
- 77
- 96
- 31
- 41
- 0
- 0
- 0
- mix(c,sin(x-sin(mix(x,y,ctl(1),ctl(2))*ctl(0))),ctl(3),ctl(4))
- mix(c,sin(x-sin(mix(x,y,ctl(1),ctl(2))*ctl(0))),ctl(3),ctl(4))
- mix(c,sin(x-sin(mix(x,y,ctl(1),ctl(2))*ctl(0))),ctl(3),ctl(4))
- a
- ModSitua.8bf
- Andrew's Filters Part5
- Module Situation...
- AB
- ⌐ 1996-2001, Andrew Buckle (www.sapphire-innovations.com)
- x
- y
- Red Mix
- Green Mix
- Blue Mix
- Mix
- Mix 1
- Mix 2
- 136
- 126
- 45
- 8
- 34
- 175
- 237
- 44
- mix((r+g+b)/3,mix(c,c%src(x+val(0,-50,50),y+val(1,-50,50),z),ctl(2),ctl(5)),ctl(6),ctl(7))
- mix((r+g+b)/3,mix(c,c%src(x+val(0,-50,50),y+val(1,-50,50),z),ctl(3),ctl(5)),ctl(6),ctl(7))
- mix((r+g+b)/3,mix(c,c%src(x+val(0,-50,50),y+val(1,-50,50),z),ctl(4),ctl(5)),ctl(6),ctl(7))
- a
- SFuzShr.8bf
- Andrew's Filters Part5
- Slightly Fuzzy Sharpens...
- AB
- ⌐ 1996-2001, Andrew Buckle (www.sapphire-innovations.com)
- Red 1
- Red 2
- Green 1
- Green 2
- Blue 1
- Blue 2
- Move Randomly
- Mix 2
- 56
- 31
- 45
- 49
- 95
- 75
- 27
- 129
- mix(c,sin(2*c-src(x+rnd(0,ctl(6)),y+rnd(0,ctl(6)),z)*ctl(0)/ctl(1)),ctl(7),100)
- mix(c,sin(2*c-src(x+rnd(0,ctl(6)),y+rnd(0,ctl(6)),z)*ctl(2)/ctl(3)),ctl(7),100)
- mix(c,sin(2*c-src(x+rnd(0,ctl(6)),y+rnd(0,ctl(6)),z)*ctl(3)/ctl(4)),ctl(7),100)
- a
- ReaGlow.8bf
- Andrew's Filters Part5
- Really Glow...
- AB
- ⌐ 1996-2001, Andrew Buckle (www.sapphire-innovations.com)
- Grey
- m
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- Mix 1
- Mix 2
- Something
- 31
- 30
- 84
- 85
- 79
- 21
- 23
- 22
- mix(mix(r+g+b,c,ctl(5),ctl(6)),val(7,512,255)-ctl(1)*m*(ctl(0)+(r+g+b))/(4*M),ctl(2),100)
- mix(mix(r+g+b,c,ctl(5),ctl(6)),val(7,512,255)-ctl(1)*m*(ctl(0)+(r+g+b))/(4*M),ctl(3),100)
- mix(mix(r+g+b,c,ctl(5),ctl(6)),val(7,512,255)-ctl(1)*m*(ctl(0)+(r+g+b))/(4*M),ctl(4),100)
- a
- RGBShf1.8bf
- Andrew's Filters Part5
- RGB Shifter...
- AB
- ⌐ 1996-2001, Andrew Buckle (www.sapphire-innovations.com)
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- Mix 1
- Mix 2
- Mix 3
- Mix 4
- 115
- 136
- 115
- 147
- 36
- 77
- 187
- 44
- mix(c,mix((r+g+b)/3,(src(x+val(0,-30,30),y+val(0,-30,30),0)+src(x+val(1,-30,30),y+val(1,-30,30),1)+src(x+val(2,-30,30),y+val(2,-30,30),2))/3,ctl(3),ctl(4)),ctl(5),ctl(6))
- mix(c,mix((r+g+b)/3,(src(x+val(0,-30,30),y+val(0,-30,30),0)+src(x+val(1,-30,30),y+val(1,-30,30),1)+src(x+val(2,-30,30),y+val(2,-30,30),2))/3,ctl(3),ctl(4)),ctl(5),ctl(6))
- mix(c,mix((r+g+b)/3,(src(x+val(0,-30,30),y+val(0,-30,30),0)+src(x+val(1,-30,30),y+val(1,-30,30),1)+src(x+val(2,-30,30),y+val(2,-30,30),2))/3,ctl(3),ctl(4)),ctl(5),ctl(6))
- a
- MaGrAtt.8bf
- Andrew's Filters Part5
- Making A Grey Attempt...
- AB
- ⌐ 1996-2001, Andrew Buckle (www.sapphire-innovations.com)
- Mix
- Green
- Blue
- Mix
- Red Mix
- Green Mix
- Blue Mix
- Red
- 45
- 184
- 134
- 56
- 107
- 111
- 133
- 206
- mix(c,src(x+val(7,-20,20),y+val(7,-20,20),0)+src(x+val(1,-20,20),y+val(1,-20,20),1)+src(x+val(2,-20,20),y+val(2,-20,20),2),ctl(0),100)-mix(c,ctl(3),ctl(4),100)
- mix(c,src(x+val(7,-20,20),y+val(7,-20,20),0)+src(x+val(1,-20,20),y+val(1,-20,20),1)+src(x+val(2,-20,20),y+val(2,-20,20),2),ctl(0),100)-mix(c,ctl(3),ctl(5),100)
- mix(c,src(x+val(7,-20,20),y+val(7,-20,20),0)+src(x+val(1,-20,20),y+val(1,-20,20),1)+src(x+val(2,-20,20),y+val(2,-20,20),2),ctl(0),100)-mix(c,ctl(3),ctl(6),100)
- a