This is a fully functional unregistered version for evaluation purposes only.
You can order the registered version at
Immediate online delivery is available from
The registered version does not display this nag screen.
30-day trial period has expired. You may not use this program any longer.
Please uninstall it from your computer or purchase a commercial version.";
TRIALEXPIREDNOTE:"I understand that I have exceeded the time limit of %d days for this software, and that any further use of it without registration violates national and international copyright laws.";
Installation of this software requires that you enter your valid registration key into the field at the bottom of this window.
Please be careful when entering the registration key.
It uses the format XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.
You may find it more convenient to Copy the key from
your email verification, then Paste it into the field provided.
After the key has been entered,
Click "OK" to proceed with the installation.
Thank you for registering the program.
fCoder Team";
RELEASENOTE:"This is a fully functional commercial release. Questions or comments relating to this software should be directed to the developers at";