* Templates (rich text or plain text), under the "Tools" menu
* Minor fixes
* Version 1.02
30 June 2001:
Version 1.0 is finally here! Enjoy.
* KeyNote is becoming an Open-Source project. You can download full source code, distributed under the Mozilla Public License. See Help file and "license.txt" for details. More information is forthcoming.
* Completely redesigned the "Options" dialog box, for accessibility and ease of use.
* fixed bug whereby the "Allow auto-run macros" option was not always honored if turned off
* added "System" button to "File properties" dialog box. It displays the Windows built-in "File properties" dialog box for the currently open file.
* Option: "Enable Rich Edit version 3.0 fixes" - now completely removes the "disappearing font styles" bug some users experience with version 3.0 of Microsoft's riched20.dll standard library. See file "bugs.txt" for details. This option is disabled by default on Windows 95 systems, and enabled by default on Windows 98, NT and 2000 systems.
* The old text files (documentation) have now been replaced by standard WIndows Help file. The Help is not yet complete and has a lot of blank spots; these will be filled in shortly.
* Version 1.01
22 June 2001
This is probably the last release of KeyNote before version 1.0. Sorry it took so long, but there's quite a lot of new functionality this time.
* Ability to create MACROS (remembered sequences of key presses and commands). See file "macros.txt" for details.
* Support for PLUGINS. A few sample plugins are installed with KeyNote; more can be downloaded from the program homepage. Please see the file "plugins.txt" for details.
* File manager and Glossary editor dialog boxes are now resizeable
* Activation hotkey can be changed or enabled without restarting KeyNote
* In "Go to line number" dialog box, you can not only enter line numbers, but also increment values, e.g. "+5" to go 5 lines forward or "-5" to go 5 lines back.
* Ctrl+H (Highlight color) and Ctrl+R (Font color) commands now behave in the same way, for consistency. By default, each command simply applies the color currently visible on one of the two color selection buttons on the toolbar. In Options dialog box ("Advanced" tab) you can change this behavior, so that these commands will display the old-style color selection dialog boxes. This isn't as fast, but allows for selecting font and highlight colors without using the mouse.
* Shift+F10 no longer hides/shows tree panel in a tree note. This keyboard shortcut is used by Windows to display context menu. Use Shift+F1 instead.
* Added "Show all toolbars" and "Hide all toolbars" commands ("View" menu)
* Added a "Safe print" option to the "Advanced" tab in Options dialog box. Try this setting if you encounter problems with printing notes.
* Tree structure can now be saved to a text file ("Tree" menu)
* Style list is saved only if styles have been modified
- The "Match bracket" function now works with angle brackets too
- "Save and restore caret position" now works correctly with tree-type notes too
- Multiple pasting error with "Clipboard Capture" function
- "Repeat Last Command" logic improved
- Searchng a tree note for text now finds nodes above the currently selected node if the "Search all nodes" option is enabled
* Version 0.999
21 May 2001
* Bugfix release
* Old drag-and-drop behavior is restored now. Unfortunately, because the RichEdit control now embeds any object dropped on it, you can no longer open or import files by dropping them on the editor. However, you can import or merge files by dropping them ANYWHERE ELSE on the main program window. (You can still create virtual nodes by dropping a file on the tree.)
* Version 0.992
17 May 2001
* You can now specify a custom icon for each .KNT file. This icon will be displayed in the system tray. The feature is useful if you run several instances of KeyNote at the same time, as it allows you to quickly identify the file which is loaded in each running instance of KeyNote. To specify a custom icon, open the File Properties dialog box ("File" menu), click the "File icons" tab, then make sure the "Use custom Tray icon for this file" checkbox is checked, and select an icon in the text field below.
* You can now have a different custom set of tab images (.icn file) for each KeyNote file. You can also specify that a particular file should only use the built-in set of tab images (useful when sharing the file with someone who may have a different set of customized tab images). To specify these settings, open the File Properties dialog box ("File" menu), click the "File icons" tab, then make sure the "Show icon images on tabs" checkbox is checked, and select your preference by clicking one of the radio buttons. The "Default" setting will use the standard (possibly customized by you) set of tab images, stored in the file "keynote.icn". The "Built in" setting will ensure that the file always uses the "factory default" images (always the same; you will not be able to customize tab images when this option is selected for a particular file). The "Other" setting allows you to choose an alternate .icn file. To create a new .icn file, specify a name of a non-existing file in the edit box and the file will be created when you close the "File Properties" dialog box.
* Fixed bugs in Find and Paste commands
* Version 0.99
15 May 2001
* Added ability to insert hyperlinks to locations inside KeyNote file (notes and tree nodes). This is a big topic, please see the file "linking.txt" for detailed explanation of this feature.
* Added the "Replace" command.
* The "Find" dialog box is now non-modal.
* If the file you are opening has a read-only attribute, it is opened in read-only mode.
* Version 0.985
12 May 2001
* Many changes this time. Some menu commands were moved to other locations.
* Please review the file "KEYBOARD.TXT" installed in the \doc subdirectory, it contains a complete, updated list of all keyboard shortcuts for KeyNote, including special/alternate behaviors with Shift or Ctrl keys.
* The bug list has been updated.
* The spin control on the Formatting toolbar used to specify font size was replaced with a drop-down list, such as used in Word and WordPad. This seems to be more convenient, because you can quickly pick one of the predefined font sizes.
* Added a Paragraph Properties dialog box to specify all supported paragraph properties.
* Images and objects can now be inserted into note text. The relevant menu commands are located under the new "Insert" menu. Note that you can also insert images by pasting them from clipboard. Bitmap and GIF formats are supported. (I tried adding support for JPEG images, but this requires including a library that increases the size of the program by 100 kb! It's just not worth such a bloat.)
WARNING!! Inserting a picture or an object increases the size of the KeyNote file enormously. A small picture can add a full megabyte to the file size. This is due to the RTF format and the way in which such data is stored, there is no way around it. A KeyNote file containing pictures or objects will be huge and take considerable time to open and save. On the other hand, you can now insert and edit an MS Excel spreadsheet directly in KeyNote :-)
* Added a "Paste Special" dialog box.
* You can now start the WordWeb thesaurus with a keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+F11.
* You can insert contents of a disk file into a note (text and RTF files only).
* You can insert an URL-style link to a file on disk. Such a link takes the form of "file:///c:\documents\file.txt". The link can point to a document or an executable program.
* Added several advanced commands to the Options dialog box.
* You can hide a tree panel in a tree-type note by pressing Shift+F1.
* Added a Glossary editor which allows you to add, edit and remove glossary expansion terms from inside KeyNote.
* Added "Visit website" and "Email author" commands to the Help menu.
* Added a "Refresh" command to the tree context menu. This command is only available for virtual nodes. If a file which is attached to a virtual node has changed (e.g. it was edited in another application), you can use the Refresh command to update the contents of the file in the virtual node.
* In the Find dialog box you can now select whether all nodes should be search in a tree-type note, or only the current node.
* Version 0.98
14 April 2001
* Bugfix release
* Version 0.975
12 April 2001
* Simple text statistics (under the "Tools" menu)
* Superscript/Subscript commands are now separate.
* If no text is selected, the "Evaluate expression" command takes the whole current line as source expression. A trailing '=' sign, if present, is ignored.
* Improved word selection logic (for WordWeb, Find and Glossary expansion) In editor, press Alt+W to select the current word.
* Added command names for "Repeat last command".
* Added rudimentary support for bookmarks, but don't expect too much. The RTF editor doesn't support them in any way, so it's just a stopgap measure, and not too effective. You can have up to 10 bookmarks for the whole file. To set a bookmark, press Alt+Shift+<digit> (0 through 9). To jump to an existing bookmark, press Alt+<digit>. The bookmarks do not move with the text, which limits their usefulness quite heavily, but there is simply no workaround for this. The bookmarks are not persistent, i.e. KeyNote forgets them when you close the file. The bookmarks are also not visible, because the RTF control doesn't have a gutter area where they would be displayed. Except for persistent bookmarks, there will be NO improvement in this area; please don't ask, because it can't be done (or, more to the point, I cannot do it).
* Version 0.974
7 April 2001
* New editing commands:
+ Compress white space (adjacent spaces and/or tabs)
+ Trim blanks at end of lines (left, right, both)
+ Invert case ("This" to "tHIS"; Shift+Ctrl+I)
* New function: Insert special character (select from a dialog box)
* New function: Match bracket (Ctrl+M)
* It is now possible to export a single node in a tree. This is done via the "Export" command in the tree context menu (right-click), not via the "Tools|Export" command.
* KeyNote now uses a different way of detecting previous instance and communicating with it. The bug here which affected Windows NT systems should not be occurring anymore - please let me know, because I have no way of testing this.
* KeyNote can optionally play a sound (a wave file) when capturing text from clipboard. KeyNote will play the file called "clip.wav" included with the program. You can replace this file with any other wave sound which you prefer to use.
* Version 0.973
30 March 2001
* The most requested feature is now ready: you can copy tree nodes (subtrees) from one note to another, or even between different files. Please see the file "tree.txt" for details on how to do this.
* Added "Glossary term expansion" feature. The glossary is a set of word pairs, stored in the file "keynote.exp". When you press F7, KeyNote checks if the word at the insertion point (caret) exists in the glossary; if it does, then KeyNote replaces the current word with the other word in the pair. This is very useful to enter the hard-to-type characters: for instance, "cc" (without the quotes) will expand to the copyright symbol; "rr" to the registered trademark symbol, and "tm" to the trademark symbol. You can add new word pairs to the glossary by pressing Shift+F7. The whole glossary is stored in the file "keynote.exp", which is a plain text file and may be edited in any text editor (or in KeyNote's virtual node, but make sure to turn WordWrap OFF for that.)
* Ctrl+H now applies the last highlight color used, rather than opening the color selector dialog box.
* Version 0.972
30 March 2001
* Tree notes can now have a vertical layout (the tree panel placed above the editor, rather than to the left of it). This is configurable through Note Properties (F4).
* Text font and highlight colors can now be set via the supercool Office-like buttons on the toolbar - more conveniently than through the standard color selection dialog box. (You can even customize the non-standard colors via a mouse right-click!) Note, however, that the Background Color button is no longer available, because three identical color buttons on the toolbar is a bit too much. Sorry about that. I hope this is not a big issue, since changing the BG color is not nearly as frequent as changing the font or highlight color. You can still change the background color via the Ctrl+D shortcut ("Format" menu).
* Fixed the bugs which caused imported trees to lose the background color.
* Grey '*' on the numeric keypad no longer switches between editor and tree (you can use it in the editor again)
* Shift+TAB now switches focus from editor to tree. (Use TAB to switch focus from tree back to editor).
* Now you REALLY cannot edit note properties if the note is Read-Only (there was a bug that caused the read-only status of a note to be ignored)
* Version 0.971 (not enough changes for 0.98? :-)
28 March 2001
* New feature: Ability to highlight text in editor. This is also supported by the styles (i.e. highlighting can be part of a style definition)
* KeyNote can now display the current font and/or paragraph properties in the status bar. This feature is off by default, because it slows down the program; you can turn it on using the options under the "View" menu.
* More editing commands; all editing commands now have keyboard shortcuts
* When opening an encrypted file, you now have an opportunity to re-enter the access passphrase if it was entered incorrectly the first time.
* Version 0.97 Beta D
27 March 2001
* Two serious bugs fixed:
- no more problems with opening a file that contains empty tree notes
- fixed problem that would result in a crash when the "clipboard capture" was switched from one note to another several times, consecutively
* The note which is designated for clipboard capture is now marked with a different tab color, which makes it more visible
* Toolbars can now also be docked at the bottom of the main window (suggestion: place the Style and Tree toolbars there)
* Double-clicking a tab now opens the "Rename note" dialog box (or the "Note Properties" dialog box is Shift is held down)
* Version 0.97 Beta B
21 March 2001
* Began preparation for releasing KeyNote as Open Source. More information will follow.
* Fixed a font style bug that a few users have reported and I was too stupid to find. The Bold, Italics, Underline buttons would sometimes "not work". Now they do.
* Nice new feature: Styles. You can now define a style based on the current text properties in a note, and reuse the style later. Styles are saved in a file called "keynote.kns".
* Added ability to open URL in a new browser window.
* Added configuration option to choose the default behavior when an URL is clicked: Open, Open in new browser window, Copy to clipboard, Both open and copy, Prompt user (show dialog box).
* Added ability to:
- automatically minimize KeyNote after X minutes of inactivity
- automatically close file after X minutes of inactivity. This adds a thin level of extra protection for your encrypted files. Note, however, that the file will NOT be auto-closed if any dialog box is open.
* Nice new feature: Repeat last command (Ctrl+/). Most (but not all) edit commands can be repeated across notes. For example, if you use the Font dialog box to select a font style, you can then switch to another note, press Ctrl+/ and the same font style will be applied here.
* Added support for font styles:
- "disabled" font style
- subscript and superscript
* Added support for paragraph styles:
- full indentation support (left, right, first line)
- line spacing (single, one and a half, double)
- space before, space after paragraph
* New command: Reverse string ("ABC" becomes "CBA")
* A few settings which already existed but were not configurable inside the program have been added to the Options dialog box.
* Rearranged Edit menu items; changed some keyboard shortcuts.
* Version 0.96 Beta
19 March 2001
* Much improved support for drag-and-drop operations:
- If you drag and drop a KeyNote file onto the main program window, the file will be opened. If you hold down the Shift key when dropping the file, the Merge function will be executed instead, allowing you to selectively add notes from an external KeyNote file.
- If you drag and drop one or more RTF or text files onto the editor, the file(s) will be imported. (Same as Tools, Import)
- If you drag and drop one or more RTF or text files onto the tree, the files will be linked as Virtual Nodes in the tree.
All these operations can be canceled.
* Version 0.95 Beta
18 March 2001
* The "Find" function works again, and it now supports the
tree notes.
* Version 0.94 Beta
17 March 2001
* Added function to find a tree node containing text (Shift+Ctrl+F; use Shift+F3 to repeat last "Find node" operation)
* Fixed a bug which made it impossible to export a tree to a single text file (all other export modes were unaffected)
* New global editor option: Auto Indent
* A virtual node can now be reverted to a "normal" node. If you click the "Virtual node" command in the tree context menu on a node that already is virtual, you will be given an option to revert the node to normal. The contents of the linked file will be retained, but the link with the file will be broken, and the text will now be stored in the .KNT file. This, BTW, enables you to import RTF and text files directly into tree nodes, although in a somewhat roundabout way.
* Some interface fixes (menu items names; shortcuts; icons)
* Version 0.93 Beta
12 March 2001
* New feature: "virtual nodes". Add a node to the tree, then right-click the new node and select the "Virtual node" command from the context menu. You will be prompted for a file name. If you select a text or RTF file, the contents of the file will be displayed as the node's text - however, the file will NOT be imported into KeyNote. Instead, you will be editing the actual file ON DISK, and all changes will be saved to the original file. Only the name of the disk file will be stored in the .KNT file. This allows you to use KeyNote for editing file which you want to remain as individual documents on disk.
- Note 1: If you use encryption, please see "Security considerations" section in the "encrypt.txt" file before using virtual nodes.
- Note 2: Virtual nodes can only hold files which reside on a local, non-removable drive. That means one of the hard disks in your computer. Files on diskettes, CD-ROM discs or network drives cannot be put in virtual nodes, because they may not be available the next time you open the .KNT file.
- Note 3: When you delete a virtual node, only the tree item is removed; the actual file on disk is never deleted.
* New feature: Expression evaluation. KeyNote will calculate the result of an arithmetic operation typed in the editor. For instance, you can type "2 + 2" in KeyNote, then select the expression and press Shift+Ctrl+E. The result of the addition will be copied to clipboard and, optionally, inserted into the note. Later, you can paste the result of the last calculation performed by pressing Alt+Insert.
* New feature: In addition to specifying default properties for all new notes you create, you can also specify such defaults for a particular .KNT file. For instance, you may have a file for which you want ALL notes to use white text on a black background; but in all other files you use black text on a white background. The new feature allows you to keep your glbal defaults intact, but define "white on black" just for that one, unique file. To specify that the default properties you set should only be applied to the currently open file, press F6 to display the usual "Defaults" dialog box, set the properties the way you want, and then click the "Advanced" button, and click the "Save as default for <filename.knt>" menu option. If that menu option is checked, the defaults will apply to the current file only; otherwise the defaults will apply to all your KeyNote files, as usual.
* When typing in the editor, you can still move between tree nodes without switching focus to the tree: hold down the ALT key and press one of the direction arrows
* When opening a .KNT file from a removable drive (diskette, CD-ROM, or a network drive) KeyNote will open the file in Read-Only mode. (For diskette and network drives, this is an option, editable by manually editing the INI file)
* You can change the background color of ALL NODES in a tree. To do this, hold down the SHIFT key while you click the "Background color" button on the toolbar.
* If KeyNote was maximized when you closed it, the maximized state will be restored when you restart the program later.
* You can now right-indent paragraphs, in addition to the normal left indentation. Note that indentation command keyboard shortcuts have changed.
* Fixed paragraph indentation bug.
* The "Edit" menu has been rearranged to make it more compact. Some commands have been moved to submenus.
* Fixed bug which prevented users from changing the Time format in Options
* Added two new options: backup file extension and Append backup extension
* Added new option: Automatically paste Expression evaluation results
* Version 0.92 Beta
5 March 2001
* KeyNote has finally earned its name: it is now possible to encrypt notes. Please read the file "encrypt.txt" for details!
* KeyNote now supports tree-type notes. See file "tree.txt" for details.
* The format of the currently loaded file is reflected with a special icon in the status bar (KeyNote file, Encrypted KeyNote file, Dart Notes file, Read-only file; error or no file loaded)
* Fixed a major bug which made it impossible to manually change the file format to the DartNotes format. (Files that were in the DartNotes format originally were saved in this format correctly.)
* KeyNote can now export and import files created by a freeware notebook-type program called TreePad (http://www.treepad.com)
* When importing files, you can now select more than one file in the "Open" dialog box, which allows you to import several files at once
* In the file manager window, files are now correctly sorted when the window is initially opened.
* Version 0.90 Beta
3 March 2001
* When an alternate INI file is suplied on command line, KeyNote adjusts all its other configuration files to use the same path. This means, that just by adding the name of the alternate INI file to the commandline (e.g. in the properties of the shortcut you use to start KeyNote), you can use a completely different, separate set of configuration options, editor defaults, etc. The following files are affected:
keynote.ini (main config file)
keynote.mgr (file manager information)
keynote.mru (form size and position; recently used files list)
keynote.icn (user-defined icons)
keynote.def (default editor settings)
keymail.ini (email configuration)
keymail.adr (address list)
keymail.sig (signature file)
This allows KeyNote to be shared by many users on the same computer, with each user having his or her own set of preferences.
* In the Email dialog box, it is now possible to disable the logging feature
* Fixed thjisting note after a note was deleted.
* Fixed thjlose their icon images temporarily.
* Version 0.89 Beta C
26 February 2001
* Added integration with the fantastic freeware Dictionary / Thesaurus program called WordWeb. You will of course need to install WordWeb to use this feature. You can get WordWeb from http://wordweb.co.uk/free You will find deatiled information in the file "wordweb.txt" installed with KeyNote.
* Version 0.89 Beta A
26 February 2001
* Lots of changes this time. This is probably the last release of KeyNote before the new big feature is introduced: nested, tree-like hierarchy of notes. This feature is now in the testing stage.
* IMPORTANT: Program options and Note/Editor settings have been thoroughly rearranged to group them more logically. The main "Options" dialog box now only has options pertaining to the program as such; all editor-related confioguration options have been moved to the "Defaults" dialog box (press F6 and see the "General" tab).
* The Note Properties dialog box now has a tab name history drop-down list (just like the small "New Note" dialog box always had).
* IMPORTANT: The old bug which cause the font properties and background color to be lost on Winows NT and Windows 2000 systems is now gone! (There are still a few related issues there, but nothing fatal. I'm working on these.)
* New function: Ability to merge notes from a .KNT file on disk into the currently open file. See "Tools" menu, "Merge with File"
* When you are upgrading to a newer version of KeyNote, the program will now detect that and, if necessary, display information about the most important changes in the new release.
* The Clipboard Capture options dialog box is gone; all settings related to clipboard capture have been moved to the main "Options" dialog box.
* IMPORTANT! The Clipboard Capture tokens (used to insert current date or time with each captured clip) must now be spelled in UPPERCASE. (Previously, lowercase was required). You will need to update your settings there if you use those tokens.
* It is now possible to turn tab icons on or off for each .KNT file separately. For instance, you may want to keep the icons ON for most of the time, but for one particular file (which has a lot of tabs, for instance) you can turn the tab icons off. To do this, open the File Properties dialog box (Alt+Enter), click the "Settings" tab, and check or uncheck the "Show icons on tabs" checkbox.
* You can now specify that a pearticular .KNT file should always be opened in Read-Only mode. To do this, open the File Properties dialog box (Alt+Enter), click the "Settings" tab, and check or uncheck the "Open [FILE] as Read-Only" checkbox.
* The File Manager window has been improved. It now has an option to display filenames only (without the paths), which makes it easier to select a file by typing the first few letters of its name.
* The Delete Note confirmation dialog box now defaults to No.
* The name of currently open file is displayed on the title bar.
* The state of the WordWrap and other menu items is now updated correctly.
* ...and plenty of other improvements and fixes here and there. Wait till you see the Tree notes!
* Version 0.89 Beta
10 February 2001
* FILE FORMAT CHANGED! Please read the information in the file "readme.txt". You will not lose any of your data, because the new version of KeyNote can open files created with previous versions of the program. However, versions of KeyNote earlier than 0.85 will not be able to open files created by later versions.
* Redone the File Manager; now works much faster and is more convenient.
* The Recent Files Menu (MRU) is now additionally available from the drop-down menu attached to the Open button on the toolbar. It is now easier and faster to access the MRU files list.
* Many internal changes and fixes
* Version 0.85 Beta
26 Jan 2001
* Fixed the problem that caused one or two additional blank pages to be printed with each note
* Changes in Clipboard capture options: You can now have the current date and/or time automatically added as part of the separator line. Include "%D" (no quotes) in the separator for current date, and "%T" for current time. Note that this change requires that the separator be added ABOVE the captured text, instead of below it, as was done originally.
* Misc. small fixes
* Version 0.80 Beta (Versions 0.77-0.79 were not released)
1 Dec 2000
* Bug fixes (note background color was not preserved under certain circtumstances; the keymail.ini file was not updated correctly)
* Added "Show Icons" to "View" menu, to quickly turn the tab icons
on or off.
* Version 0.76 Beta
28 Nov 2000
* Added ability to sort lines in a note
* Version 0.74 Beta
22 Nov 2000
* Added the ability to add, change and delete icons that are displayed on the note tabs. Hope this works for everyone :)
* Certain keboard shortcuts have been altered (sorry!) to free up all Alt+Letter combinations. This was done so that you can now use Alt+Letter shortcuts to quickly select tabs! When naming or renaming a tab, place the ampersand (&) in front of the letter which you want to use as the ALT hotkey. Then, click Alt+Hotkey letter to immediately switch to this note. For instance, you can switch between notes in this file by pressing ALT+W, ALT+N, ALT+H, ALT+C and ALT+A. Note that the hotkey letters are underlined in the note tab names.
* Insert/Overwrite mode is now reflected in the status bar (INS/OVR)
* Notes can now be sorted alphabetically ("Alphabetize notes" in the "View" menu)
* Added file "cmdline.txt" to the \doc subdirectory.
The file documents the command-line options KeyNote supports.
* Version 0.73 Beta
20 Nov 2000
* Notes can now be sent via E-mail directly from Keynote (see file "keymail.txt" for detailed help on this feature)
* Fixed a bug which caused the note icon to be ignored when you used the "Rename" function. Now you can also change the note icon in the "Rename" dialog box (F2).
* Added command: "Paste into new" (create a new note and paste text
from clipboard into it)
* Added command: "Copy all" (copy all text in a note and copy to clipboard)
* Version 0.67 Beta
7 Nov 2000:
* basic support for printing (only 1 note at a time)
* Version 0.66 Beta
31 OCT 2000:
* Minor bug fixes
* Settings made in "Export" dialog box are now preserved across sessions