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- /// This script automatically scroll the HTML document.
- ///
- /// This script will only work, if the browsers scrollbar is enabled,
- /// so the document has to be of reasonable length.
- /// Depending on the length of the document you will have to adjust the
- /// height value at the top of the script.
- ///
- /// Paste this snippet into the <head> section of your document.
- ///
- <script language="JavaScript">
- <!--
- var timer = 0;
- var height = 450;
- function transport(h)
- {
- window.scroll(0,h)
- setTimeout("polling()",40)
- }
- function polling()
- {
- if(timer > height)
- {
- timer = 0
- }
- h = (timer * 6)
- timer++
- transport(h);
- }
- setTimeout("polling()",1000)//-->
- </script>