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- /*
- ==========================================================================
- Module: AForm.js
- ==========================================================================
- Pre-canned functions to map the user interface into JavaScripts.
- ==========================================================================
- The Software, including this file, is subject to the End User License
- Agreement.
- Copyright (c) 1998, Adobe Systems Incorporated, All Rights Reserved.
- ==========================================================================
- */
- // The following code "exports" any strings in the list into the current scope.
- for(var n = 0; n < esStrsToExport.length; n++)
- eval(esStrsToExport[n] + " = " + app.getString("EScript", esStrsToExport[n]).toSource());
- console.println(IDS_STARTUP_CONSOLE_MSG);
- "[+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d*"
- );
- "[+-]?\\d+(\\.\\d+)?", /* -1.0 or -1 */
- "[+-]?\\.\\d+", /* -.1 */
- "[+-]?\\d+\\." /* -1. */
- );
- "[+-]?\\d*,?\\d*"
- );
- "[+-]?\\d+([.,]\\d+)?", /* -1,0 or -1 */
- "[+-]?[.,]\\d+", /* -,1 */
- "[+-]?\\d+[.,]" /* -1, */
- );
- RE_ZIP_ENTRY = new Array(
- "\\d{0,5}"
- );
- RE_ZIP_COMMIT = new Array(
- "\\d{5}"
- );
- RE_ZIP4_ENTRY = new Array(
- "\\d{0,5}(\\.|[- ])?\\d{0,4}"
- );
- RE_ZIP4_COMMIT = new Array(
- "\\d{5}(\\.|[- ])?\\d{4}"
- );
- RE_PHONE_ENTRY = new Array(
- "\\d{0,3}(\\.|[- ])?\\d{0,3}(\\.|[- ])?\\d{0,4}", /* 555-1234 or 408 555-1234 */
- "\\(\\d{0,3}", /* (408 */
- "\\(\\d{0,3}\\)(\\.|[- ])?\\d{0,3}(\\.|[- ])?\\d{0,4}", /* (408) 555-1234 */
- /* (allow the addition of parens as an afterthought) */
- "\\(\\d{0,3}(\\.|[- ])?\\d{0,3}(\\.|[- ])?\\d{0,4}", /* (408 555-1234 */
- "\\d{0,3}\\)(\\.|[- ])?\\d{0,3}(\\.|[- ])?\\d{0,4}", /* 408) 555-1234 */
- "011(\\.|[- \\d])*" /* international */
- );
- RE_PHONE_COMMIT = new Array(
- "\\d{3}(\\.|[- ])?\\d{4}", /* 555-1234 */
- "\\d{3}(\\.|[- ])?\\d{3}(\\.|[- ])?\\d{4}", /* 408 555-1234 */
- "\\(\\d{3}\\)(\\.|[- ])?\\d{3}(\\.|[- ])?\\d{4}", /* (408) 555-1234 */
- "011(\\.|[- \\d])*" /* international */
- );
- RE_SSN_ENTRY = new Array(
- "\\d{0,3}(\\.|[- ])?\\d{0,2}(\\.|[- ])?\\d{0,4}"
- );
- RE_SSN_COMMIT = new Array(
- "\\d{3}(\\.|[- ])?\\d{2}(\\.|[- ])?\\d{4}"
- );
- /* Function definitions for the color object. */
- function ColorConvert(oColor, cColorspace)
- { // Converts a color to a specific colorspace.
- var oOut = oColor;
- switch (cColorspace) {
- case "G":
- // Note that conversion to the DeviceGray colorspace is lossy in the same
- // way that a color signal on a B/W TV is lossy.
- if (oColor[0] == "RGB")
- oOut = new Array("G", 0.3 * oColor[1] + 0.59 * oColor[2] + 0.11 * oColor[3]);
- else if (oColor[0] == "CMYK")
- oOut = new Array("G", 1.0 - Math.min(1.0,
- 0.3 * oColor[1] + 0.59 * oColor[2] + 0.11 * oColor[3] + oColor[4]));
- break;
- case "RGB":
- if (oColor[0] == "G")
- oOut = new Array("RGB", oColor[1], oColor[1], oColor[1]);
- else if (oColor[0] == "CMYK")
- oOut = new Array("RGB", 1.0 - Math.min(1.0, oColor[1] + oColor[4]),
- 1.0 - Math.min(1.0, oColor[2] + oColor[4]),
- 1.0 - Math.min(1.0, oColor[3] + oColor[4]));
- break;
- case "CMYK":
- if (oColor[0] == "G")
- oOut = new Array("CMYK", 0, 0, 0, 1.0 - oColor[1]);
- else if (oColor[0] == "RGB")
- oOut = new Array("CMYK", 1.0 - oColor[1], 1.0 - oColor[2], 1.0 - oColor[3], 0);
- break;
- }
- return oOut;
- }
- function ColorEqual(c1, c2)
- { // Compare two colors.
- /* The gray colorspace conversion is lossy so we avoid if possible. */
- if (c1[0] == "G")
- c1 = color.convert(c1, c2[0]);
- else
- c2 = color.convert(c2, c1[0]);
- /* Colorspace must be equal. */
- if (c1[0] != c2[0]) {
- return false;
- }
- /* Compare the individual components. */
- var nComponents = 0;
- switch (c1[0]) {
- case "G":
- nComponents = 1;
- break;
- case "RGB":
- nComponents = 3;
- break;
- case "CMYK":
- nComponents = 4;
- break;
- }
- for (var i = 1; i <= nComponents; i++) {
- if (c1[i] != c2[i]) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- /* ==== Convenience Objects ==== */
- /* Stock color definitions for ease of use. */
- color = new Object();
- color.equal = ColorEqual;
- color.convert = ColorConvert;
- color.transparent = new Array("T");
- color.black = new Array("G", 0);
- color.white = new Array("G", 1);
- color.dkGray = new Array("G", 0.25);
- color.gray = new Array("G", 0.5);
- color.ltGray = new Array("G", 0.75);
- color.red = new Array("RGB", 1, 0, 0);
- color.green = new Array("RGB", 0, 1, 0);
- color.blue = new Array("RGB", 0, 0, 1);
- color.cyan = new Array("CMYK", 1, 0, 0, 0);
- color.magenta = new Array("CMYK", 0, 1, 0, 0);
- color.yellow = new Array("CMYK", 0, 0, 1, 0);
- /* Font definitions for ease of use */
- font = new Object();
- font.Times = "Times-Roman";
- font.TimesB = "Times-Bold";
- font.TimesI = "Times-Italic";
- font.TimesBI = "Times-BoldItalic";
- font.Helv = "Helvetica";
- font.HelvB = "Helvetica-Bold";
- font.HelvI = "Helvetica-Oblique";
- font.HelvBI = "Helvetica-BoldOblique";
- font.Cour = "Courier";
- font.CourB = "Courier-Bold";
- font.CourI = "Courier-Oblique";
- font.CourBI = "Courier-BoldOblique";
- font.Symbol = "Symbol";
- font.ZapfD = "ZapfDingbats";
- font.KaGo = "HeiseiKakuGo-W5-UniJIS-UCS2-H";
- font.KaMi = "HeiseiMin-W3-UniJIS-UCS2-H";
- /* Border style definitions for ease of use */
- border = new Object();
- border.s = "solid";
- border.d = "dashed";
- border.b = "beveled";
- border.i = "inset";
- border.u = "underline";
- /* Radio/Check button style definitions for ease of use */
- style = new Object();
- style.ch = "check";
- style.cr = "cross";
- style.di = "diamond";
- style.ci = "circle";
- style.st = "star";
- style.sq = "square";
- /* highlight modes of on a push button */
- highlight = new Object();
- highlight.n = "none";
- highlight.i = "invert";
- highlight.p = "push";
- highlight.o = "outline";
- /* zoom types for a document */
- zoomtype = new Object();
- zoomtype.none = "NoVary";
- zoomtype.fitW = "FitWidth";
- zoomtype.fitH = "FitHeight";
- zoomtype.fitP = "FitPage";
- zoomtype.fitV = "FitVisibleWidth";
- zoomtype.pref = "Preferred";
- /* Cursor behavior in full screen mode. */
- cursor = new Object();
- cursor.visible = 0;
- cursor.hidden = 1;
- cursor.delay = 2;
- /* Transition definitions. */
- trans = new Object();
- trans.blindsH = "BlindsHorizontal";
- trans.blindsV = "BlindsVertical";
- trans.boxI = "BoxIn";
- trans.boxO = "BoxOut";
- trans.dissolve = "Dissolve";
- trans.glitterD = "GlitterDown";
- trans.glitterR = "GlitterRight";
- trans.glitterRD = "GlitterRightDown";
- trans.random = "Random";
- trans.replace = "Replace";
- trans.splitHI = "SplitHorizontalIn";
- trans.splitHO = "SplitHorizontalOut";
- trans.splitVI = "SplitVerticalIn";
- trans.splitVO = "SplitVerticalOut";
- trans.wipeD = "WipeDown";
- trans.wipeL = "WipeLeft";
- trans.wipeR = "WipeRight";
- trans.wipeU = "WipeUp";
- /* Icon/Text placement. */
- position = new Object();
- position.textOnly = 0;
- position.iconOnly = 1;
- position.iconTextV = 2;
- position.textIconV = 3;
- position.iconTextH = 4;
- position.textIconH = 5;
- position.overlay = 6;
- /* When does icon scale. */
- scaleWhen = new Object();
- scaleWhen.always = 0;
- scaleWhen.never = 1;
- scaleWhen.tooBig = 2;
- scaleWhen.tooSmall = 3;
- /* How does icon scale. */
- scaleHow = new Object();
- scaleHow.proportional = 0;
- scaleHow.anamorphic = 1;
- /* Field display. */
- display = new Object();
- display.visible = 0;
- display.hidden = 1;
- display.noPrint = 2;
- display.noView = 3;
- /* ==== Functions ==== */
- /* these may be used a lot -- they are language independent */
- AFDigitsRegExp = new RegExp();
- AFDigitsRegExp.compile("\\d+");
- AFPMRegExp = new RegExp();
- AFPMRegExp.compile(IDS_PM, "i");
- AFAMRegExp = new RegExp();
- AFAMRegExp.compile(IDS_AM, "i");
- AFTimeLongRegExp = new RegExp();
- AFTimeLongRegExp.compile("\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2}");
- AFTimeShortRegExp = new RegExp();
- AFTimeShortRegExp.compile("\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2}");
- function AFBuildRegExps(array)
- /* Takes an array of strings and turns it into an array of compiled regular
- * expressions -- is used for the definitions that follow */
- {
- var retVal = new Array();
- retVal.length = array.length;
- for(var it = 0; it < array.length; it++)
- {
- retVal[it] = new RegExp();
- retVal[it].compile(array[it], "i");
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- /* these may be used a lot -- they are NOT language independent and are
- * derived from the localizable (RE_xxx) stuff above */
- AFNumberDotSepEntryRegExp = AFBuildRegExps(RE_NUMBER_ENTRY_DOT_SEP);
- AFNumberDotSepCommitRegExp = AFBuildRegExps(RE_NUMBER_COMMIT_DOT_SEP);
- AFNumberCommaSepEntryRegExp = AFBuildRegExps(RE_NUMBER_ENTRY_COMMA_SEP);
- AFNumberCommaSepCommitRegExp = AFBuildRegExps(RE_NUMBER_COMMIT_COMMA_SEP);
- AFZipEntryRegExp = AFBuildRegExps(RE_ZIP_ENTRY);
- AFZipCommitRegExp = AFBuildRegExps(RE_ZIP_COMMIT);
- AFZip4EntryRegExp = AFBuildRegExps(RE_ZIP4_ENTRY);
- AFZip4CommitRegExp = AFBuildRegExps(RE_ZIP4_COMMIT);
- AFPhoneEntryRegExp = AFBuildRegExps(RE_PHONE_ENTRY);
- AFPhoneCommitRegExp = AFBuildRegExps(RE_PHONE_COMMIT);
- AFSSNEntryRegExp = AFBuildRegExps(RE_SSN_ENTRY);
- AFSSNCommitRegExp = AFBuildRegExps(RE_SSN_COMMIT);
- AFMonthsRegExp = AFBuildRegExps(IDS_MONTH_INFO.split(/\[\d+\]/));
- function AFExactMatch(rePatterns, sString)
- { /* match a string against an array of RegExps */
- var it;
- if(!rePatterns.length && rePatterns.test(sString) && RegExp.lastMatch == sString)
- return true;
- for(it = 0; it < rePatterns.length; it++)
- if(rePatterns[it].test(sString) && RegExp.lastMatch == sString)
- return it + 1;
- return 0;
- }
- function AFExtractNums(string)
- { /* returns an array of numbers that it managed to extract from the given
- * string or null on failure */
- var nums = new Array();
- if (string.charAt(0) == '.' || string.charAt(0) == ',')
- string = "0" + string;
- while(AFDigitsRegExp.test(string)) {
- nums.length++;
- nums[nums.length - 1] = RegExp.lastMatch;
- string = RegExp.rightContext;
- }
- if(nums.length >= 1) return nums;
- return null;
- }
- function AFMakeNumber(string)
- { /* attempts to make a number out of a string that may not use '.' as the
- * seperator; it expects that the number is fairly well-behaved other than
- * possibly having a non-JavaScript friendly separator */
- var type = typeof string;
- if (type == "number")
- return string;
- if (type != "string")
- return null;
- var array = AFExtractNums(string);
- if(array)
- {
- var joined = array.join(".");
- if (string.indexOf("-.") >= 0)
- joined = "0." + joined;
- return joined * (string.indexOf("-") >= 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0);
- }
- else
- return null;
- }
- function AFExtractRegExp(rePattern, string)
- { /* attempts to match the pattern given against the string given; on
- * success, returns an array containing (at index 0) the initial
- * string with the matched text removed and (at index 1) the matched
- * text; on failure, returns null */
- var retVal = new Array();
- if(rePattern.test(string))
- {
- retVal.length = 2;
- retVal[0] = RegExp.leftContext + RegExp.rightContext;
- retVal[1] = RegExp.lastMatch;
- return retVal;
- }
- return null;
- }
- function AFMakeArrayFromList(string)
- {
- var type = typeof string;
- if(type == "string")
- {
- var reSep = new RegExp();
- reSep.compile(",[ ]?");
- return string.split(reSep);
- }
- return string;
- }
- function AFExtractTime(string)
- { /* attempts to extract a WELL FORMED time from a string; returned
- * is an array in the same vein as AFExtractRegExp or null on
- * failure. a WELL FORMED time looks like 12:23:56pm */
- var pm = "";
- var info;
- info = AFExtractRegExp(AFPMRegExp, string);
- if(info)
- {
- pm = info[1];
- string = info[0];
- }
- info = AFExtractRegExp(AFAMRegExp, string);
- if(info)
- {
- string = info[0];
- }
- info = AFExtractRegExp(AFTimeLongRegExp, string);
- if(info)
- {
- info[1] += pm;
- return info;
- }
- info = AFExtractRegExp(AFTimeShortRegExp, string);
- if(info)
- {
- info[1] += pm;
- return info;
- }
- return null;
- }
- function AFGetMonthIndex(string)
- { /* attempts to identify the given string as a month or a valid abbreviation,
- * it expects the given string to be the valid month from the matced RegExp.
- * returns the month index (January = 1) or zero on failure */
- var monthre = new RegExp(string + "\\[(\\d+)\\]", "i");
- var result = monthre.exec(IDS_MONTH_INFO);
- if(string && result) return 1.0 * result[1];
- return 0;
- }
- function AFMatchMonth(string)
- { /* attempts to find a valid month embedded in a string; returns the month
- * index (January = 1) or zero on failure */
- for(var it = 0; it < AFMonthsRegExp.length; it++)
- if(AFMonthsRegExp[it].test(string))
- return AFGetMonthIndex(RegExp.lastMatch);
- return 0;
- }
- function AFGetMonthString(index)
- { /* returns the string corresponding to the given month or a string that
- * is indicative of the fact that the index was invalid */
- var monthre = new RegExp("(\\w+)\\[" + index + "\\]");
- var result = monthre.exec(IDS_MONTH_INFO);
- if(result) return result[1];
- }
- function AFParseTime(string, date)
- { /* attempts to parse a string containing a time; returns null on failure
- * or a Date object on success. Time can be in ugly format. */
- var pm, am;
- var nums = AFExtractNums(string);
- if (!date)
- date = new Date();
- var hour, minutes, seconds;
- if(!string) return date;
- if(!nums) return null;
- if(nums.length < 2 || nums.length > 3) return null;
- if(AFPMRegExp.test(string)) pm = true;
- else pm = false;
- if(AFAMRegExp.test(string)) am = true;
- else am = false;
- hour = new Number(nums[0]); /* force it to number */
- if(pm)
- {
- if(hour < 12) hour += 12;
- }
- else if (am)
- {
- if(hour >= 12) hour -= 12;
- }
- minutes = nums[1];
- if(nums.length == 3) seconds = nums[2];
- else seconds = 0;
- date.setHours(hour);
- date.setMinutes(minutes);
- date.setSeconds(seconds);
- if(date.getHours() != hour)
- return null;
- if(date.getMinutes() != minutes)
- return null;
- if(date.getSeconds() != seconds)
- return null;
- return date;
- }
- function AFDateFromYMD(nYear, nMonth, nDate)
- { /* Validates the given fields and returns a date based on them */
- var dDate = new Date();
- dDate.setFullYear(nYear, nMonth, nDate);
- if(dDate.getFullYear() != nYear)
- return null;
- if(dDate.getMonth() != nMonth)
- return null;
- if(dDate.getDate() != nDate)
- return null;
- return dDate;
- }
- function AFParseDateEx(cString, cOrder)
- { /* Attempts to parse a string containing some form of date; returns null
- ** on failure or a Date object on success. cOrder should be the order in
- ** which the date is entered (e.g. ymd, mdy, etc.). Use AFParseDateOrder to
- ** generate this string from an arbitrary format string. */
- var nYear;
- var nMonth;
- var nDate;
- var nYCount;
- var dDate = new Date();
- dDate.setHours(12, 0, 0);
- /* Empty string returns current date/time. */
- if (!cString) {
- return dDate;
- }
- nYCount = AFParseDateYCount(cOrder); /* count the number of digits for year in the selected format */
- cOrder = AFParseDateOrder(cOrder); /* make sure its in the "ymd" format */
- /* Extract any time information in the string. */
- var info = AFExtractTime(cString);
- if (info)
- cString = info[0];
- /* Break down the date into an array of numbers. */
- var aNums = AFExtractNums(cString);
- if(!aNums)
- return null; /* No numbers? */
- /* User supplied three numbers. */
- if (aNums.length == 3) {
- nYear = 1.0 * aNums[cOrder.indexOf("y")];
- if (nYCount > 2 && nYear < 100)
- return null; /* must enter 4 digits for the year to match with the format of the field */
- nYear = AFDateHorizon(nYear);
- dDate = AFDateFromYMD(nYear, aNums[cOrder.indexOf("m")] - 1, aNums[cOrder.indexOf("d")]);
- if (info)
- dDate = AFParseTime(info[1], dDate);
- return dDate;
- }
- /* Find text based month, if supplied. */
- nMonth = AFMatchMonth(cString);
- /* User supplied two numbers. */
- if(aNums.length == 2) {
- if (nMonth) {
- /* Easy case, the month was text and we have two numbers. */
- if (cOrder.indexOf("y") < cOrder.indexOf("d")) {
- nYear = 1.0 * aNums[0];
- nDate = aNums[1];
- } else {
- nYear = 1.0 * aNums[1];
- nDate = aNums[0];
- }
- if (nYCount > 2 && nYear < 100)
- return null; /* must enter 4 digits for the year to match with the format of the field */
- nYear = AFDateHorizon(nYear);
- dDate = AFDateFromYMD(nYear, nMonth - 1, nDate);
- if (info)
- dDate = AFParseTime(info[1], dDate);
- return dDate;
- }
- /* More difficult case. We have two numbers and three slots, how
- ** to allocate them? */
- if (cOrder.indexOf("y") < cOrder.indexOf("d")) {
- /* Year comes before date and as such we allocate the two
- ** numbers to the month and the year only. */
- if (cOrder.indexOf("y") < cOrder.indexOf("m")) {
- nYear = 1.0 * aNums[0];
- nMonth = aNums[1];
- } else {
- nYear = 1.0 * aNums[1];
- nMonth = aNums[0];
- }
- if (nYCount > 2 && nYear < 100)
- return null; /* must enter 4 digits for the year to match with the format of the field */
- nYear = AFDateHorizon(nYear);
- dDate = AFDateFromYMD(nYear, nMonth - 1, 1);
- } else {
- /* Date comes before year and so we allocate the two numbers
- ** to the date and the month only. */
- nYear = dDate.getFullYear();
- if (cOrder.indexOf("d") < cOrder.indexOf("m")) {
- dDate = AFDateFromYMD(nYear, aNums[1] - 1, aNums[0]);
- } else {
- dDate = AFDateFromYMD(nYear, aNums[0] - 1, aNums[1]);
- }
- }
- if (info)
- dDate = AFParseTime(info[1], dDate);
- return dDate;
- }
- /* User supplied one number. */
- if(aNums.length == 1) {
- if (nMonth) {
- /* We have one number and two slots (y/d) and need to allocate
- ** them based on who came first in the format. */
- if(cOrder.indexOf("y") < cOrder.indexOf("d")) {
- nYear = 1.0 * aNums[0];
- if (nYCount > 2 && nYear < 100)
- return null; /* must enter 4 digits for the year to match with the format of the field */
- nYear = AFDateHorizon(nYear);
- dDate = AFDateFromYMD(nYear, nMonth - 1, 1);
- } else {
- nYear = dDate.getFullYear();
- dDate = AFDateFromYMD(nYear, nMonth - 1, aNums[0]);
- }
- if (info)
- dDate = AFParseTime(info[1], date);
- return dDate;
- }
- /* We have one number and three slots and need to allocate them
- ** based on who came first in the format. */
- nYear = dDate.getFullYear();
- nMonth = dDate.getMonth();
- nDate = dDate.getDate();
- switch (cOrder.charAt(0)) {
- case "y":
- nYear = 1.0 * aNums[0];
- if (nYCount > 2 && nYear < 100)
- return null; /* must enter 4 digits for the year to match with the format of the field */
- nYear = AFDateHorizon(nYear);
- break;
- case "m":
- nMonth = aNums[0] - 1;
- break;
- case "d":
- nDate = aNums[0];
- break;
- }
- dDate = AFDateFromYMD(nYear, nMonth, nDate);
- if (info)
- dDate = AFParseTime(info[1], date);
- return dDate;
- }
- /* No idea how to deal with the other combinations. */
- return null;
- }
- function AFDateHorizon(nYear)
- { /* Takes the year supplied and applies the date horizon heuristic.
- ** All years between 50 and 100 we add 1900. All years less than 50 we add 2000. */
- if (nYear < 100 && nYear >= 50) {
- nYear += 1900;
- } else if (nYear >= 0 && nYear < 50) {
- nYear += 2000;
- }
- return nYear;
- }
- function AFParseDate(string, longEntry, shortEntry, wordMonthEntry, monthYearEntry)
- { /* OBSOLETE: Use AFParseDateEx instead. */
- var nums;
- var year, month;
- var date;
- var info = AFExtractTime(string);
- if(!string) return new Date();
- if(info)
- string = info[0];
- date = new Date();
- nums = AFExtractNums(string);
- if(!nums) return null;
- if(nums.length == 3)
- {
- year = 1.0 * nums[eval(longEntry.charAt(0))];
- year = AFDateHorizon(year);
- date = AFDateFromYMD(year, nums[eval(longEntry.charAt(1))] - 1, nums[eval(longEntry.charAt(2))]);
- if (info)
- date = AFParseTime(info[1], date);
- return date;
- }
- month = AFMatchMonth(string);
- if(nums.length == 2)
- {
- if(month)
- {
- year = 1.0 * nums[eval(wordMonthEntry.charAt(0))];
- year = AFDateHorizon(year);
- date = AFDateFromYMD(year, month - 1, nums[eval(wordMonthEntry.charAt(1))]);
- if (info)
- date = AFParseTime(info[1], date);
- return date;
- }
- if(monthYearEntry)
- {
- year = 1.0 * nums[eval(monthYearEntry.charAt(0))];
- year = AFDateHorizon(year);
- date = AFDateFromYMD(year, nums[eval(monthYearEntry.charAt(1))] - 1, 1);
- }
- else
- date = AFDateFromYMD(date.getFullYear(),
- nums[eval(shortEntry.charAt(0))] - 1,
- nums[eval(shortEntry.charAt(1))]);
- if (info)
- date = AFParseTime(info[1], date);
- return date;
- }
- if(month && nums.length == 1)
- {
- if(monthYearEntry)
- {
- year = 1.0 * nums[0];
- year = AFDateHorizon(year);
- date = AFDateFromYMD(year, month - 1, 1);
- }
- else
- date = AFDateFromYMD(date.getFullYear(), month - 1, nums[0]);
- if (info)
- date = AFParseTime(info[1], date);
- return date;
- }
- return null;
- }
- function AFParseDateWithPDF(value, pdf)
- { /* OBSOLETE: Use AFParseDateEx instead. */
- var cOldFormats = new Array(
- "m/d", "m/d/yy", "mm/dd/yy", "mm/yy", "d-mmm", "d-mmm-yy", "dd-mmm-yy",
- "yy-mm-dd", "mmm-yy", "mmmm-yy", "mmm d, yyyy", "mmmm d, yyyy",
- "m/d/yy h:MM tt", "m/d/yy HH:MM" );
- return AFParseDateEx(value, cOldFormats[pdf]);
- }
- function AFMergeChange(event)
- { /* merges the last change with the uncommitted change */
- var prefix, postfix;
- var value = event.value;
- if(event.willCommit) return event.value;
- if(event.selStart >= 0)
- prefix = value.substring(0, event.selStart);
- else prefix = "";
- if(event.selEnd >= 0 && event.selEnd <= value.length)
- postfix = value.substring(event.selEnd, value.length);
- else postfix = "";
- return prefix + event.change + postfix;
- }
- function AFRange_Validate(bGreaterThan, nGreaterThan, bLessThan, nLessThan)
- { /* This function validates the current event to ensure that its value is
- ** within the specified range. */
- var cError = "";
- if (event.value == "")
- return;
- if (bGreaterThan && bLessThan) {
- if (event.value < nGreaterThan || event.value > nLessThan)
- cError = util.printf(IDS_GT_AND_LT, nGreaterThan, nLessThan);
- } else if (bGreaterThan) {
- if (event.value < nGreaterThan)
- cError = util.printf(IDS_GREATER_THAN, nGreaterThan);
- } else if (bLessThan) {
- if (event.value > nLessThan)
- cError = util.printf(IDS_LESS_THAN, nLessThan);
- }
- if (cError != "") {
- app.alert(cError, 0);
- event.rc = false;
- }
- }
- function AFSimpleInit(cFunction)
- { /* Convenience function used by AFSimple_Calculate. */
- switch (cFunction)
- {
- case "PRD":
- return 1.0;
- break;
- }
- return 0.0;
- }
- function AFSimple(cFunction, nValue1, nValue2)
- { /* Convenience function used by AFSimple_Calculate. */
- var nValue = 1.0 * nValue1;
- /* Have to do this otherwise JavaScript thinks it's dealing with strings. */
- nValue1 = 1.0 * nValue1;
- nValue2 = 1.0 * nValue2;
- switch (cFunction)
- {
- case "AVG":
- case "SUM":
- nValue = nValue1 + nValue2;
- break;
- case "PRD":
- nValue = nValue1 * nValue2;
- break;
- case "MIN":
- nValue = Math.min(nValue1,nValue2);
- break;
- case "MAX":
- nValue = Math.max(nValue1, nValue2);
- break;
- }
- return nValue;
- }
- function AFSimple_Calculate(cFunction, cFields)
- { /* Calculates the sum, average, product, etc. of the listed field values. */
- var nFields = 0;
- var nValue = AFSimpleInit(cFunction);
- /* Field name separator is one or more spaces followed by a comma,
- ** followed by one or more spaces.
- ** or an array of field names */
- var aFields = AFMakeArrayFromList(cFields);
- for (var i = 0; i < aFields.length; i++) {
- /* Found a field, process it's value. */
- var f = this.getField(aFields[i]);
- var a = f.getArray();
- for (var j = 0; j < a.length; j++) {
- var nTemp = AFMakeNumber(a[j].value);
- if (i == 0 && j == 0 && (cFunction == "MIN" || cFunction == "MAX"))
- nValue = nTemp;
- nValue = AFSimple(cFunction, nValue, nTemp);
- nFields++;
- }
- }
- if (cFunction == "AVG" && nFields > 0)
- nValue /= nFields;
- event.value = nValue;
- }
- function AFNumber_Keystroke(nDec, sepStyle, negStyle, currStyle, strCurrency, bCurrencyPrepend)
- { /* This function validates the current keystroke event to make sure the
- key pressed is reasonable for a numeric field. */
- var value = AFMergeChange(event);
- var commit, noCommit;
- if(!value) return;
- if(sepStyle > 1)
- {
- commit = AFNumberCommaSepCommitRegExp;
- noCommit = AFNumberCommaSepEntryRegExp;
- }
- else
- {
- commit = AFNumberDotSepCommitRegExp;
- noCommit = AFNumberDotSepEntryRegExp;
- }
- if(!AFExactMatch(event.willCommit ? commit : noCommit, value))
- {
- if (event.willCommit) {
- var cAlert = IDS_INVALID_VALUE;
- if (event.target != null)
- cAlert += " [ " + event.target.name + " ]";
- app.alert(cAlert);
- }
- else
- app.beep(0);
- event.rc = false;
- }
- }
- function AFPercent_Keystroke(nDec, sepStyle)
- {
- AFNumber_Keystroke(nDec, sepStyle, 0, 0, "", true);
- }
- function AFSpecial_Keystroke(psf)
- { /* This function validates the current keystroke event to make sure the
- key pressed is reasonable for a "special" field. */
- /* The special formats, indicated by psf, are:
- psf format
- --- ------
- 0 zip code
- 1 zip + 4
- 2 phone
- 3 SSN
- */
- var value = AFMergeChange(event);
- var commit, noCommit;
- if(!value) return;
- switch (psf)
- {
- case 0:
- commit = AFZipCommitRegExp;
- noCommit = AFZipEntryRegExp;
- break;
- case 1:
- commit = AFZip4CommitRegExp;
- noCommit = AFZip4EntryRegExp;
- break;
- case 2:
- commit = AFPhoneCommitRegExp;
- noCommit = AFPhoneEntryRegExp;
- break;
- case 3:
- commit = AFSSNCommitRegExp;
- noCommit = AFSSNEntryRegExp;
- break;
- }
- if(!AFExactMatch(event.willCommit ? commit : noCommit, value))
- {
- if (event.willCommit) {
- var cAlert = IDS_INVALID_VALUE;
- if (event.target != null)
- cAlert += " [ " + event.target.name + " ]";
- app.alert(cAlert);
- }
- else
- app.beep(0);
- event.rc = false;
- }
- }
- function AFDate_KeystrokeEx(cFormat)
- { /* This function validates the current keystroke event to make sure the
- ** key pressed is reasonable for a date field. */
- if(event.willCommit && !AFParseDateEx(AFMergeChange(event), cFormat)) {
- /* Dates are only validated on commit */
- if (event.willCommit) {
- var cAlert = IDS_INVALID_DATE;
- if (event.target != null)
- cAlert += " [ " + event.target.name + " ]";
- app.alert(cAlert);
- }
- else
- app.beep(0);
- event.rc = false;
- }
- }
- function AFDate_Keystroke(pdf)
- { /* OBSOLETE: Use AFDate_KeystrokeEx. */
- var cOldFormats = new Array(
- "m/d", "m/d/yy", "mm/dd/yy", "mm/yy", "d-mmm", "d-mmm-yy", "dd-mmm-yy",
- "yy-mm-dd", "mmm-yy", "mmmm-yy", "mmm d, yyyy", "mmmm d, yyyy",
- "m/d/yy h:MM tt", "m/d/yy HH:MM" );
- AFDate_KeystrokeEx(cOldFormats[pdf]);
- }
- function AFTime_Keystroke(ptf)
- { /* This function validates the current keystroke event to make sure the
- key pressed is reasonable for a time field. */
- if(event.willCommit && !AFParseTime(event.value, null))
- /* times are only validated on commit */
- {
- if (event.willCommit) {
- var cAlert = IDS_INVALID_VALUE;
- if (event.target != null)
- cAlert += " [ " + event.target.name + " ]";
- app.alert(cAlert);
- }
- else
- app.beep(0);
- event.rc = false;
- }
- }
- function AFNumber_Format(nDec, sepStyle, negStyle, currStyle, strCurrency, bCurrencyPrepend)
- { /* This function formats a numeric value according to the parameters. */
- var value = AFMakeNumber(event.value);
- var sign = (value < 0 ? -1 : 1);
- var f = event.target;
- if(value == null)
- {
- event.value = "";
- return;
- }
- if ((negStyle == 2 /* ParensBlack */ || negStyle == 3 /* ParensRed */) && value < 0)
- var formatStr = "(";
- else
- var formatStr = "";
- if (bCurrencyPrepend)
- formatStr = formatStr + strCurrency;
- formatStr = formatStr + "%," + sepStyle + "." + nDec + "f";
- if (! bCurrencyPrepend)
- formatStr = formatStr + strCurrency;
- if ((negStyle == 2 /* ParensBlack */ || negStyle == 3 /* ParensRed */) && value < 0)
- formatStr = formatStr + ")";
- if (negStyle != 0 /* MinusBlack */ || bCurrencyPrepend)
- value = Math.abs(value);
- if (negStyle == 1 /* Red */ || negStyle == 3 /* ParensRed */) {
- if (sign > 0 )
- f.textColor = color.black;
- else
- f.textColor = color.red;
- }
- var tmp = util.printf(formatStr, value);
- if (sign < 0 && bCurrencyPrepend && negStyle == 0)
- tmp = '-' + tmp; /* prepend the -ve sign */
- event.value = tmp;
- }
- function AFPercent_Format(nDec, sepStyle)
- { /* This function formats a percentage value according to the parameters. */
- var value = AFMakeNumber(event.value) * 100;
- var formatStr = "%," + sepStyle + "." + nDec + "f";
- if(value == null)
- {
- event.value = "";
- return;
- }
- value = util.printf(formatStr, value);
- event.value = value + "%";
- }
- function AFSpecial_Format(psf)
- { /* This function formats a "special" value according to the "PropsSpecialFormat" parameter psf. */
- /* The special formats, indicated by psf, are: 0 = zip code, 1 = zip + 4, 2 = phone, 3 = SSN. */
- var value = event.value;
- if(!value) return;
- switch (psf) {
- case 0:
- var formatStr = "99999";
- break;
- case 1:
- var formatStr = "99999-9999";
- break;
- case 2: /* must distinguish between 2 styles: with and without area code */
- var NumbersStr = util.printx("9999999999", value); /* try to suck out 10 numeric chars */
- if (NumbersStr.length >= 10 )
- var formatStr = "(999) 999-9999";
- else
- var formatStr = "999-9999";
- break;
- case 3:
- var formatStr = "999-99-9999";
- break;
- }
- event.value = util.printx(formatStr, value);
- }
- function AFParseDateYCount(cFormat)
- {
- /* Determine the order of the date. */
- var yCount = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < cFormat.length; i++) {
- switch (cFormat.charAt(i)) {
- case "\\": /* Escape character. */
- i++;
- break;
- case "y":
- yCount += 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- return yCount;
- }
- function AFParseDateOrder(cFormat)
- {
- /* Determine the order of the date. */
- var cOrder = "";
- for (var i = 0; i < cFormat.length; i++) {
- switch (cFormat.charAt(i)) {
- case "\\": /* Escape character. */
- i++;
- break;
- case "m":
- if (cOrder.indexOf("m") == -1)
- cOrder += "m";
- break;
- case "d":
- if (cOrder.indexOf("d") == -1)
- cOrder += "d";
- break;
- case "y":
- if (cOrder.indexOf("y") == -1)
- cOrder += "y";
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Make sure we have a full complement of 3 chars. */
- if (cOrder.indexOf("m") == -1)
- cOrder += "m";
- if (cOrder.indexOf("d") == -1)
- cOrder += "d";
- if (cOrder.indexOf("y") == -1)
- cOrder += "y";
- return cOrder;
- }
- function AFDate_FormatEx(cFormat)
- { /* cFormat is a format string with which the date is to be formatted. */
- if (!event.value)
- return; /* Blank fields remain blank */
- var date = AFParseDateEx(event.value, cFormat);
- if (!date) {
- event.value = "";
- return;
- }
- event.value = util.printd(cFormat, date);
- }
- function AFDate_Format(pdf)
- { /* OBSOLETE: Use AFDate_FormatEx. */
- var cOldFormats = new Array(
- "m/d", "m/d/yy", "mm/dd/yy", "mm/yy", "d-mmm", "d-mmm-yy", "dd-mmm-yy",
- "yy-mm-dd", "mmm-yy", "mmmm-yy", "mmm d, yyyy", "mmmm d, yyyy",
- "m/d/yy h:MM tt", "m/d/yy HH:MM" );
- AFDate_FormatEx(cOldFormats[pdf]);
- }
- function AFTime_Format(ptf)
- { /* This function formats a time value according to the "PropsTimeFormat" parameter ptf.
- ** The time formats, indicated by ptf, are:
- ** ptf format
- ** --- ------
- ** 0 PTF_24HR_MM [ 14:30 ]
- ** 1 PTF_12HR_MM [ 2:30 PM ]
- ** 2 PTF_24HR_MM_SS [ 14:30:15 ]
- ** 3 PTF_12HR_MM_SS [ 2:30:15 PM ] */
- if(!event.value) return; /* Blank fields remain blank */
- var date = new AFParseTime(event.value, null);
- if(!date) {
- event.value = "";
- return;
- }
- var cFormats = new Array(
- "HH:MM", "h:MM tt", "HH:MM:ss", "h:MM:ss tt" );
- event.value = util.printd(cFormats[ptf], date);
- }
- function AFSignatureLock(doc, cOperation, cFields, bLock)
- { // Locks or unlocks a set of fields according to the specified operation.
- /* Field name separator is one or more spaces followed by a comma,
- ** followed by one or more spaces.
- ** or an array of field names */
- var aFields = AFMakeArrayFromList(cFields);
- /* Three cases: ALL, EXCEPT, THESE for the field name list. */
- if (cOperation != "THESE") {
- for (var i = 0; i < doc.numFields; i++) {
- var f = doc.getField(doc.getNthFieldName(i));
- f.readonly = bLock;
- }
- }
- if (cOperation == "EXCEPT")
- /* EXCEPT = ALL(lock) then THESE(unlock) */
- bLock = !bLock;
- if (cOperation == "THESE" || (cOperation == "EXCEPT" && !bLock)) {
- for (var i = 0; i < aFields.length; i++) {
- var f = doc.getField(aFields[i]);
- var a = f.getArray();
- for (var j = 0; j < a.length; j++) {
- a[j].readonly = bLock;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function AFSignature_Format(cOperation, cFields)
- { /* This function is invoked at format time but really is used to lock fields
- ** in the document. We unlock all the specified fields if the value is
- ** null (which means the signature hasn't been applied). */
- var bLock = (event.value != "");
- AFSignatureLock(this, cOperation, cFields, bLock);
- }