"avConfirmRelaunch=Only Adobe certified Acrobat plug-ins are allowed while viewing this document. Are you sure you want Acrobat to relaunch itself and temporarily load only Adobe certified plug-ins?"
"avCertifiedModeNotice=To switch between certified mode and non-certified mode, you must exit and restart the application."
"avCosError=There was a problem reading this document (%d)."
"avNoteBadPassword=The password is incorrect. Make sure the Caps Lock key is not on by accident."
"avNoteNewMajorVersionNoEdit=This file may contain newer information than this viewer can support. It may not open or display correctly and cannot be changed. Adobe recommends that you upgrade to the latest version of our Acrobat products. Please visit our product site at http://www.adobe.com/acrobat"
"avNoteNewMajorVersionBadView=This file may contain newer information than this viewer can support. It may not open or display correctly. Adobe recommends that you upgrade to the latest version of our Acrobat products. Please visit our product site at http://www.adobe.com/acrobat"
"avNoteDontShowAgain=&Do not show this message again"
"avNoteCantUseNewVersion=This file may contain newer information than this viewer can support. It cannot be used for this command. Adobe recommends that you upgrade to the latest version of our Acrobat products. Please visit our product site at http://www.adobe.com/acrobat"
"avNoteCantUseEncrypted=This file is protected. It cannot be used for this command."
"avNewMajorVersion=This file may contain newer information than this viewer can support. Adobe recommends that you upgrade to the latest version of our Acrobat products. Please visit our product site at http://www.adobe.com/acrobat"
"avConfirmSuppressErrors=&Do not show this message again"
"avNoCryptHandler=No Security"
"avDefaultCryptHandler=Acrobat Standard Security"
"avSecurityDialogNote=Use this dialog to view and change settings that are used to encrypt a document. Changes will be applied when you save or sign the document."
"avShowClipboard=Show Clipboar&d"
"avHideClipboard=Hide Clipboar&d"
"avInsertNoDocsToInsert=No documents were chosen for insertion."
"avInsertCannotUseSameDoc=A document cannot be inserted into itself. Please select a different one to insert."
"avReplaceCannotUseSameDoc=A document cannot be replaced by itself. Please select a different one to replace."
"avErrorLoadingPlugIn=There was an error while loading the plug-in '%s'. "
"avMissingAnnotHandler=The plug-in required by this '%s' annotation or comment is not available."
"avMissingSecurityHandler=This document could not be opened because the plug-in required by the '%s' security handler is not available."
"avMissingEBXSecurityHandler=This document could not be opened because it requires the Adobe e-Book Reader. Information about the Adobe e-Book Reader is available on Adobe's Web site."
"avFindOnWebSite=Information about the missing plug-in may be available on Adobe's Web site."
"avCouldNotFindAppForFile=Could not find an application to open the file '%s'."
"avCouldNotOpenSpecifiedFile=Could not open the file '%s'."
"avZoomInTool=Zoom &In"
"avZoomOutTool=Zoom &Out"
"avSelectTextTool=Select &Text"
"avSelectGraphicsTool=Select &Graphics"
"avUnknownDestType=Unknown destination type '%s'."
"avMissingActionHandler=The plug-in required by this '%s' action is not available. Information about the missing plug-in may be available on Adobe's Web site."
"avZoomMenuFitPage=Fit in Window"
"avZoomMenuFitWidth=Fit Width"
"avZoomMenuFitVisible=Fit Visible"
"avSecurityGetPassword='%s' is protected."
"avSecurityChangePassword=Confirm Password to Change Security Options"
"avSecurityOpenPassword=Confirm Password to Open the Document"
"avSecurityBadPassword=The password is incorrect. Please try again"
"avSecurityNotConfirmed=The password was not confirmed. Please start again by reentering the password."
"avSecurityWantUniquePasswords=The User and Master Passwords must be unique. Please enter a different password in either the User Password field or the Master Password field."
"avFindWrap=You have searched up to the end of the document. Do you want to continue the search from the beginning of the document?"
"avFindWrapBackwards=You have searched up to the beginning of the document. Do you want to continue the search from the end of the document?"
"avFindStopSearch=Stop Search"
"avFindNoneFound=No occurrences of: "
"avFindNoMoreFound=No other occurrences of: "
"avFindInTheDoc=were found in the document."
"avSecurityInfoNotAllowed=Not Allowed"
"avGeneralInfoNotAvailable=Not Available"
"avConfirmPaste=The languages are different. Do you want to replace all of the text or paste as is?"
"avTransitionErrNoOffworld=Not enough memory available to display transitions."
"avUnhandledExceptionContinue=Unhandled Exception - Execution Will Continue..."
"avShowHideMenuBarMenuItem=Hide &Menu Bar"
"avLinkToToiletWarning2=It is recommended that the destination document be in Single Page page-layout mode for the most predictable results. Continue?"
"avHelpSubmitBug=Submit A &Bug Report"
"avHelpUserGuide=&Acrobat Help"
"avHelpTutorial=Acrobat &Tour"
"avHelpReader=&Reader Help"
"avBuyAcrobat=P&urchase Adobe Acrobat"
"avNamedDest=Destination: '%s'"
"avPageNo=Page %s"
"avSinglePageMenuItem=&Single Page"
"avTwoColumnsMenuItem=Con&tinuous - Facing"
"avCanNotEditGoToInModalDialog=You cannot change pages when creating a 'Go To View' action for this event."
"avExecutableLinkTitle=Launch: %s"
"avExecutableLinkDisAllowed=The file \"%s\" is set to be launched by this PDF file. This is currently disallowed. Please check the Options preferences to allow this operation."
"avExecutableLinkDisAllowedByAdmin=The file \"%s\" is set to be launched by this PDF file. This is currently disallowed by your system administrator."
"avExecutableLinkWarning=The file \"%s\" is set to be launched by this PDF file. The file may contain programs, macros, or viruses that could potentially harm your computer. Only open the file if you are sure it is safe. If this file was placed by a trusted person or program then click Open to view the file."
"avExecutableLinkCheckbox=&Do not show this message again"
"avExecutableLinkDoNotOpen=&Do Not Open"
"avOpenTextNoteMenuItem=Open Note"
"avCloseTextNoteMenuItem=Close Note"
"avFollowLinkMenuItem=Follow Link"
"avReadThreadMenuItem=Read &Article"
"avPageAsString= %s (%ld of %ld)"
"avNoSuchPageNum=There is no page numbered '%s' in this document."
"avSecurityStdChgFormFill=Only Form Field Fill-in or Signing"
"avSecurityStdChgAnnotFill=Comment Authoring, Form Field Fill-in or Signing"
"avSecurityStdChgAll=General Editing, Comment and Form Field Authoring"
"avSecurityStdPrntNone=Not Allowed"
"avSecurityStdPrntBasic=Low Resolution"
"avSecurityStdPrntPS=Fully Allowed"
"avPrefsPanelColor=Color Management"
"avPrefsPanelFullScreen=Full Screen"
"avPrHostCM=On host: "
"avPrPrinterCM=On printer"
"avActionDeletedPagesErr=You cannot continue editing this action after deleting pages."
"avFindExternalTitle=Acrobat Find"
"avFindDlgFindAgain=&Find Again"
"avBookmarkNewButton=New Bookmark"
"avBookmarkDeleteButton=Delete Bookmark"
"avBookmarkFindButton=Find Bookmark"
"avDocAdobeOnlineButton=Adobe &Online"
"avListDoubleClick=Double Click"
"avPageZoomMenuButton=Zoom Menu"
"avPageFirstPageButton=First Page"
"avPagePrevPageButton=Previous Page"
"avPageNextPageButton=Next Page"
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"avPageLayoutMenuButton=Layout Menu"
"avPagePageMenuButton=Page Menu"
"avScriptPullRightButton=Pull right"
"avScrollUpButton=Scroll Up"
"avScrollDownButton=Scroll Down"
"avUtilShowToolbarButton=Show Toolbar"
"avUpdateDescriptionText=Acrobat can automatically check for updates to the application and to the list of Web Services that are installed under the Tools menu. Use this panel to determine how often Acrobat should check for updates and to manually check for updates."
"avUpdateMissingPlugins=Acrobat cannot check for updates because it is missing plug-ins required to search for updates."
"avUpdateLastCheckedNotAvailable=Not Available"
"avUpdateWeekly=Every Week"
"avUpdateMonthly=Every Month"
"avDontShowAutoUpdate=&Do not automatically check for any updates"
"avCheckingForUpdates=Checking for updates..."
"avCheckForAcrobatUpdates=Acrobat is about to check for application updates."
"avCheckForWebServiesUpdates=Acrobat is about to check for updates to Acrobat Web Services."
"avUpdateCheckNow=Check Now"
"avUpdatesFound=Updates Found"
"avDownloadButton=Get Update"
"avLaterButton=Remind Later"
"avAcrobatUpdateAvailable=An updated version of %s is available. Click Get Update to open the Acrobat update website. Click Remind Later to show this message the next time Acrobat checks for updates."
"avWebServicesUpdateAvailable=Updated Web Services are available. Click Get Update to install these services."
"avWebClientUpdateAvailable=An updated Web Client is available. Click Get Update to install the updated Web Client."
"avWebClientDownloadComplete=The Web Client has been updated."
"avNoAcrobatUpdateAvailable=No new %s updates available."
"avNoWebServicesUpdateAvailable=No new Web Services updates available."
"avConfirmRemoveSecurity=Are you sure you want to remove security from this document?"
"avConfirmRemoveSecurityAndSigs=Security cannot be removed from this document because it is signed. Please clear all signature fields in this document before changing security settings."
"avConfirmChangeSecurity=Are you sure you want to change the security on this document?"
"avConfirmChangeSecurityAndSigs=Security settings on signed documents cannot be changed. Please clear all signature fields in this document before changing security settings."
"avDigSigMenu=Digital Signatures"
"avShowSignatures=Show Signatures"
"avDocSig=Document contains signatures"
"avDocEncrypted=Document is encrypted"
"avDocSigAndEncrypted=Document is signed and encrypted"
"avXMLConversion=XML files"
"avUseDocumentColors=Use colors specified in document"
"avADMOutOfBoundsMsg=The value must be between %s and %s."
"avADMIllegalNumberMsg=Invalid numeric value."
"avADMPSOutOfBoundsMsg=A number between %s and %s is required. Closest value inserted."
"avADMSelectFile=Select \"%s\""
"avADMFontProblemWarning=The Adobe UI font could not be loaded. For best results, please exit the program and either install it or uninstall other fonts."
"avAboutPluginsCopyright=Copyright 1992-2001 Adobe Systems Incorporated and its licensors. All rights reserved."
"avBadNameTreeTitle=Corrupt Destinations"
"avBadNameTreeMsg=The destinations are corrupt. It is recommended that you delete all destinations before proceeding. If you do not, new destinations cannot be created."
"avBadNameTreeDeleteButton=Delete Destinations"
"avInternetSettingsIncorrect=You cannot currently view Adobe PDF files from within your web browser due to a configuration problem. Would you like Acrobat to fix the configuration?"
"avInternetSettingsCheckOnStartup=Always perform this check when starting Acrobat."
"avPDFDoc=Adobe Acrobat Document"
"avFormsDoc=Adobe Acrobat Forms Document"
"avRMFDoc=Acrobat Rights Management Document"
"avErrCouldNotOpenNonOfficeDocReader=Acrobat could not open '%s' because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been corrupted (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded)."
"avAccessibilityPrefsPageModeDesc=You may choose to deliver data to the accessibility interface a page at a time for long documents."
"avBatchMissingFile=Missing File"
"avBatchMissingFolder=Missing Folder"
"avBatchCouldNotRunMissingSourceFiles=Could not run this sequence because one or more source files cannot be found."
"avBatchCouldNotRunMissingSourceFolder=Could not run this sequence because the source folder cannot be found."
"avBatchCouldNotRunMissingOutputFolder=Could not run this sequence because the output folder cannot be found."
"avNoMSAASupportTitle=No Screen Reader Support"
"avNoMSAASupportMsg=This version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader does not contain support for screen readers. Information about downloading a version containing screen reader support is available on http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/alternate.html"