10002 No video recorder or TV is detected for the selected display.\n\nApply TV output mode anyway?
10003 Matrox PowerDesk
10004 Your screen may flicker for a few seconds while new monitor settings are applied. If your display doesn't reappear correctly, wait 15 seconds, and your original settings will be restored.
10215 Use secondary display controller as a Windows monitor
10216 Start Matrox QuickDesk when Windows restarts
10217 Show Matrox QuickDesk icon on taskbar
10218 Enlarge mouse pointer
10219 Use hardware to draw color mouse pointer
10220 Roll windows up/down ([Shift]+Minimize)
10221 Fade-in PowerDesk dialog boxes
10222 Fade-out PowerDesk dialog boxes
10301 &Yes
10302 OK
10303 Abort
10304 Retry
10305 &No
10306 Cancel
10307 Ignore
10308 Details
10400 Monitor Customizations (*.mpr)
10401 All Files
10402 Matrox PowerDesk couldn't find the "PDMonLst.mpl" file.
10404 %4d x %4d, %2d-bit, %3d Hz
10405 %4d x %4d, %2d-bit, %s
10406 The Matrox monitor settings you selected contain display modes not included in your current Windows monitor settings. Use the settings you selected anyway?\n\nClick "Yes" to use them or "No" to cancel.
10407 The display mode you're currently using isn't included in the selected monitor settings. Add support for this display mode to the selected monitor settings?
10411 The selected display mode couldn't be tested.
10412 Matrox Monitor Test
10413 %4d x %4d
10414 %2d bits, %d colors
10415 Matrox PowerDesk has restored your last known safe monitor settings.
10416 The file may be of the wrong type, it may be corrupted, or it may have been created with another version of Matrox PowerDesk.
10418 The Matrox monitor list is stored in the "PDMonLst.mpl" file. This file is normally located in your Windows system folder. You can restore this file by reinstalling Matrox PowerDesk.
10419 If your Windows monitor settings support all the display resolutions your monitor is capable of, the selected customized settings are probably not appropriate for your monitor and you should click "No".
10420 The selected monitor settings don't support the display mode you're currently using. It's likely that these settings aren't appropriate for your monitor. We recommend you click "No" and then select different monitor settings.
10421 Current refresh: %d Hz
10422 (Customized by user)
10423 (%s %s)
10424 Customizations can't be disabled because your current display mode isn't supported by your Windows monitor settings. To disable customizations, first change to a display mode supported by your Windows monitor settings.
10425 If you delete the current monitor customizations, they'll be lost. (The Matrox monitor list and customizations saved to file won't be affected.)\n\nDelete monitor customizations?\n\nTo delete customizations, click "Yes".\nTo keep customizations, click "No".
10426 Monitor customizations are currently enabled. To delete them, Matrox PowerDesk must first disable them. Are you sure you want to delete customizations?\n\nClick "Yes" to delete or "No" to cancel.
10427 Your monitor customizations have been re-enabled.
10428 Your monitor customizations have been deleted.
10429 No Windows monitor is selected. Please select a monitor on the Windows "Monitor" property sheet before customizing monitor settings.
10430 These settings may not be supported by your monitor.
10431 One or more selected settings may be beyond the limits of your monitor. These settings may be unavailable for programs that use DirectDraw/Direct3D.
10432 Based on the monitor settings selected in Windows, one or more settings selected with Matrox software may not be supported by your monitor. These settings may not be supported by programs that use DirectDraw or Direct3D. Many programs (especially games) use DirectDraw or Direct3D. If selected monitor settings aren't supported, default settings are used instead. Regular Windows programs (programs that don't use DirectDraw or Direct3D) will use the selected monitor settings.\n\nYou may want to go back and change the monitor settings selected.
10500 Load Monitor Customizations
10501 Save Monitor Customizations
10502 Unavailable
10503 Display modes supported by the "%s" monitor settings:
10600 Your original display settings have been restored.
10601 Matrox PowerDesk couldn't apply the "%s" desktop scheme.\n\nRemove this scheme from the list of available desktop schemes?
10602 The following monitors don't support settings in the desktop scheme:\n
10603 \nMonitor %d - %d x %d, %d-bit
10604 \nMonitor %d - disabled
10700 One or more functions couldn't be found in PDTools.dll. The Matrox PowerDesk control center will close.\n\nPlease reinstall Matrox PowerDesk.
10701 Matrox PowerDesk software isn't supported by any display driver currently in use. Matrox PowerDesk will close.
10702 The "Show menus in visible display" feature couldn't be initialized. This feature won't be available.
10703 Matrox Online Registration
10704 You can still register online by selecting "Online Registration" in the Matrox QuickDesk menu.
10705 The Matrox PowerDesk feature you tried to use isn't available. To be able to use this feature, install version %s or later of DirectX.\n\nFor the latest version of Microsoft DirectX see the Microsoft Web site (www.microsoft.com).
10706 The Matrox PowerDesk feature you tried to use isn't available. To be able to use this feature, install version %s or later of DirectX.\n\nFor the latest version of Microsoft DirectX see the Microsoft Web site (www.microsoft.com).
10707 A "DualHead" feature currently can't be used because the secondary display is already being used by the "DualHead DVDMax" feature.
10708 A "DualHead" feature currently can't be used because the secondary display is already being used by the "DualHead Clone" feature.
10709 A "DualHead" feature currently can't be used because the secondary display controller is already being used by digital video software.
10710 A "DualHead" feature currently can't be used because there isn't enough graphics memory available or bus mastering is disabled. To use this feature, try lowering your display resolution or enabling bus mastering.
10711 This feature can't be used with the current display settings.\n\nTo use this feature, try lowering settings for your display. Specifically, try lowering the color palette, the resolution, and/or the current refresh rate. (A 16-bit color palette is recommended for many features.)\n\nTo access display settings, right-click your Windows desktop background and then click "Properties" > "Settings".
10712 Matrox PowerDesk
10713 For changes to take effect, your computer needs to be restarted.\n\nRestart your computer now?
10800 Matrox DeskNav
10801 Show &Menu
10802 &Preferences...
10803 Zoom &In
10804 Zoom &Out
10806 &Select Monitor
10807 &Go to Location
10808 Help
10809 &CenterWINDOW
10810 None
10900 Matrox Diagnostic
10901 No Matrox graphics hardware is detected in your computer.\n\nMatrox Diagnostic will close.
10902 A results file couldn't be created.
10903 Test date and time: %s, %s.\n
10904 Matrox Diagnostic Results\n
10905 Results saved in file "%s".
10906 Matrox PowerDesk software isn't supported by the display driver Windows is currently using. Matrox Diagnostic will close.
10908 ERROR
10909 Click "Test Now" to see test results.
10910 No problem detected.
10911 General tests
10912 %s - Display %d
10913 This display driver isn't compatible with this version of Matrox Diagnostic. No tests are available for this driver.
10914 This isn't a Matrox display driver. No tests are available for this driver.
10915 Is recent DirectX software installed?
10916 DirectX version okay.
10917 WARNING: DirectX not installed.\n\nDESCRIPTION: Programs that use DirectX may not work properly. Install DirectX from your Matrox CD-ROM or system disks. For more information, see your Matrox or system manual.\n\n
10918 WARNING: Old version of DirectX installed.\n\nDESCRIPTION: Programs using DirectX may run slower. Reinstall DirectX from your Matrox CD-ROM or your system disks. See "Troubleshooting" in your Matrox or system manual.\n\n
10919 Is bus mastering (for display acceleration) working?
10920 ERROR: No IRQ for your Matrox hardware.\n\nDESCRIPTION: Your Matrox hardware hasn't been assigned an IRQ. Some programs may not work properly. See "Troubleshooting" in your Matrox or system manual.\n\n
10921 ERROR: IRQ assigned to Matrox hardware isn't working.\n\nDESCRIPTION: Some programs may not work properly. See "Troubleshooting" in your Matrox or system manual.\n\n
10922 ERROR: Bus mastering not available.\n\nDESCRIPTION: Some programs may not work properly. Your Matrox hardware may be in a "slave" expansion slot. See "Troubleshooting" in your Matrox manual or your system manual.\n\n
10923 Bus mastering seems to work correctly but is turned off in Matrox PowerDesk.\n\nDo you want Matrox Diagnostic to turn bus mastering on?
10924 Error detected with bus mastering.\n\nDo you want Matrox Diagnostic to turn bus mastering off in Matrox PowerDesk? (You can turn it on again later.)
10925 Error detected with bus mastering, however, this feature is already turned off in Matrox PowerDesk.
10926 Bus mastering appears to be working properly.
10927 Matrox Diagnostic has changed bus mastering in the Matrox PowerDesk advanced settings. It's recommended you restart your computer for the changes to take effect.\n\nRestart your computer now?\n
10928 Is the add-on graphics memory module (if any) working okay?
10929 No memory problem detected.
10930 DESCRIPTION: The add-on graphics memory module is slower than the memory built into your Matrox hardware. All your graphics memory will run at the slower speed.\n\n
10931 Slow graphics memory module.\n\n
10932 DESCRIPTION: The memory type of the add-on graphics memory module is not compatible with the memory built into your Matrox hardware. The memory module will not be used.\n\n
10933 Incompatible graphics memory module.\n\n
10934 Is redundant Matrox hardware installed?
10935 No conflict detected.
10936 DESCRIPTION: Your Matrox graphics hardware has video editing hardware built into it. For video editing to work properly, remove any separate Matrox video editing hardware attached to your Matrox graphics hardware.\n\n
10937 Redundant Matrox video editing harware is detected.\n\n
10938 None
10939 NTSC
10940 PAL
10941 Error code number: %d
10942 Unknown error with an add-on for your Matrox hardware.\n\n
10943 DESCRIPTION: An unknown error has been detected with an add-on for your Matrox hardware. Take note of the error code number and contact the vendor of the add-on.\n\n
10944 No tests are available for this device.
11000 A window class couldn't be created. Matrox QuickDesk will close.
11001 A window couldn't be created. Matrox QuickDesk will close.
11002 &Desktop Schemes
11004 D&esktop Icons
11005 &Window Positions
11006 &Online Registration
11007 &PowerDesk Help
11008 &Start Screen Saver
11009 Start Matrox Dia&gnostic
11010 St&art Matrox DeskNav
11011 Display &Properties...
11012 Close Matrox &QuickDesk
11013 &Save
11014 &Restore
11015 &Automatic
11016 &Add...
11017 &Organize...
11019 2&56 Colors
11020 High Color (&16-bit)
11021 True Color (&24-bit)
11022 True Color (&32-bit)
11024 Hot &Keys...
11025 Matrox PowerDesk Hot Keys
11026 A scheme with the same name already exists. Do you want to overwrite the existing scheme?\n\nClick "Yes" to overwrite or "No" to type a different name.
11027 A desktop scheme couldn't be created from your current display settings.
11028 Matrox QuickDesk
11029 Delete the "%s" scheme?\n\nClick "Yes" to delete or "No" to cancel.
11030 Close PDesk.exe
11031 &Tip of the Day...
11032 &More Schemes...
11033 Matrox PowerDesk
11034 The name typed is already being used by another desktop scheme. Please type a different name.
11035 Matrox PowerDesk
11036 &View Readme File
11037 &About
11038 About Matrox PowerDesk
11039 &Help
11040 S&ettings...
11041 Second
11042 Seconds
11043 Minute
11044 Minutes
11045 Automatically Save Windows Positions
11046 Matrox QuickDesk - Add Desktop Scheme
11047 (TV)
11048 (Clone)
11049 S&ettings...
11050 Desktop Icon Features
11051 %d pixels
11052 The scheme name contains invalid characters. The scheme won't be added.
11053 &TurboGL Manager...
11054 Multi-Display &Controls...
11055 Matrox PowerDesk - Multi-Display Controls
11056 %d (Output %d)
11057 &Make All Visible
11058 S&nap to Display...
11059 Matrox QuickDesk - Snap to Display
11062 &Get Latest Driver...
11063 Matrox MultiDesk
11064 &Manage Desktops...
11065 &Use Matrox MultiDesk
11100 TV output (add-on)
11101 DVD decoder (add-on)
11102 Matrox Rainbow Runner G-Series (add-on)
11103 MJPEG compressor/decompressor (add-on)
11104 Digital flat panel connector (add-on)
11105 TV tuner (add-on)
11106 TV output (built-in)
11107 DVD decoder (built-in)
11108 Video input (built-in)
11109 MJPEG encoder/decoder (built-in)
11110 Digital flat panel connector (built-in)
11111 TV tuner (built-in)
11112 %d MB
11113 DualHead (add-on)
11114 DualHead (built-in)
11115 Graphics hardware
11116 Graphics software (versions)
11117 Matrox driver package: %s
11118 Display driver: %s
11119 Mini-VDD: %s
11120 Kernel driver: %s
11121 DirectDraw/Direct3D driver: %s
11122 Matrox PowerDesk: %s
11123 Microsoft DirectX: %s
11124 Model: %s
11125 Graphics chip: %s
11126 Serial number: %s
11127 Graphics memory
11128 Memory type: %s
11129 Amount of memory: %s
11130 Maximum RAMDAC speed: %s
11131 Graphics BIOS: %s
11132 Extra hardware
11133 TurboGL driver: %s
11134 OpenGL ICD: %s
11200 The current display resolution doesn't support the selected TV settings. Do you want to change to a resolution that supports your TV settings?\n\nClick "Yes" to change to a supported resolution or "No" to cancel your changes.
11300 Display %d: %4d x %4d, %2d-bit %s
11301 PixelTOUCH
11302 CenterWINDOW
11303 Enable/Disable PanLOCK
11305 Enable/Disable PanNOW
11306 Save Icon Positions
11307 Save Window Positions
11308 Restore Icon Positions
11309 Restore Window Positions
11310 PowerDesk Features
11311 PowerDesk Schemes
11312 Use the PixelTOUCH hot key to zoom in on your current mouse pointer position. Use it repeatedly to cycle through the different zoom factors (x1, x2, x4, x1, and so on).
11313 Use the CenterWINDOW hot key to center the visible part of your display area (view area) on the active window. This feature is useful when parts of your desktop area are outside your view area, as with a virtual desktop or the Matrox zoom feature.\n\nIf a window is larger than your view area, CenterWINDOW lines up the upper-left corner of your view area with the upper-left corner of the active window.
11314 Use the PanLOCK hot key to disable or enable panning when parts of your desktop area are outside your view area (as with a virtual desktop or the Matrox zoom feature). When panning is enabled, you can move your mouse pointer to the edge of your view area to pan in that direction.
11316 While using the Matrox zoom feature, you can use the PanNOW hot key to enable or disable the centering of your display around your mouse pointer.
11317 Use the "Save Icon Positions" hot key to save the positions of desktop icons for your current desktop area. After saving, you can restore their positions with the "Restore Icon Positions" hot key.\n\nNote: If you're using a multi-display desktop and the virtual position of a display is changed, your desktop area also changes.
11318 Use the "Save Window Positions" hot key to save the positions and sizes of program windows for your current desktop area. After saving, you can later restore their positions and sizes with the "Restore Window Positions" hot key. Window position information is saved until you're logged out of Windows.\n\nNote: If you're using a multi-display desktop and the virtual position of a display is changed, your desktop area also changes.
11319 Use the "Restore Icon Positions" hot key to move your desktop icons to their last saved position for the current desktop area. Icons aren't moved if their positions aren't saved.
11320 Use the "Restore Window Positions" hot key to restore the position and size of your program windows. Windows are restored to their last saved positions and sizes for the current desktop area. If the size and position of a window isn't saved, it isn't affected.
11321 Matrox PowerDesk
11322 Hot key changes couldn't be saved because of the following conflicts:\n\n
11323 The "%s" keyboard shortcut is the same as the "%s" keyboard shortcut.\n
11324 Matrox PowerDesk
11325 One or more changes to hot keys couldn't be saved. Windows may already be using one or more of the keyboard shortcuts you defined.
11326 Start Screen Saver
11327 Use the "Start Screen Saver" hot key to start your screen saver right away.
11328 DualHead Zoom - Enable
11329 Use the "DualHead Zoom - Enable" hot key to select a region on your main display which will be displayed full-screen on your secondary display.
11330 Swap All Windows
11331 Use the "Swap All Windows" hot key to move all visible windows from one display to another. If your system has more than two displays and this hot key is pressed repeatedly, windows are cycled through each display in your system.
11332 Swap Active Window
11333 Use the "Swap Active Window" hot key to move the currently active window from one display to another. If your system has more than two displays and this hot key is pressed repeatedly, a window is cycled through each display in your system.
11334 DualHead Zoom - Smooth Zoomed Area
11335 DualHead Zoom - Follow Mouse Pointer
11336 Use the "Smooth Zoomed Area" hot key to enable/disable digital filtering while using the "DualHead Zoom" feature. Filtering is good for general usage, while a non-filtered zoom is more appropriate for image editing.
11337 Use the "Follow Mouse Pointer" hot key to control whether the zoomed area follows the mouse pointer in your main display while the "DualHead Zoom" feature is used.
11338 DualHead Zoom - Disable
11339 Use the "DualHead Zoom - Disable" hot key to disable the "DualHead Zoom" feature and to be able to use your secondary display for another DualHead feature.
11340 DualHead Zoom - Snapshot to Clipboard
11341 DualHead Zoom - Snapshot to File
11342 Use the "Snapshot to File" hot key to save your currently zoomed area to a file. You can then use this image with any program that supports bitmap (BMP) files.
11343 Use the "Snapshot to Clipboard" hot key to copy your currently zoomed area to the Windows clipboard. You can then paste this image in any program that supports bitmap (BMP) files.
11344 This keyboard shortcut must include the [Shift], [Ctrl], or [Alt] key. The keyboard shortcut entered won't be applied.
11345 Matrox PowerDesk - Error
11434 Find Mouse Pointer
11435 Use the "Find Mouse Pointer" hot key to locate your mouse pointer on your Windows desktop. This may be useful if your Windows desktop includes more than one display.
11436 Move All Windows to Primary Display
11437 Use the "Move All Windows to Primary Display" hot key to move all windows (including certain dialog boxes) to your primary display. Your "primary display" is the one that first displays information when your computer restarts.
11438 DualHead Zoom - Select Region
11439 If more than one DualHead Zoom region is defined, use the "Select Region" hot key to select one of these regions.\n\nIf your hot key includes a modifier key (for example, [Ctrl] or [Alt]), you can use arrow keys to select a region. To do this: (1) Press the hot key without releasing the modifier key. (2) Use the arrow keys to highlight a region. (3) Release the modifier key to select a highlighted region.\n\n(While holding a modifier key, you can press [Delete] to remove a highlighted region from the region list.)
11440 Show QuickDesk Menu
11441 Use the "Show QuickDesk Menu" hot key to have the Matrox QuickDesk menu appear at the current position of your mouse pointer.
11500 "DualHead Zoom" settings couldn't be saved.
11600 "DualHead DVDMax" settings couldn't be saved.
11700 DualHead disabled -- Select this to disable the secondary display of your Matrox graphics hardware.
11701 DualHead Multi-Display -- Click this to add an extra display to your Windows desktop.
11702 DualHead Clone -- View a copy of your main display on your secondary display.\n\nDualHead Zoom -- Use your secondary display to view a zoomed-in area of your main display.\n\nDualHead DVDMax -- Play digital video in a window on your main display and, at the same time, view that video full-screen on your secondary display.
11703 The current display resolution doesn't support the "DualHead Clone" feature. Do you want to change to a resolution that supports this feature?\n\nClick "Yes" to change to a supported resolution or "No" to cancel your changes.
11705 %d x %d\n(Plug-and-Play monitor)
11706 The "DualHead Clone" feature currently can't be used because the secondary display is being used by another DualHead feature. "DualHead Clone" will automatically be used when the secondary display becomes available.
11707 To use "DualHead Multi-Display" mode, Matrox PowerDesk has cleared the Windows check box called "Hide modes that this monitor cannot display". (This check box is in the advanced settings of the "Display Properties" dialog box.)\n\nPlease don't enable this check box while in DualHead Multi-Display mode -- doing so may cause problems. When DualHead Multi-Display mode is disabled, this option will be automatically restored to its previous setting.
11708 DualHead Multi-Display -- Add an extra display to your Windows desktop.\n\nNote: While using this mode, you can also use the "DualHead Zoom" feature.
11709 DualHead Clone -- View a copy of your main display on your secondary display.\n\nDualHead DVDMax -- Play digital video in a window on your main display and, at the same time, view that video full-screen on your secondary display.\n\nNote: While using "DualHead Clone or DVDMax" mode, you can also use the "DualHead Zoom" feature.
11807 Open Matrox PowerDesk Hot Keys dialog box.\n\nSyntax:\n HOTKEY\n\nExample\n pdeskcmd /hotkey\n
11808 Display this help.
11809 Use "/?:command" for more information on a specific command.\n(Replace "command" with a specific command name.)\n
11810 Change display mode.
11811 Change display mode.\n\nSyntax:\n MODE:[Dn,]Wx,Hy[,Pn]\n Dn: "n" is the display number (default is 1).\n Wx: "x" is the display width in pixels. *\n Hy: "y" is the display height in pixels. *\n Pn: "n" is the color palette in bits per pixel (8, 16, 24, or 32).\n (Default is the current color palette.)\n\n* Only supported display resolutions can be used.\n\nExamples:\n pdeskcmd /mode:d2,w640,h480,p8\n pdeskcmd /mode:w800,h600\n
11812 Enable/Disable PanNOW.
11813 Enable/Disable PanNOW.\n(To use PanNOW, Matrox zoom feature must be in use).\n\nSyntax:\n PANNOW:[Dn,]state\n Dn: "n" is the display number (default is 1)\n state: "on" or "off"\n\nExamples:\n pdeskcmd /pannow:off\n pdeskcmd /pannow:d1,on\n
11814 Show Matrox QuickDesk icon on taskbar.
11815 Show Matrox QuickDesk icon on taskbar.\n\nSyntax:\n QUICKDESK\n\nExample:\n pdeskcmd /quickdesk\n
11816 Restore desktop icon positions.
11817 Restore desktop icon positions.\n(To save icons positions, use SAVE_ICONS.)\n\nSyntax:\n RESTORE_ICONS\n\nExample:\n pdeskcmd /restore_icons\n
11818 Restore desktop configuration.
11819 Restore desktop configuration.\n(To save your desktop configuration, use SAVEDESK.)\n\nSyntax:\n RESTOREDESK\n\nExample:\n pdeskcmd /restoredesk\n
11820 Restore desktop window positions.
11821 Restore desktop window positions.\n(To save window positions, use SAVE_WINDOWS.)\n\nSyntax:\n RESTORE_WINDOWS\n\nExample:\n pdeskcmd /restore_windows\n
11822 Save desktop icon positions.
11823 Save desktop icon positions.\n(To restore icon positions, use RESTORE_ICONS.)\n\nSyntax:\n SAVE_ICONS\n\nExample:\n pdeskcmd /save_icons\n
11824 Save current desktop configuration.
11825 Save current desktop configuration.\n(To view a description of your desktop configuration, use DESKTOPDESC)\n(To restore your desktop, use RESTOREDESK.)\n\nSyntax:\n SAVEDESK\n\nExample:\n pdeskcmd /savedesk\n
11826 Save desktop window positions.
11827 Save desktop window positions.\n(To restore window positions, use RESTORE_WINDOWS.)\n\nSyntax:\n SAVE_WINDOWS\n\nExample:\n pdeskcmd /save_windows\n
11828 Apply desktop scheme.
11829 Apply desktop scheme.\n(To save a scheme, use Matrox QuickDesk.)\n\nSyntax:\n SCHEME:schemename|"scheme name"\n schemename: One-word scheme name\n "scheme name": Scheme name with spaces\n\nExamples:\n pdeskcmd /scheme:MyScheme\n pdeskcmd /scheme:"My Scheme"\n
11830 Change zoom factor.
11831 Change zoom factor.\n\nSyntax:\n ZOOM:[Dn,]z\n Dn: "n" is the display number (default is 1)\n z: "z" is the zoom factor (1, 2, or 4)\n\nExamples:\n pdeskcmd /zoom:d1,2\n pdeskcmd /zoom:4\n
11832 Pause after each full screen of information.
11833 Pause after each full screen of information.\n\nSyntax:\n P\n\nExample:\n pdeskcmd /p
11850 All commands must begin with a slash (/) or a hyphen (-).
11851 Command completed successfully.
11852 Command failed.\n(Type "pdeskcmd /?" for more information.)
11853 Command unknown.\n(Type "pdeskcmd /?" for a list of commands.)
11868 Windows desktop currently extends onto this display.
11869 Windows desktop doesn't currently extend onto this display.
11870 Unknown
11871 Save gamma ramp.
11872 Save current gamma ramp on specified display\n\nSyntax:\n SAVEGAMMA:[Dn,]filename\n Dn: "n" is the display number (default is 1)\n "Filename" is the name of the file where the gamma ramp is to be saved.\n\nExamples:\n pdeskcmd /savegamma:D2,c:\temp\mygamma.sgm\n pdeskcmd /savegamma:c:\temp\mygamma2.sgm\n\nSee also RESTOREGAMMA.
11873 Restore gamma ramp.
11874 Restore the gamma ramp file previously saved on the specified display\n\nSyntax:\n RESTOREGAMMA:[Dn,]filename\n Dn: "n" is the display number (default is 1)\n "Filename" is the name of the file where the gamma ramp stored.\n\nExamples:\n pdeskcmd /restoregamma:D2,c:\temp\mygamma.sgm\n pdeskcmd /restoregamma:c:\temp\mygamma2.sgm\n\nSee also SAVEGAMMA.
11900 For changes to take effect, your computer needs to be restarted. After your computer is restarted, Matrox software will prompt you to change Windows settings.\n\nClick "OK" to restart your computer.
11901 To manually change display settings, you can right-click your Windows desktop background and then click "Properties" > "Settings". To access DualHead controls, click "Advanced" > "DualHead".
11902 You've chosen to enable "DualHead Multi-Display" mode. In this mode, an extra display can be part of your Windows desktop.\n\nYou can change the resolution for your displays by moving the Windows "Screen area" slider (which now appears on your Windows desktop).\n\nNote: Only certain "Screen area" settings use the extra display. A "Screen area" setting that uses the extra display is twice as wide or tall as its corresponding single-display setting. For example, to use 2 side-by-side displays with resolutions of 800 x 600, select 1600 x 600 with the "Screen area" slider.\n\nThe next time you want to access the "Screen area" slider, you can right-click your Windows desktop background and then click "Properties" > "Settings". To access other DualHead controls, click "Advanced" > "DualHead". To access more DualHead-related controls, click the "Matrox QuickDesk" icon on your Windows taskbar and then click "Multi-Display Controls".
11903 You've chosen to enable "DualHead Multi-Display" mode.\n\nTo enable your extra display, use the Windows "Settings" property sheet. To do this, select display 2, then enable the "Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor" option. With this property sheet, you can also adjust other settings for this display.\n\nThe next time you want to access the "Settings" property sheet, you can right-click your Windows desktop background and then click "Properties" > "Settings". To access DualHead controls, click "Advanced" > "DualHead".\n\nWindows 2000 -- Note: Whenever you enable or disable "Extend my Windows desktop ...", we recommend you restart Windows.
12000 Same resolution ... -- In this mode, select the position of your secondary display relative to your main display by clicking the appropriate button.\n\nFor more information, see context-sensitive help.
12001 Separate resolutions ... -- After this mode is enabled, you may need to adjust settings for your secondary display. You can do this with the Windows "Settings" property sheet in the "Display Properties" dialog box.\n\nNote: Whenever you enable or disable "Extend my Windows desktop ...", we recommend you restart Windows.
12002 To select the position of your secondary display relative to your main display, click the appropriate button.