536 Prior to running these Diagnostics, please\nensure that all other applications are closed.
1109 BIOS Part Number
1110 BIOS Date
1111 Memory Size
1112 Memory Type
1113 Driver File
1114 Release Version
1115 Diagnostics
1116 Select Test to Perform
1117 &Run Test
1118 From the options above, please select the Diagnostic test to be run and press the <Run Test> button to start. Please note that some tests may blank the screen or take some time to complete.
1119 PASS: %s
1120 FAIL: %s
1121 Diagnostic tests can only be run on the primary video adapter.
1122 ATI Diagnostics
1123 Running this test will blank the screen for several minutes.\nDo you want to continue with the test?
1124 Please wait ...
1125 Current Configuration:
1126 Item
1127 Value
1128 Not Detected
1129 Memory Upgrade Modules:
1130 Module Type
1131 Multimedia:
1132 Tuner Type
1133 Decoder Type
1134 Video Standard
1135 Audio Type
1136 Teletext Type
1137 Installed
1138 BIOS, Memory Upgrade and Multimedia details are not available for secondary display adapters.
1139 Not Applicable
1140 Details are not available when Windows is running in Safe Mode.
1141 Administrator privileges are required to view details.