5 The support collector did not complete.\nAre you sure you want to exit the program?
6 Please send the archive containing the support information\nfile to the customer support at H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH.\nYou'll find this file at:\n\n %s\n\nDo you want to create a desktop link to this file?
7 H+BEDV Support Archiv.LNK
8 Error sending support information file\nvia email. Error code:
9 Error sending email
10 Send information via email
11 Cancel
12 Exit
13 MAPI - functions are available and compatible.
14 The dynamic link library 'MAPI32.DLL' could not be found!
15 Die DLL-Funktion 'MAPISendMail' wurde nicht gefunden!
16 (deactivated)
17 MAPI - compatible email program is available: %s
18 Startup directory of this program: %s
19 The file %s will be created in the directory %s.
20 Error creating file %s!
49 The program has been aborted
50 Error writing HTML - file
51 H+BEDV Support Info.LNK
52 Yes
53 All Information has been grabbed
54 No
161 Saving H+BEDV registry information.
162 Saving contents of all LOG files in the startup directory.
163 Saving contents of all INI files in the startup directory.
164 Saving license information of HBEDV.KEY.
165 Saving file information from startup directory.
166 Saving system information.
167 Saving drive information.
168 Saving environment strings.
169 Saving contents of the system files.
170 Saving process and module information.
171 Saving program directory information.
172 Saving eventlog (System) entries.
173 Saving eventlog (Application) entries.
174 Saving eventlog (Security) entries.
175 Unable to create or write the support information file.\nPlease check your drives to have min. 5 mb of free disk space\n and no write protection.\n\nDo you want to exit the Support Collector?
176 You may view the support information file using any internet browser\n(e.g. NetScape Communicator or MS Internet Explorer)\n You'll find the support information file using the following filename:\n\n %s\n\nDo you want to create a desktop link to this file?
177 Saving *.VXD- and *.386- file information.
178 Saving system driver information.
179 Checking drive %c:
180 Reading environment string %d
181 Scanning registry...
182 Closing file %s.
183 !!! Error closing file %s!
184 Appending file %s to the file %s.
185 !!! Error appending %s to the file %s!
186 Deleting file %s.
187 Compressing the HTML file %s to the archive %s.
188 !!! Error creating compressed archive %s!
189 Finishing the HTML - file (%d kb)
190 Compressing HTML - filet (%d kb)
191 Scanning files and directories (D:%d, F:%d)
192 Eventlog entry #%d
193 Unable to create the desktop link to the support information file!\nError: %s
194 The Windows system directory is unknown.
195 Error initializing the shell interface.
196 The Windows shell was unable to create the link.
197 Please replace this text by your problem description.\nNo investigation of your request by our support is possible without\na detailed problem description\nAttachment: Support information file as a ZIP archive.
198 H+BEDV Support Information
199 You did not enter a detailed problem description.\nUnable to send email!