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  1. {
  2.     "schema": {
  3.         "kod": "Long Integer",
  4.         "cesky": "Text (255)",
  5.         "anglicky": "Text (255)",
  6.         "pocet": "Long Integer"
  7.     },
  8.     "data": [
  9.         {
  10.             "kod": 0,
  11.             "cesky": "Zat├¡m neur─ìeno",
  12.             "anglicky": "Not defined yet",
  13.             "pocet": 29
  14.         },
  15.         {
  16.             "kod": 101,
  17.             "cesky": "Podnikatel-fyzick├í osoba-nezapsan├╜ v obch. rejst┼Ö├¡ku",
  18.             "anglicky": "Entrepreneur-natural person-not filed in Business Register",
  19.             "pocet": 1495388
  20.         },
  21.         {
  22.             "kod": 102,
  23.             "cesky": "Podnikatel-fyzick├í osoba-zapsan├╜ v obch. rejst┼Ö├¡ku",
  24.             "anglicky": "Entrepreneur-natural person-filed in Business Register",
  25.             "pocet": 15762
  26.         },
  27.         {
  28.             "kod": 103,
  29.             "cesky": "Samostatn─¢ hospoda┼Ö├¡c├¡ roln├¡k nezapsan├╜ v obch. rejst┼Ö├¡ku",
  30.             "anglicky": "Private farmer not filed in Business Register",
  31.             "pocet": 101303
  32.         },
  33.         {
  34.             "kod": 104,
  35.             "cesky": "Samostatn─¢ hospoda┼Ö├¡c├¡ roln├¡k zapsan├╜ v obch. rejst┼Ö├¡ku",
  36.             "anglicky": "Private farmer filed in Business Register",
  37.             "pocet": 60
  38.         },
  39.         {
  40.             "kod": 105,
  41.             "cesky": "Svobodn├⌐ povol├ín├¡ - fyzick├í osoba podnikaj├¡c├¡ na z├íklad─¢ jin├⌐ho ne┼╛ ┼╛ivnostensk├⌐ho z├íkona",
  42.             "anglicky": "Freelance occupation - natural person active on the basis ofother legislation than Small Business Act",
  43.             "pocet": 106716
  44.         },
  45.         {
  46.             "kod": 106,
  47.             "cesky": "Svobodn├⌐ povol├ín├¡ - fyzick├í osoba podnikaj├¡c├¡ na z├íklad─¢ jin├⌐ho ne┼╛ ┼╛ivnostensk├⌐ho z├íkona zapsan├í v obch. rejst┼Ö├¡ku",
  48.             "anglicky": "Freelance occupation-natural person active on the basis of other legislation than Small Business Act and filed in BR",
  49.             "pocet": 31
  50.         },
  51.         {
  52.             "kod": 111,
  53.             "cesky": "Ve┼Öejn├í obchodn├¡ spole─ìnost",
  54.             "anglicky": "Public commercial company",
  55.             "pocet": 7494
  56.         },
  57.         {
  58.             "kod": 112,
  59.             "cesky": "Spole─ìnost s ru─ìen├¡m omezen├╜m",
  60.             "anglicky": "Limited liability company",
  61.             "pocet": 181757
  62.         },
  63.         {
  64.             "kod": 113,
  65.             "cesky": "Spole─ìnost komanditn├¡",
  66.             "anglicky": "Soci├⌐t├⌐ commandite",
  67.             "pocet": 695
  68.         },
  69.         {
  70.             "kod": 114,
  71.             "cesky": "Spole─ìnost komanditn├¡ na akcie",
  72.             "anglicky": "Shares soci├⌐t├⌐ commandite",
  73.             "pocet": 0
  74.         },
  75.         {
  76.             "kod": 115,
  77.             "cesky": "Spole─ìn├╜ podnik",
  78.             "anglicky": "Joint venture",
  79.             "pocet": 14
  80.         },
  81.         {
  82.             "kod": 116,
  83.             "cesky": "Z├íjmov├⌐ sdru┼╛en├¡",
  84.             "anglicky": "Special-interest association",
  85.             "pocet": 22
  86.         },
  87.         {
  88.             "kod": 117,
  89.             "cesky": "Nadace",
  90.             "anglicky": "Endowment",
  91.             "pocet": 3135
  92.         },
  93.         {
  94.             "kod": 121,
  95.             "cesky": "Akciov├í spole─ìnost",
  96.             "anglicky": "Joint stock company",
  97.             "pocet": 14020
  98.         },
  99.         {
  100.             "kod": 131,
  101.             "cesky": "Sv├⌐pomocn├⌐ zem─¢d─¢lsk├⌐ dru┼╛stvo",
  102.             "anglicky": "Self-aided agricultural cooperative",
  103.             "pocet": 0
  104.         },
  105.         {
  106.             "kod": 141,
  107.             "cesky": "Obecn─¢ prosp─¢┼ín├í spole─ìnost",
  108.             "anglicky": "Common good society",
  109.             "pocet": 644
  110.         },
  111.         {
  112.             "kod": 201,
  113.             "cesky": "Zem─¢d─¢lsk├⌐ dru┼╛stvo",
  114.             "anglicky": "Agricultural cooperative",
  115.             "pocet": 16
  116.         },
  117.         {
  118.             "kod": 205,
  119.             "cesky": "Dru┼╛stvo",
  120.             "anglicky": "Cooperative",
  121.             "pocet": 10361
  122.         },
  123.         {
  124.             "kod": 211,
  125.             "cesky": "Dru┼╛stevn├¡ podnik zem─¢d─¢lsk├╜",
  126.             "anglicky": "Cooperative agricultural enterprise",
  127.             "pocet": 0
  128.         },
  129.         {
  130.             "kod": 231,
  131.             "cesky": "V├╜robn├¡ dru┼╛stvo",
  132.             "anglicky": "Producer cooperative",
  133.             "pocet": 266
  134.         },
  135.         {
  136.             "kod": 232,
  137.             "cesky": "Spot┼Öebn├¡ dru┼╛stvo",
  138.             "anglicky": "Consumer cooperative",
  139.             "pocet": 13
  140.         },
  141.         {
  142.             "kod": 233,
  143.             "cesky": "Bytov├⌐ dru┼╛stvo",
  144.             "anglicky": "Housing cooperative",
  145.             "pocet": 82
  146.         },
  147.         {
  148.             "kod": 234,
  149.             "cesky": "Jin├⌐ dru┼╛stvo",
  150.             "anglicky": "Other kind of cooperative",
  151.             "pocet": 268
  152.         },
  153.         {
  154.             "kod": 241,
  155.             "cesky": "Dru┼╛stevn├¡ podnik (s jedn├¡m zakladatelem)",
  156.             "anglicky": "Cooperative enterprise (one founder)",
  157.             "pocet": 17
  158.         },
  159.         {
  160.             "kod": 242,
  161.             "cesky": "Spole─ìn├╜ podnik (s v├¡ce zakladateli)",
  162.             "anglicky": "Joint venture (more founders)",
  163.             "pocet": 2
  164.         },
  165.         {
  166.             "kod": 251,
  167.             "cesky": "Z├íjmov├í organizace dru┼╛stev",
  168.             "anglicky": "Special-interest organization of cooperatives",
  169.             "pocet": 5
  170.         },
  171.         {
  172.             "kod": 261,
  173.             "cesky": "Spole─ìn├í z├íjmov├í organizace dru┼╛stev",
  174.             "anglicky": "Joint special-interest organization of cooperatives",
  175.             "pocet": 0
  176.         },
  177.         {
  178.             "kod": 301,
  179.             "cesky": "St├ítn├¡ podnik",
  180.             "anglicky": "State enterprise",
  181.             "pocet": 1128
  182.         },
  183.         {
  184.             "kod": 311,
  185.             "cesky": "St├ítn├¡ banka ─ìeskoslovensk├í",
  186.             "anglicky": "State Bank of Czechoslovakia",
  187.             "pocet": 0
  188.         },
  189.         {
  190.             "kod": 312,
  191.             "cesky": "Banka-st├ítn├¡ pen─¢┼╛n├¡ ├║stav",
  192.             "anglicky": "Bank - state monetary institution",
  193.             "pocet": 2
  194.         },
  195.         {
  196.             "kod": 313,
  197.             "cesky": "─îesk├í n├írodn├¡ banka",
  198.             "anglicky": "Czech National Bank",
  199.             "pocet": 1
  200.         },
  201.         {
  202.             "kod": 321,
  203.             "cesky": "Rozpo─ìtov├í organizace",
  204.             "anglicky": "Budgetary organization",
  205.             "pocet": 739
  206.         },
  207.         {
  208.             "kod": 331,
  209.             "cesky": "P┼Ö├¡sp─¢vkov├í organizace",
  210.             "anglicky": "Subsidized organization",
  211.             "pocet": 3033
  212.         },
  213.         {
  214.             "kod": 341,
  215.             "cesky": "St├ítn├¡ hospod├í┼Ösk├í organizace ┼Ö├¡zen├í okresn├¡m ├║┼Öadem",
  216.             "anglicky": "State economic organization managed by district office",
  217.             "pocet": 5
  218.         },
  219.         {
  220.             "kod": 343,
  221.             "cesky": "Obecn├¡ podnik",
  222.             "anglicky": "Municipal enterprise",
  223.             "pocet": 7
  224.         },
  225.         {
  226.             "kod": 351,
  227.             "cesky": "─îeskoslovensk├⌐ st├ítn├¡ dr├íhy - st├ítn├¡ organizace",
  228.             "anglicky": "Czechoslovak state railways - state organization",
  229.             "pocet": 0
  230.         },
  231.         {
  232.             "kod": 352,
  233.             "cesky": "─îesk├⌐ dr├íhy",
  234.             "anglicky": "Czech Railways",
  235.             "pocet": 1
  236.         },
  237.         {
  238.             "kod": 361,
  239.             "cesky": "Ve┼Öejn─¢ prosp─¢┼ín├í instituce",
  240.             "anglicky": "Charitable organization",
  241.             "pocet": 4
  242.         },
  243.         {
  244.             "kod": 381,
  245.             "cesky": "Fond (n├írodn├¡ho majetku, pozemkov├╜)",
  246.             "anglicky": "Fund (of national property, land)",
  247.             "pocet": 12
  248.         },
  249.         {
  250.             "kod": 391,
  251.             "cesky": "Zdravotn├¡ poji┼í┼Ñovna",
  252.             "anglicky": "Health insurance company",
  253.             "pocet": 18
  254.         },
  255.         {
  256.             "kod": 401,
  257.             "cesky": "Sdru┼╛en├¡ mezin├írodn├¡ho obchodu",
  258.             "anglicky": "Association of external trade",
  259.             "pocet": 1
  260.         },
  261.         {
  262.             "kod": 411,
  263.             "cesky": "Podnik se zahrani─ìn├¡ majetkovou ├║─ìast├¡",
  264.             "anglicky": "Enterprise with foreign capital participation",
  265.             "pocet": 0
  266.         },
  267.         {
  268.             "kod": 421,
  269.             "cesky": "Zahrani─ìn├¡ osoba",
  270.             "anglicky": "Foreign person",
  271.             "pocet": 52033
  272.         },
  273.         {
  274.             "kod": 431,
  275.             "cesky": "Banka - akciov├í spole─ìnost",
  276.             "anglicky": "Bank - joint stock company",
  277.             "pocet": 30
  278.         },
  279.         {
  280.             "kod": 432,
  281.             "cesky": "Spo┼Öitelna",
  282.             "anglicky": "Savings bank",
  283.             "pocet": 0
  284.         },
  285.         {
  286.             "kod": 435,
  287.             "cesky": "Poji┼í┼Ñovna - st├ítn├¡ podnik",
  288.             "anglicky": "Insurance company - state emterprise",
  289.             "pocet": 0
  290.         },
  291.         {
  292.             "kod": 436,
  293.             "cesky": "Poji┼í┼Ñovna - akciov├í spole─ìnost",
  294.             "anglicky": "Insurance company - joint stock company",
  295.             "pocet": 30
  296.         },
  297.         {
  298.             "kod": 437,
  299.             "cesky": "Poji┼í┼Ñovna - dru┼╛stvo",
  300.             "anglicky": "Insurance company - cooperative",
  301.             "pocet": 0
  302.         },
  303.         {
  304.             "kod": 438,
  305.             "cesky": "Poji┼í┼Ñovna - dru┼╛stevn├¡ podnik",
  306.             "anglicky": "Insurance company - cooperative enterprise",
  307.             "pocet": 0
  308.         },
  309.         {
  310.             "kod": 441,
  311.             "cesky": "Podnik zahrani─ìn├¡ho obchodu",
  312.             "anglicky": "Foreign trade organization",
  313.             "pocet": 0
  314.         },
  315.         {
  316.             "kod": 442,
  317.             "cesky": "├Ü─ìelov├í zahrani─ìn─¢ obchodn├¡ organizace",
  318.             "anglicky": "Special organization of external trade",
  319.             "pocet": 2
  320.         },
  321.         {
  322.             "kod": 501,
  323.             "cesky": "Od┼ít─¢pn├╜ z├ívod nebo jin├í organiza─ìn├¡ slo┼╛ka podniku zapisuj├¡c├¡ se do obchodn├¡ho rejst┼Ö├¡ku",
  324.             "anglicky": "Subsidiary establishment or other organizational unit of an enterprise filed in Business Register",
  325.             "pocet": 427
  326.         },
  327.         {
  328.             "kod": 511,
  329.             "cesky": "Pobo─ìka st├ítn├¡ho pen─¢┼╛n├¡ho ├║stavu",
  330.             "anglicky": "Branch of the state monetary institution",
  331.             "pocet": 0
  332.         },
  333.         {
  334.             "kod": 513,
  335.             "cesky": "Pobo─ìka spo┼Öitelny",
  336.             "anglicky": "Branch of savings bank",
  337.             "pocet": 0
  338.         },
  339.         {
  340.             "kod": 514,
  341.             "cesky": "Oblastn├¡ z├ívod poji┼í┼Ñovny",
  342.             "anglicky": "Regional establishment of insurance company",
  343.             "pocet": 0
  344.         },
  345.         {
  346.             "kod": 521,
  347.             "cesky": "Samostatn├í drobn├í provozovna obecn├¡ho ├║┼Öadu",
  348.             "anglicky": "Independent small place of business of municipal office",
  349.             "pocet": 56
  350.         },
  351.         {
  352.             "kod": 531,
  353.             "cesky": "Oblastn├¡ organiza─ìn├¡ jednotka ─îD",
  354.             "anglicky": "Regional organizational unit of the Czech State Railways",
  355.             "pocet": 0
  356.         },
  357.         {
  358.             "kod": 532,
  359.             "cesky": "├Ü─ìelov├í organiza─ìn├¡ jednotka ─îD",
  360.             "anglicky": "Special organizational unit of the Czech State Railways",
  361.             "pocet": 2
  362.         },
  363.         {
  364.             "kod": 533,
  365.             "cesky": "Specializovan├í organiza─ìn├¡ jednotka ─îD",
  366.             "anglicky": "Specialized organizational unit of the Czech State Railways",
  367.             "pocet": 2
  368.         },
  369.         {
  370.             "kod": 534,
  371.             "cesky": "Jednotka st├ítn├¡ dr├í┼╛n├¡ - technick├í inspekce",
  372.             "anglicky": "State railway unit - technical inspection",
  373.             "pocet": 0
  374.         },
  375.         {
  376.             "kod": 535,
  377.             "cesky": "Jednotka sboru ozbrojen├⌐ ochrany ┼╜eleznic",
  378.             "anglicky": "Unit of armed corps of railway protection",
  379.             "pocet": 0
  380.         },
  381.         {
  382.             "kod": 536,
  383.             "cesky": "Jednotka dr├í┼╛n├¡ho spr├ívn├¡ho ├║┼Öadu",
  384.             "anglicky": "Unit of railway administration office",
  385.             "pocet": 0
  386.         },
  387.         {
  388.             "kod": 541,
  389.             "cesky": "Pod├¡lov├╜ fond",
  390.             "anglicky": "Share fund",
  391.             "pocet": 182
  392.         },
  393.         {
  394.             "kod": 601,
  395.             "cesky": "Vysok├í ┼íkola",
  396.             "anglicky": "Institution of higher learning",
  397.             "pocet": 29
  398.         },
  399.         {
  400.             "kod": 602,
  401.             "cesky": "Fakulta vysok├⌐ ┼íkoly",
  402.             "anglicky": "Faculty of higher learning institution",
  403.             "pocet": 0
  404.         },
  405.         {
  406.             "kod": 603,
  407.             "cesky": "Jin├⌐ pracovi┼ít─¢ vysok├⌐ ┼íkoly/fakulty",
  408.             "anglicky": "Other workplace of higher learning institution/faculty",
  409.             "pocet": 0
  410.         },
  411.         {
  412.             "kod": 611,
  413.             "cesky": "St┼Öedn├¡ ┼íkola",
  414.             "anglicky": "Secondary school",
  415.             "pocet": 1416
  416.         },
  417.         {
  418.             "kod": 621,
  419.             "cesky": "Z├íkladn├¡ ┼íkola",
  420.             "anglicky": "Basic school",
  421.             "pocet": 2106
  422.         },
  423.         {
  424.             "kod": 625,
  425.             "cesky": "┼ákolsk├⌐ za┼Ö├¡zen├¡",
  426.             "anglicky": "School facility",
  427.             "pocet": 703
  428.         },
  429.         {
  430.             "kod": 631,
  431.             "cesky": "P┼Öed┼íkoln├¡ za┼Ö├¡zen├¡",
  432.             "anglicky": "Preschool facility",
  433.             "pocet": 755
  434.         },
  435.         {
  436.             "kod": 651,
  437.             "cesky": "Zdravotnick├⌐ za┼Ö├¡zen├¡",
  438.             "anglicky": "Medical facility",
  439.             "pocet": 459
  440.         },
  441.         {
  442.             "kod": 701,
  443.             "cesky": "Sdru┼╛en├¡ (svaz, spolek, spole─ìnost, klub aj.)",
  444.             "anglicky": "Association (league, union, society, club, etc.)",
  445.             "pocet": 44897
  446.         },
  447.         {
  448.             "kod": 702,
  449.             "cesky": "Poji┼í┼Ñovac├¡ spolek",
  450.             "anglicky": "Insurance union",
  451.             "pocet": 0
  452.         },
  453.         {
  454.             "kod": 705,
  455.             "cesky": "Podnik nebo hospod├í┼Ösk├⌐ za┼Ö├¡zen├¡ sdru┼╛en├¡",
  456.             "anglicky": "Enterprise or economic facility of association",
  457.             "pocet": 83
  458.         },
  459.         {
  460.             "kod": 711,
  461.             "cesky": "Politick├í strana, politick├⌐ hnut├¡",
  462.             "anglicky": "Political party, political movement",
  463.             "pocet": 85
  464.         },
  465.         {
  466.             "kod": 715,
  467.             "cesky": "Podnik nebo hospod├í┼Ösk├⌐ za┼Ö├¡zen├¡ politick├⌐ strany",
  468.             "anglicky": "Enterprise or economic facility of political party",
  469.             "pocet": 21
  470.         },
  471.         {
  472.             "kod": 721,
  473.             "cesky": "C├¡rkevn├¡ organizace",
  474.             "anglicky": "Ecclesiastical organization",
  475.             "pocet": 4776
  476.         },
  477.         {
  478.             "kod": 731,
  479.             "cesky": "Organiza─ìn├¡ jednotka sdru┼╛en├¡",
  480.             "anglicky": "Organizational unit of association",
  481.             "pocet": 28651
  482.         },
  483.         {
  484.             "kod": 732,
  485.             "cesky": "Organiza─ìn├¡ jednotka politick├⌐ strany, politick├⌐ho hnut├¡",
  486.             "anglicky": "Organizational unit of political party, political movement",
  487.             "pocet": 457
  488.         },
  489.         {
  490.             "kod": 741,
  491.             "cesky": "Stavovsk├í organizace - profesn├¡ komora",
  492.             "anglicky": "Professional organization - professional chamber",
  493.             "pocet": 90
  494.         },
  495.         {
  496.             "kod": 745,
  497.             "cesky": "Komora (s v├╜jimkou profesn├¡ch komor)",
  498.             "anglicky": "Chamber (professional chambers excluded)",
  499.             "pocet": 186
  500.         },
  501.         {
  502.             "kod": 751,
  503.             "cesky": "Z├íjmov├⌐ sdru┼╛en├¡ pr├ívnick├╜ch osob",
  504.             "anglicky": "Special-interest association of legal persons",
  505.             "pocet": 1222
  506.         },
  507.         {
  508.             "kod": 801,
  509.             "cesky": "Obec (obecn├¡ ├║┼Öad)",
  510.             "anglicky": "Community (local council)",
  511.             "pocet": 6315
  512.         },
  513.         {
  514.             "kod": 802,
  515.             "cesky": "Okresn├¡ ├║┼Öad",
  516.             "anglicky": "District council",
  517.             "pocet": 75
  518.         },
  519.         {
  520.             "kod": 901,
  521.             "cesky": "Zastupitelsk├╜ org├ín jin├╜ch st├ít┼»",
  522.             "anglicky": "Foreign embassy",
  523.             "pocet": 98
  524.         },
  525.         {
  526.             "kod": 911,
  527.             "cesky": "Zahrani─ìn├¡ kulturn├¡, informa─ìn├¡ st┼Öedisko, rozhlasov├í, tiskov├í a televizn├¡ agentura",
  528.             "anglicky": "Foreign centre for culture and information, agency for radio, the press and television",
  529.             "pocet": 84
  530.         },
  531.         {
  532.             "kod": 921,
  533.             "cesky": "Mezin├írodn├¡ organizace a sdru┼╛en├¡",
  534.             "anglicky": "International organizations and associations",
  535.             "pocet": 93
  536.         }
  537.     ]
  538. }