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JavaScript Object Notation  |  2001-01-09  |  2KB

  1. {
  2.     "schema": {
  3.         "Typ": "Byte",
  4.         "cesky": "Text (50)",
  5.         "anglicky": "Text (50)",
  6.         "pocet": "Long Integer"
  7.     },
  8.     "data": [
  9.         {
  10.             "Typ": 1,
  11.             "cesky": "Akcie",
  12.             "anglicky": "Shares",
  13.             "pocet": 11596
  14.         },
  15.         {
  16.             "Typ": 3,
  17.             "cesky": "Bydli┼ít─¢",
  18.             "anglicky": "Address",
  19.             "pocet": 37767
  20.         },
  21.         {
  22.             "Typ": 9,
  23.             "cesky": "Jedin├╜ akcion├í┼Ö",
  24.             "anglicky": "Unique shareholder",
  25.             "pocet": 1281
  26.         },
  27.         {
  28.             "Typ": 10,
  29.             "cesky": "Jedn├ín├¡ za org. slo┼╛ku",
  30.             "anglicky": "Responsible for org. unit",
  31.             "pocet": 4
  32.         },
  33.         {
  34.             "Typ": 12,
  35.             "cesky": "Jedn├ín├¡ za spole─ìnost",
  36.             "anglicky": "Responsible for company",
  37.             "pocet": 147295
  38.         },
  39.         {
  40.             "Typ": 17,
  41.             "cesky": "M├¡sto podnik├ín├¡",
  42.             "anglicky": "Location of activity",
  43.             "pocet": 42820
  44.         },
  45.         {
  46.             "Typ": 19,
  47.             "cesky": "Odd├¡l",
  48.             "anglicky": "Section",
  49.             "pocet": 226348
  50.         },
  51.         {
  52.             "Typ": 20,
  53.             "cesky": "Od┼ít─¢pn├╜ z├ívod",
  54.             "anglicky": "Branch company",
  55.             "pocet": 826
  56.         },
  57.         {
  58.             "Typ": 21,
  59.             "cesky": "Ostatn├¡ skute─ìnosti",
  60.             "anglicky": "Other",
  61.             "pocet": 69969
  62.         },
  63.         {
  64.             "Typ": 23,
  65.             "cesky": "Pr├ívn├¡ n├ístupce",
  66.             "anglicky": "Lawyer",
  67.             "pocet": 7
  68.         },
  69.         {
  70.             "Typ": 25,
  71.             "cesky": "P┼Öedm─¢t ─ìinnosti",
  72.             "anglicky": "Business activity",
  73.             "pocet": 579351
  74.         },
  75.         {
  76.             "Typ": 26,
  77.             "cesky": "P┼Öedm─¢t podnik├ín├¡ od┼ít─¢pn├⌐ho z├ívodu",
  78.             "anglicky": "Business activity of branch company",
  79.             "pocet": 9
  80.         },
  81.         {
  82.             "Typ": 27,
  83.             "cesky": "Ru─ìen├¡",
  84.             "anglicky": "Guarantee",
  85.             "pocet": 137
  86.         },
  87.         {
  88.             "Typ": 31,
  89.             "cesky": "Term├¡n ukon─ìen├¡ likvidace",
  90.             "anglicky": "Final date of liquidation",
  91.             "pocet": 13
  92.         },
  93.         {
  94.             "Typ": 32,
  95.             "cesky": "Term├¡n zah├íjen├¡ likvidace",
  96.             "anglicky": "Beginning date of liquidation",
  97.             "pocet": 11
  98.         },
  99.         {
  100.             "Typ": 33,
  101.             "cesky": "├Üdaje konkurzu",
  102.             "anglicky": "Bankruptcy notes",
  103.             "pocet": 2597
  104.         },
  105.         {
  106.             "Typ": 34,
  107.             "cesky": "Vedouc├¡ od┼ít─¢pn├⌐ho z├ívodu",
  108.             "anglicky": "Head of branch company",
  109.             "pocet": 413
  110.         },
  111.         {
  112.             "Typ": 35,
  113.             "cesky": "Vlo┼╛ka",
  114.             "anglicky": "File",
  115.             "pocet": 223752
  116.         },
  117.         {
  118.             "Typ": 39,
  119.             "cesky": "V├╜┼íe ned─¢liteln├⌐ho fondu",
  120.             "anglicky": "Level of unsplittable fund",
  121.             "pocet": 110
  122.         },
  123.         {
  124.             "Typ": 40,
  125.             "cesky": "V├╜┼íe vklad┼»",
  126.             "anglicky": "Level of investment",
  127.             "pocet": 5224
  128.         },
  129.         {
  130.             "Typ": 42,
  131.             "cesky": "Z├íkladn├¡ ─ìlensk├╜ vklad",
  132.             "anglicky": "Basic investment of companion",
  133.             "pocet": 5314
  134.         },
  135.         {
  136.             "Typ": 46,
  137.             "cesky": "Zp┼»sob z┼Ö├¡zen├¡",
  138.             "anglicky": "Type of foundation",
  139.             "pocet": 1775
  140.         },
  141.         {
  142.             "Typ": 49,
  143.             "cesky": "Neur─ìeno",
  144.             "anglicky": "Not known",
  145.             "pocet": 1502
  146.         },
  147.         {
  148.             "Typ": 50,
  149.             "cesky": "Zkr├ícen├╜ n├ízev",
  150.             "anglicky": "Abbreviation",
  151.             "pocet": 247
  152.         },
  153.         {
  154.             "Typ": 51,
  155.             "cesky": "Konkurz",
  156.             "anglicky": "Bankrupcy",
  157.             "pocet": 4993
  158.         }
  159.     ]
  160. }