"cesky": "Podmínky využívání produktu Merit - Chip\r\n\r\n1. LICENCE : Meritum Software, s.r.o.(dále jen Meritum) poskytuje uživateli nevýhradní, nepřenosné právo používat softwarový produkt Merit-Chip (ovládací program + databáze – dále jen MERIT-Chip) spolu s vyhledávacím programem v souladu s těmito Podmínkami. Uživatel smí používat veškerá data a software, které jsou součástí MERIT-Chip výhradně pro vnitřní potřebu své organizace a to způsobem odpovídajícím typu licence podle bodu 3. Použití MERIT-Chip ke komerčnímu šíření, komerčnímu využití obsahu MERIT-Chip pro jiné subjekty, dalšímu prodeji a jiným účelům není povoleno. \r\n\r\n2. TYP LICENCE\r\nLicence opravňuje uživatele k lokálnímu použití MERIT-Chip na jediném počítači při současném dodržení podmínek odst. 1.\r\n\r\n3. PRÁVA K DATABÁZI : Uživatel bere na vědomí, že obsah MERIT-Chip je vlastnictvím Meritum. Uživatel nesmí kopírovat, přenášet, prodávat ani používat obsah MERIT-Chip ani jejich části mimo podmínky uvedené v odst. 1. Uživatel se zavazuje zabránit zneužití dat z MERIT-Chip ke komerčním účelům svými zaměstnanci nebo jinou třetí stranou.\r\n\r\n4. PRÁVA K SOFTWARE : Uživatel bere na vědomí, že software obsažený v MERIT-Chip je vlastnictvím Meritum a obsahuje práva, která jsou předmětem zákonné ochrany jako obchodní tajemství a know-how. Uživatel nesmí dekompilovat, kopírovat, přenášet, zveřejňovat ani prodávat jakýmkoliv způsobem software, který je obsažen v MERIT-Chip.\r\n\r\n7. OBSAH PRODUKTU A OMEZENÁ ODPOVĚDNOST : \r\n7.1 Meritum nenese odpovědnost za data obsažená v MERIT-Chip ani odpovědnost za využití MERIT-Chip nebo jejich částí k zamýšleným účelům. Uživatel v této souvislosti prohlašuje, že byl s obsahem MERIT-Chip seznámen. \r\n7.2 Meritum nenese odpovědnost za rozdíly ve funkčnosti vzhledem k dodané dokumentaci. \r\n7.3 Meritum nenese odpovědnost za jakékoliv škody způsobené důsledkem použití MERIT-Chip. \r\n\r\n8. TRVÁNÍ A UKONČENÍ PLATNOSTI PODMÍNEK\r\n8.1 Trvání platnosti licence není omezeno.\r\n8.2 Oprávnění uživatele vzhledem k MERIT-Chip podle těchto Podmínek zůstávají trvale v platnosti.",
"anglicky": "Conditions regarding Application of the Merit-CDF product\r\n\r\n1. LICENCE : Meritum Software, s.r.o. (further Meritum only) provides the buyer a non-sole, non-transmittable right to use the Merit-CDF product (further \"CDF\" only) and its actualisation together with the search program in compliance with these Conditions. The buyer is allowed to use all the data and the software that form a part of the CDF, solely for the internal use of his company, and thus in way corresponding to the type of licence according to item 3. When using the CDF for commercial distribution, commercial use of the CDF contents for other subjects, for further sale and other purposes, a special contract is required. In case the user uses the product at variance with the contract conditions, the product will be withdrawn from him without any compensation and indemnification of the damage, which has accrued from an unauthorised use of other person┬┤s thing, will be claimed, minimum however 100 % will be added to the price of the order.\r\n\r\n2. PAYMENT OF THE CONTRACT PRICE : The buyer undertakes to pay the amount invoiced within the maturity of the invoice at the latest. The customer who exceeds the time for payment is obliged to pay the seller a penalty in the amount of 0.1 % of the unpaid amount each day of delay. If the buyer does not cover the payment, the CDF will be withdrawn from him and the indemnification will be claimed. If he uses the CDF and does not pay for it, he is at risk of being prosecuted for use of other person┬┤s thing.\r\n\r\n3. TYPE OF THE LICENCE\r\nA. BASIC LICENCE: The basic licence entitles the customer to use the CDF locally on one computer and to observe the terms in item 1 at the same time.\r\nB. NETWORK LICENCE: The network licence entitles the customer to use the CDF on the paid quantity of stations in the local computer network and to observe the terms in item 1 at the same time.\r\n\r\n4. RIGHTS TOWARDS THE DATABASE: The customer is aware that the contents of the CDF are property of Meritum. The customer is not allowed to copy, transmit, sell or use the contents of the CDF or its part beyond the conditions stated in par. 1. The customer is obliged to prevent data from misapplication for commercial purposes by his employees or another third party.\r\n\r\n5. RIGHTS TOWARDS THE SOFTWARE: The customer is aware that the software involved in the CDF is the property of Meritum and it contains the rights that are the subject of legal protection as commercial secret and know-how. The customer is not allowed to decompile, copy, transmit, publish or sell the software that is involved in the CDF in any way.\r\n\r\n6. ACTUALISATION OF THE PRODUCT:\r\n6.1. Meritum undertakes to supply the buyer actualisation of the CDF regularly according to his order. In case of delivery of the actualised CDF version (on the basis of subscription, an ordered actualised version, or resumption of subscription) the buyer undertakes to return the old CDF version on his own costs immediately after the delivery of this actualised version. If the buyer does not return the old CDF version within three weeks from the receipt of the new actualisation at the latest, Meritum has the right to terminate the subscription with immediate effect and without any compensation. If the buyer does not resume subscription for the next period, he can continue using the latest actualisation in compliance with these Conditions within the validity of the access password.\r\n6.2. Meritum undertakes to keep the date of particular actualisation's. In exceptional cases he however reserves the right of maximum 14 days┬┤ delay in order to achieve good quality, functionality and entirety of the contents (data and software).\r\n\r\n7. THE CONTENTS OF THE PRODUCT AND LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY:\r\n7.1. Meritum is not responsible either for the data contained in the CDF, or for the use of the CDF or its parts for the intended purposes. The buyer in this coherence certifies that he has been acquainted with the contents of the CDF.\r\n7.2. Meritum is not responsible for the differences in functionality with regard to the given documentation.\r\n7.3. Meritum is not responsible for any loss caused by the use of the CDF. Any other responsibility, if it might arise, is limited maximum up to the price paid by the buyer for the CDF according to the order.\r\n7.4. Meritum is not responsible for any discrepancy, mistake or delay in delivery caused by unexpectable circumstances beyond the activity of Meritum.\r\n\r\n\r\n8. DURATION AND TERMINATION OF THE CONDITIONS \r\n8.1. Duration of the licence is within 12 months from the date of the issue of the version.\r\n8.2. The rights of the buyer with regard to the CDFs delivered according to these Conditions steadily stay in duration.\r\n8.3. The buyer can terminate these Conditions when he returns the CDF and other belongings of Merit-CDF on his own costs. Termination of the Conditions does not entitle the buyer to be returned any payment realised during the validity of this contract.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nI agree with the conditions of the licence:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nSignature of a legitimate person"