Note: Net2Phone is subject to the terms detailed in the license agreement accompanying it. To submit bugs or other feedback email us at:
This document includes the following:
1. Features and Services Summary
2. Setup Wizard Instructions
3. Customer Service and Help Support
4. Minimum System Requirements
5. Your Account
6. Full and half duplex soundcards
1. Features and Services Summary
Net2Phone version 10 includes four new services:
* VoicEmail
* Net2Fax
in addition to Net2Phone's flagship PC to Phone service, making Net2Phone Internet Telephony an effortless part of your daily communications routine.
PC2PC and VoicEmail are FREE services. As soon as you install and register Net2Phone on your PC and pass the Setup Wizard, you are able to use these services immediately.
Net2Phone version 10 also provides:
* full duplex capability to carry on real-time, two-way conversations
* an exciting new, intuitive graphical user interface.
During registration you will designate a Personal Identification Number (PIN, which provides a level of security on your account), a nickname (so you can send and receive calls on your PC) and an individualized question/answer set (so that Customer Service can confirm your identity if you should forget your PIN). Once you complete the registration process, an account number is automatically generated and entered into your Net2Phone. You can view your unique account number from your Net2Phone: Click Account Info -> Account Number and your account number will be displayed. In order to make a PC2Phone or PC2Fax call, you must place funds into your Net2Phone account. Follow the instructions by clicking the Add Funds button.
PC2Phone & Net2Fax
Net2Phone's PC2Phone service allows you to call a regular telephone, anywhere in the world, at savings of up to 95% of the cost of traditional phone bills. Net2Fax allows you to fax any document from your PC to any fax machine or email address anywhere in the world, at savings of up to 95% of the cost of traditional fax bills.
Net2Phone PC2Phone and Net2Fax are toll services that require you to place funds into your Net2Phone account to use. (See section 5, below.)
To Place a PC2Phone Call:
Close any open applications before using Net2Phone to insure the highest quality.
Enter the phone number of the party you wish to reach. The "ENTER PIN" screen will appear.
Enter the PIN you selected when you registered.
(In order to avoid the need for PIN entry every time you place a call, click the SAVE PIN TO DISK box and press the YES button to save your PIN to disk). Note that you will not be asked for a PIN number for toll free 1-800 calls.
If you have not purchased time for your Net2Phone account, a dialogue box will pop up inviting you to place funds into your account. To proceed with the call you should select "Yes." This will take you to our secure server where you can place funds in your account and then proceed with your PC2Phone toll call.
Once you have purchased time for your Net2Phone account, you will be prompted on screen regarding your remaining balance and talk time available for the call, along with a YES or NO prompt to place the call.
Note that the maximum time limit shown on the pop-up screen is 500 minutes per call, even if your balance is greater.
Calls within the U.S., Canada and the Caribbean Islands are dialed:
1 + area code + number.
Calls to destinations outside the U.S., Canada and the Caribbean Islands, including calls within the same country, are dialed:
011 + country code + city code + number.
New in version 10 is FREE PC2PC calling. Both parties must have Net2Phone version 10 up and running in order to have live PC2PC conversations. The nickname you selected at Registration enables you to receive Net2Phone calls. To initiate a PC2PC call, just click on the PC2PC button and enter the other party's nickname.
Another FREE feature, new in version 10, is VoicEmail. VoicEmail allows you to send a voice message to any email address.
2. Setup Wizard
To use Net2Phone, your soundcard, microphone and Internet connections must be working properly from the beginning. Verify your sound and network connections by running our Setup Wizard, which will pop up the very first time you click on your Net2Phone. (Alternatively, you can click on Menu -> Setup Wizard.)
SetUp Tests
The PLAYBACK TEST tells you whether or not your sound card and speakers are working properly and whether you should adjust the volume. First, select which sound card you want to test by choosing it in the "Preferred Net2Phone Device" window. If you want Net2Phone to choose which sound card to test (in case you have more than one), select "None" which will tell Net2Phone to use whichever device is available. When you click the "Test" button you should hear a female voice say, "Welcome to Net2Phone." If you don't hear her voice, use the volume control or press "Adjust" to bring up the Media Manager and raise your Playback Volume. Once you've increased the volume, press "Test" again. If you're still unable to hear the "Welcome," it could be your soundcard; check with your soundcard's manufacturer to make sure it is installed and functioning properly.
Click on "next" to get to the RECORD TEST.
If you want Net2Phone to choose which recording device to test, leave "None" in the Preferred Net2Phone Device window. Otherwise, select the preferred device from the list. Now, press the "Test" button and record a short message by speaking into your microphone. (Just a few words will do.) Once you record your message, you should immediately hear your message played back. If you do, continue the SETUP WIZARD by clicking on "Next." If you don't, press "Adjust" to bring up the Media Manager and increase the Recording Volume. Then press "Test" again. If you're still unable to hear your message, check with your microphone's manufacturer to make sure your microphone is properly connected to your soundcard and that your sound card is installed and functioning properly.
Next, run the NETWORK & FIREWALL TEST. This test makes sure you're able to connect to the Internet. When the message "Test Passed" appears, you can click on "Finish" and begin using your Net2Phone Version 10 software. If any of the tests fail, check your equipment and/or accessories for installation errors or other malfunctions or contact our customer service department.
3. Customer Service Support
Net2Phone offers full customer service support, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To contact us, call 1-800-438-8879 (or use the shortcut access number: 90) on your Net2Phone keypad or email us at:
4. Minimum System Requirements
In order to use Net2Phone version 10, you must have Windows 95, 98, or NT 4.0 running on a Pentium 100 PC or higher; 8 MB RAM; 28.8 MODEM; PPP Internet Connection; either Internet Explorer 4.x+ or Netscape Navigator version 4.x+; Sound Card; Microphone; and Speakers. Make sure you are logged onto the Internet at all times while you are on a Net2Phone call.
5. Your Account
As soon as you installed and registered your Net2Phone, a unique account number was automatically generated and entered for you. To view this account number from your Net2Phone, go to Account Info -> Account Number and your account number will display. This number is linked to your PIN and your nickname, which you designated when you completed the registration process.
In order to make a toll PC2Phone or PC2Fax call, you must place funds into your Net2Phone account. You can place funds into your account by credit card, check or money wire. To add funds by credit card, click the "Add Funds" button on your Net2Phone. After you have completed the online form, submit it with your credit card information for purchase verification within seconds. Once you have received verification, you can begin dialing immediately.
To order by check, send your check to: Net2Phone, 171 Main Street, Second Floor, Hackensack, NJ 07601 USA.
To order by money wire, send your wire to: First Union Bank, N.A. 239 Main Street, Hackensack, N.J. 07601. ROUTING # 031201467. FOR CREDIT TO THE ACCOUNT OF: 2079950019358. Make sure you include the Net2Phone account holder's name and 12 digit Net2Phone account number when sending wires.
6. Full and Half Duplex Soundcards
Full-duplex communication enables you to communicate as on a telephone, with both parties able to speak and listen simultaneously. Half-duplex communication is similar to a walkie-talkie: you can speak or listen, but not at the same time. The best way to recognize if you have a full-duplex soundcard is to press MENU --> Preferences --> Settings and see if FULL DUPLEX is checked. If FULL DUPLEX is grayed out, you probably have a half-duplex soundcard; you may actually have a full-duplex soundcard, but your soundcard drivers may not be up to date. In order to confirm whether or not you have a full-duplex soundcard, contact the manufacturer of your soundcard.
If FULL DUPLEX is grayed out, Net2Phone will operate in half-duplex mode. When using Net2Phone in half-duplex mode, HDX will appear on the Net2Phone screen during all calls; FDX will appear for full-duplex mode.
Using Net2Phone with a Half-Duplex Soundcard:
When using Net2Phone with a half-duplex soundcard, Net2Phone allows you to choose between automatic (VOX ON) and manual (VOX OFF) modes of operation. Net2Phone will initially open in manual (VOX OFF) mode. THIS IS THE RECOMMENDED SETTING. The VOX ON setting can deteriorate the quality of a call.
VOX OFF: Manual Mode
During half-duplex commuication in VOX OFF mode, the Mute button on your Net2Phone will change to a Talk/Listen button. In order to talk to the person you have called, either click and hold the TALK button OR press and hold down the spacebar on your keyboard. In order to hear the person you have called, either release your mouse from the TALK button or release the spacebar on your keyboard. The button will change to LISTEN.
Net2Phone will remain in LISTEN mode unless the TALK button is clicked or the spacebar is pressed. When you click the TALK button or press the spacebar, you must wait until TALK appears on the message screen to start talking. Do not release your mouse from the TALK button (or release the spacebar) until you are completely finished speaking.
Thank you for using Net2Phone Version 10. Your satisfaction is important to us. Please feel free to send any comments to: