61 This test will check if your sound card and speakers are working properly.\n\n\nPress the TEST button below, and you will hear the Net2Phone welcome prompt.\n\n\nIf you hear the voice, continue by clicking on the Next button.
62 Test
63 Next
64 Adjust
65 Cancel
66 Playing
70 Record Test
71 This test will check if your microphone is working properly.\n\n\nPress the Test button below, and begin recording a short message. The message will be played back to you.\n\n\nIf you hear your voice, continue by clicking on the Next button.
72 Recording
80 Network and Firewall Test
81 This test checks if your network is working properly and that you are not behind a firewall.\n\n\nPress the Test button below, and attempt to set up a connection to the Net2Phone servers.\n\n\nThe results of the connection will be displayed below:
82 Finish
83 Testing for Firewalls. Please wait
84 Test Passed. You can successfully use Net2Phone on this computer. Click FINISH below to complete the wizard.
85 Test Failed: Either you are not connected to the Internet, are behind a firewall, or have some other network problem.
90 Net2Phone Registration Form
91 Fill out ALL the information and click on the Register Button.
92 First Name
93 Last Name
94 Company
95 Address1
96 Address2
97 City
98 State/Prov.
99 ZIP/Postal Code
100 Country
101 2 Letter Code
102 Phone
103 e-mail Address
104 The following information is needed for security purposes:
105 5-Digit Personal Identification Number
106 Mother's Maiden Name or Other Code Word
107 &Register
108 Clear All
110 Validate PIN
111 Please re-enter your personal identification number.
112 OK
120 Error
121 Numbers did not match. Please re-enter the PIN and click on the Register button once again.
130 Congratulations!
131 You have successfully registered for a Net2Phone account.
132 Your Account Number is:
133 Copy these numbers down for your records.
134 Thank you for registering for a Net2Phone Account.
140 Enter PIN
141 Please Enter Your Personal ID Number:
142 Save PIN to disk
143 Saving your PIN to disk will allow anyone using your computer to easily place calls on your account. Do you still want to save your PIN to disk?
150 Place A Call
151 Adjust Settings
152 End The Call
153 Microphone On/Off
154 Quit The Program
155 Purchase Calling Time
156 Enter Phone Number
157 Dial A Number
159 Show Speed Dial Window
170 &File
171 &Minimize
172 Setup &Wizard
173 Exit
180 &Edit
181 &Erase Saved PIN
182 Reset &Window Positions
183 &Audio Settings
184 VOX &Settings
185 Paste P&hone Number
190 V&iew
191 Account &Number
192 Account &Balance
200 Pho&ne
201 &Call
202 &Hangup
203 &Mute
204 &VOX
205 Purchase &Time
206 Full &Duplex
207 &Use Other Account
208 &Speed Dial
220 He&lp
221 &FAQ
222 &Rates
223 Read &Me
224 &About Net2Phone
230 Click Number Button To Dial
231 Click Label To Program
232 Unused
233 Close
240 Enter Account Number
241 Please Enter Your Account Number:
250 Net2Phone Account Number
260 Net2Phone Message
270 Net2Phone cannot locate your sound card
271 If you do not have a sound card, you must install a 16-bit sound card in order to use Net2Phone.
272 If you know you have a sound card, close any other programs that may be using audio and try again.
280 Welcome to Net2Phone!
281 Enter a Phone Number and press CALL.
290 No response from Servers
291 Unable to connect to registration server. Try again later.
292 Connection to server was lost.
293 Call Cancelled
294 Waiting for Net2Phone Server
295 Transaction Timed Out. Try Again.
296 Transaction Cancelled. Ready For Call.
297 Please use the mixer application for your sound card to adjust volume.
298 You have improperly dialed the number you are trying to reach. For assistance, please dial 90 for Customer Service.
299 Your account is out of funds. Please press the PURCHASE button in order to add funds to your account or dial 90 for Customer Service.
300 Invalid account/PIN
301 Ready For Call
310 Copyright
320 Net2Phone Read Me
350 The Country field must have a 2 character code.\nPlease fill in this field and click\non the Register button once again.
351 Message buffer overflow. Unable to process registration
370 The
371 field can not be left empty.\nPlease fill out all required fields and click\non the Register button once again.
380 field must contain numbers.\nPlease refill the field with the proper information\nand click on the Register button once again.
390 field must contain
391 digits.\nPlease refill the field with the proper information\nand click on the Register button once again.
400 field must contain only digits.\nPlease refill the field with the proper information\nand click on the Register button once again.
410 Numbers did not match. Please re-enter the PIN\nand click on the Register button once again.
430 &Program Speed Dial
431 Speed Button
432 Name
433 Number
450 Proceed with Call?
451 Your Account Balance is:
452 You may speak for:
453 Do you want to place this call?
460 Waiting for Net2Phone Switch
470 Ready For a Call
480 Test Cancelled
510 Net2Phone Control Panel
511 Vox Thresholds
512 Microphone
513 Telephone
514 Delay
515 Auto Set
516 Close
530 Auto Set Microphone Level
531 Press Start when ready.
532 Be quiet until complete (about 2 seconds).
533 Start
534 Recording. Please Remain Quiet
535 Setting Complete.
536 Failed to start Recording
540 Add Funds
541 Unable to connect to server. Try again later.
542 Please Enter Amount To Charge:
543 A valid amount must be entered
544 The amount must be $25.00 or greater.
545 You must enter your PIN
546 Numbers did not match. Please re-enter the PIN and click on the OK button once again.
547 Select One:
548 Message buffer overflow.
549 Unable to process purchase.
550 Confirmation
551 Error
552 Information
553 Create &New Entry
554 Go To WEB
555 Clear &All Entries
556 Clear &Dialed Numbers
557 Clear &Number Display
558 Warning
559 Your request cannot be cancelled after it is started.
560 Do you want to continue?
561 Please fill in the phone number.
562 Please use your browser to go to
563 Clear
564 Low
565 High
566 Preferred Net2Phone Device:
567 Volume:
568 Clear Display
569 Change Properties
570 Position
571 IDN
573 TALK
575 SCAN
577 WAIT
578 Version
579 Language
580 Stay On To&p
581 Show T&ool Tips
582 Last Number Dialed
583 Dialed Numbers
584 &Customer Service
585 The account number entered is invalid.
586 Don't ask this question again
587 Call in progress
588 Time Left
589 Duration
590 Do you want to use it anyway?
591 Could not open wave in device
592 Push to talk/Release to hear
593 Return
594 MUTE
595 FDX
596 HDX
597 VOX
598 You are already registered. Re-registering will destroy your existing account information and lose any balance on that account.
599 Do you want to enter a pre-registered Net2Phone Account Number?
600 Please dial 90 via Net2Phone to speak to Customer Service to re-register.
601 Contacting Server
602 Please wait
603 Hide Border
604 &Transparent
605 Access Account Information
606 Obtain Help
607 Increase Volume
608 Decrease Volume
609 Program Phone Numbers
610 Shortcut Keys
611 &PC to PC
612 Features
613 The party you called is busy
614 Connect to
615 The Party You Called Hung Up.
616 Call Ended
617 Server Closed Connection
618 Error Reading Control Connection
619 Server hung up
620 Error Reading Voice data
621 Could not find primary server address
622 Could not find alternate server address
623 Unexpected UDP message
624 Listen failed
625 Accept failed
626 Receive failed
627 Receive failed: connection closed
628 Terminated Transaction
629 Failed accepting server connect
630 Proceeding with call
631 Terminated call
632 Call Setup Timed Out
633 Look up
634 &View
635 &Settings
636 Re&fresh
637 Show in System Tra&y
638 Close System Tray
639 Remove from System Tray
640 Open Net2Phone
641 Large Si&ze
642 Check here if you do not want to receive Net2Phone mailings
643 S&uppress Silence
644 Show &Duration
645 Click the button to the left, if you have purchased before, to add funds to your account on the existing credit card.
646 Click the button to the left, to charge a different credit card, or to make your first purchase using a secure WEB page
647 Show Menu Bar
648 &Acct
649 Do you want to change your account number?
650 &Restore Account Number
651 &Change Account Number
652 The new account number is the same as your current account number.
653 Menu &Buttons
654 The Setup Wizard will now be run.
655 You must complete the Setup Wizard in order to place calls.
656 ICQ is not running
657 On Line
658 Call PC to PC
659 Call PC to Phone
660 Send Voice Mail via N2P
661 Send Voice File via ICQ
662 Click to Fast Forward
663 Click to Rewind
664 Click to Record
665 Click to Play
666 Click to Open File
667 Click to Erase File
668 Move Position
669 Click to Stop
670 Click to Pause
671 Filename
672 Press OPEN to select a file
673 Do you want to record over this file?
674 Press PAUSE to resume
675 Press STOP to end recording
676 Press START to begin recording
677 Press RECORD to record message
678 Recorded
679 Length
680 Subject
681 Input
682 Press PLAY to hear message
683 Current recording attributes
684 Do you want to erase this file?
685 Press STOP to stop playback
686 is not a valid recording
687 does not exist
688 Nothing Recorded
689 Open File
690 Open
691 Erase
692 &ICQ
693 &Voice Email
694 Dial Pad
695 Cannot open
696 Call to
697 Both
698 In
699 Out
700 Record
701 Play
702 Stop
703 Browse
704 Filename
705 Record Call
706 Click to select output file
707 Record/playback inbound side of call
708 Record/playback outbound side of call
709 Record/playback both sides of call
710 Name of output file
711 Enter subject of voice message
712 Net2phone voice mail attached
713 Download Net2phone from
714 Cannot send mail.
715 Available
716 Free For Chat
717 Away
718 Not Available
719 Occupied
720 Do Not Disturb
721 Current User State
722 Do you still want to place the call?
723 Off Line
724 The party you called did not answer
725 Ringing
726 Seconds Left ...
727 Incoming call from
728 Do you want to answer the call?
729 IP Address
730 Connecting Control
731 Control Socket connect failed.
732 Incoming Call Received.
733 The calling party hung up
734 Restore Defaults
735 Appearance
736 Voice Activity Detection
737 Voice Settings
738 First
739 Last
740 ZIP
741 E-Mail
742 User
743 Network
744 Devices
745 Account
746 Account Information
747 PIN
748 New Balance
749 Click here to obtain your current account balance.
750 As of
751 PC to PC Calling is not configured
752 Timeouts
753 No Answer
754 Busy
756 Options
757 Auto Answer
758 Sounds
759 Incoming Call
760 Enable Incoming Calls
761 &Preferences
762 Playback
763 Incoming
764 Network
765 Call Server
766 Registration Server
767 Primary
768 Alternate
769 TCP Port
770 UDP Port
771 Balance
772 PLAY
775 &Speed Dial Genie
776 Clear &Speed Dial Genie
777 Click to resume
778 Click here for recording attributes
779 Incoming Message
780 Event
781 Sound
782 Port
783 Doorman
784 Remote ID
785 Remote Control Port
786 Client
787 Enter address of recipient(s)
788 Services
789 Encoding
790 Maximum Record Time (seconds)
791 Voice Mail Delivery
792 Recording Options
793 Simple MAPI
794 File Transfer
795 Compress Silence
796 Transfer Request
797 Status
798 Bytes Sent
799 No Response From Server
800 Transfer started
801 Transfer cancelled
802 Contacting server
803 Could not find server
804 Requesting file transfer
805 Transfer Completed
806 Cannot send empty recording
807 Send
808 Click to Send Voice Mail
809 Not logged on
810 PC-PC Calling Disabled
811 Call In Progress
812 Poor CPU Performance
813 You have mail
814 Click here for mail
815 Use Direct Sound
816 Previous Files
817 To:
818 Cc:
819 Bcc:
820 Subject:
821 Enter Address and Subject
822 FA&X
823 Include cover sheet in FAX transmittals
824 Include cover sheet
825 Change
826 Send New Voice Mail
827 Resend Voice Mail
828 Adjust Playback Volume
829 Frames/Packet
830 The registration key that you entered is not valid.
831 Key
832 Enter Registration Key
833 A registration key must be entered.
834 Enter the registration key provided on the WEB page where you downloaded the Net2Phone installation package.
835 You must be registered to use all the features available to Net2Phone users.\n\nThis process only takes a few seconds and is free.
836 Do you want to register now?
837 Maximum
838 &Skin
839 Minutes
840 Update Now
841 Nickname
842 Virtual Number
843 A quick check of your speakers and microphone will be performed.
844 Click OK and then speak something into you microphone.
845 Did you hear your voice?
846 Click YES to place your call.
847 Click NO to run the full setup wizard
848 Call Forwarding
849 Destination
850 Enable Call Forwarding
851 Number of Rings
852 You must download the full client to use this feature.
853 Do you want to download it now?
854 Send File as Fax
855 Printer
856 does not exist
857 This file does not have a program associated with it for performing the action
858 Create an association in My Computer by clicking View and then clicking Options
859 or designate
860 as the default printer
861 Call Failed
862 User Information
863 Modem or other dialup device
864 Connect on start up
865 Connect on call
866 Disconnect on close
867 Permanent internet connection (LAN)
868 Connection
869 Connect
870 Automatically complete e-mail addresses when composing
871 Address Book
872 Fax
873 Net2Phone Fax Printer
874 You have not entered an email address in your user information
875 You must do this to send voice mail or a FAX
876 Do you want to save the changes to your personal User Information?
877 1998-2000 Net2Phone, Inc. Hackensack, NJ USA
878 &Netscape Home
879 You need to add funds to your account.
880 Launching Browser ...
881 You must register and add funds to your account to use this feature.
882 You must add funds to your account to use this feature.
883 Do you want to register and add funds to your account now?
884 Do you want to add funds to your account now?
885 You are already registered.
886 Click the button to the left to register.
887 Click the button to the left, to register and/or get a virtual number or nickname to receive incoming calls
888 Select
889 Connect to
890 From
891 Retry
892 Phone Number
893 Net2Phone users can call you by dialing
894 or
895 Mail Box
896 URLs
897 sx7300
898 sx9600
899 Call IP Address
900 Enter the nickname or the virtual number of the person you want to call.
901 $25
902 $50
903 $100
904 Jitter Buffers
905 Automatic Frame Rate
906 Call/Bill &History
907 Are you sure you want to erase your saved PIN?
908 Both an Account Number and PIN are required to make a change
909 Enter E-Mail Address
910 Enter E-Mail address of recipient(s)
911 Enter FAX Number
912 Enter Fax number or E-Mail address of recipient(s)
913 Enter subject of FAX
914 This is an invalid FAX Number or Email address.
915 Fax numbers must be in the form 1+NUMBER or 011+COUNTRY CODE+NUMBER.
916 Email addresses must be in the form USER@DOMAIN.
917 This is an invalid Email address.
918 Address Information
919 Cover Sheet
920 Business
921 Home
922 Called party did not answer
923 Net2Phone Software License Agreement
924 Do you accept all the terms of the preceding license agreement?
925 Skin
926 Exists.
927 Do you want to replace this skin?
928 Could not copy skin
929 Disconnect
930 You must have a virtual number or nickname to receive PC-PC and Phone-PC calls.
931 Do you want to get a virtual phone number and/or nickname now?
932 Test Passed
933 Test Failed
934 Mini-Browser
935 No response time out in
936 seconds
937 Don't Show Ads During Call
938 Display Nickname Instead of Virtual Number
939 Your sound card does not support full duplex mode