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- unit Funcs;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- OleCtnrs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, Menus, Printers;
- procedure CreateVecWindow (Handle:HWND);
- procedure ResizeVecWindow (Handle:HWND);
- procedure FileNew;
- procedure FileOpen;
- procedure UpdateMainTitle;
- procedure TestLineStyles;
- var
- ghwVec:HWND; // VeCAD window to display draw
- VecX0:Integer;
- VecY0:Integer;
- SBarH:Integer; // height of status bar
- implementation
- uses
- Main, VecApi, DwgProc;
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure UpdateMainTitle;
- var
- iPage, nPage : Integer;
- // buf : array[0..255] of char;
- FileName : array[0..255] of char;
- PageName : array[0..79] of char;
- Title, Pos, Pos1, Pos2 : string;
- begin
- iPage := vlPageIndex( '', 0 );
- nPage := vlPageCount();
- // Pos := Str(iPage + 1)tr(nPage);
- Str(iPage+1, Pos1);
- Str(nPage, Pos2);
- Pos := Pos1 + '/' + Pos2;
- vlPropGet( VD_PAGE_NAME, iPage, @PageName );
- vlPropGet( VD_DWG_FILENAME, -1, @FileName );
- if (FileName='') then
- begin
- FileName := 'noname';
- end;
- Title := 'Editor - ['+FileName+'], page: ' + Pos + ' "' + PageName + '"';
- // Title := Title + ', Page:' + PageName;
- Form1.Caption := Title;
- end;
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure CreateVecWindow (Handle:HWND);
- var
- x,y,w,h,h2:Integer;
- str: array[0..255] of char;
- begin
- vlRegistration( 0 ); // enter your reg. code here
- // Register your copy of Vecad.dll
- vlRegistration( 0 );
- // Create VeCAD toolbar
- w:=0;
- h:=0;
- x:=0;
- y:=-1;
- vlToolBarCreate( Handle, VL_TB_MAIN, x, y, -1, 1, @w, @h );
- y:=y+h;
- h2:=h;
- x:=0;
- vlToolBarCreate( Handle, VL_CB_LAYER, x, y, 210, h2, @w, @h );
- x:=x+w;
- vlToolBarCreate( Handle, VL_CB_COLOR, x, y, 90, h2, @w, @h );
- x:=x+w;
- vlToolBarCreate( Handle, VL_CB_STLINE, x, y, 200, h2, @w, @h );
- x:=x+w;
- vlToolBarCreate( Handle, VL_TB_SNAP, x, y, -1, 1, @w, @h );
- y:=y+h;
- vlToolBarCreate( Handle, VL_TB_DRAW, 0, y, 60, 500, @w, @h );
- y:=y+h;
- vlToolBarCreate( Handle, VL_TB_EDIT, 0, y, 60, -1, @w, @h );
- x:=w;
- y:=h2+h2-1;
- VecX0:=x;
- VecY0:=y;
- // Create VeCAD StatusBar
- vlStatBarCreate( Handle, @SBarH );
- // Create VeCAD window, size will be set in OnSize()
- ghwVec := vlWndCreate( Handle, VL_WS_CHILD+VL_WS_SCROLL+VL_WS_BORDER, 0,0,400,300, @MyDwgProc );
- if (ghwVec<>0) then
- begin
- str := 'Editor';
- vlPropPut( VD_WND_EMPTYTEXT, ghwVec, @str );
- // vlPropPutInt( VD_WND_CURSOR_CROSS, ghwVec, 0 );
- end
- end;
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure ResizeVecWindow (Handle:HWND);
- var
- w,h:Integer;
- begin
- vlGetWinSize( Handle, @w, @h );
- If ((w > 0) And (h > 0)) Then
- begin
- // Resize drawing window
- vlWndResize( ghwVec, VecX0, VecY0, w - VecX0, h - VecY0 - SBarH );
- // Resize statusbar
- vlStatBarResize();
- end
- end;
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure FileNew;
- //var
- // iDwg:Integer;
- begin
- vlFileNew( ghwVec, @MyDwgProc, '' );
- {
- iDwg := vlDwgCreate( ghwVec, @MyDwgProc );
- if (iDwg>=0) then
- begin
- vlClear( true );
- vlRedraw();
- vlSetFocus();
- end
- }
- end;
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure FileOpen;
- //var
- // iDwg:Integer;
- begin
- vlFileOpen( ghwVec, @MyDwgProc, '' );
- {
- iDwg := vlDwgCreate( ghwVec, @MyDwgProc );
- if (iDwg>=0) then
- begin
- if (vlFileLoad( VL_FILE_VEC, '' )=false) then
- begin
- vlDwgDelete( iDwg );
- end
- end
- }
- end;
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Test line styles
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TestLineStyles;
- var
- ls1, ls2, i: Integer;
- begin
- vlFileNew( ghwVec, @MyDwgProc, '' );
- ls1 := vlStLineAdd( 'abc', '1, -1' );
- ls2 := vlStLineAdd( 'dash dot', '2, -0.5, 0, -0.5' );
- vlStLineAdd( 'T-line', '3., -1.5, L(0. -0.5 0. 0.5), L(-0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5), -1.5' );
- vlStLineActive( 0 ); // default solid line style
- vlAddLine( 0,0, 10,20 );
- vlStLineActive( ls1 );
- vlAddLine( 10,20, 30,10 );
- vlStLineActive( ls2 );
- vlAddLine( 30,10, 0,0 );
- i := vlStLineIndex( 'T-line', 0 );
- vlStLineActive( i );
- vlAddLine( 0,15, 30,0 );
- vlUpdate();
- vlZoom( VL_ZOOM_ALL );
- vlSetFocus();
- end;
- end.