home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include <vcl.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #pragma hdrstop
- #include "VecApi.h"
- #include "Funcs.h"
- #include "DwgProc.h"
- #include "Main.h"
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #pragma package(smart_init)
- HWND ghwVec; // VeCAD window to display draw
- int VecX0; // coordinates of left top corner
- int VecY0; // of VeCAD window
- int SBarH; // height of status bar
- bool TheEnd=false;
- //-----------------------------------------------
- void UnloadVecadDll ()
- {
- vlCleanup();
- TheEnd = true;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // Create VeCAD window
- //-----------------------------------------------
- void CreateVecWindow (HWND Handle)
- {
- TheEnd = false;
- // Register your copy of Vecad.dll
- vlRegistration( 0 );
- // Create VeCAD toolbar
- int w=0, h=0, h2;
- int x = 0;
- int y = -1;
- vlToolBarCreate( Handle, VL_TB_MAIN, x, y, -1, 1, &w, &h );
- y+=h;
- h2=h;
- x=0;
- vlToolBarCreate( Handle, VL_CB_LAYER, x, y, 210, h2, &w, &h );
- x+=w;
- vlToolBarCreate( Handle, VL_CB_COLOR, x, y, 90, h2, &w, &h );
- x+=w;
- vlToolBarCreate( Handle, VL_CB_STLINE, x, y, 200, h2, &w, &h );
- x+=w;
- vlToolBarCreate( Handle, VL_TB_SNAP, x, y, -1, 1, &w, &h );
- y+=h;
- vlToolBarCreate( Handle, VL_TB_DRAW, 0, y, 60, 500, &w, &h );
- y+=h;
- vlToolBarCreate( Handle, VL_TB_EDIT, 0, y, 60, -1, &w, &h );
- x=w;
- y=h2+h2-1;
- VecX0 = x;
- VecY0 = y;
- // Create VeCAD StatusBar
- vlStatBarCreate( Handle, &SBarH );
- // Create VeCAD window, size will be set in OnSize()
- ghwVec = vlWndCreate( Handle, VL_WS_CHILD|VL_WS_SCROLL|VL_WS_BORDER,
- VecX0,VecY0,400,300, DwgProc );
- if (ghwVec){
- ::PostMessage( Handle, WM_SIZE, 0, 0 );
- vlPropPut( VD_WND_EMPTYTEXT, (int)ghwVec, "Editor" );
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // Resize VeCAD window
- //-----------------------------------------------
- void ResizeVecWindow (HWND Handle)
- {
- if (!TheEnd){
- int w, h;
- vlGetWinSize( Handle, &w, &h );
- if (w>0 && h>0){
- // Resize drawing window
- vlWndResize( ghwVec, VecX0, VecY0, w - VecX0, h - VecY0 - SBarH );
- // Resize statusbar
- vlStatBarResize();
- }
- }
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- void UpdateMainTitle ()
- {
- char szPgName[64], szTitle[256], szFName[256];
- int iPage = vlPageIndex( NULL, 0 );
- int nPage = vlPageCount();
- ZeroMemory( szPgName, sizeof(szPgName) );
- ZeroMemory( szFName, sizeof(szFName) );
- vlPropGet( VD_PAGE_NAME, iPage, szPgName );
- vlPropGet( VD_DWG_FILENAME, -1, szFName );
- if (strcmp(szFName,"")==0){
- strcpy( szFName, "noname" );
- }
- sprintf( szTitle, "Editor - [%s], page: %d/%d %c%s%c", szFName, iPage+1, nPage, '"', szPgName, '"' );
- Form1->Caption = szTitle;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------
- void FileNew ()
- {
- vlFileNew( ghwVec, DwgProc, "" );
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------
- void FileOpen ()
- {
- vlFileOpen( ghwVec, DwgProc, "" );
- }