HELP_ASKDESTPATH_DLG_RE=The destination folder is the location on your hard drive where almost all files\nwill be placed during install.\n\nIf you are upgrading from an earlier version of a Softree product, we recommend\nthat you use the default folder. It contains the existing installation and any\ncustomization files you may have created. Pay close attention, in this case, when \nyou are prompted to overwrite existing files.
HELP_FINISH_DLG_WIN3=Go to the Program Manager to run your new software.
PROMPT_DIGITIZE_OVERWRITE=You have chosen to install Digitizer setups. OK to overwrite the existing \nsetup files? \n\nOverwrite %s and %s?\n\nIf you choose "YES" to overwrite, a backup copy will be made just in case.
TITLE_MAIN=Terrain 98
PROMPT_FILEINP_OVERWRITE=You have chosen to install ASCII import formats. OK to overwrite the \nexisting format file?\n\nOverwrite %s?\n\nIf you choose "YES" to overwrite, a backup copy will be made just in case.
PROMPT_PASSWORD_DLG=If you have been provided with a password, enter it now; otherwise, leave this field blank.\n\nThe software will run in demonstration mode without a hardware key and/or password. Type F1 for help.
PROMPT_LAYOUT_OVERWRITE=You have chosen to install Screen Layout files. OK to overwrite Normal.?lt\nand some other layout files?
HELP_WELCOME_DLG=This dialog box tells you what you are installing (note the version number)\nand allows you to cancel or continue.
HELP_SELECTFOLDER_DLG=The program folder you create or select will be placed in the Windows \nStart Menu (under Programs) and will contain all the Icons created during \nsetup.
COMPANY_NAME=Softree Technical Systems Inc.
PROMPT_DESTPATH=Setup will install %s in the following folder.\n\nTo install to this folder, click Next. \n\nTo install to a different folder, click Browse and select another folder.\n\nYou can choose not to install %s by clicking cancel to exit Setup.
ERROR_MOVEDATA=An error occurred during the move data process: %d
COMP_PROG=Program Files
PROMPT_TEMPLATES_OVERWRITE=You have chosen to install Location road cross section Template Tables.\nOK to overwrite the existing tables below?\n\nOverwrite %s, %s and %s?
UNINST_KEY=Terrain 98
PROMPT_SAMPLES_OVERWRITE=You have chosen to install Sample Files. OK to first delete all of the files\nin the existing samples directory?\n\nDelete %s?\n\nIf you respond "NO" the samples files will not be installed.
HELP_UNDEF=No help for this topic.
PROMPT_NET_DONGLE=If you have been provided with a hardware key (dongle), choose which type. The software will run in demonstration mode without a key and/or password. Type F1 for help.
COMP_CONF_SYM_LIN=Symbol, Line Tables
HELP_DONGLEPROMPT=Your key looks like a cable adaptor and fits on the parallel port of your computer.\n\nIf you have a single user key, a Sentinel System driver will be installed on this\ncomputer to allow key access. This driver will not be active untill after you reboot\nyour computer. You may disable the driver installation in Custom setup but your \nsoftware may run in demonstration mode.\n\nIf you have a network key, be sure to follow the SEPARATE installation\ninstructions to install a security server software.
HELP_SETUPTYPE_DLG=Typical:\nIncludes Terrain executable, context sensitive help and \nexample and information files.\n\nCompact:\nIncludes all modules and help but does not include example and information files. \n\nCustom:\nYour choice; you can always back up from custom if you are not sure.
PROMPT_TUTORIAL_OVERWRITE=You have chosen to install Tutorial Files. OK to first delete all of the files\nin the existing tutorial directory?\n\nDelete %s?\n\nIf you respond "NO" the tutorial files will not be installed.
COMP_CONF_IMP=ASCII import formats
PROMPT_UNITS=Select the measurment units you wish to use. Note that this can easily be changed after install.
COMP_DRIVER=Sentinel System Driver
HELP_COMPONENTDIALOG_DLG=Note that some Components have Sub-Components accessable from the Change\nbutton.
FOLDER_NAME=Terrain 98
ERROR_VGARESOLUTION=This program requires VGA or better resolution.
PROMPT_DESTPATH_RE=Setup has detected an existing installation of Softree products. Setup will install %s in the following folder.\n\nThe default folder is the location of the existing installation. To install to this folder (recommended), click Next.\n\nTo install to a different folder, click Browse and select another folder.\n\nYou can choose not to install %s by clicking cancel to exit Setup.\n\nType F1 for help.
COMP_HELP=Product Information Help
PROMPT_LIN_SYM_OVERWRITE=You have chosen to install Line and Symbol tables. OK to overwrite the\nexisting tables below?\n\nOverwrite %s and %s?
HELP_SELECTFOLDER_DLG_WIN3=The program folder (group) you create or select will be placed in the Windows \nProgram Manager and will contain all the Icons created during setup.
HELP_FINISH_DLG=Go to the Start Menu to run your new software.
PROMPT_FINISH=Setup has finished installing %s on your computer.
HELP_FINISHREBOOT_DLG_WIN3=You are being prompted to restart the computer because the Sentinel System \nDriver has been installed. You may postpone restarting if you wish but your Softree\nproduct may run in demonstration mode until your next restart.\n\nGo to the Program Manager to run your new software.
HELP_PASSWORD_DLG=This software requires a hardware key (dongle) and/or a password to run in full \nfunction mode. \n\nIf Softree has provided you with a password, you will also have been provided \nwith a user name and company name. These three items must be typed exactly \nas provided for the password to be valid. A password is only valid for a particular \nversion of the software and any maintenance releases.\n\nA trial package may come with a password containing an expiry date.
HELP_ASKDESTPATH_DLG=The destination folder is the location on your hard drive where almost all files\nwill be placed during install.
PROMPT_CABLES_OVERWRITE=You have chosen to install Cable Analysis Logging setups. OK to overwrite\nthe existing setup file?\n\nOverwrite %s?\n\nIf you choose "YES" to overwrite, a backup copy will be made just in case.
COMP_EXAMPLE=Example Files
HELP_FINISHREBOOT_DLG=You are being prompted to restart the computer because the Sentinel System \nDriver has been installed. You may postpone restarting if you wish but your Softree\nproduct may run in demonstration mode until your next restart.\n\nGo to the Start Menu to run your new software.
ERROR_UNINSTSETUP=unInstaller setup failed to initialize. You may not be able to uninstall this product.
HELP_UNITSPROMPT=After installation, project units can be modified in any Softree module from \nthe Module-Setup menu dialog box.
PROMPT_WELCOME=Welcome to the %s setup program. This program will install %s version %s products on your computer. Type F1 for help.
COMP_CONF_DIG=Digitizer setups
HELP_STARTCOPY_DLG=Last chance to change your mind!