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- KeyText 2000 v2.15, for Windows 95, 98, NT4 or 2000
- (c) MJMSoft Design Limited, 1998-2000
- In this readme.txt:
- Program Description
- Installation
- Upgrading
- Distribution
- Purchasing
- License - Terms and Conditions
- Version History
- Technical Support and Contact Information
- Program Description
- ===================
- Keyboard macro and Windows automation utility. Save time
- with KeyText 2000!
- KeyText 2000's basic function is the storing of pieces of
- text, ready to be typed or pasted into whatever application
- you are working on. Autotext in your system tray! You can
- set up hotkeys to all your favorite text items - one
- keypress and the text is in. Your Word Processor probably
- has a function like this already, but what about your
- database program, your desktop publisher, your e-mail
- program? The beauty of KeyText is that it's always there
- waiting in your tray, and works for most applications.
- With KeyText 2000's "right-click anywhere" feature, form-
- filling has never been so easy. Hold down Shift, Ctrl or
- both (depending on how you set it up), right-click where you
- want your text to go, and KeyText 2000's menu opens up next
- to it ready for you to click the item you want. Your name,
- e-mail address, credit card number, etc. - no more typing
- them in: let KeyText 2000 do it.
- Now with unique Smart Select feature. You already know how
- to select text and press a key combination to copy it to the
- clipboard, turn it to bold, and so on. With KeyText 2000's
- Smart Select you can do much more! Once set up you could,
- for example, select an e-mail address anywhere - document,
- text file, database - and press Ctrl-Shift E. Your e-mail
- program will start with a new message to that address ready!
- Include in "text" commands to fill in the date (including
- dates plus or minus n days / working days / months etc. from
- the current date), run programs, click buttons, change
- windows, select menu items, play a sound, display a message,
- start an e-mail message, and more. Easy wizard-based dialogs
- help you set it up. You can even specify an Internet
- address, and KeyText will take you there (assuming you have
- modem, etc.); hotkey it and you can launch your browser and
- go to the site on one keypress.
- Use KeyText 2000 to simulate mouse actions. It can click the
- right spot on a window - button on a dialog, link on a web
- page etc. - even if the window is in a different position
- each time.
- Schedule items to start at specified times or intervals.
- Because the text can include commands (fields), you can run
- programs at specified times, display reminders or alarms
- with your choice of sound, even have an hourly chime.
- Windows automation. Tell KeyText 2000 to look out for a
- certain window or dialog, and then run an item. Completely
- automate password entries, repetitive dialogs, etc. KeyText
- itself includes 5 password levels to protect any passwords,
- credit card numbers, etc. you might store.
- KeyText 2000 can operate as a multiple clipboard, and makes
- collecting text easy. You can set it up to monitor your
- clipboard, and whenever text is copied to it, automatically
- add the same text to a specified text item. This makes it
- simple to gather text from various sources to put into one
- destination. You don't even need to open a text file to get
- at its text; select it in Windows Explorer and a couple of
- mouse clicks puts a copy of it in KeyText 2000 ready for re-
- use.
- KeyText 2000 can either paste or type your text. Pasting is
- faster, but "typing", character by character, has
- advantages. It can include fields (commands), it doesn't
- require the clipboard, and you can choose the speed. For the
- benefit of online-chat users it includes "simulate manual
- typing" settings; add some pauses, mistakes and backspaces
- and the person at the other end will never know it's being
- typed automatically!
- KeyText 2000 has a random link function. Set up your e-mail
- signature in KeyText 2000, along with a random link to a
- range of quotations held in other items. Hotkey the
- signature if you like. Then, every time you press the
- hotkey, your e-mail signature will be typed in, followed by
- a quotation drawn at random.
- KeyText 2000 can display a miniature "keyboard" on your
- screen, which lets you "type" with your mouse or pointing
- device. This was added for the benefit of those who don't
- always have a keyboard attached, and asked for the facility
- to key text with KeyText 2000. The Keypad also has a symbols
- tab; all those tricky symbols like ╝, ⌐, etc. are only a
- click away - as are all the accented characters.
- It's very unobtrusive... It hides itself away in the tray,
- near your system clock. A left-click on the icon reveals a
- menu showing all your text items ready to be typed. A right-
- click shows all the options available.
- Installation
- ============
- IMPORTANT NOTICE: This KeyText 2000 program and all
- associated documentation are the copyright of MJMSoft Design
- Ltd. The use of the KeyText 2000 program is governed by the
- License accompanying this program.
- KeyText 2000 requires Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT4 or
- Windows 2000, and needs 800kb of space on your hard drive.
- Extract the files from the KeyText 2000 zip file to a
- (temporary) folder, and run SetupKT.exe. Or, if you have the
- self-extracting .exe version, simply run kt2k###.exe (where
- ### is the version number. During the install process you
- can choose to have KeyText 2000 added to your list of
- programs which start every time Windows starts; note that
- you can change this later in KeyText 2000.
- To uninstall, select KeyText from Add-Remove Programs in
- Windows control panel.
- Upgrading
- =========
- If you already have a previous version of KeyText installed,
- you can install KeyText 2000 to the same folder as before,
- making sure you exit KeyText first if it is running. Your
- texts, settings, and unlock code (if purchased) will all be
- preserved.
- If you are upgrading from a version 1 release of KeyText,
- before converting your texts it will make a copy of your
- .ktt (KeyText data) file and give it the extension .kt1.
- Distribution
- ============
- KeyText is provided at no charge to you for evaluation
- purposes only, and you may distribute it freely, on the
- terms and conditions stated in the License (license.txt).
- Purchasing
- ==========
- When first run KeyText 2000 displays: "Evaluation Version"
- and has 10 text items available for you to use; you can
- store more text items by making new data files (.ktt) and
- using the right-click menu to switch from one to another.
- After 30 days of use the evaluation period expires; the same
- 10 text items are available, but other features are reduced.
- If you wish to continue using KeyText 2000, you should
- purchase; you then receive an unlock code which converts
- KeyText 2000 to the full version. Note that if you have not
- purchased and are still using KeyText after 60 days, you
- will no longer be able to save any changes to text items.
- The full version gives 224 new text items, making 234 in
- total; and you can have several "KeyTexts" running at the
- same time, giving the possibility of thousands of text items
- just a click or two away.
- You can purchase online using a credit card - and get your
- registration code to unlock KeyText 2000 e-mailed to you
- instantly. Go to http://www.mjmsoft.com/ktreg.htm for
- details.
- A single user license is 25 US dollars or 15 GB pounds
- (these prices guaranteed to end of December 2000). Site
- licences and multi-user discounts are available. Once you
- have installed KeyText 2000, see the file "order.txt" or the
- KeyText 2000 help file for details of how to register
- (online, by 'phone/fax or by mail).
- For an additional 8 US dollars or 5 GB pounds, we will send
- a disk and manual (printed help file); price includes
- postage and packing. Note that the manual can be downloaded
- free in Adobe Acrobat pdf format from
- http://www.mjmsoft.com/keytext.htm.
- License - Terms and Conditions
- ==============================
- See the files "license.txt" and "Vendinfo.diz" for details.
- Version History
- ===============
- 2.15 Fixed bug in KeyText Keypad where in certain
- circumstances the Windows Logo key would be simulated
- along with the desired key so that, for example,
- clicking "E" would open Explorer instead of typing E.
- 2.14 Added a new option to the On Window scheduler to
- allow all windows to be monitored, not just the
- foreground window. This means that if an application
- running in the background generates a window or
- message - for example, a "You have new email"
- message - which does not come to the front, KeyText
- can be set to look out for it and perform whatever
- actions you have in the associated item. You can set
- this by pressing the "Advanced" button on the "Set
- schedule" dialog.
- For Windows 2000 users only: In earlier versions of
- KeyText 2000 the Activate field included a
- minimize/restore action to resolve a "feature" in
- Windows 2000 which inhibits a program's ability to
- activate (bring to the foreground) another window.
- This minimize/restore has been found to be
- unnecessary in many cases, and has been removed. We
- have added an Activate! field (exclamation mark
- added) which will force the minimize/restore action,
- if required. It should be used if, after using an
- Activate field, you see the desired window's button
- in the taskbar flashing, but the window remaining in
- the background. Similarly in a Run field which
- includes an activate option - change the ^ to a ! if
- required.
- Previously, text on the KeyText menus was always
- black. A user who has black as the background color
- for menus and dialogs pointed out that this was less
- than helpful! The system default menu text color is
- now used.
- A [Return] following a Loop field will now be
- ignored, if "Ignore a return character..." is set in
- the global settings dialog.
- 2.13 Previously the left-click menu and right-click
- anywhere menu had a "Next..." item, and the Edit
- text items window had a ">" tab, to move to the next
- range of items; the second range added a "Back..."
- or "<" option to go back. The "Back..." or "<"
- options are now also included on the first range,
- allowing easier access to items in the range 9A-9Z,
- 8A-8Z, and so on.
- Previously, the top item on the right-click anywhere
- menu was always the user name, followed by the item
- specified in Settings: Options - normally item A.
- Now changed so that if Settings: Options sets it to
- A, item A is at the top, etc.; the user name is only
- at the top if "Name" is selected in Settings:
- Options.
- Previously, in Action: Macro, if KeyText was
- required to "type" a symbol or accented character
- which could not be typed by a single combination of
- keypresses, it "typed" it by copying it to the
- clipboard and then pasting it to the target
- application. This has been changed so that these
- characters are now typed without using the
- clipboard. This applies to characters in KeyText
- items, and to the "Symbols" section of the KeyText
- Keypad.
- In the Organizer window, you can now double-click an
- item to open it in the Edit window.
- Fix of a bug affecting the use of the Esc key after
- a KeyText {Input...} field.
- Internal KeyText 2000 timings altered for the
- {Selection} and {SelectionX} fields, to allow for
- occasional problems with Microsoft Office 2000
- applications.
- 2.12 Added option in Mouse wizard to allow a mouse action
- without moving the cursor - so that, for example, a
- KeyText item can include a field to double-click the
- mouse wherever the cursor appears on the screen.
- Improved Windows 2000 compatibility in relation to
- the "Activate" field.
- Fixed problem with CallSelect field, where control
- would not return to the calling item.
- Fixed problem whereby "right-click anywhere" menu
- and Mouse actions would not work correctly for users
- with left-handed mouse settings (left and right
- buttons swapped).
- Some Windows 98 users found that the "right-click
- anywhere" menu would not display until the Shift
- and/or Ctrl keys were released. Now displays
- immediately (unless the window under the mouse
- pointer is not the foreground window, in which case
- KeyText waits for any shift keys to be released).
- Fixed problem whereby if more than one instance of
- KeyText was running, and "right-click anywhere"
- features were suspended in one and then enabled in
- another, KeyText would crash.
- 2.11 Previously, the "Delete text in this item" button on
- the Edit text items window toolbar deleted text,
- deleted menu text, and reset action to default. Now
- it only deletes the text in the item.
- Fixed problem whereby "right-click anywhere" feature
- could disable correct Intellimouse wheel operation
- with certain applications running on Windows 95 or
- 98. Windows NT 4.0 was not affected.
- Fixed bug where if no user name was supplied when
- KeyText was first run, and a call field was used for
- the user name, the KeyText item would halt.
- 2.1 Added "right-click anywhere" feature, whereby a
- right-click with Ctrl and/or Shift will open a
- KeyText menu; the item selected will be typed or
- pasted where the right-click was made. Settings in
- connection with this appear in Settings: Options and
- Global and, when enabled, a new item appears on the
- right-click menu to allow temporary suspension of
- this feature.
- Included in the "right-click anywhere" menu, and -
- if "right-click anywhere" is on - added to the left-
- click menu, is the ability to react differently to a
- right-click on a KeyText item as set in the
- customize settings dialog. The possibilities are, on
- a right-click selection, to carry out the
- alternative action (Macro becomes Paste and vice
- versa), or to follow the item with typing a Tab or
- Return. This can make form-filling and similar
- quicker by automatically adding the Tab which might
- move the cursor to the next field.
- Changed the "More..." item on the left-click menu to
- "Next..." and added a "Back..." item to allow easier
- navigation of this - and the "right-click anywhere"
- menu. The "+" and "-" keys (including those on the
- numeric keypad) can be used instead of Next and
- Back, followed by the underlined letter to select.
- In previous versions, if there was an odd number of
- entries in the left-click menu and the menu was
- displayed in 2 columns (full version only), there
- would be a blank space at the bottom right of the
- menu. The blank space has been moved to the bottom
- left, so that the "Next..." and "Back..." items stay
- in the same position as you navigate the menu.
- In previous versions, if Caps Lock was on when an
- Action: Macro item was started, it would be switched
- off. New options in the global settings dialog offer
- the additional choices of not having it switched
- off, or switching it back on after the item is
- finished if Caps Lock was on at the start.
- Added to the mouse action fields the possibility of
- simulating Ctrl and/or Shift being pressed at the
- same time as the simulated mouse action.
- Fixed bug which prevented the mouse action wizard
- dialog displaying correctly in early Windows 95
- computers which had never had Internet Explorer 3 or
- greater installed.
- Fixed bug which, in certain circumstances, caused
- KeyText to fail after a Message or Input field.
- 2.02 Fixed problem where, in certain circumstances, if
- one or more or items were greater than 1kb in length
- and settings were changed or an extra instance of
- KeyText run, those items greater than 1kb could
- become corrupted, and possibly result in the KeyText
- data file being shown as invalid.
- On left-click menu, the underlined letter for an
- item following more than one empty items would not
- select the item; now fixed.
- Changed behavior of Ctrl-Shift Tab in the Edit text
- items window. Previously, for example, if 3A was
- selected Ctrl-Shift Tab would move to 2A; now moves
- to 2Z. This means that Ctrl Tab and Ctrl-Shift Tab
- can be used to move up and down the items in the
- Edit text items window.
- 2.01 Fix of problem when item A had a schedule. If it had
- a timed schedule it would not work, and if it had an
- "on window" schedule it - and all other "on window"
- schedules - would not work.
- On the Edit text items window of the full version,
- the tooltips on the arrow tabs < and > would
- sometimes appear incorrectly.
- Added warning to the key combination wizard to
- discourage use of Ctrl-Alt Delete combination in
- KeyText. [Because this combination has a special
- hard-wired effect when selected on your keyboard, it
- cannot be simulated by KeyText.]
- Occasional problem with the "Copy list" feature on
- the Organizer has been fixed.
- 2.00 Major upgrade from version 1.xx releases of KeyText.
- Technical Support and Contact Information
- =========================================
- For sales information, send e-mail to sales@mjmsoft.com, or
- for technical support, e-mail support@mjmsoft.com.
- Technical support is available to all users for a period of
- 30 days and to users who have purchased for a period of 90
- days, both periods starting on the date on which the first
- request is made to the Company for support. Note that the
- support we offer relates to the operation of KeyText 2000
- itself; we cannot guarantee to give advice on "scripts" to
- perform specific tasks in other applications; however, we
- will endeavor to give full version users as much help as we
- can in this regard.
- Sales telephone: free call-back service (we call you) - go
- to http://www.mjmsoft.com/contact.htm
- Telephone (UK number): +44 870 321 6567
- Fax (UK): +44 701 071 6567
- Fax (USA): (419) 781 8735
- You can also contact us by mail at:
- MJMSoft Design Ltd.
- 14 Moriston Drive
- Murieston
- Livingston
- West Lothian
- EH54 9HT
- United Kingdom