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- - Order Form for KeyText 2000 by MJMSoft Design Ltd. -
- Note that you can purchase through the Internet using a credit
- card (secure transaction) at http://www.mjmsoft.com/ktreg.htm;
- your registration code is sent instantly.
- If purchasing by fax or mail, please use this form - or 'phone
- your details to the number given below. (Toll-free service
- available).
- Whatever way you choose to purchase, upon receiving payment, an
- unlock code will be sent or e-mailed to you.
- Purchase covers this and any future version 2 release of the
- program, and will permit one copy of the Software to be used by a
- single person on one or more computers.
- Site licenses are available, as well as quantity discounts; please
- 'phone, fax, write to the address below, or e-mail
- sales@mjmsoft.com if you require further information. We accept
- purchase orders at our discretion.
- --- Cut Here ----------------------------------------------------
- I wish to purchase the full version of:
- KeyText 2000 version ____
- (please include version number - right-click icon and select "About")
- Name:____________________________________________________________
- Address:_________________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________________________
- Country:_________________________________________________________
- Company:_________________________________________________________
- (if applicable)
- E-Mail:__________________________________________________________
- Phone:_______________________ Fax Phone:_________________________
- (if applicable)
- In paying the purchase fee you accept the terms of the KeyText 2000
- License contained in the accompanying file "license.txt". Please
- sign below (or enter "Agreed" where submitted electronically) to
- confirm your acceptance.
- Signature:_______________________________________________________
- The current price is 25 US dollars* or 15 GB pounds*. This
- assumes you use the downloaded version and included help files.
- If you would like us to send a disk and manual (printed help file)
- please add 5 GB pounds or 8 US dollars; note that the manual can
- be downloaded free in Adobe Acrobat pdf format from
- http://www.mjmsoft.com/keytext.htm.
- Please select your payment method:
- ( ) I have enclosed 25 US dollars* (USD) as cash / check drawn on
- a US bank
- ( ) I have enclosed 15 GB Pounds* (sterling/GBP) as cash / cheque /
- Eurocheque / (International) Postal Money Order / American Express
- Travellers Check
- ( ) I have enclosed the equivalent of 20 GB Pounds as cash /
- check in my local currency (note higher cost)
- ( ) Please charge the sum of 15 GB Pounds* (sterling/GBP) to my
- Credit Card, details below (note that we accept a wider range of
- cards online - if your card is not listed below, please go to
- http://www.mjmsoft.com/ktreg.htm and select "Secure online
- registration")
- If you wish the charge to be made in US dollars, do not use this
- form - go to http://www.mjmsoft.com/ktreg.htm.
- ( ) Please send a DISK and MANUAL (printed help file); I include (or
- please charge to my card) an additional 5 GB pounds or 8 US
- dollars. (Includes post and packing; allow 28 days for delivery).
- Card Type: ( ) Mastercard ( ) VISA ( ) Access/Eurocard
- ( ) Switch ( ) VISA Delta ( ) JCB
- ( ) American Express
- Cardholder Name:_____________________________________________
- Credit Card #:_______________________________________________
- Exp. Date:___/___ Issue # (Switch only, if shown):_______
- Cardholder Signature:________________________________________
- Checks should be payable to MJMSoft Design.
- PLEASE - if sending an (International) Postal Money Order, make sure
- it is in GB Pounds; if it is in any other currency we will have to
- return it to you, and will not be able to complete your registration.
- *These prices guaranteed to end of December 2000.
- Credit Card orders may be:
- Sent securely via: http://www.mjmsoft.com/ktreg.htm
- Toll-free 'phoned via
- NetCall800 service at: http://www.mjmsoft.com/contact.htm
- 'Phoned to us at: +44 870 321 6567
- Faxed (UK): +44 701 071 6567
- Faxed (USA): (419) 781 8735
- Emailed to: sales@mjmsoft.com
- Alternatively include payment or Credit Card Information, and mail to:
- MJMSoft Design Ltd.
- 14 Moriston Drive
- Murieston
- Livingston
- West Lothian
- EH54 9HT
- United Kingdom
- MJMSoft Design Limited is a private limited company registered in
- Scotland No. 183702, and having its registered office at 14 Moriston
- Drive, Murieston, Livingston, West Lothian, EH54 9HT, United Kingdom.