57347 File is not in this update package.\nThe file: "%s" %s.\nIt should be installed a new version of this file. This package only contains files changed since a certain version (and not this file)
57348 This file is an executable of Feurio!, the installation of this update would be very risky!
57349 \n\nThis file is a speech-packet or a writer driver. If this file does not concern your language or your writer, an update would be possible.
57350 \n\nThis file is a help file of Feurio!; you can install the update, but the help-text would be out of date.
57351 \n\nInstall update?
57352 Error in update-data!\nThis update program is defect. Maybe this file was damaged when downloading it.\nUpdate was aborted.
57353 Error when copying the filei: "%s".\nErrorcode: %i, Windows error message: "%s"!\n\nMaybe this file is opened by an application. Please close all components of Feurio! and all other programs with accesses to this file.
57354 <Unknown>
57355 Not Changed
57356 Feurio! Update to Version: %s
57357 Attention:\nThis Update-programm could not detect the directory where you have Feurio! installed!\n\nThis program could only be used to update an EXISTING Installation of Feurio! (not to install a new one)\n\nIf there is an installation of Feurio!, press "Yes" and enter the path of Feurio!, otherwise press "No".\n\nContinue?
57358 There is an Instance of "%s" running.\nPlease quit all Feurio! components before starting the update!
57359 Update Sucessfull!\nYour Feurio! installation was sucessfully updatet. Would you like to start Feurio!?
57360 Error installing the update: The file %s is not readable!\nThis update-program can ONLY update Feurio!, if EXACTLY the version %s is already installed on your system.!\nMaybe you have installed another version of Feurio! or your installation is defective.\nPlease re-install Feurio!
57361 Error installing the update:\nThe existing file: %s does not come from the version %s.\n\nThis update programm can only update Feurio!, if EXACTLY version %s is installed on your system, cause this programm only contains the changed data to this version!\n\nIf you have received a Feurio! programm-CD and you have already installed another version of Feurio! on your system, please first up- or downgrade your Feurio! installation with the CD to version %s and the apply this update!
57362 Error during creating backup your Feurio! installation!\n\nThis program will create a backup of your existing program-files before installing the update.\nThere was an error copying the file: %s to %s - the file could not be backuped!
57363 \n\nHINT FOR USERS OF NON-ENGLISH FEURIO:\nThis is the update-programm for the ENGLISH Feurio! Version! If you have an other language installed on your system, you MUST use the update-file for YOUR language!
57364 \n\L╓SUNG: Bitte rufen Sie die URL http://www.feurio.com/Download auf und laden das aktuelle Feurio! Installationsprogramm herunter - das Installationsprogramm erkennt eine vorhanden Feurio! Installation aktualisieren Sie. Im Gegensatz zu diesen Update-Paketen kann das Installations-Programm JEDE Feurio! Version Aktualisieren!. Ihre Einstellungen, Projekte und Datenbanken bleiben hierbei erhalten!