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INI File | 2000-06-30 | 4.4 KB | 253 lines
[Origin] Info = This file is created by SamLogic Visual Installer 3.06 [ID] App = VisualInstaller AppID = SLVI_R_ML_36X_V01957293 Ver = 3.06 FileType = Options [ProjectName] ProjectName = Argonaut [Version] CompanyName = K.Bolling Software ProductName = Argonaut 2 (32-bitars) ProductVersion = 2.0 b1 [Media] TargetMedia = 2 [InstallDirectories] DestinationDirectory = c:\argonaut [ProgramGroup] ProgramGroup = Argonaut [InstallOptions] SetupName = SETUP.EXE TargetSystem = 2 DeleteProgGroup = 1 RestartWindows = 0 CreateAutorunFile = 0 UninstallSupport = 0 [CP] UCP = 0x8000 CDM = 1 CPF = [Language] LanguageFile = ENGLISH.LNG [RunAppAfter] AppFileName1 = AppParam1 = AppFileName2 = AppParam2 = [ShowDocAfter] DocFileName = ShowCheckBox = 0 CheckBoxText = &LΣs dokumentet 'Viktig Information' [DialogBoxes] WelcomeDlg = 1 GeneralInfoDlg = 0 LicenseInfoDlg = 0 CDKeyDlg = 0 PasswordDlg = 0 NameCompanyDlg = 0 DestinationDlg = 1 ProgramGroupDlg = 0 StartInstallDlg = 0 InstallCompletedDlg = 1 [DialogBoxData] WelcomeDlgTitle = Welcome GeneralDlgTitle = Generell information StartInstallDlgTitle = Start installation InstallCompleteDlgTitle = Installation ready WelcomeDlgText = This will install Argonaut and sample files¥₧The sample bmp file must be copied to¥₧c:\argonaut in order to work with the ¥₧enclosed sample map file. GeneralDlgText = StartInstallDlgText = InstallCompleteDlgText = Argonaut has been installed WelcomeDlgBitmap = GeneralDlgBitmap = StartInstallDlgBitmap = InstallCompleteDlgBitmap = LicenseTitle = Licensinformation LicenseText = LicenseFootText = CDKeyDialogText = Ange korrekt CD-nyckel. CD-nyckeln stσr skriven pσ en etikett pσ fodralet till din CD-skiva. CorrectCDKey = TimeBasedCDKeys = PasswordDialogText = Skriv in korrekt l÷senord. Det krΣvs f÷r att programmet ska kunna installeras. CorrectPassword = NameCompanyExtendedInfo = 0 DestDirShowSizeInfo = 0 DestDirShowSizeInfoButton = 1 [LicenseData] UserCompany = UserName = UserAddress = UserPhone = UserFax = Useremail = [Updates] HandleUpdate = 0 UpdateReferenceFile = [DesScreen] DesWidth = 707 DesHeight = 398 [DesBackground] Type = 1 BackColor1 = 16711680 BackColor2 = 4504462 BlendDirection = 4 PictureFilename = StretchPicture = 1 [DesTitle] TitleText = Argonaut TitleForeColor = 65535 TitleAlignment = 2 TitleShadow = 1 TitleFontName = Times New Roman TitleFontSize = 26 TitleFontBold = 1 TitleFontItalic = 1 [DesTextBox] BoxTitle = BoxText = Text BoxTitleColor = 0 BoxTextColor = 0 BoxBackColor = 16776960 BoxUseBackColor = 1 ShowTextBox = 0 BoxWidth = 200 BoxHeight = 100 BoxXPos = 27 BoxYPos = 196 BoxTitleFontName = Arial BoxTitleFontSize = 12 BoxTitleFontBold = 1 BoxTitleFontItalic = 0 BoxTextFontName = Arial BoxTextFontSize = 9 BoxTextFontBold = 0 BoxTextFontItalic = 0 [DesRTFbox] RTFfilename = RTFboxBackColor = 16777215 ShowRTFbox = 0 RTFboxWidth = 200 RTFboxHeight = 110 RTFboxXPos = 27 RTFboxYPos = 187 [DesPictures] PictureFilename1 = UseTransparentBkg1 = 0 StretchPicture1 = 0 PictureWidth1 = 200 PictureHeight1 = 100 PictureXPos1 = 16 PictureYPos1 = 76 PictureFilename2 = UseTransparentBkg2 = 0 StretchPicture2 = 0 PictureWidth2 = 200 PictureHeight2 = 100 PictureXPos2 = 23 PictureYPos2 = 83 PictureFilename3 = UseTransparentBkg3 = 0 StretchPicture3 = 0 PictureWidth3 = 200 PictureHeight3 = 100 PictureXPos3 = 29 PictureYPos3 = 89 TransparentColorNr = 8 [DesPicturesAnim] NrAnimPictures = 0 StretchPicture = 0 PictureWidth = 200 PictureHeight = 100 PictureXPos = 36 PictureYPos = 96 IntervalSeconds = 5 [DesLogotype] LogotypeFilename = LogotypeAlignment = 3 UseTransparentBkg = 0 TransparentColorNr = 8 [DesMovie] MovieFilename = MovieWidth = 316 MovieHeight = 236 MovieXPos = 36 MovieYPos = 96 [DesPercentGauge] GaugeAlignmentH = 2 GaugeAlignmentV = 2 [DesSound] BackSoundFilename = [Scripts] RunScriptBefore = 0 RunScriptAfter = 0 [RunScriptBefore] .... [RunScriptAfter] .... [Configuration] RegistryUse = 0 INIFilesUse = 0 AutoexecBatUse = 0 ConfigSysUse = 0 [Registry] .... [INIFiles] .... [AutoexecBat] .... [ConfigSys] .... [IT] C = I [FileComponents] UseComponents = 0 [FileListInfo] Files = 4 TotalSize = 2173 -(EOF)-