Text = Please enter your name and organization. These are used for program registration.
ExtText = Please enter your name and organization. These are used for program registration.
Name = Na&me:
Company = &Company:
Address = Addres&s:
Phone = &Phone:
Fax = Fa&x:
email = &e-mail:
Title = Destination Folder
Text = Please choose destination folder for your program. This is the directory where the program and its support files are installed to.
FieldTitle = &Folder:
GroupSizeInfo = Space
SpaceReq = Required:
SpaceFree = Free:
Title = Update
Text = An earlier version of this program has been found on your harddisk at the directory below. This installation will update all old files it finds.
FieldTitle = &Folder:
Title = Select Components
Text = Check those components you want to install.
DestDir = Destination Folder
Title = Disk Space
GroupInstallDrive = Installation Drive
GroupSystemDrive = System Drive
Drive = Drive:
SpaceReq = Required space:
SpaceFree = Available space:
Title = Program Group
Text = Please choose the program group for icons. This is the Program Manager group or Windows 95 / NT START menu group where you can find the program icons.
FieldTitle = &Program Group:
Title = Installing
MsgTitleInit = Initializing...
MsgTitlePreparing = Preparing copy...
MsgTitleCopy = Copying:
MsgTitleRegister = Registrating files
MsgTitleAddIcons = Adding icons
MsgTitleUpdateSystem = Updating the system
MsgRdCopyProt = Reading copy protected disk...
Msg_WrongKey = The entered CD-key is not correct!
MsgTitle_WrongKey = Wrong CD-key
Msg_NoMoreTries = You cannot continue without correct CD-key! The installation is canceled!
MsgTitle_NoMoreTries = Canceling installation
Msg_WrongKey = The entered password is not correct!
MsgTitle_WrongKey = Wrong password
Msg_NoMoreTries = You cannot continue without correct CD-key! The installation is canceled!
MsgTitle_NoMoreTries = Canceling installation
Msg_NameEmpty = You must enter your name to continue!
MsgTitle_NameEmpty = Name missing
Msg_DirEmpty = You must enter a destination folder before the installation can continue!
MsgTitle_DirEmpty = No Destination Folder
Msg_IllegalDrive = The drive is not valid!
MsgTitle_IllegalDrive = Not valid drive
Msg_IllegalDir = The destination folder is not valid!
MsgTitle_IllegalDir = Not valid Destination Folder
Msg_PGEmpty = You must enter a name of a program group before the installation can continue!
MsgTitle_PGEmpty = No Programgroup
Msg_InsertDisk = Please insert disk number %d.
MsgTitle_InsertDisk = Disk
Msg_FileExists = The file '%s' already exists! Do you want to replace it?
MsgTitle_FileExists = Info
Msg_FileInUse = Destination file %s is currently in use and cannot be overwritten. You should close all active applications before you install. Do you want to continue?
MsgTitle_FileInUse = Can't copy
Msg_WriteProt = Destination file %s is write protected and cannot be overwritten! Before you can replace this file you must remove the write protection. Do you want to continue installation?
MsgTitle_WriteProt = Can't copy
Msg_CantCopyFile = Can't copy file '%s'! Do you want to continue installation?
MsgTitle_CantCopyFile = Can't copy
Msg_IllegalVariable = The destination path '%s' contains an illegal variable! Do you want to cancel the installation?
MsgTitle_IllegalVariable = Illegal variable
Msg_RestartWin = Windows must be restarted before you can use the installed application. Do you want to restart now?
MsgTitle_RestartWin = Windows must be restarted
Msg_RestartWinNT = Windows NT must be restarted before you can use the installed application. Some system files must be updated.
MsgTitle_RestartWinNT = Windows NT must be restarted
Msg_RestartWinX = The computer will be restared now. If there is a floppy disk in the drive you should remove it now.
MsgTitle_RestartWinX = Restart
Msg_CancelInstall = The installation process is not complete. Are you sure that you want to quit the installation?
MsgTitle_CancelInstall = Cancel
Msg_InstallNotComplete = The installation is stopped.
Msg_NoFilesToInstall = There is no files to install! The installation is stopped.
MsgTitle_NoFilesToInstall = No files
Msg_NoTempDir = Can't create important temporary directory! The installation is stopped!
MsgTitle_NoTempDir = Fatal Error
Msg_DiskFull = Out of disk space on destination drive! The installation can't continue!
MsgTitle_DiskFull = Out of disk space
Text_CopyProtInfo = This application is copy protected. It can only be run on one computer. If you want to run the application in another computer you must first uninstall this copy. You can do %d more installations of this program.
Msg_NoMoreInstallations = No more installations allowed. The installation is stopped.
MsgTitle_NoMoreInstallations = No more installations.
Msg_NotOriginalProtDisk = This is not the original floppy disk. The installation is stopped.
MsgTitle_NotOriginalProtDisk = Wrong disk
Msg_DiskWriteProtected = The disk is write protected. Remove the write protection and insert the disk again.