ocr: Select a city or a mountain X city orn m... country characteristic Karaj Iran population: 588287 inh. A Eyes of Swayambhunath- Karamay China population: 1731 926 inh. Katmandu, Nepal The Karimnagar India population: 148 583 inh. eyes and Devanagari Kariya Japan population: 125 568 inh. mark between them, which Karlsruhe Germany population: 277 011 inh. may symbolize the Karnal India population: 176 131 inh. Adi-Buddha stare from a Karradah Iraq population: 235 554 inh. field ofthe of stupa gold at on the steeple Karshi Uzbekistan population: 163 000 inh. Karur Kashan Iran India population: pop ...