105 Please fill in your first name. Your name and date of birth constitute the identification key of your status as a registered user. Such identification is needed to download software updates and receive goodies that are meant for registered users only. For that reason, we recommend that you provide valid information.
106 Please fill in your last name. Your name and date of birth constitute the identification key of your status as a registered user. Such identification is needed to download software updates and receive goodies that are meant for registered users only. For that reason, we recommend that you provide valid information.
107 Please fill in your date of birth. Your date of birth and name constitute the identification key of your status as a registered user. Such identification is needed to download software updates and receive goodies that are meant for registered users only. For that reason, we recommend that you provide valid information.
108 Please fill in your e-mail address. This will let us send you the latest software and driver updates.\n\nWe ensure the privacy of your e-mail address. At any time, you may request for it to be removed from our mailing list.
109 Please fill in your country/region.
110 Please indicate whether you would like to receive e-mail notifications of new product information, attractive promotions, on-line giveaways, and other items of interest to our customers.\n\nYou can request to be removed from our mailing list at any time.
111 <Select month>
112 January
113 February
114 March
115 April
116 May
117 June
118 July
119 August
120 September
121 October
122 November
123 December
124 <Select country/region>
178 Afghanistan
179 Albania
180 Algeria
181 American Samoa
182 Andorra
183 Angola
184 Anguilla
185 Antigua
186 Argentina
187 Armenia
188 Aruba
189 Ascension Island
190 Australia
191 Australian Antarctic Territory
192 Austria
193 Azerbaijan
194 Bahamas
195 Bahrain
196 Bangladesh
197 Barbados
198 Barbuda
199 Belarus
200 Belgium
201 Belize
202 Benin
203 Bermuda
204 Bhutan
205 Bolivia
206 Bosnia and Herzegovina
207 Botswana
208 Brazil
209 British Virgin Islands
210 Brunei
211 Bulgaria
212 Burkina Faso
213 Burundi
214 Cambodia
215 Cameroon
216 Canada
217 Cape Verde Islands
218 Cayman Islands
219 Central African Republic
220 Chad
221 Chile
222 China
223 Christmas Island
224 Cocos-Keeling Islands
225 Colombia
226 Comoros
227 Congo
228 Congo, Democratic Republic of the
229 Cook Islands
230 Costa Rica
231 Croatia
232 Cuba
233 Cyprus
234 Czech Republic
235 Denmark
236 Diego Garcia
237 Djibouti
238 Dominica
239 Dominican Republic
240 Ecuador
241 Egypt
242 El Salvador
243 Equatorial Guinea
244 Eritrea
245 Estonia
246 Ethiopia
247 F.Y.R.O.M. (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)
248 Falkland Islands
249 Faroe Islands
250 Fiji Islands
251 Finland
252 France
253 French Antilles
254 French Guiana
255 French Polynesia
256 Gabon
257 Gambia
258 Georgia
259 Germany
260 Ghana
261 Gibraltar
262 Greece
263 Greenland
264 Grenada
265 Guadeloupe
266 Guam
267 Guantanamo Bay
268 Guatemala
269 Guinea
270 Guinea-Bissau
271 Guyana
272 Haiti
273 Honduras
274 Hong Kong SAR, PRC
275 Hungary
276 Iceland
277 India
278 Indonesia
280 INMARSAT (Atlantic-East)
281 INMARSAT (Atlantic-West)
282 INMARSAT (Indian)
283 INMARSAT (Pacific)
284 International Freephone Service
285 Iran
286 Iraq
287 Ireland
288 Israel
289 Italy
290 Ivory Coast
291 Jamaica
292 Japan
293 Jordan
294 Kazakhstan
295 Kenya
296 Kiribati Republic
297 Korea (North)
298 Korea (Republic of)
299 Kuwait
300 Kyrgyz Republic
301 Lao P.D.R. (Lao People's Democratic Republic)
302 Latvia
303 Lebanon
304 Lesotho
305 Liberia
306 Libya
307 Liechtenstein
308 Lithuania
309 Luxembourg
310 Macau
311 Madagascar
312 Malawi
313 Malaysia
314 Maldives
315 Mali
316 Malta
317 Marshall Islands
318 Martinique
319 Mauritania
320 Mauritius
321 Mayotte Island
322 Mexico
323 Micronesia, Federated States of
324 Moldova
325 Monaco
326 Mongolia
327 Montserrat
328 Morocco
329 Mozambique
330 Myanmar
331 Namibia
332 Nauru
333 Nepal
334 Netherlands
335 Netherlands Antilles
336 Nevis
337 New Caledonia
338 New Zealand
339 Nicaragua
340 Niger
341 Nigeria
342 Niue
343 Norfolk Island
344 Norway
345 Oman
346 Pakistan
347 Palau
348 Panama
349 Papua New Guinea
350 Paraguay
351 Peru
352 Philippines
353 Poland
354 Portugal
355 Puerto Rico
356 Qatar
357 Reunion Island
358 Romania
359 Rota Island
360 Russia
361 Rwanda
362 Saint Lucia
363 Saipan Island
364 San Marino
365 Sao Tome and Principe
366 Saudi Arabia
367 Senegal Republic
368 Seychelle Islands
369 Sierra Leone
370 Singapore
371 Slovak Republic
372 Slovenia
373 Solomon Islands
374 Somalia
375 South Africa
376 Spain
377 Sri Lanka
378 St. Helena
379 St. Kitts
380 St. Pierre and Miquelon
381 St. Vincent and the Grenadines
382 Sudan
383 Suriname
384 Swaziland
385 Sweden
386 Switzerland
387 Syria
388 Taiwan
389 Tajikistan
390 Tanzania
391 Thailand
392 Tinian Island
393 Togo
394 Tokelau
395 Tonga
396 Trinidad and Tobago
397 Tunisia
398 Turkey
399 Turkmenistan
400 Turks and Caicos Islands
401 Tuvalu
402 Uganda
403 Ukraine
404 United Arab Emirates
405 United Kingdom
406 United States of America
407 United States Virgin Islands
408 Uruguay
409 Uzbekistan
410 Vanuatu
411 Vatican City
412 Venezuela
413 Vietnam
414 Wallis and Futuna Islands
415 Western Samoa
416 Yemen
417 Yugoslavia
418 Zambia
419 Zimbabwe
420 An error has occurred while sending data to the server. Please ensure that your Internet settings are correct.\n\nDo you want to try the registration again?
421 Connecting to Internet and sending registration form. This may take one or two minutes.\n\nPlease wait ...
422 This program cannot be run directly.
423 Dear %s %s,\n\nCongratulations! You have successfully registered your product.\n\nThank you for purchasing/downloading our products and registering with us.\n\nWe look forward to giving you our best customer service and support.\n\nRegards,\n%s
424 Unknown
425 Windows 95 v%lu.%lu.%lu
426 Windows 98 v%lu.%lu.%lu
427 Windows NT v%lu.%lu.%lu
428 Windows 2000 v%lu.%lu.%lu
429 Intel Pentium MMX
430 Intel Pentium
431 Intel Pentium Pro
432 Intel Pentium II
433 Intel Pentium III
434 Intel Celeron
435 Intel (family %lu series)
436 Cyrix MediaGX
437 Cyrix 6x86 / 6x86L
438 Cyrix MediaGX MMX
439 Cyrix 6x86MX
440 Cyrix (family %lu series)
441 Am486 / Am5x86
442 AMD-K5
443 AMD-K6
444 AMD-K6-2
445 AMD-K6-3
446 AMD (family %lu series)
447 Intel 80386 or equivalent
448 Intel 80486 or equivalent
449 Initializing the registration program.\n\nPlease wait ...
450 Month %s, Day %s, Year %s
451 Clock Speed: %lu MHz
452 Registration Field
453 Registration Data
454 First Name
455 Last Name
456 Date Of Birth
457 Email Address
458 Country/Region
459 Processor
460 Total RAM
461 %s MByte
462 Operating System
463 Multimedia
464 Display
465 CD / DVD Drive
466 Communication
467 Welcome to our registration program.
468 If you have an Internet connection account, it will be most convenient for you to register your product on-line.
469 Register now to enjoy a host of benefits!
470 (1) Free downloads of software and driver updates.\n(2) E-mail notifications of attractive promotions.\n(3) Hot news and tips for the latest and upcoming products that fully complement what you have purchased/downloaded.\n(4) Latest information on exciting activities happening on the community sites.\n\nNote: Please keep your proof of purchase for warranty purpose. If your Creative product was preinstalled in your computer, your primary source of product support is your computer supplier.
471 To begin the registration, click Next.\nTo quit without registering, click Cancel.
472 The on-line registration is not successful. Please check that the Internet settings in your system are correct.\n\nDo you want to try the registration again?
473 If you have an Internet connection account but have not registered the product, we recommend that you register now to enjoy a host of benefits.\n\nDo you want to quit the registration?
474 If you have an Internet connection account but have not registered the product, we recommend that you register now to enjoy a host of benefits.\n\nIf you prefer to register at a later time, you may launch the registration program from 'Start -> Programs -> Creative'. You may also request for a gentle reminder.
475 An error has occurred in the dial-up to your Internet account.
476 An error has occurred during the initialization of the remote access service. Ensure that the remote access service is installed in your system.
477 A dial-up connection may have already been established.
478 Opening communication port ...
479 Communication port opened successfully
480 Connecting device ...
481 Device connected successfully
482 Starting authentication ...
483 Authenticated successfully
484 Connected successfully
485 Disconnected or connection failed
486 Initiating authentication ...
487 Logging on to the network ...
488 All devices connected successfully
489 The product may have been registered previously. You need to register again only if your personal particulars or system configurations have changed.\n\nDo you want to register the product again?
490 On-line Registration
491 Creative On-line Registration
492 %s On-line Registration
493 Internet Connection
494 (1) Your name and date of birth constitute the identification key of your status as a registered user.\n(2) We assure you that all the information you provide will be kept strictly confidential.
495 Note: All European data is held within the European Union and shall not be provided outside the member countries.
496 The on-line registration is not successful. Please check that the Internet settings in your system are correct.\n\nYou may retry the registration. If you prefer to register at a later time, you may launch the registration program from 'Start -> Programs -> Creative'. You may also request for a gentle reminder.
497 The on-line registration is not successful. The registration server is busy.\n\nDo you want to try the registration again?
498 The on-line registration is not successful. The registration server is busy.\n\nYou may retry the registration. If you prefer to register at a later time, you may launch the registration program from 'Start -> Programs -> Creative'. You may also request for a gentle reminder.
499 As you have requested, this is a reminder to register your "%s".
500 City
501 State or Province
502 ZIP or Postal Code
503 Area Code
504 Phone Number
505 Serial Number
506 Address
61440 Open
61441 Save As
61442 All Files (*.*)
61443 Untitled
61446 an unnamed file
61457 &Hide
61472 No error message is available.
61473 An unsupported operation was attempted.
61474 A required resource was unavailable.
61475 Out of memory.
61476 An unknown error has occurred.
61696 Invalid filename.
61697 Failed to open document.
61698 Failed to save document.
61699 Save changes to %1?
61700 Failed to create empty document.
61701 The file is too large to open.
61702 Could not start print job.
61703 Failed to launch help.
61704 Internal application error.
61705 Command failed.
61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation.
61707 System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted.
61708 Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed.
61709 This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system.
61710 This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s.
61712 Please enter an integer.
61713 Please enter a number.
61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2.
61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2.
61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters.
61717 Please select a button.
61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255.
61719 Please enter a positive integer.
61720 Please enter a date and/or time.
61721 Please enter a currency.
61728 Unexpected file format.
61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given.
61730 Destination disk drive is full.
61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else.
61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else.
61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1.
61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1.
61836 Unable to read write-only property.
61837 Unable to write read-only property.
61840 Unable to load mail system support.
61841 Mail system DLL is invalid.
61842 Send Mail failed to send message.
61856 No error occurred.
61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
61858 %1 was not found.
61859 %1 contains an invalid path.
61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files.
61861 Access to %1 was denied.
61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1.
61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory.
61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full.
61865 Seek failed on %1
61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1.
61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1.
61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1.
61869 Disk full while accessing %1.
61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
61872 No error occurred.
61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1.
61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1.