1001 The CopyDisk engine has not been initialized.
1002 Invalid drive letter. Must be one of A:\ through Z:\ and a valid drive letter for the system.
1003 The device does not support sector read/write operations.
1004 Failure reading from source drive.\n\nVerify that the drive is operational and that the disk life status is OK.
1005 Failure writing to target drive.\n\nVerify that the drive is operational and the the disk life status is OK.
1006 The internal OS version info object could not be initialized.
1007 The source drive could not be initialized.\n\nVerify that the drive is operational and retry the copy.
1008 The target device could not be initialized.\n\nVerify that the drive is operational and retry the copy.
1009 The temporary data file could not be created.
1010 The size of the temporary data file could not be expanded.
1011 The memory mapped file could not be created.
1012 A view to the memory mapped file could not be created.
1013 A handle to the device could not be obtained.
1014 The lock status for the requested device could not be changed.
1015 The target disk does not have sufficient free space to perform the copy.\n\nSelect another disk with sufficient space and retry the copy.
1016 The specified directory could not be created.
1017 The specified file could not be copied.
1018 The Cancel Copy event object could not be created.
1019 Disk spanning is not supported.\n\nSelect a target disk that is greater than or equal to the size of the source disk and retry the copy.
1020 There is not enough available memory or free hard drive space to copy the requested disk.\n\nClose other applications and delete unnecesary files from your hard drive and retry.
1021 The specified target disk media is incompatible with the source.\n\nThe target disk must have the same capacity and geometry as the source.