100 Kliknutφm spustφte instalaci |1 programu do vybranΘ slo~ky.
101 Kliknutφm spustφte instalaci |1 programu na Vßa poφta.
200 Vφtejte v |1 instalanφm programu.
300 Zadejte prosφm disk nebo cestu ke |1 zdrojov²m souborom.
301 Vlo~te nebo vyberte cφlovou slo~ku.
302 Cφlov² adresßY:
303 neexistuje. Chcete, aby byl vytvoYen?
304 Zmna adresßYe
305 Odkud instalovat
400 Chyba pYi v²potu potYebnΘho mφsta na disku.
401 Nejde φst z disku
402 OvYte, prosφm, jestli mßte zavYenß dvφYka, zda je disk naformßtovßn a bez chyb.
403 Nelze otevYφt soubor:
404 Nelze φst ze souboru:
405 Nelze zapisovat do souboru:
406 OvYte, prosφm, ~e na cφlovΘm disku je dostatek mφsta.
407 Nelze vytvoYit adresßY:
411 Chcete skuten skonit?
412 |1 Instalace byla pYedasn ukonena.
413 Mo~ete spustit |1 instalanφ program pozdji.
414 Instalace nenφ kompletnφ.
415 Kdy~ skonφte nynφ, tento produkt nebude sprßvn nainstalovßn.
416 Ukonit instalaci programu?
417 |1 Instalace probhla v poYßdku.
418 |1 Instalace neprobhla v poYßdku.
419 Error determining allocation unit for drive
420 je ve zdrojovΘm adresßYi instalanφch souboro. Vyberte, prosφm, jin² adresßY.
421 Nelze vytvoYit soubor:
422 OvYte, Prosφm, ~e cφlov² disk nenφ chrßnn proti pYepisovßnφ.
423 Vlo~te prosφm disk s nßzvem:
424 'Disk
425 ' do jednotky
426 Sekce:
427 Chybnß Yßdka v instalanφm souboru!
428 Vybran² adresßY:
429 je chybn², nekompletnφ, nebo chrßnn proti zßpisu. Vyberte prosφm ·plnou cestu i spφsmenem jednotky; napY. 'C:\APPS'.
430 AdresßY neexistuje!
431 ChybnΘ jmΘno adresßYe
432 Uren² soubor je chrßnn proti zßpisu.
433 Uren² soubor je pou~φvßn. Zkontrolujte, zda jsou ukonenΘ ostatnφ aplikace.
434 Nedostatek mφsta na cφlovΘm disku
435 An access violation occurred while copying the file.
436 A sharing violation occurred while copying the file.
437 Nedostatek pamti pro kopφrovßnφ souboru.
438 Nelze vytvoYit doasn² soubor.
439 Nelze vymazat existujφcφ soubor.
440 Nelze pYejmenovat doasn² soubor.
441 Nelze φst zdrojov² soubor.
442 Nelze φst atributy cφlovΘho souboru.
443 Internφ chyba kopφrovßnφ.
444 Soubor nelze nainstalovat.
445 Please check the connection to drive
446 If you ignore a copy error, the file will not be copied. The application may not function properly as a result. Do you want to ignore the error?
447 The drive specified by the 'TMP' or 'TEMP' environment variable is not ready.
448 The line 'device=vshare.386' may need to be added to the [386Enh] section of your SYSTEM.INI file to ensure proper operation of your new software.
449 Cannot read network path '|1'.
450 Please verify that this path is correct and that you have permission to access it.
451 Application removal logfile '|1' not found. Unable to continue.
452 Invalid command-line parameters. Unable to continue.
453 Application removal executable '|1' not found. Unable to continue.
454 Remove |1
455 Error registering the application removal executable with Windows
456 Error creating a Program Manager icon for the application removal utility
457 Setup is about to replace a pre-existing file(s). This may cause loss of data for an existing application.
458 Installing over an existing installation without first removing it may damage that installation or cause future attempts to remove the installation to fail.
459 Zruait instalaci?
460 Please run setup again and select a new location for application files.
461 Chcete skuten pokraovat?
462 An error occurred trying to update the Windows registration database.
463 Microsoft Shared\
465 An error occurred trying to create the program group '|1'
466 An error occurred trying to create a program icon for '|1'
467 An error occurred trying to copy '|1' to the application directory
468 The file '|1' could not be registered because it was not found.
469 Windows was unable to run the program '|1'. Your system may be low on memory, or the program may not have been found.
470 Error: 'SETUP.LST' contains no information on how to register the remote component '|1'. This information should have been found in a '|2' key in SETUP.LST
471 Program Manager
472 Unexpected error creating '|1':
473 Cannot copy file, Destination Path is too long.
474 Cannot create Uninstall Icon, Destination Path is too long.
475 No icon was specified in SETUP.LST for |1. Do you want to continue without creating this icon? Click Yes to continue. Click No to Exit Setup.
500 Setup was unable to determine a valid default destination directory. You will need to specify a destination directory.
501 Instalßtor kontroluje potYebnΘ mφsto na disku...
502 Instalßtor vytvßYφ programovΘ ikony...
503 Aktualizace systΘmu...
504 The name of the application's executable file could not be determined.
505 |1 Setup
506 The SETUP.LST file is corrupt or could not be found.
507 An unexpected setup error has occurred!
508 Setup customization error: An icon needs to be created for |1, but no folder or Program Manager group was created for this purpose.
509 Setup error: Missing 'CommitAction()' or 'AbortAction()'.
510 Remote Automation Management
511 Automation Manager
512 RemAuto Connection Manager
513 Warning: It is recommended that you install Service Pack 2 for Windows NT 4.0. This application may not work properly without it.
514 Instaluji komponenty pro pYφstup k datom...
515 Je tYeba restartovat Windows z dovodu aktualizace systΘmu.\n\nChcete restartovat Windows nynφ??
516 Pokud nerestartujete systΘm, aplikace nemusφ pracovat sprßvn.
600 Error determining disk space free for drive
701 AdresßY:
702 &Zmna adresßYe
703 &Konec instalace
704 Spuste instalaci kliknutφm na tlaφtko.
705 Zruait
706 Cφlov² soubor:
707 &Instaluj nynφ
708 &Zmnit disk
709 Jednotka
710 DostupnΘ mφsto
711 PotYebnΘ mφsto
712 NutnΘ mφsto
713 Nenφ dostatek mφsta na disku.
714 OK
715 Jednotky:
716 AdresßYe:
717 Cesta:
718 Instalßtor nemo~e instalovat systΘmovΘ a sdφlenΘ soubory, pokud jsou prßv pou~φvßny jin²mi aplikacemi. PYed spuatnφm instalace je doporueno ukonit vaechny spuatnΘ aplikace.
719 Kliknte zde pro spuatnφ instalace
800 |1 - Zvolte Programovou skupinu
801 Instalßtor pYidß polo~ky do programovΘ skupiny. Mo~ete zadat jmΘno novΘ skupiny nebo vybrat ze seznamu existujφcφch.
802 Programovß skupina:
803 Existujφcφ skupiny:
804 &Pokraovat
805 A program group name must be less than |1 characters long and cannot contain any of the following characters: |2
806 "][,)(
900 Network &Address
901 Network &Protocol
902 &Continue
903 E&xit Setup
904 Remote ActiveX Component Configuration
905 Please fill in the requested configuration information about the following remote component:
906 The protocol sequence |1 (|2) is not supported or available on this machine
907 The protocol sequence '|1' ('|2') is invalid
908 An unexpected error occurred while determining the protocol sequences available on this machine
909 Setup error: An error occurred trying to read protocols from the SETUP.LST file.
910 None of the protocols needed by this application appear to be available or installed on this machine.
911 In order to run Setup successfully, you will need to first install one of the following network protocol sequences:
912 This application will not be able to access the remote component '|1' until the protocol '|2' is installed.
1000 Konflikt verzφ
1001 Kopφrovan² soubor je staraφ ne~ soubor na disku. Doporuuje se zachovat povodnφ soubor.
1002 Nßzev souboru: '|1'
1003 Popis: '|1'
1004 Verze: '|1'
1005 Chcete zachovat tento soubor?
1006 Ne &Vaem
1007 &Ano
1008 &Ne
2000 File currently on disk was already up to date
2001 File was not found or was an older version -- new file copied
2002 ERROR:
2005 Error writing to logfile '|1'
2006 Setup fatal error: Unable to generate installation log file.
2008 This file contains information about the installation of an application.
2009 It will be used to automatically remove all application components from your computer if you choose to do so.
2010 There was an unexpected problem trying to create or write to the logfile '|1'. Error number is |2.
2011 Out of memory trying to create or write to the logfile '|1'
2012 User Responded with '|1'
2013 Error attempting to run the application removal program to remove temporary installation files.
2014 Setup will now start the application removal utility to remove temporary installation files.
2100 OK
2101 Zruait
2102 Zruait
2103 Znovu
2104 Ignorovat
2105 Ano
2106 Ne
2107 (Unknown)
2200 An error occurred while registering the file '|1'
2201 Unexpected error while registering file '|1'
2202 Could not initialize OLE in order to register file '|1'
2203 LoadLibrary() failed while registering file '|1'
2204 No entrypoint for DllRegisterServer() was found in '|1'
2205 DllRegisterServer() in the file '|1' returned failure
2206 One possible cause for this error is that RPC may not be installed on your computer.
2207 If this is the problem, then you will need to exit Setup, install RPC, and restart Setup.
2208 The file '|1' was not copied because it is intended for use under Windows NT 3.51 only. It is not needed under Windows 95 or NT 4.0.
2209 \/:*?"<>|
2210 DISK
2211 Cannot find the source file '|1' to install.
2212 Could not register the TLB file '|1'.
2213 The file '|1' was not copied because it is intended for use under Windows 95 only. It is not needed under Windows NT 3.51 or 4.0.
2214 The file '|1' was not copied because it is intended for use under Windows 95 and NT 4.x only. It is not needed under Windows NT 3.51.
2215 The file '|1' was not copied because it is intended for use under Windows NT 3.51 only. It is not needed under Windows 95 or NT 4.x.
2216 Cannot update system file '|1'. You may not have permission to update system files on this machine.