ocr: aaa - /tmp L E Test.m Classes D A Test.m Test.m Headers P - Test.h - Test.m S4D /* Test.m created Warning: 'return' with a value, in function returning void #import "Test.h" aaa - Project Build dimplementation Test Target: app with args' - -(void)method Status: aad.app - Build failed (1 error, 3warnings) 3+3; /1 a warning 1error 3warnings for 1-1:1-0;1++) ( Test.m return 2; statement with no effect printf("%d - %s". "more warnings. - 333,3.1485); A Tundeclared (first use this function) A (Each undeclared identifieri is reported only once @end A for each function it appears in.) "return' with a ...