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146 lines
* Miscellaneous useful math functions' templates
#include "vector3.h"
#include "glmatrix.h"
#include "quaternion.h"
#ifndef PI
#define PI 3.14159265358979324
extern "C++" {
* Converts an angle&axis representation of rotations to corresponding
* quaternion representation.
template <class __type> inline quaternion<__type>
AngleAxis2Quaternion (__type angle, __type x, __type y, __type z) {
__type s = (__type)sin(angle/2.0);
return quaternion<__type> ((__type)cos(angle/2.0), x*s, y*s, z*s);
* Converts euler angles to its corresponding matrix representation, where
* the result represents a rotation about the x-axis by the angle 'alpha'
* followed by rotation about the y-axis by the angle 'beta' concluded by
* rotation about the z-axis by the angle 'gamma'.
template <class __type> inline GLmatrix_template<__type>
Euler2Matrix (__type alpha, __type beta, __type gamma) {
GLmatrix_template<__type> M;
__type* m = M();
__type sin_alpha = (__type)(sin(alpha));
__type cos_alpha = (__type)(cos(alpha));
__type sin_beta = (__type)(sin(beta));
__type cos_beta = (__type)(cos(beta));
__type sin_gamma = (__type)(sin(gamma));
__type cos_gamma = (__type)(cos(gamma));
*m = (__type)(cos(beta)*cos(gamma)); m++;
*m = (__type)(cos(beta)*sin(gamma)); m++;
*m = (__type)(-sin(beta)); m++;
*m = (__type)0; m++;
*m = (__type)(cos_gamma*sin_alpha*sin_beta - cos_alpha*sin_gamma); m++;
*m = (__type)(cos_alpha*cos_gamma + sin_alpha*sin_beta*sin_gamma); m++;
*m = (__type)(cos_beta*sin_alpha); m++;
*m = (__type)0; m++;
*m = (__type)(cos_alpha*cos_gamma*sin_beta + sin_alpha*sin_gamma); m++;
*m = (__type)(cos_alpha*sin_beta*sin_gamma - cos_gamma*sin_alpha); m++;
*m = (__type)(cos_alpha*cos_beta); m++;
*m = (__type)0; m++;
*m = (__type)0; m++;
*m = (__type)0; m++;
*m = (__type)0; m++;
*m = (__type)1;
return M;
* Converts a rotation matrix to the corresponding unit quaternion.
* The matrix argument must not represent nothing more than a rotation,
* except for translation data which will be left unnoticed.
template <class __type> inline quaternion<__type>
Matrix2Quaternion (const GLmatrix_template<__type>& mat) {
__type* m = mat();
__type s, x, y, z;
s = (__type)(-0.5*sqrt(m[0] + m[5] + m[10] + m[15]));
__type c = (__type)(0.25/s);
x = (m[6] - m[9])*c;
y = (m[8] - m[2])*c;
z = (m[1] - m[4])*c;
return quaternion<__type> (s, x, y, z);
* Converts an unit quaternion to the corresponding rotation matrix.
template <class __type> inline GLmatrix_template<__type>
Quaternion2Matrix(const quaternion<__type>& q) {
__type w = re(q);
__type x = im1(q);
__type y = im2(q);
__type z = im3(q);
__type wx, wy, wz, xx, yy, yz, xy, xz, zz, x2, y2, z2;
x2 = x + x; y2 = y + y;
z2 = z + z;
xx = x * x2; xy = x * y2; xz = x * z2;
yy = y * y2; yz = y * z2; zz = z * z2;
wx = w * x2; wy = w * y2; wz = w * z2;
GLmatrix_template<__type> m;
m[0] = 1.0 - (yy + zz); m[4] = xy - wz; m[8] = xz + wy; m[12] = 0.0;
m[1] = xy + wz; m[5] = 1.0 - (xx + zz); m[9] = yz - wx; m[13] = 0.0;
m[2] = xz - wy; m[6] = yz + wx; m[10] = 1.0 - (xx + yy); m[14] = 0.0;
m[3] = 0.0; m[7] = 0.0; m[11] = 0.0; m[15] = 1.0;
return m;
* Linear matrix interpolation. The input matrices must not represent
* anything more than a rotation and a translation. The result is a matrix
* representing the rotation and the translation on the way from 'm1' to 'm2'
* according to the time parameter 't' which should lie between [0,1]
* boundaries. Internally, the matrices are converted to the corresponding
* quaternions, then they are interpolated through the slerp function and
* finally the result is converted back to a matrix, where the translation
* is computed using linear interpolation on the translation vectors from
* the original two matrices.
template <class __type> inline GLmatrix_template<__type>
Mslerp (__type t, const GLmatrix_template<__type>& m1,
const GLmatrix_template<__type>& m2)
quaternion<__type> q = slerp(t, Matrix2Quaternion(m1), Matrix2Quaternion(m2));
GLmatrix_template<__type> m = Quaternion2Matrix(q);
m[12] = m1[12] + t*(m2[12]-m1[12]);
m[13] = m1[13] + t*(m2[13]-m1[13]);
m[14] = m1[14] + t*(m2[14]-m1[14]);
return m;
} // extern "C++"