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* "GLmatrix" class template and inlines
* GLmatrix is objective implementation of OpenGL style matrices.
#ifndef __OGL2_GLMATRIX__
#define __OGL2_GLMATRIX__
#include <iostream>
#include "types.h"
#ifndef PI
#define PI 3.14159265358979324
extern "C++" {
/* Matrix multiplication
template <class __type> inline void
__glmatrix_multiply (__type* a, __type* b, __type *c) {
__type b1, b2, b3, b4;
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
b1 = b[i<<2]; b2 = b[1+(i<<2)]; b3 = b[2+(i<<2)]; b4 = b[3+(i<<2)];
c[(i<<2)] = a[0]*b1 + a[4]*b2 + a[8]*b3 + a[12]*b4;
c[(i<<2)+1] = a[1]*b1 + a[5]*b2 + a[9]*b3 + a[13]*b4;
c[(i<<2)+2] = a[2]*b1 + a[6]*b2 + a[10]*b3 + a[14]*b4;
c[(i<<2)+3] = a[3]*b1 + a[7]*b2 + a[11]*b3 + a[15]*b4;
/* Rotation matrix generation template, adapted from Mesa3D, the original
* author of the function is Erich Boleyn (erich@uruk.org).
template <class __type> inline void
__glmatrix_rotation_matrix (__type angle, __type x, __type y, __type z, __type* m) {
__type mag, s, c;
__type xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, zx, xs, ys, zs, one_c;
s = (__type)sin( angle * PI/180.0 );
c = (__type)cos( angle * PI/180.0 );
mag = (__type)sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
if (mag == 0.0) {
__type *p = m;
for(int i=16; i; i--)
*p++ = 0;
m[0] = 1; m[5] = 1; m[10] = 1; m[15] = 1;
x /= mag;
y /= mag;
z /= mag;
xx = x * x;
yy = y * y;
zz = z * z;
xy = x * y;
yz = y * z;
zx = z * x;
xs = x * s;
ys = y * s;
zs = z * s;
one_c = 1.0 - c;
m[0] = (one_c * xx) + c;
m[4] = (one_c * xy) - zs;
m[8] = (one_c * zx) + ys;
m[12] = 0.0;
m[1] = (one_c * xy) + zs;
m[5] = (one_c * yy) + c;
m[9] = (one_c * yz) - xs;
m[13] = 0.0;
m[2] = (one_c * zx) - ys;
m[6] = (one_c * yz) + xs;
m[10] = (one_c * zz) + c;
m[14] = 0.0;
m[3] = 0.0;
m[7] = 0.0;
m[11]= 0.0;
m[15]= 1.0;
template <class __type>
struct GLmatrix_template
mutable __type M[16];
GLmatrix_template () {
__type *p = M;
for(int i=0; i<16; i++)
*p++ = 0;
GLmatrix_template (__type *p) {
__type *d = M;
for(int i=16; i; i--)
*d++ = *p++;
__type* operator() () const {
return M;
__type& operator[] (int i) const {
return M[i];
GLmatrix_template& Load (__type *p) {
__type *d = M;
for(int i=16; i; i--)
*d++ = *p++;
return *this;
GLmatrix_template& Zero () {
__type *p = M;
for(int i=16; i; i--)
*p++ = 0;
return *this;
GLmatrix_template& Identity () {
__type *p = M;
for(int i=16; i; i--)
*p++ = 0;
M[0] = 1; M[5] = 1; M[10] = 1; M[15] = 1;
return *this;
GLmatrix_template& LoadIdentity () {
return Identity();
GLmatrix_template& Transpose () {
__type *u, *v;
__type a;
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
u = v = M+i+(i<<2);
for(int j=3-i; j; j--) {
a = *u;
*u = *v;
*v = a;
return *this;
GLmatrix_template& OrthoInverse () {
__type a;
__type x=M[12];
__type y=M[13];
__type z=M[14];
a=M[1]; M[1]=M[4]; M[4]=a;
a=M[2]; M[2]=M[8]; M[8]=a;
a=M[6]; M[6]=M[9]; M[9]=a;
M[12] = -(x*M[0] + y*M[4] + z*M[8]);
M[13] = -(x*M[1] + y*M[5] + z*M[9]);
M[14] = -(x*M[2] + y*M[6] + z*M[10]);
return *this;
GLmatrix_template& Translate (__type x, __type y, __type z) {
M[12] = M[0] * x + M[4] * y + M[8] * z + M[12];
M[13] = M[1] * x + M[5] * y + M[9] * z + M[13];
M[14] = M[2] * x + M[6] * y + M[10] * z + M[14];
M[15] = M[3] * x + M[7] * y + M[11] * z + M[15];
return *this;
GLmatrix_template& Scale (__type x, __type y, __type z) {
M[0]*=x; M[4]*=y; M[8]*=z;
M[1]*=x; M[5]*=y; M[9]*=z;
M[2]*=x; M[6]*=y; M[10]*=z;
M[3]*=x; M[7]*=y; M[11]*=z;
return *this;
GLmatrix_template& Rotate (__type angle, __type x, __type y, __type z) {
__type b[16];
__type c[16];
__glmatrix_rotation_matrix(angle, x, y, z, b);
__glmatrix_multiply(this->M, b, c);
return Load(c);
GLmatrix_template& operator *=(const GLmatrix_template& B) {
__type c[16];
__glmatrix_multiply(this->M, B(), c);
return Load(c);
GLmatrix_template& operator +=(const GLmatrix_template& B) {
__type *d = M;
const __type *s = B.M;
for(int i=16; i; i--, d++, s++)
*d += *s;
return *this;
GLmatrix_template& operator -=(const GLmatrix_template& B) {
__type *d = M;
const __type *s = B.M;
for(int i=16; i; i--, d++, s++)
*d -= *s;
return *this;
GLmatrix_template& operator *=(__type scalar) {
__type *d = M;
for(int i=16; i; i--, d++)
*d *= scalar;
return *this;
GLmatrix_template& operator /=(__type scalar) {
__type *d = M;
for(int i=16; i; i--, d++)
*d *= scalar;
return *this;
void MultVertex4f (__type& _x, __type& _y, __type& _z, __type& _w)
__type x = _x*M[0] + _y*M[4] + _z*M[8] + _w*M[12];
__type y = _x*M[1] + _y*M[5] + _z*M[9] + _w*M[13];
__type z = _x*M[2] + _y*M[6] + _z*M[10] + _w*M[14];
__type w = _x*M[3] + _y*M[7] + _z*M[11] + _w*M[15];
_x=x; _y=y; _z=z; _w=w;
template class GLmatrix_template<GLfloat>;
template class GLmatrix_template<GLdouble>;
typedef GLmatrix_template<GLfloat> GLmatrix;
typedef GLmatrix_template<GLdouble> GLmatrix_double;
// inlines
template <class __type> inline ostream&
operator<<(ostream& s, const GLmatrix_template<__type>& A)
__type *p = A();
for(int i=4; i; i--) {
for(int j=4; j; j--, p+=4)
s << (float)(*p) << " ";
s << endl;
return s;
template <class __type> inline GLmatrix_template<__type>
operator + (const GLmatrix_template<__type>& A)
return A;
template <class __type> inline GLmatrix_template<__type>
operator - (const GLmatrix_template<__type>& A)
GLmatrix_template<__type> nA;
__type *d = nA();
__type *s = A();
for(int i=16; i; i--)
*d++ = -(*s++);
return nA;
template <class __type> inline GLmatrix_template<__type>
operator + (const GLmatrix_template<__type>& A, const GLmatrix_template<__type>& B)
GLmatrix_template<__type> C;
__type *d = C();
__type *sA = A();
__type *sB = B();
for(int i=16; i; i--, d++, sA++, sB++)
*d = *sA + *sB;
return C;
template <class __type> inline GLmatrix_template<__type>
operator - (const GLmatrix_template<__type>& A, const GLmatrix_template<__type>& B)
GLmatrix_template<__type> C;
__type *d = C();
__type *sA = A();
__type *sB = B();
for(int i=16; i; i--, d++, sA++, sB++)
*d = *sA - *sB;
return C;
template <class __type> inline GLmatrix_template<__type>
operator * (const GLmatrix_template<__type>& A, const GLmatrix_template<__type>& B)
GLmatrix_template<__type> C;
__glmatrix_multiply(A(), B(), C());
return C;
template <class __type> inline GLmatrix_template<__type>
operator * (const GLmatrix_template<__type>& A, const __type& scalar)
GLmatrix_template<__type> C;
__type *d = C();
__type *s = A();
for(int i=16; i; i--, d++, s++)
*d = (*s)*scalar;
return C;
template <class __type> inline GLmatrix_template<__type>
operator * (const __type& scalar, const GLmatrix_template<__type>& A)
GLmatrix_template<__type> C;
__type *d = C();
__type *s = A();
for(int i=16; i; i--, d++, s++)
*d = scalar*(*s);
return C;
template <class __type> inline GLmatrix_template<__type>
operator / (const GLmatrix_template<__type>& A, const __type& scalar)
GLmatrix_template<__type> C;
__type *d = C();
__type *s = A();
for(int i=16; i; i--, d++, s++)
*d = (*s)/scalar;
return C;
template <class __type> inline __type
norm (const GLmatrix_template<__type>& A)
__type acc = 0;
__type *s = A();
for(int i=16; i; i--, s++)
acc += (*s)*(*s);
return sqrt(acc);
} // extern "C++"