L_PWORDMSG=In order to exit this publication, you must|first enter the correct password.
L_PWORDERROR=That's not the right password!
L_MEDIAERROR=In order to play this type of file you must install|the appropriate multimedia hardware and/or|software.
L_INTERNETERROR=Unable to locate Internet Browser software.
L_PAGEPROMPT=Now printing page:
L_ABORTFUNCTION=Do you want to cancel this function?
L_EXTRACTERROR=This file could not be extracted and thus cannot|be played.
L_INSTDIRPROMPT=Please enter the drive and directory where you would like the Calculator be installed. To accept the default drive and directory, simply press Enter.
L_INSTFOLDERPROMPT=Do you wish to create a program folder for Calculator?
L_INSTRUNPROMPT=Do you want to run
L_INSTDISKPROMPT=Please insert disk #
L_INSTDISKERROR=That's not the correct disk, try again.
L_INSTGENERROR=The installation has terminated.
L_INSTEXITPROMPT=Do you really want to cancel the installation?