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- WinCron (C)1997-2000 Steve J. Gray <sgray@acs.ryerson.ca>
- ======= FREEWARE
- Version: 1.40, Apr 22/2000
- WinCron is freeware. Permission is granted for unlimited distribution.
- Please kindly inform me if you plan to include WinCron on a CD-ROM.
- Since WinCron is freeware, PLEASE read this entire file and the WinCron
- documentation BEFORE e-mailing me with support questions! Please pay
- particular attention to the requirements section regarding runtime
- files!!!!! Also, please check my web page for the latest release.
- When e-mailing with support questions please supply the following:
- * WinCron version
- * Which OS you are running (Win 3.1/95/98/NT3.5/NT4 etc)
- * Where you got runtime files from
- * The exact TEXT of any error message(s)
- * Please do NOT send me screen shots or DAT files unless requested!
- The more info you supply the more likely you will receive a prompt reply.
- Steve Gray
- E-mail: sgray@acs.ryerson.ca
- Web: http://www.ryerson.ca/~sgray
- Installation
- ------------
- WinCron is available in both 16 and 32-bit versions:
- 16-bit, VB4: WCRON16.EXE for Windows 3.1
- 32-bit, VB5: WINCRON50.EXE for Windows95/NT 3.51 (or higher).
- Due to operating system differences not all features will be
- available in the 16-bit version!
- WinCron is available in "Full", "Update" and "Beta" versions.
- Full:
- Unzip to a temp directory and run the SETUP.EXE program.
- The setup program will install all files to your "program files"
- directory unless you specify an alternate location, and will
- create an entry in your start menu.
- NOTE!: The "full" release may not be the most up to date version.
- Update:
- The update is intended for users who have installed the full
- release of WinCron OR who already have ALL the required
- VisualBasic Runtime files. If you are unsure check below.
- If you are installing for the first time, create a folder then
- unzip all files to that folder. You may wish to create a shortcut
- on your desktop to the exe file.
- If you are updating a previous version simply unzip the files
- to the same directory you used above.
- Beta:
- Unless the beta fixes a known problem you are experiencing, or
- you are recommended to run it by myself you should stick to the
- release version!
- The beta is unsupported and may contain bugs or new features
- so use at your own risk. You may want to backup your old version
- or be prepared to re-install a previous version if the beta does
- not work as expected.
- You should have already installed the full or update in order to
- properly run the beta. Copy the executable file into the same
- directory as above.
- Update Requirements
- -------------------
- WinCron requires VisualBASIC runtime files (VB4 16-bit or VB6 as appropriate).
- Complete runtimes are available by downloading the full release of WinCron
- from my home page. I cannot guarantee that runtimes obtained from another
- source will include all the nesessary files!!!
- Runtimes from Microsoft and Winfiles.com (windows95.com) DO NOT contain all
- the required files!!!
- The following error messages indicate you have missing runtimes:
- * "Cannot find VB40016.DLL" or "VB40032.DLL" etc on startup.
- * "A required component is missing..."
- * "Unexpected Error..." when clicking ADD or EDIT.
- Other errors:
- * Error 50003. This is caused by installing certain Microsoft upgrade
- products. This is not a trappable error, so the program crashes.
- For some people the problem is solved by (re)-registering files.
- Use the "Run" command from the start menu and enter the following:
- regsvr32.exe comctl32.ocx
- Some people also need to enter:
- regsvr32.exe oleaut32.dll
- ***** NOTICE *****
- **
- ** Much of the e-mail I get is due to missing runtimes!!!!
- ** If you get any of these messages please try installing the
- ** full release BEFORE e-mailing me with questions!
- Installing ActiveMovie2 MCI driver for use with the $PLAY command
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- 1) Download and install MS Media Player 5.2 (or higher) from the Microsoft site
- (a link is available on my home page)
- 2) If you have Windows 95:
- * Edit the SYSTEM.INI file.
- * In the [MCI] section add the line: ActiveMovie=mciqtz.drv
- 3) If you have Windows NT:
- * Use REGEDIT to add the following key:
- SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\MCI32\ActiveMovie
- * Set the value to: mciqtz32.dll
- Configuring Windows to run WinCron scripts
- ------------------------------------------
- You can set up Windows 95/98/NT to run WinCron scripts when
- double-clicked. Decide what extension you want to use for WinCron
- scripts (I recommend "WCS") then double-click on a script with
- that extension. Windows will bring up the "Open With" dialog box.
- In the description box enter "WinCron script". Make sure the
- "Always use this program..." box is enabled then click on the
- "Other..." button to browse to the location where you have installed
- the WinCron executable file. Select the executable file
- (IE: WinCron50.exe) and choose okay. The script will run, then WinCron
- will exit, and from now on when you double-click a WinCron script file
- it will automatically be run.
- NOTE: Any file NOT ending with the extension "DAT" will be considered
- a script.
- Running WinCron as an NT Service
- --------------------------------
- In Microsoft's Knowledgebase (Q175948), Microsoft does NOT recommend
- running VB applications as services. Installation of WinCron as a
- service is NOT supported and is done at your own risk. For more
- information refer to that article and to article Q137890.
- The NT Resource Kit contains the following:
- Instrsrv.exe - installs and removes system services from Windows NT.
- Srvany.exe - allows any Windows NT application to run as a service.
- Program History
- ---------------
- V1.40 (Apr 16/2000)
- - Now Compiled with VisualBASIC 6.
- (You will need updated runtimes OR install the full release!)
- - New main window layout
- - Task list now in column format with much more info
- - Added Copy button
- - Prefs button now called Options/Docs
- - Options screen now has separate Options and Docs tabs
- - Added 24-hour clock option
- V1.35B (Mar 7/2000)
- - Fixed Intervals Inside Range
- - Fixed Every 6 or 8 hours Intervals
- - Added "Every 12 Hours" and "Custom" Intervals
- - Added icon options to $MSG command.
- - Added $COMPARE, $START commands.
- - Added %Hour%, %Min% and %Sec% variables
- - Fixed round-off error causing tasks to repeat.
- - Fixed bug that could potentially cause tasks not to run.
- V1.34 (May 17/1999)
- - The Prefs window is now independent. You can now display the
- documentation while editing events or scripts.
- - Fixed $SAVE displaying a message and holding up execution.
- - Fixed day and month ranges
- - Fixed double-clicking on scripts when run under Win98.
- - Fixed picture not centred for first picture $DISPLAY'd
- - Changed $PLAY command to also accept $PLAY OFF to stop playback.
- - Added $SETSTRING and string variables S0 to S9.
- - Added %CRLF% variable.
- - Added $MSGLOG, $WRITE and $GETENV commands.
- - Added Msg Log button and messages window.
- - All file manipulation commands ($COPY, $KILL etc) now set the
- condition and can be tested with $YES and $NO commands.
- - Fixed system tray not usable on some systems with certain screen
- resolutions and/or "large fonts".
- V1.33a (Jan 26/1999)
- - Fixed runtime error when Add/Edit clicked... sorry
- V1.33 (Jan 24/1999)
- - Changed wording of Time/Frequency drop-down list options
- - Added keyboard shortcuts to main screen buttons
- - Added "Once a day, within Time Range" option
- - Scripts can now be run when double-clicked even if WinCron
- is already running.
- - Fixed $SKIPTO command.
- - The $Send and $IFWINDOW commands can now find windows/dialog
- containing the title string anywhere in the title
- V1.32 (Dec 5/1998)
- - Minor re-wording of text and task option layout.
- - Added "Once only" options (keep or delete task).
- - Fixed error when attempting to create existing directory.
- - Added $DIAL, $WAITWINDOW, $ENABLE, $DISABLE commands.
- - Changed $PLAY parameter order.
- - Improved parameter parsing. Filenames no longer require
- quotes unless they contain spaces. Multiple spaces between
- parameters are now okay (unless noted).
- - Improved internal command error messages.
- - Added BUSY indicator.
- - Cleaned up documentation.
- V1.31b (Oct 20/1998) [bugfixes]
- - Fixed error 5; Occured if Prefs or Task window visible when
- trying to display $MSG/$PROMPT boxes.
- - Exiting no longer required when system tray setting is
- changed (changes to system tray setting are now immediate).
- - Fixed run count resetting when event edited.
- - Added error message for unknown internal commands.
- - Added Enable/Disable/View Log to tray icon.
- - Documentation added regarding making WinCron an NT service.
- V1.31 (Oct 10/1998)
- - Fixed $ASK/$MSG/$PROMPT boxes appearing behind other windows.
- - Scripts can now be run by associating specific extensions
- with WinCron then double-clicking on the file!
- - Cleaned up error text messages.
- V1.30 (Oct 5/1998)
- - Added timers, timer variables (%timerN%)
- - Added timer commands:
- - Added line label and $SKIPTO command.
- - Added $IFEXISTS (same as $EXISTS) for consistency.
- - SEND now checks if window is open.
- - Added Computer name variable (%cname%).
- V1.27 (Sept 28/1998)
- - Split documentation. Program history and requirements are now
- in the README.TXT file.
- - Fixed "Return without gosub" error when events logged.
- - Implemented "Up" and "Dn" buttons.
- - Added $PROMPT, $STOP commands.
- - Scripts can now include comments by starting line with ";".
- V1.26 (Sept 27/1998)
- - Fixed extra space in %date% string.
- - Added scripting capability.
- - Added $RUN, $EXISTS, $YES, $NO, $KEYS, $DELAY commands.
- V1.25b (Sept 9/1998)
- - Fixed $SEND on startup.
- - Now available again for 16-bit
- V1.25 (Sept 8/1998)
- - Added "Confirm Task Delete", "Disable Messages" and
- "Save tasks on Exit" options.
- - Previous task now highlighted after deleting a task
- and $RMDIR commands.
- - Added internal variables (lots!).
- - Added drag-and-drop for tasklist additions.
- - Added Run Count.
- - Cosmetic changes to last run text.
- - Fixed $SEND always sending a space as the first character.
- V1.20 (Aug 9/1998)
- - WinCron won't allow multiple instances of itself.
- - Added $SEND command.
- - Added command line option to choose alternate task file.
- - Moved "Last run" text.
- V1.11 (July 9/1998)
- - Fixed unscheduled tasks incorrectly running at midnight.
- - Added "Save task list" option.
- - Added "Last day of month" capability to single day (Day=99).
- V1.10 (July 5/1998)
- - Added Prefs window with documentation scrollbox, Tray icon
- option and "Start Minimized" option.
- - Added "At Shutdown" option to "When" menu.
- - Added $LOG, $LOGBACK, $NEWLOG, $EXIT commands.
- - Added Stealth mode.
- - Changed default "State" for new tasks to "Original Size".
- - Saves window position/size and status of Enable option.
- - Created WinCron Stealth Control program.
- - Available for 32-bit version only.
- V1.01 (Apr 27/1998)
- - Fixed "Every 8 hours" option
- V1.00 (Dec 4/1997)
- - Initial Release
- - 16 and 32-bit versions using VB4 runtimes
- <END>