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- WinCron - Internal Commands Reference (Version: 1.40)
- =====================================
- INTERNAL commands are built into WinCron. All internal commands
- begin with a "$". If a command does not begin with a "$" WinCron
- assumes it is an EXTERNAL command and tries to execute it. External
- commands are EXE, COM, or BAT files that reside on the hard drive.
- WinCron cannot run internal DOS commands (like DIR, COPY etc), however
- most internal DOS commands are duplicated with WinCron commands.
- Most internal WinCron commands take parameters such as filenames,
- strings, or numeric values. Multiple parameters must be separated by
- spaces. If a parameter consists of a filename or string that contains
- spaces, it must be enclosed within quotes. Some commands (such as
- commands that display messages or send keys) should not contain quotes,
- or, if included, will be treates as regular characters (see detailed
- reference).
- Example:
- Quotes not required: $COPY file1.txt file2.txt
- Quotes required: $COPY "file 1.txt" "file 2.txt"
- Command Description
- ------- -----------
- $ASK - Asks if you want to run a command.
- $COMPARE - Compares two strings
- $COPY - Copies a single file.
- $DELAY - Delays execution.
- $DIAL - Display/start dial-up connection.
- $DISABLE - Disables a specified task.
- $DISPLAY - Displays bitmap pictures.
- $ENABLE - Enables a specified task.
- $EXIT - Exits the WinCron program.
- $EXITWIN - Exits Windows in a specific way.
- $IF - Compare two numbers
- $IF{condition} - Checks condition and runs command
- $IFEXISTS - Checks if a file exists.
- $IFWINDOW - Checks if a window is open.
- $KILL - Deletes a file.
- $LOAD - Re-loads the task list file.
- $LOADNEW - Loads new task list.
- $LOG - Writes a string to the WinCron log file.
- $LOGBACK - Backs up the wincron log file with the current date.
- $MKDIR - Creates a new directory.
- $MSG - Displays a message string and waits for OK.
- $MSGLOG - Writes a string to the Message log file and displays the log.
- $NEWLOG - Saves the log file using the current date .
- $NO - Executes commandline only if condition was false.
- $PLAY - Plays a media file.
- $PROMPT - Displays a prompt and waits for YES/NO.
- $RENAME - Renames or moves a file.
- $RMDIR - Removes a directory.
- $RUN - Runs a script.
- $SAVE - Saves task list (IE: to record "Last-Run" info).
- $SEND - Sends keys to a specific window.
- $KEYS - Sends keys to the currently active window.
- $SETSTRING - Assigns a string to a variable
- $SKIPTO - skips forward to a labelled line.
- $START - Loads document into associated application.
- $STOP - Aborts processing of the current script.
- $WAITSEC - Waits for a specific time.
- $WAITWINDOW - Waits for windows to open or close.
- $WRITE - appends a string to a text file.
- $YES - Executes commandline if condition was true.
- **Timer Commands:
- $COUNTDOWN - Starts a count-down timer.
- $COUNTUP - Starts a count-up timer.
- $IFZERO - Runs a command if the timer is zero.
- $SETTIMER - Sets the specified timer (0-9).
- $TIMER - Controls the timer operation.
- $IFTIMER - Checks if the timer is active.
- $CHECKTIMER - Checks the timer value.
- Detailed Reference:
- ===================
- Note: "Sets condition" means:
- If the command was successful the condition is set
- to YES (true), otherwise it is set to NO (false).
- Use the $YES and $NO commands to test the condition
- Command Description
- ------- -----------
- $ASK {commandline}
- Displays the task description and commandline and asks you if
- you would like to execute the task.
- Note:
- * Processing of additional tasks is halted until a button is
- clicked, so make sure someone is around to see the message!
- $COMPARE {string1} <=> {string2}
- Compares string1 to string2 and sets the condition. Use the
- $IF{condition} commands to check the result
- Example:
- $COMPARE fred <=> barney ;condition set to GREATER.
- $IFGREATER $MSG Fred is greater than barney
- Notes: * Either string can contain on or more quotes.
- * Useful for comparing string variables
- $COPY {source} {destination}
- Copies the source file to the destination. The destination
- MUST include a filename. Filename wildcards (*,?) are NOT
- supported. Sets condition.
- Example:
- $DELAY {milliseconds}
- Delays for the specified period (Max 60 seconds). One second
- EQUALS 1000 milliseconds. Useful in scripts to delay keystrokes
- sent to other applications with the $SEND or $KEYS commands.
- $DIAL {connection} {NOW}
- Brings up a pre-configured and named dial-up-networking
- connection. If NOW is specified the connection will be
- started immediately.
- Notes:
- * For Windows 9x ONLY!
- * for un-attended operation the password must be set in
- conjunction with the "Save password" option.
- * If the connection is active this command will display
- the connection status window. The connection can be
- shut down by sending appropriate keystrokes.
- $DISABLE {ME|taskdescription}
- Disables the specified task from running. To disable the
- current task specify "ME" as the task description.
- Note:
- * Can't be used in scripts run from the command-line
- * Matches partial task descriptions. Be careful when naming
- tasks with similar descriptions!
- $DISPLAY {option} {picturefile}
- Displays bitmap pictures in BMP, GIF or JPG format. Displays
- the picture but does NOT stop script execution.
- * OPEN: Opens a full-screen window with a black background
- and displays the picture centred in the window.
- Clicking the window closes it.
- * NOCLICK: As above but cannot be closed with mouse click.
- * CLOSE: closes the display window.
- Example: $DISPLAY OPEN splash.bmp
- $ENABLE {taskdescription}
- Enables the specified task. Useful for enabling tasks that
- only need to run after other tasks have finished or certain
- conditions are met.
- Note:
- * Can't be used in scripts run from the command-line
- * Matches partial task descriptions. Be careful when naming
- tasks with similar descriptions!
- Exits WinCron immediately.
- $EXITWIN {method}
- Exits Windows using the specified method:
- The system will exit in a friendly way. If other programs
- are running that can't be terminated the operation will fail.
- If you want to FORCE the method, and make other programs
- exit regardless, add an "!" to the end (IE: REBOOT!).
- Note:
- * For Windows 9x ONLY!
- * Use this command carefully.
- * Data may be lost if applications are forced to exit!
- $GETENV {n} {variable}
- Gets the system environment variable and assigns it to the
- numbered string variable {n}.
- Example:
- $GETENV 0 path
- $MSG The path is set to: %S0%
- Produces a message similar to:
- The path is set to: C:\DOS;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND
- $IF {n1} {comparison} {n2}
- Compares numbers n1 and n2 and sets the condition.
- Valid comparisons are: =, >, <, <=, >=, <>
- Example:
- $IF %sec% > 20
- $YES $MSG The seconds are greater than 20
- Notes: * Does a NUMERIC comparison.
- * Strings are converted to numbers
- * There MUST be a SPACE between each parameter
- $IFEQUAL {commandline}
- $IFNOTEQUAL {commandline}
- $IFLESS {commandline}
- $IFGREATER {commandline}
- $IFLE {commandline}
- $IFGE {commandline}
- Runs the commandline if the condition matches. You can also
- use the shorthand equivilents: $EQ, $NE, $LT, $GT, $LE, $GE
- $LE = Less than or equal to
- $GE = Greater than or equal to
- $IFEXISTS {filename}
- $EXISTS {filename}
- Checks if a file exists. Sets the condition to YES if the file
- exists, or NO if it doesn't.
- Example script:
- $EXISTS c:\test.txt
- $YES $MSG The file exists.
- $NO $MSG The file does not exist.
- $IFWINDOW "{title}"
- Sets the condition to YES if a window is open, or NO if it is not.
- Notes:
- * True when any window is open whose titlebar BEGINS with {title}.
- * Not case sensitive.
- * Begin the title with "*" to match string anywhere in the titlebar.
- * Title MUST be enclosed in quotes
- $KEYS {keylist}
- Sends keys to the currently active window/dialog. Similar
- to the $SEND command except does not activate a window. See
- the $SEND command for details. ALL keys including quotes if
- specified will be sent. Sets condition.
- $KILL {filename}
- Deletes a file. Sets condition.
- Re-loads the task list file (wincron.dat). Useful if you'd
- like to update tasks while wincron is running.
- Notes:
- * Always loads even if tasklist is the same.
- * Caution: "Last run" info from current task list will be lost!
- Looks for the file "wincron.new" and if it exists replaces the
- current "wincron.dat" file and re-loads the new task list.
- Similar to $LOAD except only updates when nessesary.
- Note:
- * Caution: "Last run" info from current task list will be lost!
- $LOG {string}
- Writes the string to the event log file (wincron.log). Always
- writes even if logging for the event is not enabled. Writes
- exact string, including quotes.
- Note:
- * If no string is specified then the event description will
- be written to the log (the same as if you had left the exe
- field blank).
- Backs up the log file with the current date (YYYYMMDD.log).
- The current log is NOT erased.
- $MKDIR {directoryname}
- Creates (makes) a new directory. Sets condition.
- $MSG {icon} {string}
- Displays the message string and waits for OK. Writes exact
- string, including quotes. To add an optional icon to the message
- include one of the following at the beginning:
- -x Critical
- -? Question
- -! Exclamation
- -i Information
- Examples:
- $MSG Time to go home!
- $MSG -x Oh no!
- Note:
- * Processing of additional tasks is halted until the OK button
- is clicked, so make sure someone is around to respond!
- * See also $MSGLOG
- $MSGLOG {option} {string}
- Writes the string to the Message log file (message.log) and
- displays the messages window if not visible. The CLEAR button
- will erase all messages and start a new log file. Use this
- command when you need to display messages but do not wish to
- stop processing of additional tasks (like the $MSG command).
- If -x option is specified only the file will be updated. The
- message window will not update or appear.
- Note:
- * The Log size is unlimited, however the maximum that can be
- displayed in the window is the first 32,000 bytes.
- Saves the event log using the current date (YYYYMMDD.log) then
- clears the log.
- Notes:
- * Make sure this is only done ONCE a day or the old log will
- be overwritten!
- * A good idea is to set an event to run at 23:59 each day.
- $NO {commandline}
- Executes the commandline only if previous condition was false.
- $PLAY {mediafile} {OFF|NOWAIT}
- Uses ActiveMovie2 to play the specified mediafile. Supported
- formats include:
- WAV, MID, MPG, MP3, AVI, MOV, QT, RAM and others.
- Notes:
- * $PLAY waits for the file to finish playing before continuing
- unless the NOWAIT option is specified!
- * To stop whatever is currently playing use $PLAY or $PLAY OFF
- * Refer to the README file for instructions on installing
- the ActiveMovie MCI driver.
- $PROMPT {promptstring}
- Displays the prompt string with YES and NO buttons. Displays
- the exact string, including quotes. The condition is set to
- YES or NO depending on the user's response.
- Note:
- * Processing of additional tasks is halted until a button is
- clicked, so make sure someone is around to respond!
- $RENAME {filename} {new_filename}
- Renames the file to the new filename. Can also move files by
- specifying a different path for "new_filename". Sets condition.
- Examples:
- $RMDIR {directoryname}
- Removes a directory provided it is completely empty.
- Sets condition.
- $RUN {scriptname}
- Runs a script (text file) containing WinCron, EXE, or COM
- commands. The script is executed line-by-line. Internal
- variables may be used in any line. See the SCRIPTS section in
- the main documentation file for more details.
- Note: Do not use the $RUN command inside a script!
- Saves the task list. The "Last run" and "Run count" are also
- saved as part of the task list.
- $SEND "{Title}" {keylist}
- Activates the window or dialog box with a titlebar containing
- the specified {Title} string, then sends keys to the window.
- The title MUST be enclosed in quotes and there must be a space
- between the title and the keylist. The {keylist} is a list
- consisting of one or more standard or special keys and/or
- key-control commands. See the SENDKEYS reference file for
- {keylist} details.
- Notes:
- * If there is no exact match for {Title}, any window/dialog
- whose title string BEGINS with {Title} is activated.
- * To find windows that contain the {Title} string ANYWHERE
- in the title, start the title with a "*".
- IE: $SEND "*Netscape" %{F4}
- Will send ALT-F4 to the FIRST netscape window.
- * If no window can be activated the condition is set to NO.
- * Only works with Windows applications! Does NOT work with
- DOS commands even when run in a window.
- * Keys can't be sent to minimized windows.
- * Title MUST be enclosed in quotes
- * The {keylist} can include quotes anywhere and will be sent
- just like any normal character.
- Example:
- To calculate the square root of 69 using the standard
- Windows calculator enter the following command:
- $SEND "Calculator" {DEL}69@
- Will send the keys: DELETE,6,9, and @ to the window.
- Special keys are sent by enclosing them in braces. In this
- example the "@" symbol is the keyboard equivilent to clicking
- on the SQRT button inside the calculator.
- $SETSTRING {n} {string}
- Assigns the string to the numbered string variable (0 to 9).
- The entire string including quotes if included will be assigned
- to the string variable. To use a string variable in another
- command use the form %sN% where 'N' is 0 to 9.
- Example:
- $SETSTRING 0 "This is a test"
- $MSG The string is: %s0%
- Will display:
- The string is: "This is a test"
- $SKIPTO {label}
- Skips FORWARD in the script to the specified label. Labels are
- not case sensitive and must be on a line by themselves. Any
- line in a script with a ":" as the first character of the line
- is considered a label.
- Script Example:
- $NO $SKIPTO NoTimer
- $MSG The timer is running
- $SKIPTO Exit
- :NoTimer
- $MSG The timer is not running
- :Exit
- $START {document}
- Starts the application associated with the specified document
- and loads the document.
- IE: $START readme.txt
- - loads the readme.txt file into the application associated
- with TXT file extensions (usually notepad)
- Aborts processing of the current script. Can be used in
- conjunction with the $YES and $NO commands or to stop scripts
- from continuing to labeled lines below.
- $WAITSEC {seconds}
- Waits until the seconds value of the current time is equal to
- or past the specified value (Max 59 seconds). Could be used in
- place of $DELAY when you need to syncronize to a specific time.
- $WAITWINDOW {OPEN|CLOSE} {Title} {Timeout}
- Waits for window with specified title to open or close. The
- Timeout value determines how long to wait (seconds) before
- continuing. Maximum wait is 60 seconds.
- Example: $WAITWINDOW CLOSE "Calculator" 10
- $WRITE "{filename}" {string}
- Appends the string to the specified file. The filename MUST
- be enclosed in quotes and must be followed by a single space.
- The entire string, including quotes if specified, will be
- written to the file.
- Note: A carriage return will NOT be written to the file unless
- specifically included using the %CR% or %CRLF% variable.
- $YES {commandline}
- Executes the commandline only if previous condition was true.
- **** Timer Commands ****
- There are 10 timers, numbered 0 to 9 that you can use for general
- purpose timing. Timers work using minutes only.
- * Timers can be STOPPED or ACTIVE
- * Active timers can count UP or DOWN.
- * Active timers can be COUNTING or PAUSED.
- $COUNTDOWN {n} {minutes}
- Starts a countdown timer from specified minute.
- $COUNTUP {n}
- Starts an up-counter at zero.
- $IFZERO {n} {commandline}
- Runs the commandline if the selected timer is zero. If the
- timer is zero this command will stop the timer to ensure the
- commandline only runs once.
- Note:
- * The COUNTDOWN/COUNTUP and IFZERO commands are designed
- for simple (non-script) timer operations. For complex
- timing use the commands below.
- $SETTIMER {n} {minutes}
- Sets the value of the specified timer (0-9).
- $TIMER {n} {option}
- Controls the timer operation. Valid options are:
- * STARTUP - Starts timer going up.
- * STARTDOWN - Starts timer going down.
- * PAUSE - Pauses the timer.
- * RESUME - Continues the timer.
- * STOP - Stops the timer.
- Example: $TIMER 0 STARTUP
- $IFTIMER {n}
- Checks if the timer is active (timing up or down) and sets the
- condition to YES or NO.
- $CHECKTIMER {n} {minutes}
- Checks the timer and sets the condition to EQUAL, LESS or
- to check the result.
- * Does NOT change the timer status (in comparison to $IFZERO)
- Timer example
- -------------
- Task 1: DESC: Start timer 0 to count up
- Task 2: DESC: Display message based on 10 minute mark
- EXE : $RUN timer.wcs
- When: Schedule the task to run every minute
- TIMER.WCS Script:
- $IFTIMER 0 ;Is the timer active?
- $NO $STOP ;No, stop the script
- $CHECKTIMER 0 10 ;Has 10 minutes elapsed?
- $IFLESS $MSG Wait some more... ;LESS
- $IFEQUAL $MSG 10 minutes is up! ;EQUAL
- $IFGREATER $TIMER 0 STOP ;Stop timer counting
- <END>