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- WinCron (C)1997-2000 Steve J. Gray
- ======= FREEWARE
- Version: 1.40, Apr 22/2000
- Please see the readme file for program history and requirements.
- Introduction
- ------------
- WinCron is a Windows task scheduler/runner/controller. It can run
- Windows or DOS programs, or batch files (EXE, COM or BAT). Tasks can
- be set up to execute manually, on startup, or on a scheduled basis.
- A schedule can be a specific day or range of days, specific days of
- the week, or during specific months. Tasks can be set to run once or
- at specific intervals between two times, or excluded between two times.
- Tasks can be individually enabled or disabled or all tasks can be
- disabled. When run, tasks can be recorded in a log file for later
- verification.
- Special internal WinCron commands allow automated messages, log
- comments, and log backups. Command-line variable substitutions allow
- passing of date/time/count etc to commands or batch files. WinCron
- scripts can be used for advanced application control.
- Window Layout
- -------------
- When run, the program window will appear. On the titlebar is the
- current date. Below the Titlebar is the current time, enable box, and
- busy indicator and buttons for general options.
- Enable
- - Is the MASTER enable box. When checked tasks may run.
- Busy
- - Lights RED when a task is running.
- Event Log
- - Runs the Notepad program to display the "wincron.log"
- file. Please note: If you are viewing the log and
- a logged event occurs the log file will be changed
- in the file but NOT in Notepad! If you then SAVE
- the log file those events will be lost.
- Msg Log
- - Displays the Messages log window.
- Options/Docs
- - Displays program options and documentation.
- Save
- - Saves task information, including "last run" info.
- Below is the Tasks list with several columns that display the tasks and
- some of the most important task settings. You may adjust the width of
- the columns or rearrange them using the mouse.
- Below the list are buttons that modify the task list:
- Add - Adds a task to the list.
- Edit - Edit currently selected task.
- Del - Deletes currently selected task.
- Copy - Copies the currently selected task and it's settings
- and adds it to the bottom of the task list. The "Last Run"
- and "Run Count" are reset.
- Up - Moves the task up the list
- Dn - Moves the task down the list
- Run Now
- - Runs the currently selected task.
- Note: Always runs the task regardless
- of schedule settings.
- The UP and DN buttons can be used to change the order that
- tasks are run. Tasks at the top of the list are run first. You may
- need to adjust the order of tasks if one task depends on another
- (ie: if you start a program in one, then send keys to it in another).
- Adding or Editing a Task
- ------------------------
- When you click on the Add or Edit button another window will appear
- where you can define the task and schedule. In the top half of the
- window you specify a description for the task, the command to run,
- when to run it and how it appears on the screen. You can also define
- whether the task is enabled or disabled and if the task should be
- recorded in the event log.
- * Desc
- Description of the task.
- * Command
- Command to execute. May include a command line string if
- needed. Click on the "..." button to browse the computer to
- find the executable file. The command can be left blank to
- record comments (the description) in the log file at specific
- times.
- Commands can contain variables in the form %NAME% that will be
- substituted with the appropriate value when the command is
- executed. See the VARIABLES.TXT file for details.
- To execute special "internal" WinCron commands, start the line
- with a "$". See the COMMANDS.TXT file for details.
- NOTE!:
- WinCron can NOT execute INTERNAL DOS commands directly.
- Internal DOS commands are those that are part of
- COMMAND.COM (like COPY and DIR). To use internal DOS
- commands you must run them in a batch file, or use the
- equivilent WinCron command!
- * When
- Specifies when the event should run:
- * Manually - only when "Run Now" clicked.
- * At Startup - when WinCron first runs.
- * Scheduled - as specified in bottom section
- * At Shutdown - when WinCron is exited.
- Note: the bottom section is hidden when not required
- * State
- Determines how commands are displayed when run:
- * Hidden with Focus
- * Original Size with Focus
- * Icon with Focus
- * Maximized with Focus
- * Original Size (no focus)
- * Icon (no focus)
- * Record in Log
- Enables event recording in log file.
- * Enable Event
- Enables event to run when scheduled.
- * Run Count
- The number of times the task has run.
- * Reset Button
- Reset the run count.
- * OK Button
- Uses the settings. Updates the task info or adds the task.
- * Cancel Button
- Ignores any changes or additions.
- If "When" is set to "Scheduled" the event window will expand to
- display the bottom section, where you may set the dates and times that
- the task will be run.
- * Date Valid
- Specifies the range of dates that the event may run. To specify
- a date you must enter the year, month and day in exactly the
- following format: YYYYMMDD.
- IE: Tue Oct 20,1998 would be entered as 19981020.
- From - The first day the event is valid (00000000=any day).
- To - The last day the event is valid (00000000=any day).
- * Activation
- Specifies month and day, or month and day range that the event
- will run. Month and Day values are separate. Under each column
- there is a checkbox to enable the column. If not checked, the
- column will be ignored. IE: if the DD column is not checked ANY
- day will be valid. If the DD column is checked then the day
- must match the specified day or day range.
- From - specifies the FIRST valid month and/or day.
- To - specifies the LAST valid month and/or day.
- - If the "To" Checkbox is NOT checked then the "From"
- month and/or day specify a single date. If checked
- then the month and/or days become a range.
- * TIP: the MM and DD values are separate therefore
- / FROM: 01 05 \
- \ TO: 03 07 /
- would NOT mean all days from Jan 5 to Mar 7, but rather only
- the days 5 to 7 in the months Jan to Mar.
- IE: Jan 5,6,7, Feb 5,6,7, and Mar 5,6,7.
- (If you need Jan 5 to Mar 7 then those dates should be
- specified in the date range and the "from" and "to" should be
- left un-selected!)
- * When using a single day, an entry of "99" can be used to
- specify the "last day of the month".
- * When using a day range, if you need to run a task to
- "the end of the month", use "31" in the day "to" field.
- * HHMM
- Specifies the time or time range for the event. Times must be
- specified in 24-hour format (ie: 1pm=1300).
- * Time and Frequency
- The dropdown menu beside the "From" time determines if the
- time is a single time or a range and if the event is kept or
- deleted after it runs:
- * Once a day, Anytime:
- - Once per day (At midnight if wincron is left running,
- or shortly after WinCron first runs each day)
- * Once a day, Specified Time:
- - Once per day at the exact time, provided WinCron is
- running at that time.
- * Intervals, Between Times:
- - One or more times between From/To range.
- * Intervals, Outside Times:
- - One or more times, NOT between From/To range.
- * Once Only, Specified time:
- - Once at the specifed time provided WinCron is running.
- - The event is recorded then never runs again
- (provided tasks are saved).
- * Once Only, then delete task:
- - Once at specified time provided WinCron is running.
- - The event will be marked deleted in the task list then
- will be deleted when the task list is next saved.
- * Once a day, within Time Range:
- - Once per day provided the time is inside the time range
- - The dropdown menu beside the "To" time determines the
- frequency of events:
- * Every 1,2,5,10,15,20 or 30 minutes.
- * Every 1,2,4,6,8, or 12 hours.
- * Custom
- * Custom Interval (minutes)
- When "Time and Frequency" is set to custom.
- - any value from 001 to 999
- * Day (of week)
- Specifies valid days for the event:
- * Any Day - Any day of the week.
- * Weekday - Monday to Friday.
- * Weekend - Saturday and Sunday.
- * Selected- Only the days that are indicated.
- Be careful when combining day and day-of-week settings!
- IE: if you set an event to happen only on the first of
- the month but also set the day-of-week to Monday then
- the event will ONLY occur if the first is a monday.
- Drag and Drop Adding (32-bit version only)
- --------------------
- You can add a task to the tasklist by dragging a file from explorer,
- a directory window or the desktop TO the task list area in the WinCron
- window. A new task will be created with the name of the dropped file in
- the command field. This is equivilent to clicking the ADD button from
- the main window then the "..." browsing button in the task window and
- browsing to locate a file.
- Prefs Window
- ------------
- This window displays the WinCron documentation and lets you set
- the program options. Options are saved automatically.
- * Show Tray Icon (32-bit version only):
- - Displays an Icon in the sytem tray on the taskbar.
- * Minimize on Startup:
- - Hides the main window when first run.
- * Save task list when changed:
- - Saves the entire task list whenever you add/edit/delete a
- task.
- * Save task list on exit:
- - Saves the task list when WinCron exits.
- * Confirm Task Deletes:
- - If selected, a popup window asks you to confirm the action.
- * Disable Messages:
- - Stops messages from appearing for invalid internal commands.
- If the tray icon is enabled and you minimize the main window a button
- will NOT appear on the taskbar. Left-clicking on the tray icon will
- re-display the main window. Right clicking on the tray icon will
- display a menu with the following options:
- * Enable Tasks - enables task execution
- * Disable Tasks - disables all tasks
- * Preferences - Display preferences window
- * View Log - View Log file
- * Close - Exits WinCron
- Preference settings will be saved when WinCron is exited. The "enable"
- setting as well as main window position and size will be saved.
- Command-line option
- -------------------
- If you want WinCron to use a task list other than the default
- (wincron.dat) you can specify the name of the task list file on the
- command line. To do this create a shortcut to the WinCron executable
- then edit the command line by appending the filename to the end.
- Example: WinCron50.exe newlist.dat
- Task lists must have an extension of "DAT".
- Operation
- ---------
- When run, the program will look for the file "WINCRON.DAT" (or the
- one specified on the command line) which must be in the same directory
- as the WINCRON.EXE file. This file contains information for each task
- in the list. WinCron updates the clock each second. When the seconds
- gets to "00" the entire task list is checked from first entry to last
- and all tasks that are currently set to "enabled" will be performed
- provided all the specified conditions are met: Date range,
- month range, day range, time range, day of week and/or frequency etc.
- When a task is performed it runs concurrently (at the same time) as
- any other tasks that may be running. WinCron does NOT wait for programs
- to exit before continuing. If a program can not be found there will be
- NO error messages displayed. If "Record in Log" is enabled the current
- date and time as well as the description will be recorded in the file
- "WINCRON.LOG". If the program starts then "OKAY" will be recorded, if
- not then "ERROR" will be recorded.
- If you want to disable all events (IE: to verify scheduled tasks)
- simply un-check the "Enabled" box in the main window.
- If the "Save task list when changed" option is NOT enabled you must
- click on the SAVE button to save the event information. Tasks
- can be added, edited or deleted while WinCron is running and will be
- acted on immediately, however any changes will be lost when WinCron
- exits unless they are saved! Clicking the SAVE button will also record
- the date and time each event was last run, which will be displayed when
- a task is selected from the task list.
- NOTE: The "last run" info is saved with the task list,
- however the task list is NOT saved when a task is RUN.
- Therefor, to ensure the last run info is saved, you
- might want to create a task that is run once a day or
- when WinCron is exited to save the task list (use the
- $SAVE internal command).
- Lastly, if not obviously, tasks will not and cannot be run unless
- WinCron is actually runnning! Tasks that were scheduled and missed
- when WinCron is not running will NOT be performed when WinCron first
- starts again. If WinCron is vital you might consider adding it to the
- STARTUP menu. Tasks that are missed can be run manually at any time
- by selecting the task from the list and clicking the "Run Now" button.
- Scripts
- -------
- Scripts are similar to DOS batch files. A script is a text file
- containing a list of commands to be executed in sequence. Scripts can
- contain "external" DOS commands, or Windows commands. Unlike DOS
- batch files however, scripts can also contain special WinCron commands
- ($ commands) and internal WinCron variables. To use scripts in WinCron
- use the $RUN internal command. The syntax is:
- $RUN {scriptname}
- Where {scriptname} is the name of the script file. Script files can
- be called anything you want (IE: script.txt, test.scr, wincron.wcs) etc.
- I recommend you use the extension "WCS". You can also associate specific
- extensions with WinCron so that double-clicking a script from explorer
- will launch wincron, run the script, then exit.
- When you use the EDIT button to edit a task you can use the
- "Edit script" button to edit your scripts using Notepad.
- The following commands are useful in scripts:
- $EXISTS - Checks if a file exists. Sets condition.
- $PROMPT - Gets YES/NO reponse from user. Sets condition.
- $YES - runs a command if the condition was TRUE
- $NO - runs a command if the condition was FALSE
- $SEND - sends keystrokes to a specified window
- $KEYS - sends keystrokes to the currently active window
- $DELAY - delays execution for a specified time (milliseconds)
- $WAITSEC- waits until the time gets to the the specied second
- $STOP - stops script processing
- $SKIPTO - jumps forward to the specified line
- WinCron runs WinCron ($) commands in sequence (IE: the next
- command runs only AFTER the first is finished, however, DOS
- and Windows commands are started as separate tasks. This means
- that the command may still be loading/running when the next
- command is executed. If you intend to send keystrokes to a
- windows application you should use the $DELAY command to give
- the windows application enough time to load and respond to
- keyboard input!
- If a script contains many $DELAY commands and the task takes
- more than one minute, it may cause other tasks to be missed!
- WinCron scripts can NOT use DOS batch-only commands such as
- IF, FOR, GOTO, EXISTS, ERRORLEVEL, SHIFT, or %1 to %9, nor can
- it use INTERNAL DOS command such as DIR, DEL, MKDIR, COPY etc.
- Most internal DOS commands are duplicated with internal WinCron
- commands (ie: $COPY, $MKDIR, $KILL etc).
- Timers
- ------
- There are 10 general-purpose timers available in WinCron. Timers can
- be used to co-ordinate tasks that must be performed after specific
- intervals. For example, when the computer turns on you might want to
- start processing something that takes 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
- Then 15 minutes later you want to run another task that depends on the
- results of the first task.
- You wouldn't be able to schedule the second task at a set time,
- because you don't know when the first task started. The anwser is to
- use a timer in the first task (set to 15 minutes) then in the second
- task (say set to run every 5 minutes) check the timer to see if it's
- been 15 minutes or more. If it has, do the task, if not just skip it.
- For example: (NOTE: do not type in the comments!)
- * Task1:
- longtask.exe ;run the task
- $countup 0 ;start/enable timer#0
- * Task2:
- $IFTIMER 0 ;check if timer1 enabled
- $NO $STOP ;no, so forget it
- $CHECKTIMER 0 15 ;has 15 minutes elapsed?
- $IFLESS $STOP ;no, bye again
- nexttask.exe ;yes, run the other task
- $TIMER 0 STOP ;disable the timer!
- The same thing using a count-down timer:
- * Task1:
- longtask.exe ;run the task
- $countdown 1 15 ;set timer#1 to countdown from 15 minutes
- * Task2:
- $ifzero 1 nexttask.exe ;if the timer is 0 do it
- ; note: the timer is automatically disabled
- Some Example Tasks
- ------------------
- Here are some example tasks and what need to be set.
- "[*]" indicates checkbox is checked. "(N/A)" indicates setting not used.
- A) Record each time WinCron runs:
- Desc=WinCron was started
- Command= (leave empty) [*]Record in Log
- When=On Startup State: (N/A) [*]Enable Event
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- (Event schedule info will not be shown)
- B) Run a tape backup every Sunday at 1pm:
- Desc: Backup system to tape
- Command: "C:\tape\backup.exe" -auto [*]Record in Log
- When: Scheduled State: Original Size with Focus [*]Enable Event
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Date Valid: YYYYMMDD Activation: MM DD HHMM
- From: 00000000 From: 00 00 1300 Specified time
- To: 00000000 To: [ ] 00 00 0000
- [ ][ ]
- Day: Selected [*]Sun [ ]Mon [ ]Tue [ ]Wed [ ]Thu [ ]Fri [ ]Sat
- C) Display the message "Work Harder!" once every Hour from 9am to 5pm
- during the week just before a big deadline on Friday Nov 21, 1997:
- Desc: Reminder
- Command: $MSG Work Harder! [ ]Record in Log
- When: Scheduled State: (N/A) [*]Enable Event
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Date Valid: YYYYMMDD Activation: MM DD HHMM
- From: 00000000 From: 00 00 0900 Intervals, Between Range
- To: 19971121 To: [ ] 00 00 1700 Every Hour
- [ ][ ]
- Day: Weekday [ ]Sun [ ]Mon [ ]Tue [ ]Wed [ ]Thu [ ]Fri [ ]Sat
- D) Perform a task via batch file every 10 minutes starting 1 minute
- past the hour except between noon and 7pm every day during the
- months of May to July starting in the year 2001 and ending in the
- year 2010 but don't record them:
- Desc: Menial tasks in PROCESS.BAT batch file.
- Command: C:\JUNK\PROCESS.BAT [ ]Record in Log
- When: Scheduled State: (N/A) [*]Enable Event
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Date Valid: YYYYMMDD Activation: MM DD HHMM
- From: 20010101 From: 05 00 1201 Outside Range
- To: 20101231 To: [*] 07 00 1900 Every 10 Minutes
- [*][ ]
- Day: Any Day [ ]Sun [ ]Mon [ ]Tue [ ]Wed [ ]Thu [ ]Fri [ ]Sat
- FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
- --------------------------------
- Q: When I run a batch file the MS-DOS window remains open.
- A: You must enable the "close on exit" option in the properties for the
- batch file.
- Q: My events don't seem to run.
- A: Check that all events are enabled, then check that the event itself is
- enabled. The event may actually be running but is set to run "Hidden"
- so it won't appear on the screen (use CTRL-ALT-DEL to check if the
- application is running but not visible).
- Q: Can I use WinCron to run tasks on a Windows NT server without anyone
- logged in?
- A: You can make WinCron a service (see the NT resource kit for details).
- NOTE: Microsoft advises against making VB programs into services.
- Use at own risk! I will not support WinCron run in this way.
- Q: An application doesn't work when run from WinCron.
- A: It may need to be started with a batch file, because it might need to access
- files from a default directory or drive.
- A: The program may already be running hidden and may not operate as expected or
- at all (like when attempting to run WinCron twice).
- Q: When I send keys to an application nothing happens.
- A: The application may not be designed to handle keyboard input, or it is
- performing an operation that does not respond to input at that time.
- A: The titlebar of the application may have changed.
- A: The application may have a "fake" titlebar (WinCron won't know where to
- send the keys!).
- WinCron Stealth Control Program (32-bit version only)
- ===============================
- The WinCronSC program is an additional 32-bit program that enables
- or disables WinCron's "stealth" mode. When stealth mode is enabled
- WinCron will run entirely in the background with NO user interface.
- This can be useful for public access workstations that must perform
- periodic tasks but remain invisible to the user. In order to be useful
- all tasks and preferences should be set BEFORE enabling stealth mode.
- To make WinCron's operation invisible while in stealth mode you should
- set the State for all tasks to "Icon" so that they are not visible and
- not the focus (the program that receives input).
- To change settings you must disable stealth mode before running
- WinCron. If WinCron is already running you can shut down WinCron
- using the Task Manager (CTRL-ALT-DEL).
- If you do not want WinCron's stealth mode to be changed simply
- remove WinCronSC.exe from the machine after setting the stealth mode
- to the desired state.