Chip 2000 November
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Text File
213 lines
#Use this file to specify the handling of specific sites.
#This is useful to work around specific site problems such as the need
#to log in to a site, the site does not load correctly, you want to
#censor the site, or you do not care to wait for refreshed pages when the
#the site changes.
#You may edit and add to this file. Enter one domain or site name per line.
#You may have one or more modifying parameters after each name.
#There needs to be a space between the domain name and the parameters, but no
#space between individual parameters. If no parameter is given, the default
#is p.
# The following is an outline of available parameters:
#d - Censor. This option will allow no data to flow from this site. Instead,
# Webcelerator will load a blank page for that site.
#b - Pass-Thru. This option will not prefetch or cache any data from this site.
# This site will be treated as if Webcelerator was not enabled. Data will
# pass directly to the browser.
#p - Don't Show and Verify. This option will disable the "Show and Verify"
# mode for this site if you have "Show and Verify" enabled globally.
# Reloading or revisiting this site will load the newer version of the page
# (if the page has changed) from the internet first, and then display the
# changed data in the browser. This overrides the default, which is to show
# the cached data in the browser, check for any changes in the background,
# and then force the browser to reload with the new data only if the page
# has changed.
#v - Don't verify. This option will disable the verification process for this
# site if you have show and verify enabled globally. Reloading or
# revisiting this site will simply load any data from Webcelerator's cache
# and not check for newer versions of stored files.
#r - Don't reload. This option will disable the automatic reloading of the
# browser window when this site has changed in show and verify mode.
#g - Beep on Verify failed. This flag will cause Webcelerator to beep when
# verification has shown that a file has changed. This is to notify you
# that you should hit the reload or refresh button to get the current
# information.
#x - Never beep. This flag will cause Webcelerator to never beep on this site
# even if verification has shown that a file has changed.
#a - Don't prefetch. Webcelerator will not prefetch anything from a site with
# this flag.
#For the parameters, lower case letters cause the action listed, and upper-
#case letters will undo it. For example, your global setting (set through
#the Webcelerator menus) may be set to "Beep mode" to signal a changed page.
#You may enter here "market.net p" to cause that domain to ONLY show
#already verified and updated pages. But then you may add "market.net/admin/ P"
#to return that sub-domain to the global setting, and you may add
#"market.net/admin/picks.htm b" to never cache that single page.
#Please note that these parameters are to DISABLE global features. They
#cannot add features that have not been set globally. Therefore you cannot
# cause an auto-reload when the global setting is beep mode, and you cannot
# cause either "Show and verify" setting when "Show and verify" is not
#selected globally.
#Some of the URLs already contained in your Exclude.txt are advertising
#sites coded "ar" so that their advertisements will not be prefetched or
# reloaded. Others are business data sites with the default "p" setting
#so that only the verified version is displayed.
www.safe-audit.com ar
www.linkexchange.com ar
tracker.clicktrade.com ar
ad.doubleclick.net ar
www.doubleclick.net ar
www.burstnet.com ar
banner.linkexchange.com ar
ad.linkexchange.com ar
ads.criticalmass.com ar
adex3.flycast.com ar
ganges.imagine-inc.com ar
www.cyberthrill.com ar ar
ad.doubleclick.net ar
www.burstnet.com ar
CLExchange.usww.com ar
CyberLE.usww.com ar
oliweb.com ar
www.dnw.com ar
www.linkbuddies.com ar
www.server.com ar
www.liveconcerts.com ar
ads.zdnet.com ar
barnesandnoble.bfast.com ar
ad.preferences.com ar
www.magicbit.com ar
www4.freestats.com ar
xpointcgi.digiweb.com ar
www.cybernude.com ar
www.wirelink.com ar
www.adswap.com ar
www.cherry-beach.com ar
www.beseen.com ar
www.ad-net.com ar
bs0.gsanet.com ar
ComeVisitNetwork.com ar
exchange-it.com ar
www.pegasoweb.com ar
www.optweb.com ar
www.admcity.com ar
www.orbitcycle.com ar
www.psv-worldwide.com ar
www.123banners.com ar
www.moreprofits.com ar
resource-marketing.com ar
www.net-on.net a
www.eurobanner2.com ar
www.clarkeweb.com ar
www.trafficx.com ar
www.smartclicks.com ar
www.vc-visions.com ar
bannerCAST.com ar
bannerad.ipgnet.com ar
www.linktrader.com ar
www.bannerswap.com ar
www.tazzone.com ar
www.top1000.de ar
www.hypermart.net ar
www.village21.com ar
www.soprano.com ar
bcwp.com ar
activelynx.com ar
www.YoMama.de ar
trafficexchange.tou.com ar
addnet.ml.org ar
www.free-banners.com ar
www.i-depth.com ar
ad.ad-x.com ar
www.banners.officelink.com ar
www.bannerexpress.com ar
members.aol.com/wkgn272/np ar
www.powerbanner.com ar
cgi.fhbn.com ar
software.hyperbanner.net ar
www.bannerweb.net ar
dbe.hypermart.net ar
www.free-biz.com ar
www.betterdeals.com ar
www.weblinker.webneeds.com ar
www.comfire.com ar
adlinkmedia.com ar
www.netconx.net ar
www.arrowweb.com ar
www.jertech.com ar
fl2.findlink.com ar
meysoft.com ar
www.webfair.net ar
www.smartclicks.com ar
www.moreprofits.com ar
www.musico.dienste.net ar
www.LinkAustralia.com ar
www.buttoncentral.com ar
www.eg-web.com ar
www.enol.com ar
www.oceanbridge.net ar
www.jeopardypro.com/paramount ar
members.aol.com/zmilezone ar
www.natraweb.com ar
members.aol.com/mrbanner ar
www.interlinkuk.com ar
www.netz-wg.de ar
www.faust.de ar
www.page2page.de ar
www.www-pool.de ar ar
www.compushop.net ar
www.sponsorpool.net ar
www.links4free.com ar
www.e-lite.net ar
www.linkexchange.ru ar
www.linkexchange.de ar
www.linkexchange.co.jp ar
www.logiclink.nl ar
www.oxford.net/~ace ar
www.spanishbanner.com ar
www.lerelais.com a
www.links4u.de ar
www.linkstation.de ar
www.theadvault.com ar
www.musicnet.com ab
www2s.biglobe.ne.jp/~puresute ab
ads01.focalink.com ar
www.hnc.or.jp/sms ab
adforce.imgis.com ar
www.mapquest.com/cgi-bin a
http://www.treeloot.com/treeloot.html b
www.safeaudit.com ar a
www.hnc.or.jp/cgi-bin ab
www.hnc.or.jp/~kakki/cgi-bin ab
www2.inforyoma.or.jp/~terra ab