<MASTER_PAD_INFO>Portable Application Description, or PAD for short, is a data set that is used by shareware authors to dissemminate information to anyone interested in their software products. To find out more go to http://www.asp-shareware.org/pad</MASTER_PAD_INFO>
<Char_Desc_45>ACDSee 3.1 the image viewer software solution</Char_Desc_45>
<Char_Desc_80>ACDSee 3.1 - picture viewer, and graphic converter, digital imaging software</Char_Desc_80>
<Char_Desc_250>ACDSee 3.1 image viewer and graphic converter is the perfect digital imaging software solution. With its sharper image, batch file conversion, SendPix and plugin features, you can enhance, convert, and share your images faster than ever.</Char_Desc_250>
<Char_Desc_450>ACDSee 3.1 is the complete digital imaging software solution! It is the fastest picture viewer and graphic converter available for Windows. This award-winning image viewing shareware includes photo enhancement tools that let you crop, rotate and alter your photos. The ACDSee image editor even supports batch file conversion, sharper image enhancement and over 40 image formats. ACDSee has become the standard in digital imaging software!</Char_Desc_450>
<Char_Desc_2000>ACDSee 3.1 is a fast image viewer for windows. ACDSee gives you with the most comprehensive image management system available. It lets you browse through any images on your computer, and then open them quickly and easily. It also includes database, file management, and image manipulation tools. These functions have simple drag and drop support that will help you organize your pictures easily and effectively. ACDSee decodes and displays images very quickly, so you won't have to wait for your images to load. ACDSee also supports over 40 different image file formats so you won't need a specialized viewer for each kind - you will be able to view just about any image file that you are sent quickly and easily. ACDSee includes photo enhancement features that let you crop, resize, rotate, emboss, and sharpen your images quickly and easily. Then once you get your images just how you like them, use the SendPix plugin to send them to anyone on the web. ACDSee has become the standard in picture viewer and digital imaging software.</Char_Desc_2000>
By receiving and/or using ACD Systems software, you accept the following Trial Version User Agreement. This agreement is a binding legal agreement between ACD Systems Ltd. and the purchasers, users or evaluators of ACD Systems' software and products. If you do not intend to honor this agreement, remove all installed ACD Systems software from your computer now.
This Trial Version software may be freely distributed, provided that:
1. Such distribution includes only the original archive supplied by ACD Systems, Ltd. You may not alter, delete or add any files in the distribution archive.
2. The limited evaluation nature of the Trial Version software is not misrepresented.
3. No money is charged to the person receiving the software, beyond reasonable cost of packaging and other overhead.
By receiving and/or using ACD Systems software, you accept the following Trial Version User Agreement. This agreement is a binding legal agreement between ACD Systems Ltd. and the purchasers, users or evaluators of ACD Systems' software and products. If you do not intend to honor this agreement, remove all installed ACD Systems software from your computer now.
This Trial Version software may be freely distributed, provided that:
1. Such distribution includes only the original archive supplied by ACD Systems, Ltd. You may not alter, delete or add any files in the distribution archive.
2. The limited evaluation nature of the Trial Version software is not misrepresented.
3. No money is charged to the person receiving the software, beyond reasonable cost of packaging and other overhead.
You may evaluate the Trial Version for maximum of thirty calendar days, after which you must purchase a Full Version from ACD Systems Ltd. or remove the software from your computer. You may allow other users to evaluate copies of the Trial Version. All Trial Version users are subject to the terms of this agreement.
3.2. Usage and distribution restrictions
The evaluator/user/buyer/owner may not use or distribute ACD SystemsÆ software for any unlawful purpose. Distribution of ACD SystemsÆ software together with pornographic material is prohibited.
The evaluator/user/buyer/owner is not allowed to attempt to reverse engineer, disassemble or decompile ACD Systems Software and products.
3.3 Copyright restriction
ACD Systems name and any logo or graphics file that represents our software may not be used in any way to promote products developed with our software. All parts of ACD Systems software and products are copyright protected. No program, code, part, image, video clip, audio sample, text or computer generated sequence of images may be copied or used in any way by the user except as intended within the bounds of the single user program.
3.4. Limitation of responsibility
The evaluator/user/buyer/owner of ACD Systems software will indemnify, hold harmless, and defend ACD Systems against lawsuits, claims, costs associated with defense or accusations that result from the use of ACD Systems software.
ACD Systems is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including loss of information, interruption of business, personal injury and/or any damage or consequential damage without limitation, incurred before, during or after the use of our products. Our entire liability, without exception, is limited to the customers' reimbursement of the purchase price of the software (maximum being the suggested retail price as listed by ACD Systems) in exchange for the return of the product, all copies, registration papers and manuals, and all materials that constitute a transfer of ownership from the customer back to ACD Systems.</EULA>