39 The options you've currently chosen are invalid, do you want to go back and change them?
40 Error
41 Warning
42 No printers found
43 The file name currently chosen for the contact sheet, has an extension which differs\n from the currently chosen output format\n\n Do you want the extension changed appropriately?
44 Writing output file
45 Output image file number %d already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?
46 Output image file number %d could not be created. The path is most likely invalid.
47 Output image map file number %d already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?
48 Output image map file number %d could not be created. The path is most likely invalid.
49 Choose a folder
50 You have no printers currently installed. To add a printer, go to Start Menu/Control Panel/Printers and click on Add printer.
51 The currently selected printer doesn't support bitmap scaling, would you like to go back and change the currently selected printer?
52 The currently selected printer doesn't support bitmap printing, would you like to go back and change the currently selected printer?
53 Header text
54 Footer text
55 Caption text
56 One or more of the parameters you chose was invalid. They have been changed accordingly.
57 There was an error writing the file to disk. Your drive might be full.
1105 Image sequences (*.AIS)
1106 All files (*.*)
1107 Open image
2000 Plug-in name
2001 Description
2002 File types
2003 Location
2005 Specify the plug-in folder
2006 The changes will not take effect until you restart the application.
2007 Plug-in settings
2008 All image files
2500 The operation completed successfully.
2501 An internal error occurred.
2502 The operation cannot be performed at this time.
2503 A parameter is invalid.
2504 The function or feature is not implemented.
2505 The source data stream is truncated.
2506 The source data format is not recognized.
2507 The source data stream is corrupt.
2508 The bitmap dimensions are too large.
2509 The specified page does not exist.
2510 The bitmap could not be created.
2600 The specified file does not exist within the archive.
2601 The data cannot be extracted because the password was invalid or not supplied.
2602 The specified archive does not exist or could not be accessed.
2603 The operation was cancelled.
2604 The output file could not be written.
2605 The plug-in does not support the requested command.
2700 A connection could not be established with the digital camera.