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- Summary of 20/20 Updates/Changes (newest to oldest)
- Version 2.2 update 5 (09/13/2000)
- Fixed AV on open dialog when previewing .gif images
- Version 2.2 update 4 (09/11/2000)
- Fixed bug that caused "Unsupported Clipboard Format" to appear when
- Selections had no size.
- Added option in Preferences|Miscellaneous "Show Logo On Startup".
- Added "Single Window Multi-Image" to Capture To options. This option
- appends the new capture into the current capture window.
- Fixed bug that caused access violation when closing split view that
- contained annotations.
- Added capability to Copy/Paste Annotations between images.
- Added "Cut" option to Edit menu for Annotations. Cut will delete the
- selected annotation(s) to the clipboard.
- Added "RGB" value display to the Color Palette.
- Renamed Mirror option to "Flip Horizontal".
- Added Mirror dialog that will actually create a mirror image. Menu Item
- Image|Mirror.
- Fixed bug that was forcing the application window to the front when the
- left mouse buttons was being clicked during a rectangle capture
- Fixed bug that was not initializing the twain driver when 20/20 first
- started up. Changed Scan Image menu item to include 2 sub-menu items:
- Acquire Image... calls out to scan image in
- Select Source... Allows the source device to be selected.
- Fixed bug that sometimes caused Text Annotations to disappear when they
- were applied to the underlying image.
- Fixed bug that was causing an AV when previewing images in the open dialog
- under 32 bit display resolution.
- Added an option to Preferences|Miscellaneous that controls whether or not
- the selected image in the open dialog is previewed.
- Added option to Preferences|Miscellaneous that controls how the Open dialog
- preview image is resized. Smoothest does a bilinear resize (slower), Fastest
- performs nearest color resize.
- Changed Arrow Tool to remember Arrow specific properties between use.
- Added Alignment to Tool Palette and Edit/Image|Annotations menu. Allows Annotations
- to be aligned.
- ----- End 2.2.4 Changes -----
- Version 2.2 update 3 (06/23/2000)
- Added .bif option to Auto Save file types. Fixed bug when Auto Save
- was set to .png and it was saving it as .bif (2020.exe)
- Fixed bug that was not letting windows shutdown when 20/20 was minimized.
- Fixed security bug that was causing ads to reappear if the drive geometry
- changed.
- Added Save Options.. to file menu. This will allow the user to set the
- save options without having to do a Save As...
- ----- End 2.2.3 Changes -----
- Version 2.2 update 2 (06/06/2000)
- Fixed "Clear Annotations" bug (not resetting inspector objects).
- Fixed Access Violation bug in open and save dialogs when switching
- between animated and non-animated .gif images.
- Added "Wind" effect.
- Added Discover to registration logic.
- Added logic to run the first 2 days ad-free.
- Added keyboard accelerators to Image IO menu commands:
- Open File: Ctrl-O
- New Image: Ctrl-N
- Save Image: Ctrl-S
- Save Image As: Ctrl-Shift-S
- Close Image: Ctrl-W
- Close All Images: Ctrl-Shift-W
- Print: Ctrl-Print
- Exit: Ctrl-Q
- ----- End 2.2.2 Changes -----
- Version 2.2 update 1 (05/01/2000)
- Fixed .wmf and .ico read bugs.
- Fixed bug in registration logic that was not converting the
- payment amount properly in Foreign locales. Also removed eCheck option
- and added American Express card.
- Added code so the application window remembers its state and position when
- 20/20 is closes.
- When closing a view window added logic to check for changes in the right
- view pane if visible.
- Fixed bug that wouldn't let windows shutdown if 20/20 was open.
- Added option to remember the "Sequence Number" between sessions when
- Auto saving images.
- Fixed print bug that affected some HP Lasers.
- Added "Print Annotations" option and "Position/Size" radio group
- to Print Position dialog.
- Fixed bug that caused the tool palette to become obscured when the menu
- font was a size other than the windows default.
- Added logic to associate slide shows .ss2 file types to 20/20
- Changed Slide Show file format to be .ini (text) format. Also added option
- to control the background color of the slide show.
- Added option to restore the tool bars (View|Tool Bars).
- ----- End 2.2.1 Changes -----