Labels:bar | basket | broccoli | bulletin board | carrot | case | counter | cup | food | plant | plate | shelf | smooth plane | tray | vegetarianism OCR: GRAMMAR LISTENING You are discussing winto holiday Listen to four people talking about with afriend Put the word in order to ast you the things helow Match the speakers friend questions with the things they talk about There TET two nxtr thing in the list Which woutd! place youl got to?] borect car berfect holida [borectimea] Whyl you! would] choose thatl ponect cay perfect.home porfect onc When youl would 20? Speakor Whol youl would Jakel weh you?l Speaker2 Speaker3 Howl you! wpulg spend ayourt holiday?] Speakor Think how VOu would answer these questions imaginary winter aobot words your abeut Whichl woule placel rfect hoda porectimeal choosel borfoctida porfact horne perct ffic Speaker1 Aakel woth wouldt ayour holiday2